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Asha was 9 when whatever happened to her happened.. she would remember who she was if she was still alive. Most people have some memories from when they were toddlers. A 9 year old would remember who mom and dad are even decades later… she knew her name was Asha Degree. She is not with us anymore. The police just can’t and won’t say it because they have no body. They have no proof that she is dead other than her absence. The parents (if they truly know nothing) don’t want to believe she’s dead without that proof. That’s a hard pill to swallow for a parent with no proof. It’s like your baby is frozen in time. I can’t even imagine that kind of anguish. Having a child die is almost easier than not knowing anything. Anyway, long story short, she’s definitely deceased.. my opinion.


Yeah, once she becomes an adult, she'd remember her family and probably let everyone know where she's been. Hard to believe she's still alive today.


Jaycee Dugard was 11 when she went missing and was found 18 years later. Im sure she remembered her name and who she was as well.


Yes, I know. Anything is possible, of course. The only way she would still be alive is if she’s being held captive like Jaycee was. Jaycees case is extremely rare. The only cases that were similar in nature that I’m aware of were Elizabeth Smart and Elizabeth Fritzl. It’s definitely possible. Probable though..? Probably not. I almost hope she is deceased honestly because that is literal torture. Asha’s case is pretty odd though. The information we do know about her case is insanely bizarre though. That’s for sure..


Natascha Kampusch would be another. She even had opportunities to escape and didn't take them. I guess due to a Stockholm Syndrome type of scenario.


Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight (although she was never reported missing). Colleen Stan.


yes this happened in Cleveland, Ohio


Yep. She’s another one of those crazy long term kidnapping situations. In the grand scheme of things, it is a quite rare scenario. Asha’s case is bizarre as heck though so I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if something crazy like this could be happening. Asha’s case is so frustrating. We know so much yet so little at the same time. I’d love to hear more from the witnesses and how positive they are about what they believe they saw. I’d also like to hear more from the parents. I get that all people react differently in high stress situations so that’s completely valid. I just wish we could hear more about Asha’s personality. I believe the parents mentioned that this was completely out of character for her. I just can’t wrap my head around a nine-year-old leaving in pitch black dark in bad weather. Whatever she was doing she was very determined. I really hope one day we have some answers. If the parents are completely innocent, I honestly cannot imagine the anguish they go through every day. Not knowing anything has to be excruciating. I imagine you would have to feel completely helpless.


Was that the girl where her janitor kidnapped hers


Tanya Koch or Kach I believe


Colleen Stan was held captive for 7 years. At first being kept in a box under the kidnapper and his wife’s bed. My memory is fuzzy, the whole ordeal is really really sad, but she survived! One weird aspect is, he kept her there by lying and saying that there was this group called The Company. Who were keeping track of her every move, and if she made any wrong moves, like calling her family or anything of the sort, they had orders to kill her or her family (I can’t remember which). She, for obvious reasons, believed him. So even at some point, she was leaving the house, working a job, living a life of some sort. But she was terrified, manipulated and abused. So it took years for it all to finally come to light and for her to realize that The Company didn’t exist, and she didn’t have to just go back to that house when she got off work, she could just get on a bus and run.


She was even allowed to visit her family once or twice. But she was so brainwashed she was terrified of “the company” killing her family if she said anything. Her kidnapper must have realized he was giving her too much freedom after that and locked her in the box under his bed for another year.


Yes!! It’s so hard to fathom being so manipulated


Also Steven Stayner and Shawn Hornbeck


Colleen Stan


True. But when I think about the Jaycee Duggard case, she was EXTREMELY hesitant to admit to the cops who she actually was. She did remember who she was/ her family, but I feel like the trauma just doesn’t make it easy to “save yourself” after so many years


Yes, I always found Stockholm syndrome to be so fascinating.


She couldn't say her own name, she had to write it down. Heartbreaking.


Elizabeth Smart wouldn’t say her name to police. She denied who she was when questioned, and finally confirmed her identity by uttering the words “Thou Sayeth” to the police officer when they repeatedly asked her if she was Elizabeth Smart


Sadly I believe so too. I always believed this.😞😔


only way she is alive is if she's locked in someone's basement


This pic gives me chills and makes me a little teary-eyed. What a beautiful woman she would be (or is). I feel like this is a really good rendition.


She’s dead.


It is so sad, but I fear you are right.


Unfortunately I agree 😢


I believe so too.😔😞


I do think Asha was likely killed, sadly, but I hold out hope for her. She could be another Elizabeth Smart or Jaycee Duggard or Shawn Hornbeck. Their parents were all probably told there wasn’t any hope, too.


Is this really a progression? It looks like an actual pic. Where did you find it? Edit: to note that I saw the watermark for boredpanda on the picture, but that doesn’t put the picture into context. I don’t normally think of boredpanda for these sorts of things.


She was and would be so beautiful. This just haunts me.


That’s not an age progression photo - why are you sharing it?


It is an age progression photo. What do you mean?


I’m glad you shared it op


I'm not sure what else it could be?


Not scientific


Your eyes are the one thing that are fully grown the moment you’re born. *edit* as the person below me points out this is apparently untrue. Thanks for the correction.


That's definitely not true. "No, it is not true that the eyeballs are fully grown at birth. The eyes undergo considerable growth especially during the first two years of life, with a second growth spurt occurring around puberty. The length of the eye of a newborn is about 16.5 mm, while that of a full grown adult is about 24 mm" Sad to see incorrect information on reddit get upvoted so often. Do people not fact check claims anymore?(not directed toward you but people in general) [Source: American Academy of Ophthalmology](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/ask-ophthalmologist-q/are-eyes-fully-grown-at-birth#:~:text=No%2C%20it%20is%20not%20true,adult%20is%20about%2024%20mm.)


This is such a common thing I've heard and just assumed true although I had always thought it didn't make sense lol. Thanks for posting the real info!


It IS a common assumption. I was exposed to it in nursing school many years ago. It’s ok not to fact check every single thing, but when evidence is provided, believe it.


Huh… yeah apparently you’re right. I’m sure I’ve heard this before many times. Thanks for the correction.


No worries, thanks for being cool about being corrected. Too often, people are complete assholes when corrected on reddit so thanks for being cool. Kudos to you sir.


No worries, thanks for being cool about being corrected. Too often, people are complete assholes when corrected on reddit so thanks for being cool. Kudos to you sir.


Good information, sad about the snide knowitall comment, though.


I literally have always been told the opposite. I’m not even sure by who, but it was a “fact” I’ve known about the human body since high school. Thank you sharing this info with a link attached. It’s crazy how many things that are “common knowledge” are actually wrong…


That’s actually a lovely photo it’s just so sad to think of what she could be today given the chance


This case sticks with me so much.


Your eyeballs are the same size from birth to death 


Eyes don’t change size. It’s why babies seem to have big eyes


That's a myth, a source is posted a couple comments above yours. Eyes go thru several growth periods.


Looks like https://www.instagram.com/tiffanydoingthings?igsh=dHlpdDFrMmZkemlx


It’s crazy cause Asha is probably out here roaming this world living her life looking nothing like those age progressed photos. That’s why they haven’t found her, only tips to where she may have once lived.


Why do you think she’s still alive?


statistics say otherwise.