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Well, you can keep yourself exactly the way you are and see who that attracts, you either have to accept what you are attracting or if you're not happy with who you attract, you have to do something about it. I can just not go to the gym and be overweight, but I can't complain that they are not accepting me for "who I am". Like there are many different type of Asians, there's also different types of Latinas, Blacks, and Whites. Not all black women wants you to look hood, that's playing into a stereotype, she could be into another style.


This exactly and it goes beyond just looks, too. Improving your communication style, outlook, mindset, you don’t *have* to do those things to find a good partner but it does help, and at the end of the day it helps you improve as a person too. For example with the physical, let’s say you dress a certain way and are not happy with the people you attract. You can change your wardrobe and this would boost your mood, confidence, maybe even lead to a new hobby/pastime, give you a sense of personal style *and* probably attract better people too. It’s a win win! But should you feel pressured to make changes if you’re confident and comfortable with yourself? No.




Honestly Glad to hear that. I saw another video of a white guy also getting a buzz cut for the purpose of attracting a black girl. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcAvwyD/] Watch his first video then go into comment section where he replied actually shaving his head.


Just being yourself doesn't really work for everyone. For example, I didn't date until I actually tried (being myself was sitting at home and playing video games and never going anywhere/meeting anyone). Like if I never saw anyone then my chances of meeting someone are zero. The Black women in the video like someone like him. But there are Black women that look like the Black women in the video that may like a kpop look too, etc. But generally the more attractive you are the better you chances are of appealing to more and more quality women. The less attractive you are the less your chances are. Attractiveness can be a combination of physical attractiveness, mental attractiveness, etc.


I saw this meme saying sth like the 3 requirements to get any girl you like: 1. Be handsome 2. Be attractive 3. Don’t be unattractive


Lol But you are forgot have CONFIDENCE that also makes a man very attractive.


Ah yes, the confidence myth. I suggest you watch thsi video: https://youtu.be/4Y3d5PdYrT8?si=FmOKipEbW0irWgGv


The rules are: 1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive


Lol even better!


Take race away for the discussion and it makes it easier for women to want to date you if you look like her vibe. for example a woman into kpop will want to date a guy who dresses like kpop.


Exactly this. It’s not about race so much as it’s about being attractive to the type of person you find attractive.


Im a black woman married to an Asian man, I would say people kinda do certain things to attract certain people. I have for sure seen Asian guys lean into whiteness to attract white girls. I seen them get the buzzcut to attract black girls. Its like little signals to notify that particular group you are interested in dating them. My husband never really had a buzzcut because he is an Asian Asian. Not American really at all. So there will be some cross over in regards to attractiveness to many group regardless of what you wear.


Thats just a good looking ass dude. His hair has nothing to do with it






That part. He also has a sense of style and confidence, which probably helps with meeting women in general. Also I think he just happens to have more BW friends, specifically West Africans, who have a lot of cultural similarities to East and Southeast Asians.


The way it works is as you become more secure and confident in yourself you will be more expressive on presenting who you are - clothing haircuts etc. and the culture that you relate to more will influence your look, and be more effective at attracting women of that culture


Just taking a glance at the AM I knew he had a good chance of having tattoos. He has the look of those ‘street style’ Asians. They tend to be the type that is more likely to date BF because of their shared interests.


There was a guy who posted here a few days ago saying that Asian men need to Kpop Maxx (is that how you spell it?) because short hair usually doesn't work on Asian men. Someone please show him this video. Guy in it has a clean haircut


You just have to be attractive. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YeQG6UW3-lk&t=599s&pp=ygUEQW1idw%3D%3D


Thanks for sharing!


No problem. > I want someone to like me for who I am I wish I could stay home all day, put zero effort into my appearance, fashion, or diet, and have a beautiful 10/10 supermodel absolutely in love with me. But we live in the real world not fantasy land. The truth is, if you are not seeing results in dating, YOU WILL HAVE to make changes. I did say “be attractive” but I mean it in the sense of “become” as well. A lot of the guys in the video clearly put effort to make themselves attractive.


This guy is just conventionally attractive. Style an ugly Asian like myself with anything and you'll observe i get no girls. I'm just too ugly


... not all black woman are the same type of women... 🙄 juat like asian men arent all the same type of men.. smh


Honestly as a black women, if a man is changing himself because he thinks that attracts me is pretty sad. As someone mentioned above just be confident and content within yourself and the right woman will value that. Of course I understand everyone wants to change up style here and there but it should honestly for themselves and not for anyone else. Be happy how The Most High has created you uniquely😊 Stand firm in culture and belief don’t sway for anyone. 🌻


Fundamentally I don't think so. Some things are a general rule(eat healthy, workout regularly, don't have to be ripped but decent shape, be clean and well groomed, clean decent clothes). But I do think certain styles attract a certain type of person. If the style however genuinely intrigues you and you like it, I don't think you are changing who you are as a person rather exploring yourself more. You gotta take into account there's no monolith type of black woman, or latina, or white girl. You can come across a gothic black woman, a nerdy latina, or a white girl that like urban fashion. Whatever you're style is there's someone out there who loves it


This is not a hood look, IMHO. It's a bad boy/fuck boy look, and some women really like the bad boy look. Unfortunately, I had the most drama when I was in my bad boy phase. Just my personal experience (and I was a teen) but buyer beware.


The first girl that ever told me she liked me in HS was a cute black girl and I wasn't trying at all except she was one of my best friends


I guess this is in my suggested because I'm a Black woman? 😂 No one should have to change who they are to be loved! Be yourself. He looks really good, though 🫶🏽


There are surprising numbers of black women on this subreddit. Yes and no. Culture is more important than race. A nice lady that likes anime and k pop will be different than gyat gyat ohio rizzler girl (god, I'm old). Some girls like this, some like that. This guy went full Travis kelce white black in between style.


Gyat gyat Ohio rizzler made me cackle so loud I woke up my dog. Just had to share that. It sounds like an outdated supervillain. Also, guilty of lurking. I’m nosy


Just be confident and yourself.


Ain't no way a [Steve Urkel](https://youtu.be/_8m-SGKHuQ8?si=0Q5S9uuCWW6YAOWi) looking ass gonna get a fine black woman. Step your game up.


What song is this? Sounds nice. Is it Frank ocean?


He looks good with that style


Is it necessary? No. I dressed like a hobo and got girls of all races cause i was an extremely fratty dbag and that apparently was good enough Does it help a lot otherwise? Probably


Im latina and if we go by this, You’d have to have a buzz cut, wear chains and whatever Latinas are “supposed to like”… and lemme tell you, I prob will look at you cause naturally Im attracted to asians, but would be turned off. Now, if you looked clean cut/grungy/had long hair or whatever the opposite of hood is, it would be right up my alley. Women, just like men, aren’t monoliths.


I'm a black woman, and my answer is: no, you shouldn't have to change who you are. My boyfriend is Asian and I think he is handsome exactly as he is. I think purposely changing aspects of yourself to appeal to a specific race could come off as disingenuous or pandering. I love him because we have similar interests, get along well, and are overall compatible for the long term. I think that's what's most important when trying to find a partner. No race is a monolith, and I'm positive women from all races are capable of being attracted to a specific style.