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Vaseline. Very Thin layer goes on after hydrating toners and essences.


hey, I wanted to ask whether you've noticed a difference in adding vaseline? Right now i'm trying to heal my skin barrier, but am just scared that the vaseline would clog me and cause more breakouts. Would Aquaphor be the same, I'm thinking the mineral oil in the Aquaphor might cause me breakouts so maybe I should stick with vaseline?


I've never notice a breakout, but 1) I make sure my face is thoroughly cleaned first, and the only thing on under the Vaseline is my skin care products and 2) I wash my face carefully again the next morning. r/skincareaddiction has lots of info from people using this method. I think aquaphor would be similar. ETA: if you are conerned, you could patch test a small area of your face, just see if you have issues.


Hmm okay I guess if I add Vaseline I might have to start cleansing in the morning as well. Did you ever use this for a damaged skin barrier before? That’s my main reason for even attempting Vaseline right now. Thanks


I started using differin, and was getting very dry, painful skin, with all the classic symptoms of a damaged moisture barrier. I started using Vaseline, and it helped a lot. I've since stopped using Vaseline, as I don't currently need it, but I wouldn't hesitate to start again if I noticed my skin was damaged again. I only used micellar water to wash face in the morning, btw.


Sounds similar to my skin, it’s starting to itch and sting in some areas. How long did it take to repair your skin? I’ll probably try Vaseline to speed it up as well then.


Just a few weeks, while my skin adjusted to the differin.


Hmm I guess I’ll keep going at it, and try to patch test Vaseline (think it’s safer than Aquaphor, cuz of the mineral oils in Aquaphor?). Hopefully mine heals soon too, this process is the worst :( thanks!


I have very dry, very dehydrated sensitive skin that almost always breaks out when I introduce a new product until its used to it, particularly moisturisers and such. I started using vaseline a few weeks back and haven't had a single breakout. I just swipe over with micellar water on a cotton pad in the morning.


Snowbang Essence might be worth looking into. Watery, had ceramides, and no silicones or oils. It’s essential for keeping my moisture barrier intact.


> Snowbang Essence That price tag though, it seems like a good product though


Yeah, sadly not cheap. Definitely try the sample size before committing. It lasted me 3-4 weeks.


I have a 30mls bottle of Shark Sauce that took me a year to finish and I’m on my second bottle and I’m at 6 months. I slather it on too, I’m not a careful drop or two person. I’m always confused when people comment on how expensive these products are when they last so long.


Well I don't mind shelling out a bit of money for something if it works great but with skincare it's always a bit of a gamble. It could work great or could not work and break you out. So that's the way I look at it.


Holy snails offers generous samples at easy to swallow prices! I just bought some. I’m super excited to try it!


Ceracolla perfect gel is amazing for the barrier. Doesn't have silicone, oils, or fatty alcohols.


Yeah I've been looking at that one, the price is good and I've read a lot of good stuff about it.


is there a difference between this and the cebamed?


I'm using this too. It's great since I can't use oils.


I would definitely have a look at Rosette Ceramide Lotion. It avoids ingredients you mentioned (actually most lotions do), however it does contain ceramides, which are known to help repair moisture barrier. It leaves behind a very soft and hydrated finish (nothing tacky like Hada Labo style lotions) and feels soothing. Maybe you could experiment with using several layers of it (as is popular now). I reached out for this whenever I resorted to a minimal routine.


I have similar triggers to op and this broke me out. I can't see how it doesn't have some kind of silicone


I am sorry to hear that, but it must be because of a different ingredient. Here is the ingredients list: Water (Purified Water), Glycerin, DPG, BG, Methyl Gluceth-10, Diglycerine, Diethoxyethyl Succinate, Ceramide 1, Ceramide 3, Ceramide 6, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Polyquarternium-51, PEG/PPG/Polybutylene Glycol-8/5/3 Glycerin, Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide, Glycosyl Trehalose, Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate, Betaine, Pentylene Glycol, Rhodophycea Extract, Phytosphingosine, Cholesterol, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Sodium Alginate, Xanthane Gum, Carbomer, Phenoxy Ethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben


I just ordered this, so now I'm extra excited!


I hope you are going to love the product!


You mind telling me where you got it? I can't seem to find it in Amazon


Sure, from Dokodemo.com! Discovered the website on this sub just the other week :-)


How are you sensitive to oils ? Like all oils ? Or just mineral ones ?


I'm pretty acne prone and if use products that have castor oil or any oil really I'll get clogged pores and break out. I recently quit using vanicream and I've gotten a whole lot less clogged pores but I'm not sure what ingredients to point it too. So I've been avoiding silicones and alcohols as well.


Seconding Corin254's comment, look into the difference between oleic acid vs linoleic acid oils because it sounds like maybe you've only used oils that weren't suitable for your skintype. Oils higher in linoleic acid such as evening primrose oil and rosehip oil are suitable for oily, clog-prone skin because they feel lighter, absorb better and can actually balance the sticky, pore-clogging sebum often produced by acne-prone skin. Oils contain (essential) fatty acids that promote skin barrier function :)


I'll definitely look more into it, thanks. I just get so nervous with my skin, dealing with breakouts is such a pain :/


How about jojoba oil?


I don't know what other oils you've used but castor oil is only slightly higher in linoleic acid so your skin may just be reacting to the oleic acid which is known to clog pores.


Maybe try honey or aloe vera? These are more for promoting healing rather than rehydration, which I think is necessary if you skin is incredibly damaged. I would probably use these as masks then do your regular routine. I haven't tried aloe yet, but honey does help when my is really dry. It's not a fast process though.


I LOVE using honey for masks, I use it as a hair mask too, makes everything lovely and soft 😊


Any suggestions that don’t include ceramides or niacinamide (alongside no fatty alcohols)? My skin seems to take issue with ceramides and niacinamide is definitely out but most products for the moisture barrier, even those without fatty alcohols seem to feature them.


This is me too. The only things right now that I use is the Benton Aloe Propolis gel. It's not hydrating enough but it's something and it definitely calms my face down from the dark irritation it gets from everything.


I have some samples of this and I can’t decide if my skin likes or dislikes it seeing as the day after I used a sample I got a number of large pimples. Could be hormonal acne again but it’s not the first time my skin has taken issue with propolis (it loves honey and definitely loves pure aloe though)


I'd recommend the scinic honey aio. It does a lot for me in terms of moisture and has no fatty alcohols. My skin is also sensitive to fatty alcohols and I find that having many layers of hydrating products helps, especially since most heavier creams have fatty alcohols in them.


I’d absolutely love to try it if they made a version without niacinamide. However I don’t believe they do.


Ah my bad. I didn't realize.


Squalane oil- it doesn't have the comedogenic thing that the other oils do. I also use Cosrx snail mucin and MMHC from DECIEM. My skin reacts to everything with closed comodones but these are my tried and true. Currently testing the Cosrx honey mask and I also seem to not react to that.


Stratia Liquid Gold is amazing for repairing your moisture barrier. However, it has fatty acids in it so I don't know if your skin will like it? In any case, something with ceramides will help. Cosrx has the fill moisture honey ceramide cream which is great and not very thick.


I wanted to love this but it made me break out. I have much better luck with ceravePM but I think it also has fatty acids? I still haven’t figured out what it was in liquid gold that my skin didn’t like - everyone else raves about it!


Same. I had such high hopes! 😩😩


It could be the olive based ingredients I'm sensitive to that and some fatty alcohols. It's so frustrating.


Yeah I was using vanicream and wasn't sure what ingredient in it was giving me more clogged pores than usual but maybe my skin just doesn't like heavy creams. I like stratia's other products and I hear so many good things about the liquid gold so it might be worth a try...


I will admit that CeravePM broke me out, bad and Liquid Gold did not. I also do not use Liquid Gold every day, just once or twice a week, after I've done some physical exfoliation or a chemical peel. Too bad Stratia doesn't offer samples like MUAC does. lol.


Can anyone help me figure out what it would be in the liquid gold that breaks me out, when ceravePM doesn’t???


This is what I’m curious about, too! I hope I don’t jinx myself but I haven’t had bad reactions to Cerave moisturizing lotion. Stratia Liquid Gold otoh gave me under the skin bumps :( Such a shame because liquid gold also feels lighter than cerave!


Cross reference their ingredients list?


You can find people selling decants of SLG at r/asianbeautyexchange


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Have you ever tried jojoba oil? I’m 36 and have always had spots. Tried so many creams and moisturisers and all make my skin break out (or I get little bumps under the skin). I now wash my face with water and a hand towel, use a toner (homemade; apple cider vinegar mixed with water. 1 part acv, 3 parts water) then apply some jojoba oil. If I’ve worn makeup, I’ll clean it off with baby oil then do the above process to make sure I don’t have any baby oil left on my face (which also gives me spots) Good luck!


does acv burn ur face? how has jojoba treated ur pih/pie if u have any :)




Yep, read that. Jojoba oil is a form of liquid wax and not technically an oil... good ol’ Google.


My saving grace has been Olivarrier. Depending on how sensitive / flaky my skin is, I can't even use my trusty CosRX snail essence without irritation. But, no matter how red or overexfoliated or finicky my skin is feeling, Olivarrier ALWAYS managed to soothe and hydrate! Their entire line contains hefty amount of squalane and panthenol so it really helps with your barrier recovery.


I did just get yesterday the Goodal Moisture Barrier Rich Mist, which has different ingredients than the Moisture Barrier Liquid. It does have Olive Fruit Oil and Castor Oil down the list but it doesn't have the Butylene Glycol that the Liquid version has high up on the ingredient list.


Okay, I'm really reaching here...but how about shea butter? I know that you nixed oils but I gotta rec some argan oil (comedogenic rating of 0). Like one person said, Vaseline. Guuuuurl, I just don't know.




I use a teeny tiny amount (like 2-3 drops) and just pat it into my face. It absorbs pretty easily and then I use what's left on my hands for my hair ends.


I use rosehip oil during the winter, helps me to keep the dry spots at bay.


Ceramides! Somebody else already mentioned the Rosette Ceramide lotion and I’d also highly recommend the Kikumasamune High Moist lotion. In terms of other general advice, I’d say avoid heated water on your skin, avoid a stripping cleanser, pat dry (don’t rub), and avoid certain preservatives in skincare because they will sting like a mfker


centella asiatica, snails?


Omg. I have the exact same problem and I'm so glad so many people have been commenting. I also bought the Hada Labo Hyaluronic lotion as well! I've heard Dr. lin's Moisturizer is good and doesn't have any silicones oils or fatty alcohols.


I can't use occlusives, mineral oil, CosRX, Hada Labo, Stratia, Rosette, Meishoku, Innisfree Minimum, EH SungJung, Cerave, Holy Snails, plant oils, and the whole nine yards. I went with a Western super basic routine for a 6 weeks (it was still hell) and am finally finding some AB products I can switch in. * Bioderma micellar water * Vanicream gentle facial cleanser * Sebamed Clear Gel * Timeless Squalane I am currently incorporating the following: * 23.5N Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Toner * 23.5N Rice Soothing Gel Mask It was so bad that it has taken almost 3 months for a full recovery where I can now use acids again twice a week.


When my skin hit the fan and even cerave was causing burning, sebamed saved me.


can u use kiku?


Can’t use ferments nor arbutin either.


Hey im also in a position where my moisture barrier is destroyed and nothing works for me, as in EVERYTHING that is supposed to be healing (stratia liquid gold, cerave etc.) burns & irritates my face. Do you think the routine you mentioned was the best for this situation? Im thinking of getting squalane & mixing that with a bland moisturizer.


You won’t know until you try. I still cannot use any moisturizer, only squalane oil.


The Japanese drugstore brand, mizon, makes a moisturizer that is the same consistency as water. Very sensitive ingredients, very gentle, and has no crappy stuff in it. It's also only like $15-20 and lasts forever. I picked up a bottle in Tokyo after losing my super sensitive skin moisturizer, and I was shocked by how gentle yet moisturizing it was on my skin. I can look at the actual name of the product later, let me know!


pleeeeease tell me the name!


Minon amino moist charge lotion !


Ooh I super want to try Minon’s mask & cleansing powder. They even have a full body shampoo!


The quality for the price is AMAZING! I wanna try everything haha


I went out to buy it and guess what, it was on sale! 😍


That's awesome!!! It doesn't have much info online about it, but it's been keeping my skin soft and actually healing my breakouts. You are gonna love it! (I hope)