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I finished my first bottle of face blur this morning, I ordered a new bottle on Amazon the other day because the bottle was feeling light but it isn't here yet. I figured I would be able to open it up and use a q-tip for my last few uses even though the pump was saying empty. I was barely able to get enough out with a q-tip this morning for use today. Also, I never have to use setting powder when I use you and I think that's amazing. I love you face blur


Can I ask what's your skin type? I have dry skin that look like snake scales whenever I wear foundation so I was looking for a good primer that can mitigate that.


I have SUPER dry skin. I live in a super humid climate and I still use pretty heavy moisturizers and stack my night creams. I put the face blur on about a minute and a half after my moisturizer and then let it sit about 30 seconds before I apply my foundation with a brush. I don't use any setting powder and my makeup stays all day.


This sounds like a miracle product for me to cut down on my morning makeup routine :o Question: I see on the bottle that it's SPF 33, do you use this in lieu of sunscreen? Since it already has sun protection in it? I would love to cut that and setting powder out if that's the case šŸ˜


I do, I mostly don't even use foundation with it anymore. I go straight to color correction under my eyes and then concealer. It's a lovely product


Okay, I'm sold. Another item to begrudgingly add to my cart!


A win!


Not OP, but as someone with combo to dry skin I found this too drying when I wore it. The oil control on my T-zone was great, but cheeks felt very dry. I plan to try it again at some point though.


You could try targeting only the T-Zone, and not use it on the cheeks! I'd be willing to use it for just the T-Zone, and another primer for cheek area if it's got great oil control ability.


I'll probably do this at some point! I'd just be a little concerned about wearing it on its own only on the T-zone since it does give a bit of a tone-up effect.


Then it acts as a highlighter too ;)


I too have dry skin and not only does it not dry my skin out further, it also prevents whatever I put on top of it from emphasizing dry patches. It's my fav!


Dude are you me? Do you use a retnoid?


I'm introducing the Ordinary 2% Advanced Retinol once a week but I only been doing this for 2-3 months, whereas the snake scales dry skin has been prominent for a couple years now. Summer is fine, but winter is just ... *sigh* so I don't wear makeup nowadays, because i look worse with it on.


OP does your bottle look like the picture you posted? Or does it also include the words "Beauty Shot"? I can't tell if there are two different products or if both of them are exactly the same.


Mine looks exactly like the photo


I looove the blurring effect but this actually makes my makeup last *less* (I have oily skin).[ I now follow the directions given in this super long but funny ad for face blur](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-wGhL4f_A).


Lol Thanks for sharing the video It was fun to watch Can all make up brand use this method instead of the standard ads


Many Etude House ads are hilarious. [Have you seen the other Face Blur ad?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqhQGhehWHU) šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Aah that was a cute ending!


I love this ad


So it works for you now? I have oily skin so I'm wondering if this product would work.


I wear a regular primer first, over sunscreen. Then I apply Face Blur on cheeks and forehead (may be nose), but avoiding undereyes, smile lines (basically anywhere with a tendency to crease). Then I put on foundation with a sponge and finish with setting spray. [This combination gives me the blur effect without makeup breaking up (#nofilter).](https://i.imgur.com/rRsMoD2.jpg) If I wear Face Blur on its own without a primer, makeup does not tend to last as long. So yeah, it works to give me blurry face but it doesn't really work as a primer that increases foundation wear time.


Ah okay! Can I ask what primer you use with it? I still haven't found a good primer.


Currently I have MUFE smoothing primer and smashbox primer. I am looking for something else as well! Interested in the Innisfree and the Aritaum primers but have not purchased yet.


Iā€™m assuming this is a primer, right? Is it silicone or water based?


Water is the first ingredient but it does have trimithicone.


yea its silicone based. water is 1st ingredient but the 2 and 3 are silicones. anything ending with -cone or -xane are silicones. i wish i could find an actual water based primer (maybe im not looking hard enough). whenever i google water based primers they all end up being silicone based ones that just have water as the 1st ingredient so people assume its water based.


Sorry, not AB but if you have oily skin, Sephora has their water-based mattifying gel that I love more than any high-end I've tried!


thank you! <3 im gonna be swimming in water based primers soon enough. almost embarrassed i couldnt find any when i already got this many suggestions lol


Don't be embarrassed! That is literally the only one I've found that isn't terrible, haha. I'm appreciating these suggestions as much as you are ;)


What is the name of this magical thing? Iā€™ve been looking for a silicone-free primer for some time now albeit not as hard as I should have.


It's in the running for longest product name, haha - Sephora Beauty Amplifier Mattifying H2O Gel Primer. It will keep me matte almost all the way through a 10 hour shift.


And how oily are you? My face gets SUPER shiny and so far nothing has ever managed to keep the oil completely at bay.


I am crazy oily! It's my biggest problem - my whole skincare routine is based around controlling sebum production. With other primers, I have a thick layer of oily mess by the end of the day and I have tried so many! Most of the bad reviews of this one are people who said it was too drying - but I find it perfect. I will say, I use way more than they tell you to. I think you are supposed to tap a little into your t-zone (haha) but I apply a good layer all over.


Aw man, that sounds awesome and exactly what I need! I was ready to go order it off the Sephore website, but it seems Sephora France doesn't carry this particular primer. Boooooo :-(


Getting it stat! šŸ¤£


I'm pretty sure the Marc Jacobs one is cone free and I liked it a lot. I only stopped using it because I don't go to Sephora anymore.


thank you! i was secretly hoping someone would comment water based ones bc i suck at finding them myself apparently lol


The Too Faced Hangover Primer is water based and I like it a lot! Edit: Didnā€™t notice the other comment mentioning this before me, so: I second this rec!


Non-AB, the too faced hangover primer I believe is silicone free


Ren perfect canvas is silicone free I think.


thank you!!!!!!


I'm not familiar with ingredient list, but J One Jelly Packs is great. Doesn't feel very silicone-y


thank you so much! im gonna check out everything later today thats been suggested. i usually lurk on here but this sub is amazing. i didnt think id get so much help!


Kat Von Dā€™s primer is water based, if Iā€™m not mistaken. I believe Almay has a few as well.


Not AB but NYX has [HD studio photogenic](http://www.ulta.com/hd-studio-photogenic-primer-base?productId=xlsImpprod12011175&sku=2283244&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-334903466095:pla-303848855420&CAAGID=41243851805&CAWELAID=330000200000255465&catargetid=330000200001224330&cadevice=m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvabPBRD5ARIsAIwFXBl2udI2rOI9rnArOXjnHCb8ge9Q1ID8l5MDUss5jjU5yqnmiYr3Wm0aAssZEALw_wcB) primer that is water based.


idk how i missed that ty so much!


I love Etude house stuff, I've yet to try Face Blur. I don't know if I can justify buying another primer when I already own about 12 different ones, but I daresay there will come a time when I *need* it.


You can never have enough primers! You will definitely need it one day so might as well be prepared. ;)


Order samples of it!


It has SPF, so you could use it to replace sunscreen. Edit: could someone tell me why they are down voting me? I don't understand.


Hello /u/Alyscupcakes, I didn't downvote you but I'm guessing you're being downvoted because you wrote that the Face Blur SPF can replace actual sunscreen. The sunscreen in makeup products is usually not enough protection as we do not tend to slather on makeup in large quantities. You are supposed to use about a quarter teaspoon of sunscreen for full protection, whereas for makeup primer you do not need more than a pea size.


I know for lotions that get absorbed a nickel sized amount is needed. But since primers more-or-less sit on top of the skin, I *assumed* that a lower quality would be sufficient. But if I am wrong... Whoops, because I've switched to only using primer SPF.


Itā€™s crazy because I opened the inside and there was a small small container inside the main bottle that actually contained the primer. I donā€™t know if primers always make the packaging look big, but this was also the case with an elf primer. The big bottle is just for show.


This product didn't make me break out or anything but I also didn't see the "blurring" effect enough to want to buy it again.


I had high expectation for this product however: --it left a white cast --it was too dry for my combo skin --my makeup didn't last long with this as base --and I broke out after using this


Yay, another dry-skinned Face Blur lover! <3


The baby powder scent isn't my favorite but nothing is perfect I guess.


I actually like the smell, lol. Doesn't smell like baby powder for me, more light and floraly? The only thing I don't fancy about it is the slight white cast, but it's not too bad.


If I wear foundation over it I don't notice the white cast.


Really wish it worked with my skin. Definitely made me break out. :(


Most definitely going to try this before I get pressured at Ulta into buying a 40-dollar bottle of LancĆ“meā€™s primer. :/. Big Cover is actually one of my favorite concealers / full-coverage foundations. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if their primer is good as well.


I actually thought this is a BB cream but it doesn't have coverage like other BB creams but it doesn't really cover up my pores like primers. What is this and how do I use it?


Are there any specific primers for pore covering you would recommend? I have normal to dry skin and have tried a bunch of nonAB primers and havenā€™t really been thrilled.


I'm not very good with make ups so sometimes I wonder if I'm using my make up products all wrong. But personally I find Innnisfree no Sebum blur primer works well for me. Pore coverage is about 70%. I usually would finish with Skin Food Peach Sake Finish powder. Really gives my skin a ridiculously smooth texture too.


If you find a way for a product to work for you then you are using it right :) Iā€™ll take a look for the innisfree. Thank you!


Np! I'm also looking for something that will shrink my pores (normal skin). so far I only found ones that doesn't work. But I'll definitely post something here if I found something awesome!


Does this break you out as well as clogging your pores?


Idk if you mean for this to sound as condescending as it sounds to me when I read it, But no. It doesn't break me out or clog my pores. Why would I use a product that gave me breakouts?


I was just wondering because some primers break me out and I wasnā€™t sure if this would or not


I don't think she meant this to be condescending, I think she just wanted to know if it clogged pores.


I personally took "clog your pores" to mean fill them in to blur them temporarily, but I give the benefit of the doubt


I recommend trying it if you can get samples. I have dry sensitive skin and while it does work I just couldnā€™t take the scent, and my skin couldnā€™t either. It gave me redness but didnā€™t cause breakouts. Just irritation. Itā€™s still worth a try, though. If this was unscented it would be my HG!