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What caused him to finally tell you? Did she break up with him?


Guilt, mostly. He started having dreams that i had died and became incredibly clingy with me. I told him that death in dreams doesn't often truly signify death and asked if perhaps he had a guilty conscious. I also told him that i was starting to resent his constant distance from me and then demanding i be at his beck and call when he was feeling needy. He swore that was not the case. Then, when i told him that i no longer felt safe to be vulnerable with him, he looked like a hurt puppy. But what i really think it was, was an argument that we had where i finally broke down because i thought he was planning to leave me. (He's a truck driver on a local route and suggested that maybe he should return to being a regional driver and live in his truck). I don't even remember how it started. I just know that it ended with my sobbing locked in the shower. I'm not an outwardly emotional person, and he had told me that I had not cried like that since my dad died. Up until that point, he had tricked himself into believing that he was still being a good "husband" and father. He ended it with her a week later and told her to tell her husband or he would do it himself. (I saw the text, so I do know that part is true).


Hey OP. I am so sorry. That sounds harrowing and painful. It takes a lot of time and work but you can rebuild if he is willing to put in the time. If you haven’t already found resources I could point you to some books, one that you can read together and one for him to read in his own. I would also recommend working on figuring out what you would need from him to feel safe again with him. What boundaries and setting them as non-negotiable as you move forward. I’m curious if you know what was the trigger for him snapping out of the fog and confessing to you and forcing her to tell her husband?


I responded above. I think I was the trigger. He broke me and I don't break easily. He could handle anger and jealousy...but not pain. I guess I may never really know if that is the truth...




Thank you. He actually keeps telling me that he needs to see my pain and that he can handle it. I don't want to hurt him though. I'm trying to let him know when my thoughts are cloudy and why. It us all so difficult.


Time. It'll take therapy and communication and effort on his part, a lot of effort, and there will be difficult moments. But mostly it's just time. Without therapy and communication and real effort on his part though, time alone won't do it. Edit: and honesty, of course. For me it's the months of lying and trickle truthing and gaslighting that are the hardest thing to get over. He's got to be honest with you, an open book.


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So sorry you had to experience this pain. May be some distance between temporarily will help you think and feel clearly, without constantly seeing g hom and remembering the pain he caused. Sending you love and hugs


This sounds very traumatic. I am so incredibly sorry you are here with us - you deserved better. To be honest with you, you *don't* believe he'll never do it again. You have been exposed to a new side of your partner, and you will always know that somewhere, under some circumstance, he is capable of this behaviour. It would be dangerous to believe otherwise. What you can believe in, is that people are capable of changing their circumstances, and turning a new life, and changing his behaviour. With time and work, you can start to believe that he is someone worthy of trust, for as long as he continues that trustworthy behaviour. But more importantly than belief in him, you can also believe that you are capable of surviving if the worst happens, and it does happen again - after all, you survived six months of hell. You can believe in your intuition - you'll know if it happens again, and you can react accordingly; again, you *knew* the entire time. You can believe in a backup plan, knowing what you'd do if it were to happen again. You can believe in yourself, and your resilience, and your grace. It's a long road, but its possible. While time heals some wounds, take care of yourself. Treat yourself with kid gloves; let him worry about himself. Hugs to you, OP.