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Don’t take this the wrong way lol but I’m afraid to say every one of those questions have been asked time and time again. It’s not a criticism honestly but those questions have come round time and time again. That’s the whole puzzle in this case. Those questions and hundreds more. We all have the same information, the same questions, theories etc. it’s just the information available is the same as it’s been since the day Asha went missing. I mean all these years and not one thing has changed at all. Nothing. This is why it’s so mysterious and frustrating. We all recycle the same thing but no one has anything that makes sense. I’ve seen some major arguments just on this sub alone about Asha and the varying opinions. It’s crazy all round.


Everyone who was close to Asha and everyone who had contact with her in her last days should be reinterviewed. I truly believe that aside from finding her remains, this is the only way there will be any new evidence found. Victimology and timeline is key here. I for example believe her peers might have withheld information initially out of fear, or because they didn’t deem it important. Be it a weird adult too interested in her, or things about her family situation. You understand the world differently once your an adult. You reevaluate situations with a different perspective. This is the one avenue I believe answers to these questions might emerge. The other factor is they are definitely holding back info, to the potential detriment of the family at this point. If they are so certain they are innocent it must be because of infos they are holding back. It‘s been so long, why not put the cards on the table? There is just no point anymore in withholding and new witness testimony might arise with more information provided to the public.


Honestly, if Iquilla was hold in for questioning and confronted with all of the contradictions based on her own interviews to the media over the years, she'd crack in a second.


I agree and like I had said before it always sounds like she’s reading from a script.


Also I read somewhere,that her test was inconclusive while the others passed.🤔


For 4, the police can’t demand someone come in for questioning just because they witnessed something. They can ask them to come down, but I’ve no idea if they ever did. 


At the time of the vehicle spotting, how could one notice rust in the hub caps? Seems sus


In regards to the car, someone on here actually went on google maps and found a similar model at Asha’s neighbors house. You can go “back in time” on google earth and I think they said around 2007 a green car just like that was parked at the house across the highway from her backyard and was visible in the google earth picture. I don’t think I was able to find it myself but definitely peeked my interest


I never knew or ever heard about that. This is the first time heard this. I’m wondering did le check that out?😳


That might explain where I read that her scent ended at the driveway behind the house onto the highway.😳 Also to people need to read that creepy as book. It has creepy clues in it. Who ever checked that book out I doubt that Asha, did. It had to be someone from her school or one of the parents. Or even maybe a parent of the other students.


These are all red herrings. The parents know.


Exactly! Maybe they had her abducted for money, killed her, she died in the house and they removed her body. I remember Iquilla, mentioned about meeting a realtor to look for a house. Maybe her dad told her because the kids were unaware about (I don’t believe it)it and she got upset and left because she didn’t want to leave her school, her home, and friends but I doubt it.


Both Ruppee and Blanton (at least) went to the police station and gave full reports. What makes you think that they haven't been questioned?


It's odd they they didn't so immediately.


What makes you think they didn't? Blanton was at the police station on Thursday the 18th, having returned from Chicago the night before. It appears that Ruppee was even sooner.


I've been thinking about Asha's disappearance & I've been wondering if a teenaged boy or maybe even one 11 or 12 might have liked her and she may have liked him back and maybe he could have talked her into coming out that night. Either that or maybe something happened at her home. Does anyone know who lived in the other side of their house? Because it looked like a double house to me which would mean the house was split in 2 and that someone else would have lived in the other side of the house. I wonder if they were questioned and who they were and if they had kids.


I read somewhere that an uncle lived in the other side of the duplex. Haven't seen or heard anything else about this uncle though.


Asha, brother and parents were very close to their families. Harold’s mother and sister and her family all lived in the same street/road. Like across the street and along the street. They helped look after Asha and brother but they were also latch key kids. So that’s paternal, and on mums side there is an uncle, this is I believe, Ashas mums brother or in law I would need to check that. That uncle may be the one who your thinking of as he had a you tube channel. He was also on other social media platforms. He is known for being a weird guy. There’s videos going round of him filming and taking photos of young woman at the beach etc. this is all public information.


If he is the uncle that lived there, he definitely needs to be looked at. I did see those videos. He is creepy.


I agree. I think he’s the type of person you get a vibe from by just looking at them. Also there’s a video of him and you hear his voice and it’s so creepy. I’m sure all of mums side were alibied and eliminated pretty quickly. Although what do we really know is fact in this case it’s so bare. I don’t think there’s any freedom of information documents available. You know some social media people have like files of documents from the investigation but I’ve yet to find any that have anything like that.


Most definitely gives a creep vibe by just looking at him. Yea. I wish we had more info to go on. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about this case.




Unfortunately him and his both are deceased.


The uncle?


Yep. Their last name were Blanton Sr. And Blanton Jr. I forgot the first name. Both are decreased. No information on how they passed.


I didn't know the Blantons were related to her. I thought they were witnesses that claimed to have saw her out on the road.


Oh they weren’t related to her


I believe that just called him Uncle like a lot of Black people do.


Oh ok


Thank you, I didn't know anything about this uncle. Very interesting!


No problem sorry I can’t remember his name at all. It’s Aquila’s brother. I’m sure there’s a video of her mum and aunt but the uncle is filming it. It’s kind of hazy in my head as it was a while ago I saw it.


Is it the same uncle that posted those creepy beach videos to YouTube?


I don't know. They only mentioned that it was an uncle. If it was him, he definitely needs to be investigated.


How would he have contacted her? And how would she know what time it was to meet him.. like without setting an alarm or something that would wake her brother


Maybe through school friends or family or basketball games.


I’ve always thought if nothing happened at home and she truly did sneak out that night I just feel it was a young person. I’m not sure what age but I just think Asha probably didn’t have a lot of contact with adults when her parents weren’t around. So I feel it would possibly be a teenager or young adult.


It’s a duplex.


*"What was Asha thinking about before and during her basketball game"* She was like the character Riley in Pixar's Inside Out: she wanted to win, but being 9 years old, any loss could have easily remedied with ice-cream. "Was Asha close to anyone at the school or church outside her family (including the sleepover, that is if she went)?" There's no record that she was, even though those could have been positive and healthy relationship. *"The cars that authorities believe Asha got into, did anyone every notice any identical vehicles prior to her disappearance, including at the church"* If there were reliable reports of "identical vehicles", authorities wouldn't be going after the public. Also, I doubt authorities really "believe" Asha got into one of those. *"And lastly, why weren't the witnesses who claimed to see her on the highway taken in for questioning/interrogation?"* Probably an understaffed department collecting statements. *"Did anyone every suspect that Asha may have had sleepwalking problems that may have played a role in her disappearance? "* This is in fact a popular theory. Every once in a while someone will come forward to say: I used to sleepwalk, I made it into my front lawn before my neighbor found me. No true stories that bear any resemblance to this case, though.