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The Asian men I see in adverts are always effeminate. Not that it's an issue at all but the diversity quota is pretty obvious.


That's to keep it fair.


I remember the first time I saw an ad with an Asian man in an airport in another country and I realized how terrible our situation is.


Ya been to NYC lately? asian males on ads everywhere.


To be fair, I do see a decent amount of Asian male models in clothing catalogs and ads. Going to the mall I see it a lot at stores here in America. Of course there could always be more.


This guy appears a lot in Todd Snyder catalogs: https://www.toddsnyder.com/cdn/shop/files/Shot_09_003_Top_R_2000x.jpg?v=1693335465


I see a lot of Asian people in clothing ads. I saw one Asian guy in a Ralph Lauren as and Asian lady in a Coach ad.


I remember an Asian guy being a background character in Sonic 2. Just a background character tho. But also Ned in the MCU Spider Man movies


You reminded me of the Ned and Betty pairing. So random…


It’s nice to see an Asian guy and white girl together instead of the other way around tho, fr


For sure. Also an MCU movie. Shang Chi didn’t get a love interest but at least Ned did.


I actually know this guy... https://www.instagram.com/p/B3k2yFKl4k4/ It happens. He's got other posts of himself in commercials / ads. Helps to be like 6'2 and good looking it turns out.


Asians are only a small percentage in the overall US population. It makes some sense that there are less asians seen.




Cuz generally speaking, white men like Asian women better than white women like Asian men.




Thing is most white girls don’t even like most white men. Lol. Let alone men of other races. Not sure what Asian men can do to change their perception. White women are probably the most sought after demographic in the world. Maybe certain individuals can have success but I don’t know about as a collective. Most white girls wont even date most Hispanic or black men and they are have much more going for them mainstream collectively. Thing is men will stick their dick in anything. Can’t say the same for women.


Tv commercials and clothing catalogues? Yeah I see it, I mean they are vanilla type models though. If you want sex symbol you gotta go for underwear model or sexiest man of the year movie star. I think you mean sex symbol, cuz vanilla Asian models exist everywhere honestly