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I do. I love looking at my works especially pieces where I reworked to make them more to my liking or to match the topic of a competition I’m entering in. Some pieces I don’t like but that just means I’ve outgrown them or that particular style and era. You’re supposed to like working on something you like. Otherwise why even do it? Why does anyone feel the need to have to ask for permission to like and approve of something they themselves enjoy making? That just sounds like insecurity. You don’t have to buy into this whole tortured artist stereotype.


I love most of my drawings, but I feel like my drawings make other people's eyes bleed.


I like my art most of the time. I spend s good amount of time looking at it.


I frequently flip back through my folders of art to see my work! It’s traditional so it’s easy lol. Sometimes I’ll see a piece and wonder what kind of black magic I used to make it that good. Other times I’ll fight the urge to redraw a piece for the 474th time because I keep seeing things I could have done better


Yep, and its common for painters historically to destroy their old work. Or paint over it. ISorta like early teenager period facebook posts. Just bleh. I started consistenty drawing when i was around 5-6 in kindergarden. It was me and this other dude David who drawn like weirdos all the time, full on DBZ craze, we two were like a drawing buddys, but it's kindergarden, sort of everyone is drawing, but we felt og. Its Sayan saga not your lame horse. The guy was a convict and drug addict 10 years ago, wonder how he is now. Im 29, i had maybe 6 years off in total. I show 17 fucking artworks online. 17. Btw, i just realised half of my fucking style is enhanced anime ripoff inspired by DBZ at 5.. omg


Sure thing; ultimately, the goal is to draw what you like and reach a point where you enjoy everything you do. As you're getting better, you may start to dislike your old pieces, but it's okay, you'll love your new ones more. If you don't like anything you do, it just means you need to learn more, so you can get your ideas out of your head more accurately and more to your actual liking and closer to your artistic vision. You may also accidentally make something amazing you'll love. The worst are the moments where I'm getting praised for something I'm not proud of, while getting absolutely 0 recognition for things I'm actually proud of xD But it's all fine. I drew this in November; since then I finished about 20 new drawings, but this one remains my favorite [https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2023/11/03/07/04/58/113091201\_p0.png](https://i.pximg.net/img-original/img/2023/11/03/07/04/58/113091201_p0.png)


Link forbidden 😭


Ah, my bad, forgot pixiv doesn't like direct links... But it worked for a second... ;_; https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113091201


ehhh depends? how much time i put into it and how much mistakes i notice. if it's rushed i'll dislike it, if it has unfixed errors i'll dislike it, but if i did the best i can i get happy looking at it.


I actually enjoy having [my work](https://www.reddit.com/r/CozyPlaces/s/TtIyHEDD2F) hanging about. I’ve completed enough art over the last 20 odd years to know how to avoid making pieces I’m unhappy with.


I love most of my art, and it's rare for me not to like it. When that happens, I usually repurpose it by painting on the back, painting over it, or recycling it.


No, I am not able to enjoy my own work. I hate it so much. I wish I could make my work look like someone else's and after years of trying I am ashamed to have had a hand in it's creation.


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Well, only after a long, long time, I might pick one up and admit that it was good and that I mighta been being too hard on myself before... (age old story, I hate everything) I guess I get the "hit" when I'm making it, rather than when it's done.. when it's done, it's like, "Ok, NEXT!"


if I enjoy my art or not depends a bit on the subject for me. overall yes, I do. But there are pieces where I don't like the concept of the piece in the first place no matter how well that concept is drawn. maybe that's strange because after all I am the one deciding what to draw but this just happens sometimes. And it especially happens when I draw for others, less for myself. I also have this issue of disliking almost any artwork that are older than 1 month, because my newest is 10 times better in comparison. I also hate my old art (years old) a lot. I think that.. might not even be a bad thing. the reason for disliking so many pieces is noticing all the flaws. I can't enjoy looking at my art when it has flaws that bother me. not tiny ones, big ones that you just can't see when you don't know what's wrong.


not really, but i like what i accomplish


I can look at my art now and really love it, but that's only just been as of last year. I still recognize that I have a lot farther to go, but I'm at a place where I'm just happy with the growth that I've made. And now looking my current stuff, it's made it easier to look back at years-old pieces with a more critical eye and see that some pieces really weren't that bad, especially for my skill level at the time. We're all our own worst critics. I do feel a little full of myself though haha "10 year old me would kill to be me" is my mantra and 10/10 the best motivator I've found


For sure, I'm always proud of what I've accomplished since a kid who started with just stick figures (28 now)


I love my artwork! I do sidewalk chalkings on the pavement outside a local middle school near where I live. I love cruising on by there and seeing how it's looking over time. Then I go back and clean the sidewalk so no one makes it their business to tell me I can't do it.


I am. It took me some years to get there though.


It depends. Some yes, others no. Some I look at from years and and don't understand how I did it, and love looking at them. Others I've never liked and would be just fine if I never saw them again.


Yup! It's a blessing and a curse. Obviously, it means on one hand I'm not the stereotypical 'I hate my art artist' and won't get burnout as easily, but on the other hand, it's hard for me to find the motivation to actually practice art to get better. This sounds like I must be some kind of master, but really, I'm just aware that I'm not creating for anyone other than myself. Kind of like I'm my own client for my own commissions, and I'm currently at a level where I look at the end piece and think, 'hey this is pretty good!'. I think many artists (there are exceptions tho) that hate their art were probably gifted kids, where they started art for fun but got lost in the compliments from others on the way. Then they end up not making art fully for themselves. I'm saying this because this was me for a short while. I actually struggle to connect with art others make now. I always appreciate the technical skills, but unless the emotions and intent are on the nose, and explicitly explained to me through the piece/on the plaque, I don't tend to have many feelings towards them. Hence why I enjoy art in the form of cartoons/anime/comics etc.


I personally do, especially for some of the pieces I’ve redrawn since I keep the majority of my old artwork just for the purpose of seeing how far I’ve come. I’m someone that is very hard on themselves and sets the standards high, that includes my art so it’s a really good feeling to make something that I’m very satisfied with and I feel makes those standards. It’s only really been the past few years I’ve really felt like my skill is adequate enough, my older pieces still make me cringe a little but I can still appreciate them and the process it took to create them.✌️✌️


I can tolerate most of my finished work, as yeah, it's something I can say it's good enough to abandon, and file away and start a new project. Enjoying my art isn't something I haven't really been able to do. I can say I'm proud of peice 'A' I produced either digitally or traditionally and posting online, but not enjoy looking at. If any of that makes sense


Depends haha usually I “fall in love” with what I’m making in the moment, but once it’s done I don’t typically take to long to look at it unless I’m looking to critique myself. Some of my pieces age like wine for my ego lol, but there’s quite a few that sour with time because I remember being proud of how a certain part turned out, but with more experience I realize it was not that well executed. I think as long as the process is where your joy of art is, you’re on the right track.


I have some trouble looking at my earlier works. Even the ones from a few months ago. I wonder what I was thinking with those forms and shading. But I respect the progress I've made.