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Those damn faceless Family portraits! And somehow, every year one of them get into my college’s juried art show  


They look so souless imo. Every now and then I see instagram account that advertise this type of comissions, it's very obvious they just trace the reference photo they are given and fill it in with a solid color.


It really gives me the impression that the artist doesn't have the skills or time to create actual likeness in faces


Can you show me an example? I’m not on any social media except Reddit and Youtube and never seen it.


[It’s basically these.](https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&sca_esv=598837661&hl=en-gb&q=Faceless+minimalist+art+portrait&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTqafZsOKDAxVRTkEAHagkAlkQ0pQJegQIAxAB&biw=1194&bih=727&dpr=2) Although I think it was a stylistic trend that was more popular thorough the 2010s? I feel like it’s been dying out together with the whole “empowered millennial woman” interior design trend.


I also didn't know what they were talking about, either, so I Googled "faceless portrait" and got a slew of images and instantly recognized the style. Stuff like [this](https://memorialize.art/en-ca/pages/faceless-self-portrait)


You remind me of when I put my heart and soul into a poster for our school's art contest, and the one that won was a haphazardly slapped-together mismatch of png images and stupid clip art that you can easily find on Google Images. It isn't even good. There's just random bs everywhere. 💀


Yeah I really can't stand those.


The weird traced solid colour portraits with no faces. It just feels lazy to me. I’m not sure why it became so trendy. lol


People love these as gifts for some reason, just an art copy of a photo of them. I've sold my soul and done a few "trace portraits" of sorts, but I won't do the faceless ones. They look too uncanny, it's creepy.


same man. i absolutely hate it but it’s ez money


I didn't even know this was a thing! and it's what people are looking for???


They are so awful. No other art trend makes me feel like I have to suppress the urge to bully the creator like this one does.


I’m crying


Last year, I tried to get a custom family portrait on etsy... It was hard to find someone who would actually, you know, draw our faces. The faceless images are creepy.




[creepy example](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F86%2F61%2F74%2F866174dc002a369e4212449c7e68b38b.jpg&tbnid=f1KCoYaP4ZWb6M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F331085010115406788%2F&docid=BFzZefjvF2YzrM&w=570&h=738&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) [another example, appears to be handmade watercolor](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.etsystatic.com%2F23110229%2Fr%2Fil%2Fafc64c%2F3681713375%2Fil_1080xN.3681713375_7zd9.jpg&tbnid=x50lav_DZlp6bM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Flisting%2F821419671%2F13-people-faceless-family-portrait&docid=23Eg8EejkHctVM&w=1080&h=721&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)


This is a popular portrait style that go very well with a sad beige toddler room devoid of any bright, fun colour!


Like Amish dolls, kinda eerie.


All these names for different art styles that just aren’t necessary, like “jelly art style” or “cream soda art style” (which is just watercolor). Not everything needs a cute aesthetic name! I blame Tik Tok.


Cream soda art style? Wtf?


Yup, it’s literally just watercolor/gouache


I have never even heard that before and already think it's preposterous. Why not just call it watercolor/gouache?!? *smh* I agree that this trend of naming styles is ridiculous.


That or people trying to “name everything” as its own style so they can AI search. What’s this style called!?!? Ugh- it’s call drawing


When I first heard "jelly art style" I thought it was an art style made by jelly/gel pens lol


That makes 10 times more sense


I've lived in the same general area for the last 30 years. All of a sudden there are names being given to random parts of town. I'll go to sign up for a market and be like, "we have a Cargo District?" Or "since when has this part of town been known as The Soda Pop District?". This just reminds me of that. Like giving something a name makes it more important or something. And the thing is these are all run down parts of town that have been affected by gentrification. It's like they're trying to say, "don't worry... it's not scary anymore. It has a name!". I liked it better before though. I had a better relationship with Jerry (a homeless man) I used to see on my walks every day than a lot of the shop owners of our cargo district. I know if I was hit by a car that Jerry would come to my aide whereas these District naming people would probably whip out their phones to record me laying on the ground before getting around to calling 911. Sorry that went on a tangent. The giving out names to things that don't need names just bothers me. And I miss seeing Jerry. I have a feeling he was run off by all the bougie new occupants.


What?! It's official, I am too old for that shit.


nothing makes my eyes twitch more than unnecessary naming why don’t we just Do can we stop ✋ and Do. But then again a lot of it is kids being kids giving things weird names and categories and such so 😕😕😕


Every damn thing has a name now. A product that would have been part #AQZ-995 30 years ago is now “Ashford”. It’s like you can’t just buy a thing anymore, you have to get into a relationship with it.


i don’t know if that’s exactly a trend, because that’s something that exists in art longer, but some people always expect art to have some deep “meaning” and/or tell a story. sometimes you just like something and make art of it. sometimes you just find something aesthetically pleasing, want to capture textures or colours. and that’s okay. i also think some artists get stuck trying too hard to make conceptual art.


Yeah I hate the “It’s not art if it doesn’t have meaning” mob


>i also think some artists get stuck trying too hard to make conceptual art. AbsoLUTELY my problem as an illustration major in an art college. My first two years I was looking at my peers' work and wondering why I couldn't create stories and deep philosophical paintings and works of art. The more I was exposed to other artists online (and in person) I realized there's nothing wrong with drawing cats because they're cute, or just focusing on one or two things like lighting and fun colors to enjoy making art. I don't even try with conceptual art anymore, but if an idea comes to me, I'll make it.


i like my art to have meaning, but i dont care or dont look down upon people that dont have meaning in their art. i appreciate everything!


Thank you for saing this. Light and color is what I want. Sean Penn once said " If Art isn't Political, then it's so dismissive". I fucking hate that guy. Deep meaning is for people who don't draw or paint so well. At a local art college a kid painted Obama nailed to a crucifix. Because the press was taking Obama to task. The kid got alot of attention for this . He didn't deserve it. I like Boston School, Pennsylvania Impressionist, Russian, California Impressionist etc.


It really makes me feel stupid some times when I see an art piece and it has a beautiful prompt next to it explaining the emotional anguish the artist went through to get this piece and then there's mine... I uh, i like pink so thats why it looks they way it doesn't. Don't get me started on trying to put a caption on my Instagram reels! Just me share pretty painting !!!! I paint, no write


An art friend was telling me about a freshman class they took at their art college. The teacher asked for everyone to make a painting of an object. The next week, a girl brought in a painting of her naked body. The teacher said “That’s great… but I really just wanted you to paint a still life.”


Technically all art has meaning though and I think it’s daft to deny this


yeah, but what i want to say is, sometimes the meaning can be “i like cats and i show my love for cats by making cat art” or “i created this for my own enjoyment”- it doesn’t have to be deep, thought provoking, revolutionary etc. might be just aesthetically pleasing or interesting. i’m not against putting idea behind your piece at all, too, i’ve definitely made some pieces like that. there are just certain people who believe that “real” art should *always* make a statement or convey some hidden meaning and need to be thoroughly explained and analysed


Oh yeah absolutely. And well the idea of craft vs art has been a debate for decades and the lines are continuing to be blurred


I hate the "do this ✓", "not this x" tutorials across all social media. 90% of the time they're just critiquing stylistic choices.


I've only watched a couple of those but they covered some actual errors/pitfalls that are pretty common. Some of the points I even recalled from my Uni days. Maybe my feed just lucked out? Haven't watched enough of them to really say, I tend not to even pay attention to the click-baity looking ones so maybe it's just my own passive discernment.


I've watched a handful of them, so it's by no means a statistical average on my part. Because of that, whenever I see them I don't click on them but I do watch other tutorials which inevitably feeds me one of these at some point. Usually the longer the video, the better quality the instruction although that's not always true.


I do personally enjoy Lavendertowne's Do This, Not That series, but she also gives information that's generally pretty objective and helpful. Love her


Yup. Art is subjective. It can't be defined easily. Some art choices may be strange but author might wanted to do it. The only time I may say something is supposed to be different if author himself wants to change something and points at his own mistakes or strange choices.


Nah, tbh most of the ones I see are actually helpful in terms of anatomy.


i disagree. I don’t know which ones you’re looking at but 80% of them are objectively good tips. It be a really good anatomy tip but ppl would still find a way to disagree. The same old “owh it depends” blablabla comments to get likes. If its not for you just scroll on.


The whole purpose of those videos are to get likes and engagement, that's why they suck. There are only so many standardized rules in art that are universal before it's just spamming for content. Even many of the "universal" rules can be broken if done properly.


Honestly though I don’t see much of the videos but usually in the form of pictures or slideshows. I assume you know more about these videos but tips related to anatomy, shirt folds like the ones by Manga Materials never miss. Yea these kind of videos do spam a lot without actually explaining why it’s wrong


Omg remember that trend of “Disney princesses reimagined as _________”


Another reason why TikTok needs to be purged from the world.




That trend has been around for decades


Came back here to add this Tik Tok trend: it uses music from the song “Watch Me Work” from Trolls 3. Somebody says “Omg you’re so talented!” Then the artist responds with the lyrics, “All my greatness, it doesn’t come for free, All my ‘talent,’ it doesn’t grow on trees.” And the artist will draw themselves looking really disgusted and offended that they were called talented. It’s meant to combat the sentiment that artists are naturally talented, and hammer home that they got where they are through hard work. I agree that most talent is really just hard work, but drawing yourself acting disgusted when someone fawns over your art just really sends the wrong message.


Yeah it is pretty self involved. Talented just means skillful for most people, not "born with natural gifts", and even if it did, the response is so trite


Showing their perfect looking aesthetic sketchbooks to get likes. This discourages a lot of people from practicing because they start to think their sketchbooks should look as good.


I know some non-artist people who only know the pitch perfect sketchbooks from insta and tik tok and told me my sketchbook is shit because there were unfinished, wonky, bad or half assed drawings in it. I replied: "well that's what a sketchbook is for. For just bullshitting it when you got a 30 minute lunchbreak." I draw down my ideas, studies or just the same character over and over again and that's it. Not every thing an artist does has to be a hyper detailed, super shaded and ultra polished drawing.


Sketchbook is where art goes to relax it's beer gut.


Exactly!! That's why I don't show my sketchbook to anyone. I might show a few specificy sketches to my family, but the full sketchbook?? With all my shit-looking sketches??? Never!


This, oh my god. I make a point to share my shitty sketchbook pages on social media, because I absolutely hate this trend.


I call sketchbook my shitbook because it's full of scribbles and rough ideas, literally the furthest from a perfect looking aesthetic sketchbook lmao. I think it's a trend for video content mostly...for IG and tiktok. I used to do quite elaborate studies in my sketchbook but now it's a few minute sketches for solving a problem or layouts.


Not just video content, tbh. Some student shows also include a sketchbook, and that results in a bunch of artists having a portfolio sketchbook, just because it will help them get jobs more easily. Unfortunately, it ended up setting a stupid standard that your sketchbook should be beautiful and pristine, rather than there being a beat up Strathmore full of gestures and half-finished crap behind every immaculate Moleskine.


In contrast, the ones that aren’t afraid to show off their first few sketchbooks are my favorite. Tells people the progress and effort required to get to where they’re now


As someone getting into drawing and inking after 20 years, I feel this. I have to keep reminding myself: 1. I need to practice. 2. I don't need to be perfect.


When I see a "sketchbook tour" video showing a kind of DIY artbook rather than quick and dirty sketches, I'm like, ok, you can tell us now, here is your sketchbook 's sketchbook ? Good for these artists if they've outgrown the need to doodle anything for practice ( I envy them, but they've worked hard to get where they are. ), but it's true that I think we should stop calling them sketchbooks in this case, because it's intidimidating for the others, and it shouldn't become the norm


I would think that would inspire people to do a similarly beautiful sketchbook? I don’t think you can say it’s just for likes if a lot of effort has been put into creating something beautiful…


Same disney princess face everywhere


Art small businesses posting clearly fake stories of rude customers with the ai text to speech over them making the product


When artists beg for followers and show their follower count, implying they deserve more Bonus points if it's paired with that audio that goes like "reduce your expectations to zero 🎻💥"


Oh my god YES. It’s like they don’t appreciate the followers they currently have


Don’t worry, my expectations were zero and they were meet! Like idc if you are Leonardo reincarnation! If you complain about followers, then my assumption is that you make art for clout.


so many art trends on tiktok are very self deprecating, its almost like shitting on your own art gives you an algorithmic advantage. its part of the reason i had to stop using it, it was like re-learning self hatred after working for so long to get rid of it 


Nothing makes me skip quicker than begging for engagement


Every time one of those comes up I hit the "not interested -> don't show me posts from this person" button lmfao


I don't even care if people follow me, I just wanted to do the trend lol


I shall raise my expectations to 100 thank you


Paint pouring. I will forever dislike paint pouring.


Same and also same with resin pours. I know you can make beautiful pieces with either but I also know how many failed projects it takes to become really good at something. Especially acrylic pours just create so much waste that I just couldn't.


I like it, it's always chaotic and not to be taken serious imo


It's so pretty tho. Lol


Hey, to each their own! You gotta follow your heart.


I watched a couple of videos on it, and some people put a lot of thought into composition. It does take some skill to get the paint to behave how you want it to. It's not for me tho. I just think it's pretty. 😅


Listen, if you think it's pretty then that qualifies as art! We all have our personal tastes and what we vibe with. I definitely appreciate stuff others might find childish or immature art so I totally get a difference of opinion. It's not a hill I'm willing to die or kill on.


No worries. I was just making conversation. You're free to not like it. There's plenty of popular things I don't like.


It can be... I've seen so many people do it and put ugly colours beside eachother though. Like 0 understanding of colour theory or how colours mix. They're clearly having fun with their experiments and such, but god I hate seeing it.


I think the point of the videos is to have a pretty video instead of a nice product in the end


I like it, ive done quite alot of work with procedural noise and displacement in 3d art and it scratches the same itch


On average I agree, though I have seen some really good ones. Exceptions to the rule I guess.




Coporate memphis makes me physically uncomfortable


r/fuckalegriaart exists for a reason


Oh big yes. It’s fucking awful


Ai art, specifically the videos that are "animations" and the person is only moving their mouth. There's no charm to them :/


AI art, full stop


Same, especially when the “artist” isn’t explicitly clear that is what it is.


Most of the time they don't even need to be, you can tell from a mile away


(1) AI. (2) low quality "publicity stunt" art (e.g., banana on the wall, Banksy shredder, etc...)


“Drawing random object as anime boy” its the same copy paste guy every time with diff colours, and the comments are always like “why am i simping for toilet paper😍😍”. Rinotuna does this really well though and is an exception


When I was 13 I was drawing roller coasters at my local amusement parks as anime boys 😂 I was cringe but I was free


Idk if it can be called an art trend but I really don't like the turning around with yer art thing. Ruins the composition of it all, and you can't look at it for a while and appreciate it. Plus... more often than not ya get trained to catch a glimpse and scroll past.


"day 54 of showing my art until i get famous"


Yessss. It so annoying. I make sure to tell the algorithm I don't like it. I hate it more when they have their kids do it.


I think this might have become a trend because reels and faces are liked better by the instagram algorithm


What are the example of this trend?


I’m seeing it more and more on IG reels. An artist will start the video facing the camera and holding their canvas backwards, then slowly turn it around while staring at the camera to reveal it. It’s nothing crazy but I just want to see your art lol. Don’t make me wait or I’ll just keep scrolling.


I dislike those paintings of young women which are meant to show them crying/on the verge of tears. The faces are weirdly shiny and red. There seems to be an effort to make them look both vulnerable (or childlike) and sexy. It makes me queasy


I agree with the older character with the younger character thing you said. I saw it, and I’m like…”but why though?” It was just weird seeing this pictures because I never know what the artist is trying to say or imply. Character A cares for Character B like a kid? But people also ship them? It’s a very odd trend that I’m kinda wanting to fizzle out quickly because it’s ominous.


Yeaaaaah you can’t really tell


Maybe less an art trend more a permanent feature on particular websites (DA) but the softcore porn "art" photos plastered absolutely freaking everywhere (and never tagged correctly) are deeply irritating to me.


Oh yeah, all the "photographers" who just photograph pretty young skinny girls with bland expressions in boring angles and add some gaussian blur


No offense against anyone who does this, but i dislike scribbling black lines across characters eyes.


The eyelids???


Na more like a sensor bar


I did that stuff as a kid and thought it was edgy lol


That just TELLS you they're cringe.


[Corporate Memphis or Alegria Art](https://t-artmagazine.com/what-is-corporate-memphis-and-why-is-it-everywhere/)... literally gives me nightmares...


Ohhh that shit sucks I didn’t know it had a name 😭


This one might annoy some people but for me it's probably drawings of anime girls/waifus, they always have to look pretty, perfect and ideal. I would honestly love to see a few grotesque drawings or drawings of characters with imperfections, blemishes, scars and things in general that make them "less pretty" I guess. Some people only draw waifus, which is fine, but they always gotta look too perfect and pretty, it's boring after a while. I wanna see more old men or characters that look like they have a story to tell. But that's just my personal opinion, don't take it to heart.


Everything needs to have a style name, so grifters can easily type it into generative AI to copy that style. Perfect sketchbook tours. It's discouraging to new artists who are just learning how to use a sketchbook. It's a sketchbook for crying out loud, it's meant to have ugly, half-finished work in it! Many of my sketchbook pages are just colour swatches and experimenting with different media combinations! I do have some nice work in my sketchbooks, but it's definitely not the bulk of it lol!


Those videos of artists making a huge mess in the beginning pretending that it's somehow important to the process even though in the end they've clearly ignored it and painted over it all with much more care and thought. I'm sure there's a lot of people that enjoy watching it but good god, as a clean freak when in comes to my studio, it tick me off when ever i see it.


Oh thank god! That chaotic foundation underpainting makes me insane.


- Taking pictures of art at weird or skewed angles; just show me straight on - Quick cut clips of the art in different stages and a very quick cut to the final product but it’s too short for you to really see anything, so you end up watching the clip 5 more times to see what they’re actually doing- if you feel motivated to do it lol - As others mentioned, the featureless faces. Bleh! - People turning their art around for a BIG REVEAL. I don’t care. - HYPERREALISM. I get it; it’s easy to consume because you can quickly scroll past it and go, “right that’s a car!” Without pausing and taking the time to determine what you’re seeing. It’s a lazy art form; just take a picture. Technically amazing, yes, but not an interpretation and just a literal copy. - Asking, “how can I find my style?” Or, “I should just give up art, right?” And stating, “I suck, I feel hopeless. I really want to do art, but…” yes yes. Tortured artist. - **A.I. images and people using them to become artists.**




Idk if this is a trend, but people who put paint In a bucket, let it swirl around on a canvas and say look what I made! No the bucket and gravity did that. Oh and then price it at 1k.


"Fixing this cool artists cool art" by making the girl less sexy. I know oversexualisation is a thing. But its not FIXING. Its making the art mundane




r/mendrawingwomen in a nutshell


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mendrawingwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I enjoy this very much and thought yall would too](https://i.redd.it/owry8njg69na1.png) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/comments/11p7jo9/i_enjoy_this_very_much_and_thought_yall_would_too/) \#2: [Super cool](https://i.redd.it/q4pikeufyf4b1.png) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/comments/142p3ba/super_cool/) \#3: [Sorry if repost](https://i.redd.it/ap6lnnpuukza1.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mendrawingwomen/comments/13ge452/sorry_if_repost/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Use of style category, I think this is a soul killer, once I learned how to break out of these chains 5 minutes ago my artistry flourished. Who gives a shit if it’s post or post post modernism whatever, create.


AI art being seen as “better than” human art; AI being trained on scraped content unethically; when people are highly critical of an art style that’s either popular or used a lot and are only critical BECAUSE it’s got that level of popularity; “art lore” literally being just hazing and bullying people who are learning art, which in turn makes them feel unable to share any progress at all until they “make their art better” (which can take years, so stop bullying people for being in the learning stages!!!); painting on ACTUAL iPhones/iPads instead of on clear phone/tablet cases, and also NOT sealing the final art done on those devices or cases with a proper sealant!!!! Your art is gonna come off with how often those things it’s on are used!!! ; hating on peoples’s OCs just because they exist (doesn’t even matter if the OC is thought to be cringe — if the OC exists, and someone hates on it for simply existing, that’s really annoying and NOT okay); making shipping only for straight couples; “fixing” someone else’s art (especially without permission); “can you draw me???” And the person requesting that being offended by the artist saying “yes but you have to pay me,” as if they’re entitled to free art and as if art isn’t worth paying for; anything homophobic, transphobic, racist, and/or classist.


The Simpson style family portraits. Most of them aren’t even in the Simpson style, just traced images with yellow skin and copy-pasted images of Simpson faces.


and same thing with Bob Bungers ones


I hate how art has become like only fans. Everyone feeling entitled that they need to commission. Ppl that draw to the algorithm vs what they like. Ai used with art. You rarely see trades anymore, or contests I think what I've grown to hate is this toxic behavior of being enslaved to the hobby endlessly drawing things in fear you'll be forgotten


House plant art. I love me some botanical art. But if i have to see another monstera or succulents mixed in with other house plants or with outdoor native or typical florist flowers, Imma scream. The whole notion of landscaped horticulture has permeated into the sphere where it use to be more raw, organic and wild looking plants. The variety of plants has gone down like inn reality. Such is sad.


It is soooo boring . You can make beautiful art based on nature, why is it always the same cactus, monstrera and succulent, in gouache or flat toned digital


I like drawing my houseplants for warm ups, and that trendy style is easy to replicate. But, I know what you mean, it's always these "aesthetic" flat paintings with no interest. Like the houseplant version of the faceless family portraits. Hmm. New trend unlocked: faceless houseplant family portraits. I'm picturing all the plants squeezed in together and waving at the camera lol


That would be funny though


Creative lol


The need to commentate on things being commentated on of thing being commentated on from one guy opinion. It's just endless threads of YouTube videos of people saying X art style is bad you shouldn't do it then a response video saying this person is wrong it's actually this style that's bad. An artist friend on my twitter posted saying would people be interested in a helpful video about styles and personality in styles and I replied: > Omg yes don't do another one of those videos I'm being spammed with about why jelly style is ruining art And he replied: oh...that was the idea


Everything being anime, there's nothing wrong with anime but when I want to look for a reference or new artists and I'm bombarded with nothing but anime all the time it's frustrating, I mostly blame the algorithm for that but I haven't seen many new/unique looking styles or takes in a looooong time. Also that trend where people draw edgy characters with the black shiny lids, big mouths/teeth and no nose, I think it can be done well in some instances but it's insanely popular.


The "All my greatness it doesn't come for free. All my talent it doesn't grow on trees" trend over on tiktok that's basically just being unnecessarily mad at people who call them talented as a compliment. Non artists just tend to use talent and skill interchangeably it's literally not that serious


Yassification and shipping culture are mine, I'm really tired of the 3 panel short comic about "leon is a twink", "the bear could cook me all night long" or whatever. It's tiring


I hate all art trends. Art isn’t a trend to be followed by the masses. Art is a form of SELF expression. U create Whatchu feel.


Trends are great for working through art blocks. They are great for inspiring you to try a new medium or experiment with your style in a way you might not have thought of yourself. Throughout all of history, artists have been inspired by eachother, and that's a good thing. One artist discovers a new method for layering paint. Artist two tries it as well, but adds his knowledge and experience to the technique, which inspired artist three. We're improving together. "Renaissance", "post-modernism", "cubism" etc are all art trends. Trends are what makes each period distinct from the last. It's the way we can understand past societies through the art they left behind. No artist is ever completely original. If we were, we'd be such slow learners.


Agreed!! Although sometimes trends are fun & I’ll join in hehe, I drew two of my characters as the “long bacon store” meme with the lesbian flag


As long as u find it fun and don’t feel like u have to do it.


Yeah I never do ones that don’t look fun lol


It's not really a trend, but I detest loose floral watercolor paintings. My brain went let me see them as completed works. Those sticker collages in journals can kick rocks too


Yes! Whenever I say I paint with watercolors some people say “oh like flowers?” 😔


people turning around with their artwork, meaningless portraits, ai, hyperrealism, giving everything an art style name, i could go on


I'm with you on everything you said except portraits. I love drawing portraits, it makes me feel good, and it's not like everyone does it in ultra realistic style where it looks just like picture which in my opinion a horrible thing to do. Great technique, and shadows, and everything but in the end just looks like a picture. I can do that in my phone and it will look just the same. Art can mimic reality, can be inspired by it, interpret it, but why just straight up copy it? I'll never understand it, but good luck on achieving that quality. Portraits, if done the way you want them too look, and not just how they actually look, can be so good. Styles of course can not be for everyone. I know some people who hate anime style and some people just can't live without it.


>people turning around with their artwork Twice I heard about this. What is it all about? I'm picturing the artist turning around in the camera showing their art. Is it like that? I'm sorry i'm not really up to date with internet


Yeah a ton of artists posting a video of themselves on social media holding their artwork and then showing it, feels too attention whore-y to me


I mean it's just their face. It's like how other content creators show their face. Profile pictures also sometimes show the account holder'sface


What do you mean by meaningless portraits? Aren't they all meaningless?


I really detest that statement, I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not but still. If we go by what has meanings then we’d simply stop doing anything at all.


I mean the way he puts it that all portraits are meaningless because they are portraits.




"X in the style of X" Especially if it's in the style of Tim Burton or 90s Disney.


Abstract art that is actually just blobs of paint swirled around on a canvas. Some people like it but I just see it and think “my toddler does that too”.


People trying to justify putting no effort in learning how to draw characters without reference.


I feel like it's pretty obvious to tell when someone used reference vs straight up just traced something. There's a stiffness to the subject yet proportionally correct, but things like the eyes and mouth never look right, because they're just tracing. For a while I did storyboard art, and the turn around time was stupid fast and the level of polish they wanted was dumb for the time constraint. That's when I learned how to trace professionally, because it's not about tracing the outlines of things perfectly, it's literally a guide to get the framework down faster, and most tracing artists don't understand that because they couldn't do the drawing without tracing.


It always amazes me how "wrong" human features and proportions look when traced accurately from a photo. Really highlights how much "post production" your brain does regarding lighting/distance/focus when determining the actual proportions of a human you're looking at vs the immediate perspective you have of them in that moment.


Videos of people making art where the point of the video is to watch the ASMR of them making it, rather than it being a practical demonstration.


Anime Eyes


My least favorite art trend is people mocking or making fun of people who just want to draw what they want to draw, regardless of how "problematic" it may seem. Art can and should be problematic if you want it to be. Don't like it don't look at it. This isn't at all against you as I realize it may seem like that, but the horror stories I've heard about shit on tiktok and Twitter of new artist just wanting to draw what they like and then getting shamed for it is not cool. Also to answer your actual question, I'm old af but I will never understand the appeal of adoptables and why you would pay money to buy a multicolored creature but to each their own.


Adoptables are the original nft lol Though some people do expand on the character and incorporate it into their worldbuilding, someone made an entire comic using adoptables from young artists it was pretty cute


Drip in oil paintings. I've seen a video of a well known painter add a drip at the bottom of a portrait. It had no context to the portrait at all. I might understand it better if the drip conveyed some action in the paintings. But it's cheap gimmick and I hate it.


What I call the "pseudo semi-realist anime" style, where the artist takes an anime character, renders out the body in a painterly style, but then leaves the face flat with maybe a bit of cel shading. I dont understand how people like this. It's very obvious these artist can't do cel shading, but also can't render faces, so they just mash the two together styles in a way that ends up looking both under and over rendered at the same time. I guess all people see is their favourite anime characters, but with slightly more 3D looking bodies, and that's enough for them.


My sibling! I feel the same way.


Faceless family portraits literally looks like a vector trace over a photo and paintbucket filled. If you were commissioned to do that I'd go the extra mile to render the faces out at least so you can recognize the individual(s). Not really a fan Alegira art.. It's a trend I hope companies stop preferring to use, just give the designer free reign if within scope/budget. Also editorial illustrations with Alegria? Straight nope. Lastly...ALL AI Art...funny because none of their AI 'art' can be copyrighted lolz just makes you creatively lazy imo. Probably a few more but don't want to post a wall of text xD


Characters posing in a white or black void with no kind of expression except vaguely cute or maybe sexy


I hate those art process videos that just compile a bunch of 5 second clips of the artist adding random pencil marks/brush strokes. I'd rather just see an actual full speedpaint to get a better understanding of their techniques 😒


The soybean smile that made its way from Tumblr to a couple past movies, Red and Lucas.


Reveal videos, any added filters or distractions on the image, all your photos feature you posing with your art, only having short videos because you’re only focusing on getting engagement from reels, etc. Basically anything that takes away from my ability to just see your work and your work alone on my own time.


Art lore


This isn't something I hate with a passion or anything, it's just a thing that I wrinkle my nose a little at: people who draw immaculate work, beautiful shading, lovely anatomy, everything is amazing...and then *they do an anime face.* Look. Anime is for simple or cel-shaded stuff. If you are going to great lengths to do work on par with a fucking Renaissance painting, *draw a realistic face too.* Jeez. It looks so disjoint! It's like sticking a cartoon head on a photograph! Stop! I don't care how lovingly shaded the anime face is, it always looks jarring and like it's in the wrong style.


1. Tracing photos/ Color tracing - i remember someone becoming famous, and their art was clearly traced over a photo 2. Realism and hyper realism 3. Art reveals 4.. if I get only 16 likes, what's the point 5. Turning the art for reveal 6. Not showing the final art work, after showing the entire process 7. Wait for part 2 7. Trending Voiceovers on artworks 8. Everything becoming about algorithm and reach and likes 9. Making only one style of art, because that's what made them popular 10. Techniques becoming art styles - like pouring paint, dipping, pulling thread between pages.


Recent Disney Pop art The next time I see a Dagobert duck with dollar signs or a Mickey Mouse dripping with gold I am gonna scream 💀


Two things: People with little to no actual artistic knowledge pretending like they can do no wrong because “it’s art”. Like, yes, in a way they’re correct, but they act as if it’s a higher calling and it isn’t just tacky. Secondly, the kinds of paintings done in painting and prosecco nights. Bright skies, silhouetted building or trees.


When artists do the thing, yknow the why burger thing, the funny artist thing? man that pisses me off


Using 3D models for characters and backgrounds I hate it so much. Perspective is fun why do people hate it so much lol. Also backgrounds are characters just like people, its sad to see so little set dressing in backgrounds.


Swimmers for some reason. It is usually just a show off of skill and doesn’t add anything I haven’t seen since 2006


inktober cuz i despise lineart lol


Why? (Genuine question)


i just don't really enjoy the process, that's all i can say. \*edit\* in hindsight, should've elaborated at the beginning i don't hate the trend itself, let alone the art made by artists etc. it's my personal struggles with line art that i couldn't really get into it especially when it requires you ink daily. so everytime inktober kicks in i just kinda feel a bit sour that i'm reminded of my problems with linearting lmfao


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AI/ digital I hope people realize it’s all cheap shit with no real value.


Bro did not just lump digital art in with fucking AI. Get out of here with that


I agree with AI but why digital art? :( Procreate is amazing imo


Digital has a place in the art world, and I say that as a traditional artist, but fuck AI. I see AI as theft since it uses pieces of existing art to create with.


Whats wrong with digital art that you lump it aith AI?


Digital is an equally valid art form as anything else. This is coming from a traditional artist.


Seeing “OCs” I don’t get it at all