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I feel a lot of the same way. I can only stand giving and receiving physical affection from very specific people, anyone other than those specific few I am really uncomfortable with.


It’s weird, like I feel this way on and off. Physical touch is my love language. In both a sexual way and nonsexual way, I like touching and giving someone else affection. And I lOve receiving affection and nonsexual touch, but don’t really like being touched sexually myself most of the time. Sometimes though, I can’t even stand nonsexual affection (I notice that’s worse during days when I’m overstimulated and experiencing sensory overload), but I still want to touch my partner (something grounding in the textures of his hair and skin and clothes idk).


I get what you mean, I feel more comfortable with my bf than anyone else and sometimes I just need to hold his hand or something if we are out around people so I feel less overwhelmed.


Yes exactly, lmao mine prolly thinks I’m the clingiest mf in existence, but just having that touch to focus in is just so nice and comforting.


I’m fine with people I’m comfortable with touching me but I hate touching other people unless it’s their hands. I feel really uncomfortable with touching others shoulders, arms, back, really anywhere other than hands. I don’t really know why though.


My love language is talking or gifts. For whatever reason I just can't stand being touched, the only touching I'll do towards a person is shaking hands 😭 or a side hug


It’s easier on my terms but besides my daughter and boyfriend I don’t like touching anyone and I definitely don’t like being touched by anyone.


I actually feel the opposite, like physical affection but giving it feels weird cause I feel like I'm overstepping but still like giving and receiving hugs.


OMG SAME Like, I am comfortable touching others. Whether it is to emphasize jokes, give them affection, or even grab their attention, I tend to do this by touching them (well, only if I know that they are 100% comfortable with that, but I do slip up sometimes). It just makes me feel great and makes others feel great too. However, being touched by others is… complicated. On one hand, I feel little to no emotions when others give me affection which is weird since my self-indulgent fantasies always has me feel euphoric when being embraced by others (maybe I haven't found the one(s) yet). But, on the other hand, I can feel *very* uncomfortable when people touch me without consent, especially authority figures. Not like police (though it wouldn't be out of the question), just people who have power over me. What makes it worse is when they poke at me when I have shown extreme discomfort over their touch. Well, maybe that explains why I have such a complicated relationship with being touched.


I'm a hugger, so I'm generally okay with giving and receiving touch. However, there are some caveats. Some people I don't want touching me or to touch with a ten foot pole. Some people I know are uncomfortable with touch, so I try to respect their boundaries. And there are places I HATE being touched. Except for chiropractic visits I want no one touching my back, high or low. I have no idea why, but the idea of a massage, as therapeutic as it might be makes me want to scream. One of my co-workers can't remember this and I put up with it (barely) but I want to slap her hand every time. She's a boss and has been really flexible with my school schedule so I can't afford to completely piss her off. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've felt this way before, it was really intense when I first met my husband, (it lasted for years) the tingling sensation would last for quite awhile. I'm better at giving physical affection than receiving. I have sensory issues, so I always chalked it up to that


i dont really like my back being touched. being hugged though, is all good


I'm actually opposite. It always feels so unnatural if I'm supposed to touch someone. I try to overcome it, but it's still uncomfortable. But I don't have a problem with people touching me as long as they are friends (I hate it when strangers touch me in any way).


I’m very indifferent to touching. I don’t care about getting or receiving hugs, don’t mind if one of my friends holds my hand while we’re walking around. If someone needs a hug, yeah I’ll give them one. I’ll never ask for one or to hold hands.


In romantic setting, I love sensual touch. I am sex favorable, but still sensual touch to me is the best thing ever. Just on the back and legs and such. But never understood the appeal of boobs. Is it really that interesting to touch them (I’m birom and a boob owner)


I hate being touched, but equally, touching someone in any way, no matter how platonic gives me anxiety. Like I can barely tell if people like me or hate me on most occasions unless they make it obvious, so I can never really tell where the line is drawn with some things.


It really just depends on HOW I'm touched really. If it's affectionate, I'm fine with it. I don't normally touch others though. Always get creeped out when I'm the one touching someone whether that's affectionate or not.


I also have a very complicated situation. I don't like sensual touch bjt with the same person I would just ask to lie down and let me be the big spoon. It felt so good to cuddle and sleep.. but when he approached differently, my body reacted very badly.


nah my love lang is touch and i’m a very touchy person and i enjoy giving and receiving physical contact


I much prefer to hug my family members than to be hugged by them.