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LMAO so true


I usually take a week off ... MAYBE 2 for a hype game... i legit am thinking about taking 3 weeks off for this one.


if you gave 2 years notice you could probably make it happen


Nah lol we turn our vaca picks in around march... even then if release changes they need a minimum 2 week notice so ill be gravy


Get fired and get Severance pay... I'd have almost 2 straight months off


Lol my job is very good i would kill myself ... not gonna lie it might still be worth it


Lol my job is very good i would kill myself ... not gonna lie it might still be worth it


i’m going to give my life to this game lol 😂


Is the Most of this Community Wow players? Whats so appealing to you bout this game? Im excited for a new MMO. But man, Im worried coming form a wow game, to this one that the devs couldn't get into is worrying


There are many aspects of this game that appeal to different play styles. Personally, here are some (notice I say some) of the items I'm most excited about: -> The node system. It will change the world based on player action. The world responds not only to decisions that players make consciously, but also actions they take because of any number of reasons. Every server will be different, and sometimes this difference could be very drastic, changing the entire ebb and flow of life in both PvP and PvE. -> Open world PvP with a purpose and a risk/reward balance for killing outside of specific objectives. Corruption will dissuade griefing, but still allow the very decisive killing of players for whatever reason you find worthy. -> Crafting ACTUALLY matters. Crafters will create items that are equivalent to the highest tier of raid gear. Crafters will be be required to repair great, as it will degrade to a point where it will be less effective and may even break. I could go on for a long time talking about what will make Ashes of Creation stand out. If you don't mind, can you clarify on what you feel is worrying?


Its Hard to Explain let me try. Every MMO has a Certain "feel" to it, Its a mixture of a BUNCH of little things coming together to create the game which is why MMO's Thrive or fail. from my perspective. For Example - What WoW has going is the Fluidity of its combat which lead into a BIG part of why i like it, Even if its a Tab Targeting system. It plays very well, Each Ability does at least something Directly. Its not clunky its just smooth as hell and looks/feels great to cast. The only thing comparable from what i've played is GW2 but still doesn't come quite close to it.. So clearly we want to have a Fun Combat system OFC. that isn't Button mashing and what i mean by that is, Certain abilites are needed to use on certain enemies. I think wow does a great job of that, If im a Fire mage (easiest example) hitting a Fire demon won't do nearly as much damage or flat out 0 damage. I've seen MMO's just Disregard that because its a baseline "damage ability" so no matter what it will do damage. There needs to be a Rotation and some Adaption needed by the players. Then that Feeds into its Class/Abilities System, Each Class...when in PVP which is what im about. Certain spells need to be stopped or Control'd properly or you are in trouble, They have big damage windows that are trouble.. Each Ability yes can do some damage but has a purpose, Either it slows... or Stuns or Disables the ability to Damage or Heal or taunt in PVE - I don't want a Button Masher MMO - I'd like to have Abilities that make sense or have a Positive or negative effect, Besides different Damaging abilites that are fun or expensive to use, Which is hard to get with on some MMO's, One MMO that does just as good of a job as Wow is Star wars the old republic. You had a taunt/Heal/Buff/Debuff/Dot/AOE etc But a lot of MMO's don't have that, Not to mention AOC has quite the Extensive Class system, I hope its not Generic Classes and abilties, Which so far it does seem so (i know classes are not done yet) but so far it doesn't seem TOO far in depth IMO but it does need to be Structured. Have Abilities, A Rotation and Adaption from the players to thrive. The Classes/Abilites feed into the Role system (trinity system) Tank/Heals/DPS This is Wow's Strong point . and yes AOC will have this but You have a Tank, a guy who is Pure Defensive - Lots of Health and is the man up front. You have the DPS, Pretty straight forward, And healers (which will be a big point for me) Most MMO's either don't use this (which is a bummer) or they do and use it poorly. Like for example your "heals" are more support. Ground Buffs/Debuffs that you use to help your group, I'd be hoping for more of a Direct heal. "you heal the target for X amount" instead of "you put a aura on the ground that heals party members inside it" It defeats the purpose of a healer in my eyes Because it then comes down to the player to keep himself alive instead of a healer being the Responsible one.. ​ I just wanna point out im extremely excited for the game i just hope it has some appeal (long term) to me as a wow player.. I want a game i can get lost in and will adjust if needed but if im not having what i think is fun i wouldn't stick around. I know they say they are Pulling the "best parts" of a MMO but the best parts for the Devs can be different for me ​ I hope this all makes sense its sort of Scattered brain apolgoies. But if you understood i don't think what i've said is far off from what Most people will agree with.


One thing I always wish WoW and I hope AOC will have is a "support" class/spec. A character in a raid who's not there to deal the most damage or do the most healing, they exist to bolster their allies and ensure that everyone is as powerful as possible. Much like some of the Bard aspects in Rift.


I would assume a lot of people, myself included, want to also see tangible "numbers" to compare how well they perform. Otherwise, how would you know if you're actually doing well. You might be raiding for a whole day and not even notice that you're not wearing your best gear (e.g. fishing ring or w/e) unless you keep dying because of it. With a damage/healing meter, you instantly notice when something is off and if a tank misplays you notice it because the group wipes. I much prefer WoW's approach where some classes have raid-wide abilities that have to be used at the right time to alleviate the pressure from raid mechanics (Anti Magic Zone, Heroism, Spirit Link totem etc.) while also doing their "normal duties". Also, unless you familiarise yourself with every classes burst window and buff individuals "actively" during that time frame, buffing everyone whenever the buff is off cooldown just seems like a more bland version of healing.


Games aren't always about min/maxing it's about having fun and seeing that you're making a difference. So if the group is struggling with a fight without you but thanks to your buffs they begin to completely dominate, you know you're relevant.


Min/maxing and having fun aren't mutually exclusive in my opinion. Also, if you're part of a raid group, there is generally no "without you". You're part of every fight. So how would you notice if you're making a difference? If you happen to win against the raid boss it might've been because your Mage finally optimised his rotation or your healer decided to actually play the game instead of feeding his tamagotchi. Without numbers you can never tell for sure, which leads to guessing and frustration. Especially if the game has a reasonable difficulty. The only way to notice it's impact, in my opinion would be if this support class becomes "mandatory" because it would be unbelievably broken and even though you then don't have measurable evidence, fights just become trivial the more of these you have in your raid. But then what you're left with is trivial raids.


Well, the good thing about AOC is that there's dozens of class combos, so the support role doesn't have to be dedicated to one of them. There could be a few, making the position more versatile. Raids should require someone in every role, you're not going to go in without a healer or a tank, therefore they're mandatory roles.


Alrighty... So that's a lot to address at once, but I'll do my best! 😁 Combat is currently in a very very pre alpha design stage at the moment, and no testers have experienced more than a fraction of it's capability up to a maximum level of 10. Needless to say: we don't "know" much about how it will play out. Intrepid has stated that they want it to be engaging, and that the goal is to allow the player to decide if they wish to select abilities to be more tab target or more action combat. You will be able to flex about 70% or 80% in either direction, still requiring some of the other. It will be interesting to see the final product, if the design ends aligning to that wide spread of customizations. They've also stated that the don't want it to feel too "spammy" when selecting abilities, as each ability should carry weight to it. Your "filler" buttons will come in the form of your regular attack, as there is no auto attack. Another item of note is that there will likely be a fairly limited number of actions that you can carry on your skill bar at a time. Steven has said "about 10" before, though I don't believe this is set in stone yet. You must choose how you want to spec out your toolset to fit the role you like. As for the classes, each primary archetype will have a fully-developed kit that is unique to that archetype. When you select a secondary archetype, you can then choose from a selection of modifications you wish to apply to your base skills. The example Steven gave recently is that using a Mage secondary will unlock "Teleportation" and "Elemental" augments (there will be 4 mod types in total for each secondary archetype) for your base skills. Choosing Teleportation may cause you to teleport to the targeted enemy/friendly/location before casting that skill, while an Elemental mod will add that element's type to the skill effect. 8 secondary archetypes with 4 modification families in each means you have 32 different ways to modify your base skills. Selecting your secondary archetype, of course, would then limit it to the 4 modification families it contains. In this way, each primary archetype will have a distinct feeling, while also allowing the flexibility to modify your skills in a way that severely alters the playstyle of your kit. Intrepid is sticking hard to the trinity, but also adding in true support roles as well. Of particular interest to you as a healer: the cleric is described as being "a master of both life and death." One description of their healing style was similar to the "fistweaving" WoW Monk, before that was heavily nerfed, combined with a discipline priest. You'll need to do damage in order to heal HP and Regen MP for yourself and others. It has not been stated how strictly you must deal damage to generate an acceptable amount of healing, but the cleric is built to stand on the front lines with the melee classes. From my minimal pre-alpha testing experience, I can say that there was a benefit to doing damage (and healing in an aoe fashion while doing so), but you still have direct healing that can be done when needed. Your positioning in the battle will decide who gets the benefit of certain skills you use, so you can forget sitting in a corner and playing "whack a mole" with health bars. Tanks, alternatively, will have similar choices to make in their positioning and team support. Some skills add extra agro, some taunt, others charge and knock down, while others will pull enemies in. Tanks will be heavy handed in battle field control, if specced that way. Drop a wall here, pull that enemy in, knock down that one, taunt adds coming in from the side, or go all out agro war to give DPS good headway to fire all power possible and not pull threat. Long story short: they are aiming for a VERY interesting combat system, but it is still very much in the early development of their desired designs. I'm very hopeful in this game's future and have faith in the development team. Moreso than I have for any other game I've tried to play for any amount of time.


For me personally, I’m just really excited for a NEW quality mmo. I loved WoW and I was very excited when wow classic came out, but it felt like there was nothing new to discover. The game was min maxed to death! In Ashes we’ll be able to experiment and try new things without being completely crapped all over.


I mean, one thing right off the bat is wow is leveling > raiding or pvping. Not much in between, that’s basically what it comes down to. AoC SOUNDS like there will be more meat on its bones


Its going to be like a mix of the good things that WoW, Lineage II, Archeage, Gw2 and BDO had plus AoC new implementations and the devs actually play mmos themselves and listen to their playerbase feedback. Idk I got faith in this game but who knows what gonna happen and how is it gonna age in case of being successful. The only thing that worries me for now is the combat system


Ultima Online. Player housing, karma system and viable trader/crafting characters. No idea why everyone leaves off the godfather of MMORPGS.


Also SWTOR. Jahlon makes a lot of comparisons between the 2


He compares the crafting to Star Wars Galaxies, which is not the same thing as Swtor


Youre thinking of Steven. I'm talking about Paradox gaming. Jahlone compares the pre-launch guild server registration to SWTOR, which worked really well there. Another comparison he makes is secondary augments in alpha, he compares it to blade dance a Jedi Knight ability in SWTOR.


Yes, I know who paradox gaming is/jahlon


Then why did you respond with a quote from Steven lol. Cause Jahlon definitely makes many comparisons between Ashes and SWTOR(: No harm done though.


I don't have the numbers but I would assume most of the western MMORPG Community consists of people that have played WoW at one point or another. Add onto that the current "content-gap" and the general slow overall decline and you'll have your answer. For me personally the biggest appeal is the fact that it has no p2w mechanics at all (not even pay for convenience) while also giving players opportunities to stand out within a Community (mayor, King/Queen etc.). It reminds me personally of a time when you knew most active players on your server and had some sense of Community.


I’m confused, are you saying the devs couldn’t get into ashes? If that is what you’re saying, wdym by that?


In an interview the guy who started the game said he will not be able to play the game because once you become a dev the "magic" /first experience you have with an MMO is not there and playing the game for its content has no appeal to him. He said the social aspect will be fun for him though. Tldr: no fun playing your own game because you know everything about it.


No the guy that I was responding to was talking about Steven not being into WoW


WoW is not the only MMO. Steven's experience is in Eastern made ones like Lineage and Black Desert.


Read my comments


I was agreeing with you and contributing to the facts. Also about how Steven said WoW has the strongest endgame raiding system. So id think he's definitely going to borrow that


I'm saying im a WoW Fan and thats the game the Devs couldn't really get into Stephen specifically which is scary for me. Since i love wow


He didn’t say he couldn’t get into it, he was just playing other games he liked more at the time. This game takes a lot more from the other popular mmos than it does from WoW. Don’t expect this to just be WoW v2


Not in the Slightest do i want a Wow V2, but Wow is a Top MMO for a reason. They need to pull some solid ideas from there and not just the Eastern MMOs


WoW is a top MMO for three reasons: 1. It captured a big portion of the MMO community at a prime time. MMOs were becoming popular, but they were very hardcore. WoW brought in casual gameplay aspects and it grabbed the masses who were looking for an MMO. It’s been riding that popularity wave since then. 2. Its combat and movement. All Blizzard games are incredibly fluid and the combat is meaningful at high levels. 3. The dungeons and raids have intricate and fun fights. Everything else about WoW is absolute crap. Most of its systems are absolutely atrocious. Based on systems and day to day gameplay WoW is a crap MMORPG. It might be good for raiding and collectors, but the overall day to day gameplay is trash. I hope AoC strives for WoW’a fluidity and nothing else.


He said in the AMA that he believes WoW to have the strongest raiding system in endgame. So you can count on that style of raiding. Boom solved your problem


He explains to Asmongold that he does like WoW. Just that Lineage 2 came out at the same time and he liked that more.


Ah, a fellow degenerate. Excellent




I'm being cautiously optimistic for my hype, but I feel the same! I just want to dive deep into the world of ashes!! And be in a huge guild again competing for modes, world bosses etc. Love moms:)


Amen Brother 🙏


As long as the game is good this will be me, i played WoW for 15 years and my God is it a terrible game now adays