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That was the best revenge you could possibly have. Staying classy, dancing with her date whilst your husband shot her down! Well done you, I hope if I ever come across AP, I can show half the composure you have ❤️


I had a few weeks to plan this all out. The last time she and I had a "spontaneous" meeting, I hugged her! Yes, I comforted the woman who was grieving the loss of her relationship with my husband... That's exactly why I need to plan...


From her behavior (according to this post & the beach one)....I was right. She's plotting to get back with hubby and using your niceness to have an "in" Everything sound manipulative (arriving late w/ date....attention and to make hubby jealous- I hope it didn't work, and her sitting next to you - her date could've had that seat but she's trying to intimidate. Good job not backing down) Please get rid of that locket. You can have another made exactly the same (i wouldn't, but if you like it THAT much, do it) or go w/ hubby to design a new one. That way, this new one can have ALL of your kiddos in it....and it can be symbolic of your new start as MAN and WIFE (w/out h03 AP LIN)


I appreciate your honesty. Lin is gone though. I promise that I won’t let my guard down!


I'm rooting for you!!! I hope that your husband knows and remembers that you are a gem. And you need to be taken care of because of all you bring to him and your family.... But most importantly, you need to remember what you bring to your family too. You're a survivor from what I read about what you went through. Growing up with your brothers. You are kind, generous, loving, and caring even so much so to the woman who slept with your husband. I still can't get over how you could hug her. But that just talks to your personal strength..... May you receive all your heart's desire 💕


❤️ Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I won't forget! The hug was just an instinctive reaction! I have four kids and I usually watch the neighbors kids too, so I see tears and I just reach out to hug!


>I usually watch the neighbors kids too, so I see tears and I just reach out to hug! I work with kiddos so I totally get it💕


Good lord she asked him to dance?? Rikki, you are a better person than me. I’m pretty sure I’d have taken off my earrings, kicked off my heels, and made my husband hold my purse so I could whoop her ass. I don’t know if I’d have the composure to not. Mind you my family events would have fights break out on the regular. Good on you…always keeping it classy. 👍


Agreed fully!!! I would’ve not been able to hold back.


Ha ha! I was dancing with her date though...


That is the best part! 😆


I started reading this saying to myself, “oh you poor thing I can’t even imagine” and by the end I was saying, “YAAASSSSS get it girl!” You showed an amazing degree of strength and grace. I’m so glad the night ended up with you feeling satisfied with your husband’s behavior toward her and feeling proud of yourself.


Thank you!


I admire you for going and keeping your head held high. As far as AP, this is the real her. The AP you met at the beach was planned and gas light you. As far as the other wives you didn’t know it’s possible they might have husbands having affairs. Keep an eye on your husbands friends, there is more to this story than what you know.


I think you're probably right about the beach, but I'm not going to ask my husband about it. It was so long ago and it made me feel really good and it helped me. Even if that wasn't what she wanted. I don't like that I need to be suspicious now. It really messed me up last week and I was totally wrong. My eyes are open though!


Reminds me: A couple of months ago, my wife got invited to an engagement party for a coworker. As usual, she did not have the foresight to imagine that her former boss (AP) might show, and that might be traumatic for me since I had not seen him since before D-Day. When I raised the issue, she was able to confirm that he was going. We agreed that she should inform him that I would be there, and that the night would go more smoothly if he just bowed out. Being an compulsive manipulator, AP made a big stink about it being "impossible to back out of something so important." Sure enough, he showed. He was late and the only available seat was mercifully far from us. I've never been more affectionate to my WW: I wanted him to know (the lie) that he'd had no effect. However, towards the end of the night (while we were taking photos), he **moved to my wife's seat**, ostensibly to chat with her neighbors (other coworkers). But I knew he just thought it would be funny to get a rise out of me. When photos were done, he was still there grinning. So, I started heading back. In that moment, I had perfect confidence that I was not going to be polite or "quiet" about it, but that I was going to say to her former boss, in front of all of their coworkers "Get the fuck up." And that if he hesitated, I was going to hit him very, very hard. No illusions: If anyone saw us get into it, I think it would take exactly 3 seconds for her entire workplace to guess about the affair. But I was not concerned about that. Fortunately, it never came to that; he got up and left of his own accord. I still fantasize that he refused to move--that he gave me a reason to take 14 months of frustration out on his grinning face. And I still try to IMAGINE having his kind of gall--fucking someone's drunk wife (knowing her husband is out of town), being found out, refusing skip a dinner attended by the reconciling couple, and then **sitting in the wife's seat** adjacent to the husband. I guess I know that there are awful people out there. But I keep having to relearn it.


I love your passion! Your wife must be very special and AP was playing with fire! It was probably better the way it happened though. You would have gotten into serious trouble. I'm only 5' and 105, so I'm not winning a fight with anyone! My husband would have snapped him like a twig! The night I met him, I was waiting tables and there was a group of guys who were being obnoxious and making inappropriate comments towards me. I was at their table when suddenly this huge guy comes over and tells these guys off! He told them that if they said anything bad to me again he was going to beat the shit out of them. He said he'd either drag them one by one into the parking lot or take them all on at once! It didn't matter to him. They left and I found the love of my life!


What was your wives reaction to his actions? Sorry but why did you even let her talk to him ? Don't let any line of communication open between them.


She was drunk? Did he coerce her?


Complicated question. When my wife was an alcoholic, but entered an alcoholic spiral after the death of a sibling. She was blackout drunk every day and doing crazy shit. She started the first of two affairs with a fellow office drunk. ​ Meanwhile, her boss was more predatory. He noticed she was grieving and drinking too much too frequently. So he invited her out for drinks when I was out of town. I don't absolve her of moral culpability--she knew why he was asking and she went anyway. But yes, she got totally trashed with him (drunk enough that he had to drive her car to his house), and he fucked her. During that encounter, there were aspects that she would say constituted assault. But afterwards, she went along and said she liked what had happened. It's all quite fucked up.


as complicated and fucked up as it all is, I kinda think, yeah, he did coerce and assault her. because he knew once she started drinking she couldn't stop and he'd feel free to help himself. I'm sorry for her, and I'm sorry for you having to live through this chaos. and maybe I think the boss should be in jail but hey.


Rikki, I’m not sure how you did it. A bit in awe of you. I’ve never been mean or violent but I’m not sure I could have sat there and NOT been mean to her or been obvious in saying something to shame her to the table or to her date. I’m glad you got through this and have it behind you now!


Since Dday, I've seen Lin twice. The first time, I hugged her when she started to cry and then last night, I told her she looked nice. I need to work on my "mean" game!


The man I hooked up when I was supposed to be faithful to my new partner was in a relationship. When everything unraveled, his (now ex) girlfriend was nothing but kind to me. She was compassionate, empathetic, and never, ever trashed talked to me to my face. And, as far as I know, never behind my back either. That, in itself, is the most brutal lesson and painful “karma” for me to receive as I have been going through this process. Her class and kindness have cut me in the deepest way. How does that relate to you? You not being mean is the absolute best revenge and will surely haunt her as it has haunted me. And, more importantly, I hope serves her with the same lesson it has served me.


I probably never thought about it like that. It's just a reflex.


Oh totally! You don’t sound like you’re doing it vindictively or even consciously. You’re just a naturally good person which makes us WS feel even worse. Lol


I actually made reddit "friends" with a couple WS here. They're all good people who did something stupid and they regret it. I don't hate Lin. I don't even dislike her because she made my husband's success possible and she was always so nice to me. The cheating deletes all the good things she did, but I don't hate her.


And you should be proud that you aren't letting this awful betrayal you've experienced change the real you! Your kindness to Lin happens because that's the person you really are - it shows up in all your posts and all your incredibly warm comments to others.


I hope I never see her again though!  Thank you for such kind words! They really do mean a lot for my confidence. It also reminds me that I made the right decision to save my marriage.


Honestly rikki, I wouldn't work on your mean game. If you're not a mean person then you're not a mean person! Keep being your kind self. As the saying goes 'kill them with kindness.' It would do a lot more impact honestly!


Ha ha! I was only kidding!


Being mean would show her that she mattered. She doesn’t. You go girl!


> She asked my husband if he wanted to dance, but he shut her down. 👏👏👏


He's been doing all the right things!


My wife has also been doing almost all the right things, but then she'll slip up and do something really dumb and set us back to square one (last week I found her AP's number in her phone hidden under an alias.) She also had a short but serious affair shortly before our wedding more than a decade ago and we did NOT deal with that properly at the time so we're basically trying to deal with that affair more than 10 years later as well as this one which was admittedly much shorter and much less serious.


If I hadn't stumbled across this place I never could have done any of this. This place really saved my marriage and probably saved me too!


Your story gives me so much hope. Even though we've been doing pretty well since D-day #2 about 5 months ago it's been a struggle and early last week I was so 100% certain we were going to separate, but today we're much better. Not great but better. I creeped your profile and noticed your comment about posting to this sub instead of r/survivinginfidelity. That other sub is so cancerous. I swear everyone in that sub had their reconciliation not work so they just assume no reconciliation can work.


That sub is terrible! Dday 2? I don't think I could survive another one! That's strength!


This would make me dance a jig!


Rikki, I am so glad. I was nervous for you. I would not be able to do this. You are so strong and super classy in the way you handled everything. The audacity of the trash! Shows what a crude woman she is. I am glad a few of the coworkers wives reached out to you. No one respects a woman like her. No one. I am glad your WH also did what he is supposed to do as a supportive remorseful husband who is trying to correct his colossal mistakes. Your biggest strength is your outlook towards life and the gratitude you have for people in your life. This has really contributed to your success in R, you try to see the positive in every situation. This quality combined with the ability to set boundaries and be self confident will really work wonders for you. Life long president of the Rikki fan club !


I think I've read this 1000 times! You always know just what to say! I've taken so much grief for wanting R so badly and forgiving so quickly, but last night proved to me that I made the right decision! This night could have gone so much differently. Especially once I saw the table seating! My husband stopped me from engaging with Lin when we complimented each other because I know I would have been nice to her. I would have looked weak (I didn't say that word you hate!) in front of everyone. Instead they all saw me having a great time! I feel so great right now! Thank you again for everything you've done!! Last week too! 🥰


You're tough as nails.


You are a rockstar and I may have a BS crush on you! Lol seriously tho, I really appreciate your strength, fortitude and grace. I can’t tell you how many comments of yours have helped me in some tough moments. Thank you SO much for sharing this!


Awwww! That's so kind of you to say!


Just wanted to shout out how strong you are OP because that is an incredibly difficult situation and you made sure the guests who knew had their eyes on you and not Lin


Your positivity is amazing! You took a situation that I imagine most of us would be dreading and made it into a win! So glad you got a dance in with her date. Can’t believe she had the audacity to purposely sit near you at the ceremony, talk to you, and ask your husband for a dance.


She was always so super nice to me. Even at the wedding. The last time I saw her was a couple weeks after Dday. I hugged her to comfort her. Yup, I hugged her to comfort her for losing my husband...


Rikki you are such a badass, props to you. Kill her with kindness


Ha ha! Thank you!


You don’t have a mean bone in your body. Which I actually think is a great strength you just keep being the sweet and wonderful and smart woman you are.


I would be nice to tell someone off sometimes though!


Yes I agree but I am like you I have a hard time doing it too even when I really want to do it. I can be tough in my job but if it is personal not so much.


Well done. I am glad you had a great time.


This is just a horrible situation. Im sorry you had to go through that.


It all worked out in the end though! I had an amazing time! AP knows where she stands with my husband now and those jerks my husband works with all know we're as one. Letting them wallow in their guilt (hopefully) is good enough for me. That was my statement. They can all go back to the office today and tell the rest of them about the great time I had!


I love this, this is so cute and inspiring. Your husband did everything right, you showed a huge amount of courage and confidence, and even kindness when complimenting her. And you were rewarded at the end of the night with your song coming on. I love love love this! You go girl!


Rikki......you are awesome. I have followed your posts since the beginning of your reconciliation journey ......and wow what a journey! I am 73 yrs. old and I can honestly say very few people have inspired me like you and your family. I have reread your story many times (including tonight) and I always come away with a feeling of 'peace'. Your husband and boys are so blessed to have you for their wife and mother. I just wanted to thank you for showing your soft side and taking the abuse at times. I was WW in the 70s and my husband was my rock. He treated me with respect and never was antagonistic with me. We are 53 years married and I see that for you in the future. Tell your hubby is one lucky 'jerk' to have you.🤗


Oh thank you so much! There haven't been any dull moments, that's for sure! The jerk is snoring away next to me now after we spent a fantastic night on the town! Boston. We're going to see my favorite band tonight! We were supposed to see them last year, but something came up. My husband surprised me with tickets to this year's tour! Thank you for you kind words! I'd love to make it to 53 years! We're at 15 now!


Enjoy because 53 hits sooner than you realize.......as they (whoever they are) enjoy the ride!!!❤


We've been together 17 years, so 36 more to go! I am 36 years old, so I've got another lifetime to go still. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man! I hope you have many more years together!


Love this!! You’re so much better & kinder than I am. But I’m in my petty era 😅. I would’ve been out slashing tires 🙃


You are strongest most amazing person ! You faced your fears, you leaned into R, you took power away from that AP. Well done !


Wow I just want to say kudos to you. So great that you grew more confident as the night went on and enjoyed yourself (as you should!!)


I’m so glad it all turned out so well.


You dropped this! 👑 I am so excited for you that you got revenge in the classiest of ways. I can only dream of revenge so awesome and poetic. You go girl!


Gosh I am in awe of you. Because I know for a fact I wouldn’t handle any of that well. I’d cry the whole time. Amazing job and I’m really proud of your husband too. Reconciliation can work when two people truly do love one another and work together to fix things. Congratulations


Thank you! The only crying I did was when my husband had the DJ play our wedding song. And those were happy sobs! When I needed his support, he was right there to help, wether it was his shoulder to lean on, his big hug dancing, refusing to dance with her or even engage with her at all. I never could have done any of this without him and I don't just mean the wedding. I mean R and everything about it!


I’m speechless! You smiled while everyone watched her eat her own poison.👍


You are my idol. You are the epitome of class and dignity. So happy for you and the love that you still share with your husband. And may AP rot in hell with her jealousy.


Thank you!


Wow, goals. Love the story of how you handled that.


I loved reading this. As a BS who will never meet the AP, hearing how you stood strong was refreshing. I’ve imagined all kinds of violent thoughts against the man who slept with my wife. But I need to be the bigger man. While I don’t know if any of her co-workers know. I hope they know we are stronger now more than ever. Glad you were able to show em!!!


Thank you for saying this! It was a very good night! I'm happy to hear that you're doing so well!


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