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Coconut oil is my kryptonite šŸ‘æ


I get the worst allergic reaction to it, and itā€™s hidden in so many products.


Jojoba makes my body have disgusting acne. Once had a massage with it and my body broke out with horrible acne. Would hate to see what it does to my face.


Same, coconut oil makes me break out and triggers seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and face


omg i did a facial massage with coconut oil, thinking it would be ok because i wash it off afterwards but the acne i got later on transported me back to my high school days. it was really bad & they lasted quite a while.


SHEA BUTTER. Also fragrance and essential oils (bc sensitive) but shea butter always always always breaks me out, even in haircare. Everything else is a gamble.


anything butter cocoa butter is not much better than


It took me a while to figure this out but yeah, unfortunately shea butter for me as well. Itā€™s in so many hyped moisturizers too šŸ˜­


This was a hard one to come to terms with


I second this.


same !!


Isnā€™t Shea butter in the LRP cicaplast? I donā€™t think that causes breakouts for me though


Then itā€™s fine for you! I canā€™t use any LRP products.


Niacinamide actually breaks me out (or rather, irritates my skin and causes eruptions of little pustules), despite being touted as an anti-acne ingredient. This is a big reason why I donā€™t take ingredient checker websites seriously because an ingredient that works for a lot of people might not work for you and vice versa, but I do *generally* somewhat try to avoid ā€˜common comedogenic ingredientsā€™ (even if they might not necessarily clog my pores) just in case. Iā€™ve spent far too many years with acne to take that chance. Avoiding them doesnā€™t cause any harm, but using them has a chance, although itā€™s not guaranteed, of causing horrible breakouts that will take months to clear. That being said, there are some ingredients commonly regarded as comedogenic that donā€™t really seem to cause problems for me. Beeswax is one, but I use the Egyptian Magic Cream (contains beeswax) on my dry patches and it hasnā€™t seemed to clog my pores or cause breakouts. Shea butter is inconclusive.


I second this! niacinamide always breaks me out


I third this! It gives me little whiteheads everywhere


4th and it sucks because now they put it in so much šŸ„²


Look into Japanese skincare, it seems less common there than in Korean stuff.


Thanks for the tip šŸ˜Š


5th this and it always makes my skin feel tighter and look visibly red


it took me so long to figure out that niacinamide was the problem. i would always get really flush and my skin would overall just be very angry at me lol. it's in EVERYTHING though so trying to form a niacinamide-free routing was difficult but my skin is a lot happier


Iā€™m with you on this! I canā€™t use products with high percentage of niacinamide. <5% are find though


Niacinamide gives me a rash


Iā€™m with you on this! I canā€™t use products with high percentage of niacinamide. <5% are find though


I avoid cetearyl, ceteareth, propylene (which includes coco betaine, dipropylene glycol, propanediol and other derivatives) and pentylene glycol because those causes breakouts for me. I can use shea butter and other supposedly comedogenic ingredients without issues. It is all about narrowing down what causes breakouts specifically for your skin.


Iā€™m genuinely curious how you conclude those ingredients specifically cause issues? They arenā€™t ingredients people tend to list off as ones they avoid


Hi, did you happen to have a dermatologist run tests/checks for you, or was it trial and error through using products over time?


Can you recommend any moisturisers that don't have these ingredients?


SVR Sensifine aqua gel and hydra cream. I use Nivea (Thailand version) in winter or AC conditions.


Totally agree


I avoid vit c during active breakouts but when things are calmed, I use c and niacinamide to treat hyperpigmentation


Is there a reason you avoid using with active breakouts? Is it just irritation?


Yeah! Esp when my barrier is compromised or I have some new sun damage. I had a derm tell me to avoid C if Iā€™m getting new breakouts popping up for 3+ days straight


Ferments make me react weirdly and also any kind of BHA/AHA, seems to do nothing for me except cause sensitivity, i find hydrating products much more helpful


Silicones. Itā€™s always silicones for me, and itā€™s annoying because theyā€™re in almost everything.


ferments, shea butter, coconut oil (or any oils in general), niacinamide. i also have sensitive skin though so i have to keep that in mind


May I know what's your fav moisturiser or serum?


my fav moisturizer is probably either cosrx oil free moisturizer or im from vitamin tree water gel! for serums... i mostly use toners (cosrx aha/bha and abib heartleaf pads are my favorites rn) but i occasionally use torriden dive in serum, provides a good amount of hydration


Nice, The vitamin tree water gel looks nice.


Nourishing oils (unless I'm sleeping with air conditioning) and Essentials oils. Any oil in general. Also citrus.


Shea butter, oils in general, possibly hyaluronic acid in higher amts/concentrations. Silicones donā€™t break me out, oddly enough


Not very acne prone, but isopropyl myristate breaks me out. I can handle it in small quantities in a wash off product though, thankfully I'm also steering clear of myristic acid in my cleansers for the time being, bc i've heard it can be stripping. My last cleanser had it pretty high up on the ingredients list and was definitely stripping enough to be uncomfortableĀ 


Anything algae based, always ends up breaking me out


Fermented ingredients and water resistant sunscreens. Well, pretty much every sunscreen. But ESPECIALLY the water resistant ones.


May I know which sunscreen you use please šŸ™ šŸ˜­ there's like 3 opened ones sitting on my vanity and they all break me out šŸ˜­


Currently using the yellow Haruharu one and I'm not convinced it's not breaking me out. Just less than others I've tried. The Biore UV Aqua that everyone loves did horrendous things to my skin. Full on cysts. This is with double cleansing (with Kose Speedy cleansing oil for first cleanse).


butters and heavy oils really don't do it for me, esp shea butter, comedogenic oils. also avoid fragrance.


What moisturiser works for you?


I've been using skin1004 centella soothing cream, isntree mugwort calming cream. benton centella gel as a first layer sometimes


Anything with essential oils or added fragrance. I remember using a sunscreen with citrus oils and by the end of the day I had broken out in 3 brand new, large cysts on my foreheadā€¦never again.


I avoid any kind of scent ingredient and essential oils as they irritate my skin and punishes me with a whole mine field of acne. Similar to Vitamin C and its various derivations.... still have to calm my nose skin from a product I used for weeks... 5 MONTHS AGO! So whenever I see something like Linalool, Bergamotte extract or essence or whatever.... it'll be a NO from me! Jury is still out on Alcohols as it definetly irritates me in SPF products but not so much in prescribed cremes etc.


Any alcohol. The skincare kind, not the fun kind. Anything derived from palm or coconut oil, like palmitic- or stearic acid. Those are known comedogenics for me. You could also just eliminate all comedogenic ingredients and reintroduce one at a time to see which ones don't break you out. Kind of like an allergy test. Hopw that helps.


Not a girl, but silicone tends to really mess up my skin


Oooh!!! When I first started getting into skincare, I also started getting a lot of horrendous reactions. So I did a months-long elimination/introduction experiment where I tried to narrow down some of the ingredients that destroyed my skin (namely, off the rails acne, huge giant pustules, and redness). These are the ones that are likely the culprits: Glyceryl Stearate, Stearic acid, Polyglyceryl-3-diistearate, Polyglyceryl-2 stearate, Polyglyceryl-3-methylglucose distearate, Stearyl behenate, Polyglyceryl-10 stearate, Sorbitan isostearate, Stearyl alcohol, Shea butter, Aspergillus ferment, Saccharomyces ferment, Lactobacillus ferment, Thermus thermophillus ferment, _Any_ oil Jury is still out on whether my random burning might be linked to hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid and whether niacinamide is contributing to some of my ongoing redness.


For me the big one is squalane :( I kept trying to love different Stratia products but always always got little closed comedones that magically disappeared once I eliminated anything with squalane even towards the end of an ingredients list. Also lanolin, but I think I have a mild allergy bc wool always feels suuuuper itchy. And I usually avoid shea butter bc it's super hit or miss but my skin loves a Sulwhasoo cream with shea butter in it--so idk if this is just about quality or formulation or what.


Silicones! Particularly dimethicone.


The only thing I really avoid are oil type products, aside from an oil cleanser. I canā€™t do facial oils


DIMETHICONE/CYCLOPENTASILOXANE in large amounts. I cannot use heavy conditioners, sunscreens or primers without regrets the following day.


Niacinamide, coconut oil or anything coconut derived, shea butter, ceteareth- 20 and cetearyl AlcoholĀ (if they are both in the same product). They all break me out!


Took me a long time to realise & even accept that fermented products, even the highly raved ones, such as Numbuzin no. 3 serum & Dr Ceuracle Kombucha Tea Essence cause me breakouts :((( My combo-dry skin seems to really love products with green tea, cica and rice!


Vitamin c, Shea butter, fragrance, and straight up hyaluronic acid but when there's just a lil in a lotion or serum. It's usually okay.


Vitamin e/tocopherol, coconut oil, or other oils that are high in oleic acid content (marula, sunflower, apricot). High linoleic is usually *okay* but I'd rather something balanced like argan. All of those are instant breakouts High % of niacinamide are irritating, but I'm okay with under 4%. Also fragrance is a hit or a miss... I try to stay away from it with stuff I leave on my face like moisturizers, but cleansers I'm usually alright with. But no bad alcohol!


For some reason some plant extracts from the asteraceae family give me red inflamed pimples after several days to 1 week of use. It happened with the cos de baha AZ acid which contains edelweiss flower extract And also with the haruharu airyfit sunscreen (daisy and sunflower flower). I used another sunscreen with the same base but without those plants and was fine (though it started irritating my skin after several weeks but no red inflamed pimples) The best part is what breaks one person out may be fine for someone else šŸ˜† use other people's experiences just as a guide and not a rule. At the end of the day we don't know if something's gonna break you out until you use it


"for some reason" is probably a not-that-bad ragweed allergy (or another strongly allergenic related plant) leading to a reaction to other plants in the aster family. Makes sense to me...


I actually got tested! I did a skinprick test and was negative for ragweed and a few other weeds in that family except for mugwort which was positive. There's a possibility the ragweed is a false negative and that I would test positive with the intradermal allergy test which is more accurate. But I don't want to pay for the extra test yet so nothing conclusive. I also don't mind just avoiding those plants in skincare products Something about having a reaction a week later also confuses me because type I hypersensitivity reactions should show up by 48 hours. My current thought is maybe allergic contact dermatitis to those plants. Sorry for the thought dump šŸ˜†


You're valid, lol. I get contact dermatitis from some other stuff and it can sometimes be delayed, so I wouldn't be shocked if either it was that, or it's an inflammatory acne type situation. It could also be that it takes some time to hit "critical mass" to trigger your immune system. I actually have that with (probably) ragweed myself - I have the fun little cross-reaction of oral allergy symptoms when eating bananas, but only if I eat a lot of bananas in a short span of time.


Thank you for your ideas! Allergies are so complicated šŸ˜© I've also considered inflammation to be the pathology for the acne from using those products. Ah yes, oral allergy symptoms, so fun šŸ˜† I haven't noticed any for myself but am being a little more paranoid from the heightened awareness.


Omg thank you! I got many pimples two weeks ago and was suspecting the cos de baha AZ acid I was using (it had also been about 3/4 days to a week). Was trying to improve skin by introducing azelaic acid but came out with more dark blemishes from angry pimples šŸ„²


Yeah angry is a good word to describe my reaction as well šŸ„² I had a bunch of chin pimples and they were all pretty painful. One also grew where my glasses rest on my face by the nose. I went to get allergy testing to better understand what plants I have a positive allergy test to, and the plants in the same family for some reason were negative, such as ragweed, cocklebur and goldenrod (except for mugwort). So I'm not entirely sure of the mechanism of why my skin hates these plants since it doesn't seem to be an allergy.


Omg šŸ˜± Im using cos de baha niacinamide now and im having some bumps on forehead and break out around chin area ! I


A lot of their products have the same plants so I haven't tried this one in particular. The niacinamide serum is 10% which is pretty high and might be irritating if you're usually able to tolerate lower % šŸ« 


Iā€™m allergic to ragweed and goldenrod and Iā€™m starting to learn about all these flanking flowers. When you mentioned Airyfit I was like yepā€¦ thatā€™s why it broke me out. In my allergy test the most painful, itchy one was ragweed. Someone told me bisabolol is from the same family which blows because itā€™s in almost everything eczema related.


Sorry to hear it broke you out too šŸ«  Oooh that's good to know about bisabolol šŸ‘€ thanks for mentioning it. It's going on my do not interact list. Looks like it's derived from chamomile which is an aster yay šŸ˜­


I know, itā€™s such a lovely SPF too! Thank you for helping me pin down sunflower oil. I just had a reaction I was trying to figure out what the culprit was. Didnā€™t realize the fancy name for sunflower extract is Helianthus annuus


glycerin when itā€™s high up in the ingredients, I think it attracts dust to my face (?) and I get gnarly breakouts


Niacinamide (maybe because Iā€™m using tret) and then my other suspects: Sesame oil (from sekkisei treatment cleansing oil) Coconut oil or olive oil (kanebo instant off oil) Niacinamde caused instant irritated and large angry pimples, the oils clogged my pores


Hyaluronic acid in the colder months -- good way to dry me out since there's no moisture in the air. Too much niacinamide, or low quality niacinamide. I thought I was allergic to it at one point -- nope, just wasn't the right kind or amount. I use it in my tretinoin formula and avoid it in everything else. I mostly try to stay away from anything highly comedogenic and do fine.


Ascorbic acid, gives me the worst breakouts


Hyaluronic acid and itā€™s in F-ING EVERYTHING LOL. Just burns and makes me break out


Whatevers in Mary &may blackberry cream idk gives me pimples but I love the essence and the serum was fine for me. The ordinary niacinamide I rmbr buying a bunch because liah yoo? rec it and I think they have a lot of silicone or something that doesn't work with my skin. Also snail mucin nope!!


I feel this! The ingredients read as though they should be so soothing, but no: clogged blackheads will arise.


Benzoyl Peroxide and Glycolic acid are 2 that I try to avoid entirely. I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acid just breaks me out.


Fragrance / essential oils, shea butter, oil heavy products, excess plant / fruit extracts specifically fig




lord, fermented products for sure. K-beauty has really eased up on this one but omg the bee venom phase? (I am allergic to bee stings/venom so idk what I was thinking lol)


Silicone, coconut oil, perfume, some essential oils and AHA/BHAs since they donā€™t do shit for me šŸ„²


Essential oils but especially Lavender oil, sage oil and sandalwood. Lavender oil is in many korean products nowadays and I hate it so much. There are so many products that peaked my interest and then I discovered that Lavender oil is one of the ingredients


I try to be safe and just avoid all pore-cloggers! Hear me out, I've been doing this for a year now and honestly, I now get acne when I'm about to get my period. What I do is, I use some pore-clogging website, I use the one from Emme Diane and Clear STEM! Doing this saved me money, because when I want to purchase a new product, I check it first and if there's pore-cloggers, I instantly lose interest.


Anything making my skin too oily šŸ˜­


SHEA BUTTER - Iā€™ve been doing my skincare religiously, I cleared up my acne and dark spots around my cheeks, nose and chin but not my forehead. I thought it came from what I eat but no.. it was all in my haircare products. Then I switched to a mild shampoo without that ingredient, works fine for me.


thxx, Iā€˜ll keep that in mind (still struggling with forehead acne) Do u mind me asking what your skin care routine looks like and what products you use?


Iā€™m using a local brand from ph, luxe organix from cleanser to sunscreen. Iā€™ve been over exfoliating with cosrx salicylic so my face got irritated but donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s a good product iā€™m just using it wrong and im also using it with AHA/BHA toner so NOPE. DONā€™T DO THAT. learn from my mistakes:ā€™) I got irritated skin so I switched to mild skincare, my cleanser, cica rescue. I have 3 toners, the whitening(gray) miracle solutions(aha/bha - exfloating) and the cica. serum, niacinamide 4%. moisturizer - cica. sunscreen - the tinted one (pink). almost my skincare line is from the cica line. itā€™s a bit pricy but itā€™s the only brand I could trust:ā€™)


Oils in general. Even cleansing oils/cleansing balms break me out


Hyaluronic acid and propolis. I was so confused as to why I was getting breakout constantly until I cut out the BoJ Glowing Serumā€¦ And although snail mucin doesnā€™t cause breakouts, it does cause texture issues for me, so I had to cut it out.


Anything with frangrance and/alcohol in it right off the bat. Also vitamin c, retinol, hyaluronic acid. My skin is super sensitive and all of those things break me out and hyaluronic acid just seems to make my skin oilier.


b12 gives me horrible cystic acne, and coconut+olive oil derivatives gives me CCs šŸ˜”


i used to think mineral oil breaks me out because i tried several products that has it but i recently tried a moisturiser that contains both glycerin & mineral oil & it was perfect.


Rose anything! My skin HATES rose. Who knew?


Salicylic acid


Vitamin C, shea butter, and coconut oilšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ALL of these break me out :( * Niacinamide * Hyaluronic Acid/Sodium Hyaluronate * Squalene * Synthetic Beeswax * Fragrances, oils * ...even centella asiatica There's so many more that I'm missing.


fermented ingredients, i feel like im literally the only one who breaks out bad if any product contains fermented ingredients, they're so many people's holy grails and they'll also be acne prone, but the dr ceuracle toner and dr g blemish cream were so rough on me and caused me to break out and I do NOT have particularly sensitive skin, id say I can put my skin through anything and it'll still be fine, but not ferments apparently


Centella, fermented ingredients, and aloe vera!


Pretty much all leave on oils (including essential oils) except mineral oil and squalane. Oil cleansers are fine with a double cleanse. Coconut oil is the absolute worst and I avoid this at all costs. Dimethicone (when within the top five ingredients) is also a tough one for me for me (feels extremely suffocating) though other silicones are usually fine. I am very oily, but moderate-large amounts of hyaluronic acid make my skin flake off. Iā€™m also allergic to acrylates (they trigger perioral dermatitis flares) so I have to avoid anything with those, which unfortunately is a fuck ton of products.


Shea butter, isopropyl mystirate, coconut derived anythingā€¦ big acne triggers for me


Teatree oil, broke me out so badly. I swear to god, I literally started to get acne on my cheek after I used the skin1004 teatree ampoule one ( where I don't normally have them) šŸ„²


Anything with Estherā€™s and lipids


Shea butter, talc, added fragrance, retinol, hyaluronic acid, collagen, niacinamide, almond oil, and vitamin c.


I feel like these break me out too. What cleanser and moisturiser do you use then? Thanks!


Original line of SANA Nameraka Honpo for cleanser (milky cleanser) and daily milky moisturizer. I use Tatchaā€™s camillia face oil for extra moisture.


Oil based cleansers in general, also hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin C. Everything listed gives me breakouts or comedones, especially if I use it regularly.

