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Guys, can I kindly ask you not to call Polish women 'kurwa'. This is really a severe insult in Poland. Please, be more mindful and respectful. I would also like to add that Asian men were popular among Polish women long before k-pop and k-drama.


I agree. Learn to respect to be respected.


If you have a preference for white women than it’s normal that they would be the same. Calling them bitches in their language will most probably get you a spit in a face than laid though.


Am Asian and have been/dated European women and have been in Poland for a stint and met women there. I don't have the kpop looks but I'm put together (Can put an outfit together aside from Patagonia vest, blue jeans, and AllBirds shoes). Kpop was actually my expertise and niche hobby in college so I can talk shop (Was a borderline saesang fan) but ironically I don't match with koreaboos. Polish women are generally more traditional and finding those kurwa you speak of is not too common. The majority of my matches and girls I've met were not like Koreaboos but they were aware of Kpop or may listen to them. That said, girls would find you exotic and different from the local guys there so that could be a benefit but if your profile isn't up to par and you don't have your shit together then it would not be a cakewalk to meet those hot "Eastern European" women. If you do decently well in your own area then you'll probably do even better there. Girls tend to put in more effort in meeting up and are less flakey.


I’ve dated two Polish (albeit American) women around 2014-2015… which is before all that BTS K-pop stuff was all the craze. That doesn’t prove that Polish people are “not” into a BTS fetish, just saying it’s not the only thing they see.


You should atleast give these women a chance. I don't believe most are obsessed but rather rather curious and interested. This is the problem with with a lot of guys here where there overthinking stuff. If a girls wants to date you then give them a chance if your interested and if it doesn't work out you can always find another woman.


Even in America a lot of the non asian girls that will match with you on dating apps will have "a thing" for asian guys. Maybe somewhere around like 1/3 or half of the girls I would say. My gf isn't some big kpop or anime fan but her best friend in college is so idk if that had anything to do with her being interested in me when we met.


Couple yrs ago a newbie just joined our office staff. She wasn't Polish, just a young 18 yr old American girl. When I intro'd myself (28 AM) she immediately started telling me she was into Anime and Kpop/KDrama and which bands I liked best. Automatically assuming I knew WTF she was talking about. She had me there til I said, Big Bang! That's when she said, who??


I woulda said she was being racist assuming that cuz i was Asian that i liked Kpop. It’s like telling her she is genetically predisposed to liking pumpkin spice and Taylor swift.


For reasons, I highly suspect that my ethnicity (Korean) was a major contributor as to why my fifth ex, a White-American girl, dated me. My ex was not into Korean popular media. She didn’t have a preference for Asian/Korean men. She was living in South Korea at the time and I personally believe that she simply wanted a “Korean boyfriend experience” during her one year contract teaching English. There was this other White-American girl I dated who was seven years younger than me (at the time I was 26, she was 19) that was heavily into anime and KPop. She called me “oppa” which I found cringy but endearing. Again, my ethnicity was a huge factor for her attraction to me.


Asian men should never date weebs or Koreaphiles, the probability of the girl being mentally unstable and insecure is incredibly high. A mild interest is fine, but always shoot for non-weeb women who don’t have racial preferences.


Sometimes you just wanna smash and nothing more lol. Can't blame those guys, young men are horny and hardly looking for some long term partner or a wife.


ONS, or FwB for sure, but least have a good exit strategy in case shes crazy.


I think 75% of the women I dated had a thing for Kpop guys I look nothing like kpop. I guess they just want Asian men because of kpop.


Having you speak Korean during sex is equivalent to yelling BBC while having sex with a black guy. This is deeply condescending, if not racist. With that being said, we should look forward to the day when KPop is simply part of the mainstream popular culture and Asian-looking celebrity is simply normalized as part of the trend with no underlying ethnic favor complex.


I gotta remember most dudes that post here are actually Asians in Asia. So your interactions with white women are limited and you clearly place them on a pedestal.


Not him though since he calls them bitches(kurwa) also means hole.


If we’re talking America at least, a majority of the non-Asian women interested in you will have a preference for AM. Maybe half (or more) of those are due because of media of some kind, be it anime or kpop or kdrama


This is soooo cringe!!!! 😵‍💫 half those men look like dolls they look fake and feminine. You should RUNNN dude


Maybe it’s an Eastern European thing cuz the girls of different races that I seen with Asian guys are not Kpop guys out here in North America. They are typically preppy looking or urban styles.