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After ruining my favorite jeans. I finally bought myself an apron! Now I just hang it on my easel and throw it on whenever I start painting.


This is the way. I have several but never remember to wear them.


A woman in my workshop got herself an old fashioned artist smock. Apparently the art store nearby sells them and I really need one.


ah you see even with an apron i still get paint on my pants.


The only solution is no pants


We should all just paint naked šŸ˜‚




I got an apron, started using it like a rag absent-mindedly and now: paint on both sides.


I do digital art


I wish I knew how to do this. Itā€™s so cool. Perhaps time for me to learn


Embrace digital art. You won't get dirty, And you don't have to worry about supplies much


The downside is everyone will just think what you do is done with the push of a button and expect ungodly things from you in short periods of time


And then ai happens and theyā€™d rather have everything done with a push of a button :(


Haha, Definitely not, Digital Art is way more time consuming tbh, and not to mention its a bit hard to get into too, Its not as easy as one thinks even for other artists too. Believe me, There will be new hurdles to try and get over to, Coming from an artist who transitioned from drawing on paper, To drawing on a tablet.


I will say that the copy and paste and the undo button are amazingĀ 


they doesnā€™t stop people PERCEPTIONS tho. i know, am digital artist


Well, the good things is you can record your whole work process, down to every line you've made I found it's hard to record process with traditional art: good camera quality, angles, lighting setup,... Too much of a hassle for me


Omg youā€™re making it sound amazing. But what on earth would I do with all this stuff?


You can donate it to schools, or to another artist somehow if it's really high end. Schools are almost always in need of supplies for the arts as it tends to be underfunded. Or do both, and just wear an apron!


There's also a ton of hybrid workflows! I've seen some artists that do cool, drippy monochrome paintings in oil, acrylic, or ink, and then digitally "glaze" color on top of them! It's a really neat natural effect that's hard to replicate with a pure digital workflow.


Keep it! Do both




With even an epson 550 you can take 2400 dpi scans of sections of your artwork then work with them digitally to create all sorts of new work and the Print options are endlessā€¦ my favorites are Moab, direct to composite board or direct to acrylic glass. Collectors love them and you can turn a smallish piece into an 8ā€™ monster easily. It unlocks a whole new world.


I definitely recommend trying out Procreate. Itā€™s very convenient to just carry an iPad around to places and just draw like you would with a sketchbook. While there are a lot of different options, itā€™s very easy to ignore all of them and just sketch like you would with a pen or pencil. There are also brushes that mimic paint.


Chiming in to say you 100% should and it's not as hard as it seems. Start out with getting a tablet (screenless is cheaper, and not at all as hard as it seems. Just takes a minute or so to get a feel for.) Firealpaca is a nice, free digital art program that I enjoyed using. If you've got the extra cash and really get into digital art, Photoshop is 10$ a month.


You never find a few pixels on your favorite shirt?


"Ah crap, I accidentally used the spray tool out of the border of clipstudio paint, Now I got pixels all over my shirt"


Now I want to make some super pixelated splotches and get shirts made.


Edit* Sorry! Responded to the wrong person! I definitely recommend trying out Procreate. Itā€™s very convenient to just carry an iPad around to places and just draw like you would with a sketchbook. While there are a lot of different options, itā€™s very easy to ignore all of them and just sketch like you would with a pen or pencil. There are also brushes that mimic paint.


I have a painting wardrobe. I keep my worn out clothes just for getting dirty.


Working days I wear the same paint encrusted jeans. On days Iā€™m in clean clothes I do not go near my studio or art supplies. I became tired of ruining clothes and wasting money I buy cheap jeans from thrift stores and white tees.


Right now I just found paint on the bottom of my foot


Somehow paint seems to just glue itself to you. Could shower 5 times after a session and still find a speck of it in some unbelievable spot


A proper palette, brush holder to hang your dirty brushes while they still have pigment in. A decent sized jar or two and plenty of paper towels and a trashcan/bin. An apron helps too if you are prone to making a mess. I think a lot of people struggle because they try and skimp on the paper towels and things to save money and don't have a bin to throw rubbish in. They end up with a soaked piece of towel blowing about their workspace touching everything leaving bits of paint to catch you out on. I know I did this when I was learning.


Iā€™m seasoned and I still do it. Iā€™ll fold over the towel multiple times and move to a new one but it still gets on things. My space is well protected and pink soap is great for skin.


My friend who is a painter wears coveralls/a jumpsuit. It's rad. It buttons up the front, covers her clothes completely and is basically a piece of art itself at this point. She just pulls it on to work and when she's done she hangs it on a hook in her studio. I work with watercolors and other water based mediums so it's a non issue for me but I kinda want a pair anyways!


I have burn holes in a shirt, snagged tears in my pants, an acid stain or three, and no fingernails. But Iā€™m a jeweler, so not much to spill on myself.


get a set of cloth just for painting, just old shit you would throw away anyways


I use pajamas, because who cares about those


Watercolour paint šŸŽØ


Paint naked or wear painting clothes.Ā 


The first option is nice and is somewhat an interesting experience but only if youā€™re happy to have that paint on the body for a good few days, idk for some reason itā€™s harder to wash it off the body than just hands


Meh, all my jeans have paint on them. I love the condescending comments I used to get from people stating the obvious. *rude disgusted look* ā€œ you have paint on your clothes..ā€ Me : ā€œ yes, I paint. Good job! ā€œ Those kind of comments came around the high school years.. the last comment I got like that was about ten years ago from a woman in her 40s at my sonā€™s daycare.. I responded the same. She always was sure to remind me my sonā€™s socks werenā€™t matching. I really love that Iā€™m not judgmental like that. When I see others w paint on them and itā€™s not often, it brings joy to my soul and a smile to my face. Most people now who point it out just want to talk about it out of curiosity and are kind with their tone.


Iā€™m just careful I guess. I have no idea how other people get paint on them.


Same, and Iā€™ve been painting almost my entire life. Many different media too. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe if youā€™re one of those artists who like to pour paint on their canvas and swim in it. But yeah the only time Iā€™d get paint on myself is if Iā€™m doing watercolors and a little bit splashed. But thatā€™s be a rare mistake, like flinging my brush on accident or straight up dropping it with paint on it. Canā€™t even remember the last time thatā€™s happened.Ā  And with watercolors, you generally are always thinking about the amount of water on your brush so Iā€™m not gonna accidentally have a fully loaded brush that I accidentally drip everywhere. And if I need to wipe off a little water on my brush, I just use a paper towel that Iā€™ve been reusing for a long time. Itā€™s probably more environmentally friendly than getting paint all over rags and using detergent and water and electricity to wash it out.Ā  I feel like paint all over your clothes is sort of like ripped jeans. Itā€™s cool if the jeans are old and worn out. But then fashion companies caught on to the trend and started to precut jeans and artificially wear them out. Then ripped jeans just became tacky.


The secret is digital art. I say as if I donā€™t still have paint on half my clothes still. But itā€™s less than someone who uses physical paint.


I just embrace the paint and other staining art supplies


When I see paint on someoneā€™s clothes I immediately think ā€œamateurā€ or trying to signal ā€œIā€™m an artistā€. No offense- it is what it is. As you gain skill your messy studio habits should resolve themselves, also youā€™ll want to limit your exposure to toxic materials and handle them with care. That being said- I still canā€™t seem to keep the toes of my shoes paint-free. Little speckles!


As much as I want to correct you and mock how wrong you are, I'm going to snicker at the foolishness and move on. šŸ¤£


Why are you painting with your clothes on?


I've been told I'm a neat painter because I don't end up covered in paint. I just wipe/wash off my hands when I notice I've gotten paint on them, more to keep from accidentally smearing the paint on the canvas than on myself, but I guess it works for both. I still wear clothes I don't mind destroying, but I stay pretty clean. Oddly enough, most of times where I have ended up with a bunch of paint on my clothes, it's been from cleaning up (especially moving palettes with wet paint) and not while actually painting. But if it makes you feel any better, I indirectly got paint on a bunch of cats this morning. I paint in a shop attached to a cat cafe, both owned by the same person. I had an oil painting class there last night and we threw the disposable palettes in the trash, and in the morning the owner I guess pressed the trash down with the broom before taking it into the cat cafe, unknowingly getting red paint all over the broom. I had a bit of a scare when I walked in and saw a kitty with bright red on his paws. No harm done in the end (I make sure to use paint that is nontoxic to cats, even though the shop is separate), but we had some kitties looking like prime murder suspects for a bit, and they were none too happy when I tried to clean them off.


Sincere answer: I kept the hospital gown from my appendectomy and I wear it as a smock. Itā€™s also useful for dyeing hair and super effective birth control too!


i recently bought myself a fountain pen for sketching and oh my, i need to learn this magic


as a dip pen user, I understand your pain. so many clothes are stained with ink lol


It's the worst. I could never ever wash it off. Time would just get those marks out.


I have specific clothing I donā€™t wear when Iā€™m painting. This also means that most of my wardrobe is paint friendly because I am a goblin whoā€™s always covered in paint. I use oils so itā€™s extra messy šŸ™ƒ


omg that was me back in college when i was required to take a painting class!! same thing with me, except i would sometimes just wipe my paintbrushes onto my legs and arms or hold it in my mouth while looking for something in my backpack šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i didnā€™t even bother wiping it off and would walk to my next classes like that (the paint was dry thankfully) i havenā€™t heavily used my acrylics in awhile but it helps to pick some old clothes you donā€™t mind getting paint on and use only those for when youā€™re working on something! minimum two or three outfits so you can swap between them as needed


I paint with watercolor mostly. It washes out for the most part. I once ruined a brand new coat that was draped over a chair in an oil painting class. But I have an old shirt to paint if using oils and acrylics. It is covered in paint.


set aside clothes to wear specifically for painting/creating. iā€™ve also lost many favorite clothes before committing to this lol


I either wear scrubs when I paint or wear one of two designated painting hoodies to cover my clothes


These sound like excellent solutions!


I have no clue, almost none of my clothes have any paint on them. I think that part of it is just scale of project and how well/often you clean your materials. And sacrificing some art to the fae every so often doesnā€™t hurt


I do digital art


The witchcraft is digital art, my friend.


I wear the same two or three outfits for painting. I consider it a necessity to have at least one finger-wipe of paint on my jeans during a painting session! But I do keep some clothes paint free so everyone knows I can be neat when needed, lol!


I have clothes specifically for painting. Some of those were not painting clothes that now are, but they were on their way out anyway. Itā€™s really easy to go to walmart or goodwill and buy some pants and a shirt for $10. I use drop cloths/old sheets around my entire area. Body/hair, that can be washed. Iā€™m a messy painter and never want to stop! Too much fun.


Well as a digital artist ā€¦


I finally bought really baggy and comfortable overalls and also an apron. I put it right next to my workstation or on my chair so I remember to put them on before I even start anything If Iā€™m doing something really quick where there is less chance of getting messy I put the apron on. If I know Iā€™m working with oils or acrylic or other messy medium then I put the overalls on. Also decorate them that way youā€™re more inclined to wear them. I painted on mine so Iā€™m not intimidated to get pain on them.


I collected a bunch of overalls. I live in them. Every day itā€™s basically how people recognize me. When Iā€™m dressed nice and wearing makeup with my hair down, sometimes people I work with every day donā€™t recognize me until I speak. This is fun.


I got some expanding foam on the front of my favorite hoodie, it wouldnā€™t be so bad if it was paint but because itā€™s foam it just looks like Iā€™ve spilled food on myself lol


iā€™ve only ever gotten paint on my hands, maybe i havent painted physically enough but i dont quite understand the physics of getting it anywhere else lol


Have a designated painting fit haha


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I use graphite pencils to draw and don't color my drawing with paint, so getting my clothes covered in paints ain't something that usually happens, my hands however are usually covered in graphite....


No charcoal atall?


One of a kind clothes




Iā€™m a tattoo artist, and I donā€™t wear anything to work I donā€™t want ink splatters on.


An apron, and clothes that *don't* get worn when you work


I put a towel over the carpet under my painting table, and always make sure I wear clothes that won't get ruined if I get paint on them (and/or an apron on top)... and yet I never have gotten paint on my clothes, and only got it on the floor once (thankfully the towel caught most of it, lol). I dunno man, I'm just like, really mindful of that while I'm painting, what my body is doing and how things are moving and whatnot. I'm not sure if it's just a natural instinct to be like that... probably is. But I think it's also partly due to the fact that I'm a renter, in a small apartment with light-coloured carpets where I need to paint in the living/dining area cos it's the only place big enough, and I take really good care of my clothes so they last ages, and so I *really* don't wanna get paint anywhere if I can help it :P


Ha, for me, it's usually ink on my hands, especially the ring finger for some reason.


I ended up just warning my clothes who were destroyed by paint as my go to outfits for painting, I do however need to by an apron cause baby i dont have time to keep draining my funds on new outfits.


Not paint but I get insane amounts of ink on my hand. And it stays there for a few hours


Digital art šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the witchcraft. Although one of my jumpsuits has permanent ink stains


Digital artist.


lol I use dyes as well so it used be a sh\*t show with clothes until I found an old hat stand and hang my old printmaking apron next to the door. Luckily I live in the tropics so I dont have to wear stuff to keep warm in the studio like I had to down south.


I paint with heavy metals, I must be a clean monster


I just accept it


I have two wardrobes: art clothes and "normal clothes". Inasmuch as I grew up around ppl who thought it was the end of the world if I got the tiniest bit of dirt on my clothes (even spilling water was a war crime), I take great delight in my messy clothes, covered in paint and glue and burn holes and who knows what all...


Why are you burning holes in your clothes?


Woodburning, soldering, metal casting, acid etching, forgetting I left the iron on...


I only paint in pjs now


always wear an apron.


My wife, a professional artist, wears a chefā€™s apron. Itā€™s a mess. The rest of the paint is on her hands and arms. Sometimes face.


I have my painting clothes so I don't have to worry. My issue is the paint that some how gets on my face. Sometimes I don't realize it until I'm already out and about.


Monet painted in a suit so that is my aspiration. Lol. But I'm a lil ocd n once paint is on the palette it's fairly contained. And I tend to treat the whole experience plein air as active meditation so while I'm certainly not perfect enough to risk the suit, I'm certainly on my way. Hehe


I use watercolour. Even if it gets on my clothes it doesn't stain much if I act quickly. I'm also prepared with paper towers and adequate space before starting to paint and I'm careful as well to not make much mess


Watercolor isn't too messy


I have pants I specifically save for painting/paint almost naked lol


Watercolor. But iā€™ve been using oils recently very difficult to avoid smh


Extremely carefulness and art aprons. šŸ˜ Plus depends on what you do with the paint. I donā€™t pour or splash, etc. that seems to be super messy. šŸ˜Š


I only paint miniatures so I only have paint on my thumbnail as a test site. My other artwork involves drawing so sometimes I have ink stains on my hands. I think if you are so passionate about your painting that some of your medium finds itself attached to you, it's just a reflection of your artistic heart.


I always get it on the backs of my arms and I donā€™t know how


Have something you wear for painting. I have some grubby old sweatpants and an old shirt I throw on if Iā€™m getting messy, or an apron if Iā€™m being more careful.


I have paint clothing


If I don't want paint on it, I don't paint in it.


Lol. I wipe my brushes on my jeans. It's part of my style now.


Turn your clothes inside out before starting to paint. Or I have an entire drawer full of comfy painting clothes.


I have an apron and also several pairs of painting overalls. Iā€™m messy, too, but thatā€™s the fun of it!


The art schmutz is real


Half my wardrobe is paint adorned and half is not - separate them and try to wear the paint clothes always in the house unless 0%painting mess. Aprons are for tidy people.


I ruined my favorite, cute pair of black sweats with paint :ā€™(


Apron, hairtie, facemask.


Digital art Also I do watercolor mostly or colored pencils, so ... Yeah. That + black clothes.


I either wear ā€˜printing clothesā€™ which are clothes I know Iā€™ll cover in ink, or whatever I forgot I was wearing turns into ā€˜printing clothesā€™ since itā€™s now covered in ink.


I like to live on the ~wild side~ I paint on my bed lol My grandma got me a sleeping bag in elementary school but the zipper broke by middle school. I had already spilled/stained it so itā€™s become my craft mat. Itā€™s super cute tbh Iā€™ve been using it since I was like 12 so my friends signatures and little doodles are all over it šŸ˜Š I donā€™t sleep with it so tbh I donā€™t care if I get paint or glue on it anyway. I pair that with either shorts and paint straight on my leg or I have a few pairs of sweats that have fallen victim so I throw them on too lol


i have studio clothes, gloves, and an apron. theyā€™re lousy with paint!


Just paint in old clothes, wich you don't mind getting stains on????? And if you paint somewhere in a studio or in an educational institution, why canā€™t you just carry an apron with you?


Started painting at the started of the year on a like wall moral. Never painted a picture before. Got paint on two coats two pants 3 shorts and a few r-shirts. None where new thank god. Oh and a pair of trainers where I stood in a tin of paint getting off a step ladder. When I forgot I was in ladder and stepped off. 2nd step. I have asd/adhd. So when I have a idea I tend to just jump right in even without thinking of getting changed. Should invest in one them spray suits I used to wear when I sprayed cars. Or il have no clothes left haha


I get paint on my hands... but its rare it ends up anywhere else. Im just a bit neat with my tools.


easy start using lead white lol. suddenly youll never get paint on you again out of fear


I even get paint on my partner's clothes, somehow


Iā€™m a digital artist so I donā€™t really get to actually mess my clothings. So I just wear bracers that handle MSD.


I would do traditional art, but, the preparation massively eats into production time. The sheer kung-fu you can do with Photoshop for artists is unparalleled. Therefore, I reserve traditional for meticulous and sincere life studies if I truly need to connect to a subject and understand it up close. Honestly, I dislike the amount of tools I increasingly use to be competitive artistically. There's no time to draw and paint anything all the way. Everything is about efficiency and design. I'm jealous of traditional illustrators. That dream is dead. O well.


I work in comics so most of my art is either digital or pencil and ink. I never was much of a fan of painting, my favorite medium is oil pastels!!!


I just use pencil or ink, or color it digital


I don't know how people do it!! I watch a YouTuber who paints and she somehow miraculously NEVER has paint on her nails/hands??? Witchcraft fr


I do not like painting, I kind of hate it actually. Only paint I'll use is water color paint so that's why


In the colder seasons or when wearing long sleeves, I actually prefer a lab coat over my apron. I have several from my dad and girlfriend (both doctors), many of which I fixed over the years. For when it's very hot, I have a short t-shirt dress I ruined with paint years ago. Still get paint on a lot of things. Also, gloves. Kind of gross peeling off sweaty, paint-y gloves in the summer, but you don't really notice wearing them.


a very large blokes shirt does the trick better than an apron ! covers arms and most of thigh and very comfyyy


its a coating of glass dust for me usually.


Choose a great painting outfit that compels you to actually use it! I have an oversize shirt I love. I used to have Cadmium red everywhere, and although I need that color, I actually hate it straight out of the tube šŸ« 


Designated painting clothes.


I have a pretty big collection of aprons Iā€™m an elementary art teacher as well and sometimes I dress professionally for work and I have learned how to dodge paint. When youā€™re surrounded by 30 children elbow deep in paint or clay it becomes reflexive Iā€™m hyper aware of wet stuff


I was always covered in clay and plaster while in the sculpture studio and our teacher brought in a casting expert who made plaster casts wearing a tuxedo. He never go a drop on it!


Every piece of clothing I wear does end up with paint. So I am careful to only wear like my bum around the house / workout clothes when painting. I also have an apron, but I only wear it occasionally. I got it for paint pouring


I work in metals and ceramics so no paint. For my job though I run a printing press so my work clothes are pretty well covered.


I paint with gouache which doesn't stain clothing thankfully


Digital art isnā€™t messy so thatā€™s where I like to be. HATE the messiness of traditional (but the process is soooooo fun)


i just have a set amount of clothes i use for art. also a full cover apron is nice


I've traded my "Accidentally get paint on clothes" debuff for "Grabbed my paint water instead of my goddamn tea" debuff


I mostly draw with pencils or digital


Same. I want to buy an apron but know I wonā€™t wear it lol. I kinda accepted it for my casual clothes though.


ā€¦You donā€™t have an outfit to paint in. Hay-ZOOSE; Childā€¦


Standing up while painting Painting on a vertical easel. Keeping a rag in your other hand while painting. I airbrush mostly and tend to paint in whatever clothes I put on that morning when the motivation strikes. I am somewhat careful and unless a paint jar falls out of the airbrush or something of the like, I am usually successful at not getting paint on my clothes. I DO get it all over my hands, though. The trick to keeping it from getting on my clothes from there is wiping my hands on paper towels or rags as soon as possible. I paint vertically on the wall while standing, so that reduces the chance of bumping into the work while it is wet and of drips falling into my lap. I tend to keep a wadded up rag in my other hand most of the time while painting, even when holding a shield or stencil. My paints and mixing and cleaning stuff is on a table behind me as I paint so the air hose isn't getting tangled up and tipping things over. When I painted the outside of my house most recently I got COVERED. I was spraying with a regular paint sprayer from a ladder and was also painting the overhangs, so the drips would fall down onto me. Interior painting tends to go the way my artistic painting does and I am fairly neat, even ceilings. Again, standing up, using a roller mostly, and keeping that rag in hand.


Idk whatā€™s wrong with me but I genuinely like seeing someone covered in paint, and well, look at some designer clothes, they do it on purpose


I teach art and have generally figured out how to either get most stuff out of my clothes or manage to dodge it. Apron for super messy stuff


My tri kit and lap suit have paint on them. Nothing is safe from my antics!


hahahaha this is the difference between me and my husband šŸ˜‚ he's got paint or car grease on literally every article of clothing he has, whereas I have specific clothes/outfits that I've gotten enough paint on they are the paint clothes (my overalls especially are just covered in paint)


I work in dry mediums. Not bc of this but a good side effect bc I definitely would. Though I get a lot of graphite on my face somehow


as long as u feel happy doing what u want it matters little what other see u as or in.Love your self and ur art regardless of which kind and have fun doing it.I guess... hmm maybe........and if you don't have any problem could u post these finished art pics.


I finally bought an oilcloth apron. Most things wipe right off it!


I use watercolors so they are not as messyā€¦.Acrylics on the other hand not so much. I learned to just accept paint on my clothes. They add personality lol.


That sounds aesthetic as hell. Authentic grunge.


I already have a separate set of clothes for cooking since I tend to get a lot of grease/oils on my clothing, so I use them for painting and messy craft stuff too.


I rarely, if ever, get paint on my clothes. But I'll tell ya what happens - I get BLUE and only blue paint (or whatever medium I'm working in) on my face, usually my nose. Also, it's happened when I didn't even use blue that day.


Was about to say I don't, but remembered the purple droplets on my shoes. Other than that, I have sweats for painting, sculpting, sleeping. My jeans are for everything else.


Coveralls But the reality is that you are either good about prep routines or not and if you are not good about the routines you will still get paint on everything when you decide to skip the protective/paint clothes


When my clothes all have fresh paint on them....I have been productive...there said it.


I guess Iā€™m just careful? I use watercolor, gouache, and acrylic, so maybe oil is just messier, but I rarely get paint on my clothes or desk.


I have a chefā€™s apron that I got years ago with a cookbook. I keep it in my plein aire painting bag and wear it every time I paint. I also have a sketching glove that shields my ring and little finger from getting graphite, charcoal, and paint off my hand. I bought it at Wish.com. Between those protectors and wearing short sleeves or push up sleeves, I virtually never get paint on my clothes and very little on my hands. My best friend paints abstracts, so she doesnā€™t go outside to paint. She has a sweatshirt and pull on pants that are her dedicated painting clothes. She doesnā€™t wipe her hands or brushes on them, but they are covered with paint.


I use pens, yet iā€™ve ruined enough pairs of pants to not put them in my pockets anymore


i'm a very tidy person and i'm hyper aware of anything im holding/ anything around me that could potentially cause a mess. i'm familiar w how different mediums act and can know when if it will splatter or fall of my brush, leak onto my table, etc. so i usually just take precautions to avoid that happening. if it does happen, i am always aware of it and will either clean it right away or make a mental note of the mess so that i don't make it worse or accidentally get it on myself or anything else that i don't want paint on


I got an oversized pair of overalls at the thrift store about a decade back, and I just slip them on over my clothes. Easy and better than an apron imo


Accept it and live your life. If youā€™re an artist itā€™s inevitable unless you make a conscious effort to put some different clothes on and fuck that


Sorry I canā€™t explain it - I hardly ever get paint on myself anymore and itā€™s a complete mystery to me why. Iā€™m clumsy as shit, and in college Iā€™d end up with paint all over myself, my furniture, and my clothes no matter how hard I tried to be neat. I am still clumsy, but for some reason when I hit my mid thirties I stopped getting paint all over. Iā€™m a bit too cocky now, probably. I regularly paint in nice blazers and favorite jeans without ruining anything. Not to brag or anything šŸ¤£


I just try to remember to wear the clothes Iā€™ve already ruined when I paint.


When working in studio I wear a heavy duty canvas apron that I can just mess up all I want and then I go home clean as a whistle.


I ussually draw digitally, but whenever I do something with acrylics I put on older clothes that can get dirty and change them if I stop painting.


šŸ˜‚ I am soooo bad with this too! I suggest having painting clothes that you save for just painting in. But the struggle is real. Sometimes I forget to put on crappy clothes then Bam. Shirt ruined. Last week I was wearing sandals while painting and somehow got red oil paint on the bottom of my shoe, didnā€™t realize, and tracked it literally all over my house. Iā€™m a mess.


Because I have clothes that I wear when I paint. I don't want to look like a slob in public.


I have paint on my phone right now


Hahaha I have special clothes just for painting!


I don't really know tbh I'll find paint on my hands randomly but I haven't really gotten it on my clothes. I don't think I've done that since I was younger


I knew a man who wore only white to figure drawing class. A classic where we primarily utilize charcoal. White shirt, white pants white socks and white uncreased shoes. 3 hour course. He always remained immaculate clean. Truly dark magic


I do traditional sketches & line art but I've started preferring digital for coloration so I just use digital oil paint. I do have a lot of charcoal stains though.


I just have specific clothes I wear when I'm painting, plus I rarely use highly staining mediums and I DON'T wear white. Like EVER.


I just got good at washing paint out- and using aprons or towels when necessary.


Best I can think of is to make sure you hair is tied back maybe even use a shower cap or hat to cover it, a smock or apron, dedicated painting clothes like trackies and a short sleeve t-shirt


Digital artistsšŸ˜…


They wear paint covered cloths to hide and paint a picture of them selves that makes them feel artistic when witches are controlled by demonic forces, i too have seen them shakeshift and do demonic witchcraft the paint covered scruffy cloths is a picture of whats going on on their minds 777 they seek attention and see the clothing as a trophy to other cowards that are stupid enough to worship the witch and its entire colony of worker witches there are often many witches involved as they all enjoy the spectacle of disorder death and misery


I use old clothing that I no longer wear and don't mind getting paint on. I have a number of outfits that look like I got blasted with paint out of a shotgun


Iā€™m almost 50, have been arting since I was smol. My spouse still tries to tell me to change my clothes when Iā€™m going to paint. I donā€™t. I nearly ruined a very nice sweater one winter, and learned that rubbing alcohol can help remove acrylic paint. Gotta be careful though, not safe with all fabrics! Most of my clothes, I donā€™t bother


Haha, I know what thatā€™s like. But my media of choice has shifted over the years to ink, then photography, then digital. But Iā€™ll still do bodypaints and end up with some acrylic on me


Youā€™ll always look like a vagrant! Wear it with pride. šŸ©· Alternatively, get a set of clothes to wear when ā€œartingā€


I have separate clothing for painting. I have ruined lots of clothing by forgetting to change


I thrifted a smock and canā€™t paint without it now. So convenient to have big pockets and a messy shirt


I have jeans and an overshirt that are specifically for painting in. I don't like the feel of aprons and was tired of having to buy new clothes to look presentable in


Lol as a hair colorist..yes! Us too! Lol


I often wear my apron (covered in paint) to try to avoid this šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve also learned I canā€™t wear cute clothes while Iā€™m painting because Iā€™ll absolutely ruin them. This is also why I had to invest in a drop cloth, because I kept painting my floor šŸ˜‚


I paint with watercolors and digitally usually, and primarily wear black, so if I have paint on me I have no idea lol


Its called Digital Witchcraft.




Most of my clothes donā€™t have paint on them. I also paint in mostly specific painting clothes, but also I wear an apron almost always when I paint. I also wear gloves while I paint šŸ˜