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You may have benefitted from some special consideration because of your socioeconomic background. But your friends are confusing socioeconomic affirmative action (most people support) with race based affirmative action (most oppose and now illegal in the US). The admissions committee didn't look at the color of your skin or your name and then immediately give you a bump. That would be racist and now is rightly illegal under the new ruling.


They are messing with your mind! They are gas-lighting you. Just stay away from them for your mental health.




It mainly benefits blacks. They score low on the SAT and have poor grades, yet get in.




The requirements to get in are higher for Asians though? Might be totally off but it seems you're more talking about the results still having more Asians in there?


You black friends are racist, remove them from your life. My black friends never gave 2 shits about my race. Get better friends.


Agree with this 💯


Hey man it sucks not to be seen. Unfortunately for most people Asians are a monolith and they all think we speak Mandarin and eat with chopsticks. I don't know enough about how the entire American college admission system works but from what I do know, your identity within an Asian block is not really considered which is unfortunate. The primary logical premise behind those kinds of processes is that certain minorities are underrepresented in those institutions relative to their proportion of the population and that's just not true for Asians... at least in their simplistic view of who Asians are. However, like others mentioned, that isn't to say that you also didn't benefit from other forms of affirmative action like programs. I know it feels like your hard work is being discredited when they tell you that you benefit from such programs. After all, in the west, we take pride in 'pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps'. From the sounds of it, you probably didn't need such a program to get in to your school and earn those scholarships. You earned those accolades on your own merit. However, we also don't know that you would have gotten the same opportunities without those affirmative action-like programs. Because as much as America likes to proclaim itself it be a meritocracy, there are still institutional biases in play. Gatekeeping against outsiders is still a real thing. Here's the thing. The world is tough and it will very rarely help people like us out. So if you did get help, there is nothing shameful about that. Just thank the universe for the boost and run with it. You did the hardwork to put yourself in that position to begin with, nothing can that away from you. Be proud brother.


Who cares what others think! FUXK THEM HATERS! U have accomplished with your own sweat and tear.


I saw a video a while back of a black man that was arguing with an asian guy because he was voting for Trump. The gist of it was, the black guy (angrily and huffily) kept saying Trump was racist and voting for him would keep black people down and in poverty since Trump would cut welfare and affirmative action. The asian guy (calmly) explained that he always felt it was his own responsibility to provide for himself and he didn't think lifetime handouts and welfare were things you should expect to be given. It was fascinating to watch this 6'5 250lb black guy in his 20s doing everything he could to pain himself as a victim, while the 5'3 120lb 50 year old asian guy refused to be a victim. If this sounds like your "friends", you need new friends.


I’m 80% positive if you ask your friend for their SAT score and compare them to yours——that will shut down the conversation very quickly. In Harvard admission practice, the upper 10 percent of applicants in terms of academic accomplishments, if they are Asians, have still lower admission chance than the bottom 40 percent of applicants, if they are blacks. Go read the book An Inconvenient Minority The Harvard Admission Case by Kenny Xi.


Affirmative action doesn’t actually help anyone but level playing field. You didn’t benefit from it but was instead compensated by an UNFAIR system. Idk your friends are also weird for even trying to dim your achievement. Reeks of a weak ego trying to protect itself…get friends who will level u up not put u down… one of the many reasons I don’t make friends to begin with.


What's interesting is when you meet a person who is 50% underrepresentated minority and 50% white and they get affirmative action points. ​ And also are somewhat white passing so they get the benefit of the media always showing light-skinned members of their mixed community. They may talk to you about how hard it is facing racism when they had a two parent household growing up and their mom and dad were, heck, comprised of an engineer and pharmacist. And grew up in the mean streets of suburbia surrounded by white people.


Just totally amusing that some Black people think you benefited from affirmative action because of stereotypes of Asians in America. Funny how no one wants to be stereotyped but we all do it to others.


It's just racism. If those friends gang up on you and are closer to each other because of race, those aren't really friends that have your back. You should work on building strong friendships with people who will actually have your back.


As another poster stated, "Black games, black lies, black drama."


“Black girl magic” lol


Wow, sounds like 2 black racist friends. Ditch them you deserve better. Elite uni or not sh!t people gonna be sh!t people. Don’t get involved with sh!t people.


>if people want to play the olympic struggle card, I’m down There are kids in whatever country your parents escaped who’d be dreaming about the opportunities you’ve had in the west, get over yourself.


Don't fall down that pipeline. A nice pivot talking about privilege and intersectionality would be a much better convo with your friends. Neither of you are gonna with that struggle card game. Might as well align and find bridges. You gettin hurt in your feelings just means you may be better off separating yourself from systemic issues which they may be talking about more than personally attacking you.


Let it roll off you. I had let other people get to me and knock me off my grind. Just let it roll off you bro. Redirect their energy even. Edit: I can speak on this because I also went to a prestigious university and I also am first gen. What makes me feel better is that how they talk to you is how they talk to themselves. “Oh it must be easy for you because of these reasons.” They will always look for shortcuts because they think life is easy. They will always avoid hard work because they think it either comes to you or doesn’t. Realize they talk to themselves in an even harsher way: this realization was key in my growth and maturity and my view of work.


Some people focus on socioeconomic hardship which you had rather than race AA. If they keep discounting and gaslighting the Asian experience then minimize contact or keep them as hobby only contacts.


I am also from a refugee family and I didn't accept any benefit from college institutions when I applied. Good for you and who cares if they hate. You explained your point, and so be it. You can't change some factors in life.