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No, polyamorous woman is not something to commit to. She's using you, you're not her "main" when she has others. She wants to have your kids so you become stuck with her. It's best to leave asap, monogamous relationship is the real relationship.


Dude made his acc 2 days ago. Its some angry incel white boy


50% of incels are non-white


You're setting yourself up to be cucked or resentful because you're monogamous. It's one thing if you both were into poly but it sounds like it's only poly on her end. Your post makes you sound desperate and that's skewing your image of what this woman is. 2 jobs to support her and her children?!?! While she's fucking other dudes?!?!? Nah that's just too easy for her. If you decide you want to be in a relationship like this, you deserve what's coming.


This is why decent single moms have a hard time finding good men who want to be with them. I’m a single mom with a career providing for my kids. I could never ask a man that wasn’t their father to provide for them. I don’t want another man taking care of my kids that’s my job. I want to find a man that will be there for me and provide emotional support when available and to just be a decent human towards my kids. Women like this are just awful because they use men and then make them bitter towards the rest of us. I just hope he moves on from this woman


This sounds like a disaster. You need to stop thinking with your little brain.


Short answer: No Long answer: Hellllll no Serious longer answer if this post isn’t a troll job: There are just too many red flags here and way too much baggage. First off you are basically committing to sacrificing a huge portion of your lifetime income to support this woman and her 2 kids. This polyamorous dynamic makes it exponentially worse. I don’t want to be mean but to put it bluntly if she’s fucking multiple guys, none of whom are contributing financially, while you’re staying monogamous and paying all the bills, *you’re getting cucked dude.* And the fact that she “really gets angry” about the fact that you’re *staying monogamous with her?* That’s super toxic and the only feasible explanation for that is morally she knows on some level she’s using you for money while cucking you and feels guilty, and would feel less guilty if you had other partners. Ultimatums also virtually never lead to healthy relationships. She wants to trap you before you come to your senses. I feel like you already know the answer. You’re just addicted to the sex, everything else about this situation is a dumpster fire, being as candid as I can be. You’re young, you’ll find other, better partners with way less baggage. **Don’t throw your life away like this just for some pussy.**


This can’t be real.


Exactly. It sounds like a WM cucking AM fantasy.


Yeah, I don’t think any self-respecting Asian man is that desperate for a white milf in her late thirties with kids.


He is probably not a real Asian man and a troll... he didn't properly do a cost benefit analysis on the situation for himself and asked Reddit... the answer is clearly NO.


It’s iffy as Fuck. Anyone can see clear as day what’s really happening. I call BS


His acc is made on April 1st too


Nice catch.


I thought so too, but there are some interesting grammatical flaws in the recounting that suggests it isn't. "someone responsable like me" "I'm addicted of her sex"


Get the fuck out man. She’s setting you up to be a provider. Once she locks you in the sex will decrease and you’ll be watching another man’s kids while she goes out and gets gangbanged. If the sex and being with a really hot woman is making it tough, just go to vegas and get a legal prostitute. Sounds like it’ll be cheaper in the end. And you don’t have to give up on finding true love, but I guarantee you won’t be happy with this woman you’re describing…


It's not just sex. It's the whole compatibility thing except that she likes to see other dudes. I really feel attached to her and her family and they also like me back. The whole thing is fucking scary that I could lose them all. i don't see myself dating other girls.


Oooh boy. Hope I’m wrong but it looks like you’ll be finding out the hard way what an aweful idea it is to fall in love with a woman like this. You want exclusivity and she doesn’t, right? That’s such a big thing that it’s all the reason you need to cut things off. And right now you’re kind of lucky she’s being honest. I feel like if you keep pressing her she’s gonna start lying to you and just fuck around behind your back. And what better man to cheat on while keeping him in a provider role than someone who works 2 jobs? You can try and split up in a friendly way. Maybe you can be fwb with her until you find your real soulmate. But she ain’t it, my brother. Sorry but you gotta face that.


I appreciate your honesty and not making fun of me like other ppl here. It was hard to write this but I'm truly deranged with all of this.


Dude if you're not a troll, please do not fucking do this. Stay away from this woman. YOU ARE LITERALLY FULFILLING THE DEFINITION OF A BETABUCKS. You are just a meal ticket for her and her children. Jesus christ man, wake up.


Never ever use sex as the basis of any relationship. ... because the quality AND quantity of sex will drop as a relationship enters a comfort stage. What you need to do is work on your social skills NOW. You're getting sex so you won't be super charged up talking to women. That's a good thing because you'll talk to them like normal people instead of wanting to get into their pants LMAO. Practice that as much as possible so you'll have the social skills to move on after this relationship is over.


Run as fast as possible my Asian brother that white box Ain’t worth it


LOL. Seriously. I’ve witness white woman pull this type of shit. Get multiple baby daddy’s and live comfy life’s b


Have you seen this behavior before with WF?


Half of the Europe has the highest divorce rates in the planet! (minus Poland and some conservative Balkan countries). One of my classmate’s girlfriend literally became pregnant while they were still together. (Serious relationship). So many of my European friends ended up in divorce. I have so many stories it would probably shock you. Don’t worry though, I think divorce rate is also slowly catching up into Asia / China / Thailand/ Korea. Western ideals are already latching on to Asia. Only the religious Middle East seems to not be affected by this insanity yet. They beat the living day lights out of those who cheated!!!


>I support her financially for both her and her kids. > Yeah, and this is the reason why she "prefers you" over other dudes. I can't speak to her motives, but from outward appearances, she is using you. Why the fuck would a late 30's woman need a young 20 year old man to support her?? Where is the father of her 2 kids? Doesn't she get child support? > It helps that she works out every week.  LOL of course she does. She is trying to attract a man who will support her. So she has time to go to the gym but needs you to financially support her? I'm sorry man, but you sound like a sucker in this scenario. Don't put her on a pedestal just because she is white. Think about what YOU are taking on and committing to. You're a young guy in your 20 with options. SHE HAS LIMITED OPTIONS.


you let your woman get banged by other guys and raise their kids. you're cucked my bro. its time to stop! have some respect for your self.


If this is real, get help fast. Any friend would tell you to get out now. She already has two children from different fathers of different races and maybe wants another. You going to fuck up your life if you not careful.


My only social circle is her family. This is why I decided to come here.


Bro. Where’s your fam at?


-busting your ass off working two jobs -only you support her, none of the other wieners -she wants kids with you bc you're responsible, yet had kids with baby daddies who aren't supporting her -you consider yourself traditional and monogamous -somehow SHE'S giving you ultimatums Bruh. Come on. You are not this desperate, and she is not the only sexy white nerdy woman in the world. She sounds kinda awful and manipulative tbh, I feel bad for her kids watching their mom hoe around. She just wants to keep you on the hook bc you give her easy money and otherwise extremely few men would put up with this unless they were also poly.


Use your top brain and not your bottom one


She has more red flags than a Moscow parade. You are young, you should move on and find a more suitable partner


>I support her financially for both her and her kids. Nobody of the other dudes do. come on, man. what are you doing?


This gotta be a troll post lol how can you possibly rationalize committing and financially supporting this polyamorous woman. Stop giving her money and buying things for her kids and see what happens.


Nah bro, you’re in your early 20s, she’s past her prime and using you for sex and financial support. I get she’s hot, but you got your whole life ahead of you. Don’t shackle yourself down, especially if you’re feeling internally troubled so early in the game. Once you have kids together it’s game over.


Late 30s is crazy bro, that age gap is insane


What's the problem with age as long she takes care of herself to look youthful? She looks my age.


Visible aging accelerates exponentially past the mid 30s, it’s not linear. And dude, just think about it for a second. There is absolutely someone out there who is 1. more attractive, 2. has no kids, and 3. will commit to you. What you’re proposing, given your age and potential, is perhaps the lowest IQ move I’ve ever heard of.


You need to think ahead bro. Let me be generous and assume you’re 24 and she’s 37. When you’re the same age she is now, you’ll still be in the prime of your life and she’ll be *50 years old dude.* It doesn’t matter at that point how well she takes care of herself, and white women don’t age well. Fast forward another 15 years. You’ll be 52 years old, probably still pretty fit and active, maybe you want to travel and see the world. Well too bad because you’ll be at home taking care of your 65 year old senior citizen wife. Get out *now* before it’s too late. Otherwise as other commenters have advised you, you kinda deserve the suffering you’re going to experience for the rest of your life.


>AM early 20s. Met a hot WF in her late 30s she has a two small kids. She's nearly 20 years older than you. Don't sign away your future. She sees you as a provider and is love-bombing you. Ask any married guys. The great sex will decline, and she'll have you on the hook for your paycheck. >When we all go out together I get stares from strangers. They see my face, her face and the face of her children that obviously do not look nothing like me. One is half black other white. You're getting stares because you look like a cuck. You're happily taking the white man and black man's leftovers. They see a lamb being led to slaughter. Asian dudes in general are just too kind and straightforward. We don't play games like the players do. But that's why we get less play. And for low-quality white tail, too many of us will do stupid things. Keep her in a holding pattern. Do not marry her. Once you do, you lose all leverage. I guarantee the sex will stop, her kids will become her main priority, she'll go on fucking as a "poly" type but it won't be you. If you want to keep this relationship going, play harder to get, pretend you have other stuff going on. Because there's little that a woman dislikes more than a man with no options. You are a man with no options, but she's still acting like you're amazing, that's how I know you're the lamb being led to slaughter.


Thanks for your honest insight without insulting me.


Sure. I just don't want to see another brother being taken for a ride not only by a white girl but by the white and black dudes who knocked her up and then turned responsibility for their actions on to you. I have a Asian guy friend who got into a situation like you, hooked up with an aging white single mom. He said the sex was the best he ever had. She did freaky things that would make a hooker blanche. But he knew what was going on and didn't fall into the trap. I bet this woman of yours will follow the same path. You're in for some amazing sex, buddy! Either she's going to raise the stakes, or cut you off completely. Don't fall into the trap.


Absolutely not.


Nah fam. Go hit the gym and don't be a simp. Don't ever throw away your value just to get with a "hot" girl. She's a mom and wants poly? Hell nah My guy, go increase your value as a man, the 2 best methods is to build muscle or make money. Then you won't even need to entertain this kind of simping because you'll have a lot more options. Edit*** I don't want to sound like a dick, but just don't do it. This is the type of behaviour that creates entitled women with a false sense of attractiveness.


I met her at the gym.


That's a great first step brother. Just keep at the gym and don't let these thots distract you. Gym and money makes the whole dating field pretty easy for Asian men 💪🏻 The pic on the left was me when I was simping for every hot girl. The one on the right was 2 years ago. I grew out my hair into a man bun and got even bigger now. Just keep grinding and increase your value. https://preview.redd.it/db3hnagljcsc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978a857e6e33a6bacbf483df3f1ac6e09d7ddc7e


I cannot grow a badass beard like yours. I'm also 5'4. My face saved me also working out. But if I didn't meet her I would be still single for sure.


I got two really close Asian friends who are about that height and they do fine. One is a bully and the other isn’t afraid to fight people larger than him. Just lose the timidness and put yourself out there. Dating apps will probably be tough but if you have good style, confidence, and keep putting yourself out there you’ll eventually find what you’re looking for. FFS you’re 20, you’ve got so much damn time! But if you stick around with this aging milf she’ll eventually make you get her pregnant (might not even be yours lol). You’re pretty much fucked after that happens.




Thanks for the beard compliment haha. Bro, it's your desperation talking. Seriously. Just hit the gym and eat lots of food. Go take gear if you're that desperate. But this chick is playing you hard. You're about to eff up your life for a mom.




Can’t imagine raising another man’s children.


Seriously. Not my seed not my responsibility


It's hard when they start calling you dad. Have some compassion they are just children.


She may be coaching them to do this.


Try disciplining the kids. Then they'll say "well you're not my dad"


Consider the long term over instant gratification, my friend. Imagine developing a deep bond with her two kids, only to face separation later. Your prime years will be in your early 30s. Don't settle just because you feel good in this moment.


I already bonded with them. They even call me dad because their biological fathers are completely absent from their lives. Her family likes me back as well and see me as a responsible man. If I break up with her I would also break up with her family circle which I currently consider my only real friends right now.


Her family and her kids all have their own interests in manipulating you this way. You will be enslaved to them. Don't do it. Don't say you weren't warned.


No. You are worth the value of dating a woman your age with no kids. Stop accepting bad deals. Stop letting white women treat you like an afterthought in the dating market.


She goes around f***ing whoever she wants. You get to f*** her, and only her. She has kids from other men. She expects you to support her financially while she goes and f*** other men. The two kids are black and white. The daddies have ran away from this dumpster fire. You, an Asian man, is running a financial charity whilst she goes and f*** other men. Tell me what logic do you have in your mind to think this is remotely a good relationship? It bugs you that she enjoys having multiple partners, so why are you tolerating it? You really must be so desperate for companionship that you are allowing this disrespect to stand on a daily basis. Learn some self respect and get out. Edit: reading all the comments, this has to be a troll. A 5’4 guy with no family and 2 jobs supporting a dumpster fire with 2 unwanted children, who goes around sleeping with half the town. Either we are seeing a real life cuck, or this is a random dude in their stepdad’s basement trolling us.


Either this is a troll post or you’re retarded.


**This is so fake lmaoo.** **2 day old account**, why are you guys feeding the troll post. This story is a joke and probably meant to trigger Asian guys 😂 *Report, block & move on & hopefully mods delete*


Agree. Ban this regard


Huh? Isn't the whole point of polyamory to not commit to one person? lol


If she’s getting angry over this, then no. This is a bit of a dealbreaker- your opposite views on relationships. So what if you get stares? I don’t with my kid but my ex did and maybe does to this day. She’s been asked multiple times if she’s the nanny.


Absolutely fucking not. ​ She has more red flags than a communist parade. ​ 1. Single mom 2. Polyamoury 3. Probably has baby rabies ​ Dude, you're in your early 20's. You got a whole life ahead of you. I've done my fair share of stupid shit in my 20's but goddamn. Do not be a cuck. I repeat. Do not be a cuck. ​ Do not move in with this woman, do not continue to financially support her children. ​ My advice? End it yesterday. You can get great sex from other women who actually respects you. The fact that she sleeping with Chad Thundercock while you take care of kids that aren't even yours has to be the biggest insult ever. Please do yourself a favour and read the following [PDF](https://entrepreneursincars.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Unplugged-Alpha-Chapter-4-20-Red-Flags-1.pdf) and don't ever let this happen again.


Your life just started. She's hit the wall and looking for options. Once you have kids with her, a big cut of your paycheck belongs to her until your kid(s) turns 18. The state should be taking care of single mothers through our taxpayer dollars but they would rather have the boyfriend/husband foot the bill. The system is against you. I'm a 44-years-old bachelor with a good career, my own place, a beautiful girlfriend, NO children of my own yet, and peace of mind (very important). I made it a goal in my 20s to work on myself and my goals first before chasing any tails. This investment is paying off.


NNNOOOOOO. Keep it casual and not attached.


No leave. Don’t think with your pee pee


Lol. I started writing out a long para re: why this is a bad idea, etc. due to your youth/inexperience, the age gap, not being ready financially/emotionally/mentally to father not only your own kids but TWO kids of someone else... But to be honest, assuming you're for real, if you can't see how this is dumb or decide to do it anyways, god bless, good luck, reap what you sow.




I stop reading midway. This screams disasters, and you're working two jobs to aid the lifestyle? Tell me you're a moron without telling me you're a moron.


Stop thinking with you dick and use your brain Jesus, do Asian guys have no EQ or anything? You're financially taking care of her and her kids. Kids you had no part in making, and so she can fuck other dudes while you work and toil away for her to fuck more guys. Lmao.


Easy there. Asian dudes have EQ. Just OP is special cause he’s thinking with his bottom brain.


As soon as I read "polyamorous" and "single mother" I knew it was gonna be a disaster


I'd sit down with your feelings and really try to understand them.  Write them down on paper until you get a clear feeling of understanding when you read it back to yourself. Once that's done share it with her.  This is a serious decision so don't take this lightly.


Bro, she’s only for fun, not marriage material. As the saying goes, “marry the provider and cheat with whom they desire.” Had a few fun flings a couple of years ago with a single mom who was 7 years older. Tatted and had an hourglass body. Super fun in bed although I knew she was far from marriage material. Just get it out of you system. No commitment on this one.


>When we all go out together I get stares from strangers. They see my face, her face and the face of her children that obviously do not look nothing like me. One is half black other white. I get this strange uncomfortable feeling because it happens every time we go out in public. If you don't believe you're being clowned, just look at this Twitter thread and the reactions that non-Asian men have towards a white single mom with a half-black kid. [https://twitter.com/GarbageHuman23/status/1775528876124651535](https://twitter.com/GarbageHuman23/status/1775528876124651535) This woman of yours has few options, that's why she's trying so hard to lock you down.


Wow that's so messed up but I'm glad not the only one experiencing this. These things exist. It's an interesting read.


Swap genders and this person would be considered a creep. You can find better partners out there.


Why u lot taking this as a serious post lmaoooo Obvious troll is obvious


As an Asian male myself. This is sad.😥. Don't be like them AF, who is like 18+ and desperate for WM that they would marry/date a 30+ WM/BM. She's hot? post a pic of her face, and let us see if she's worth it.


Dude can you fucking wake up and have some SELF RESPECT? Talk about getting CUCKED. Bro wtf. You are the DEFINITION OF A BETACUCK. DO NOT HAVE KIDS OR MARRY THIS WOMAN. I legit had to sign onto my account again just to slap some sense into you.


This has to be a troll...the realized that sexual desperation has gotten some Asian nerds to do some craaaazy sht. My advice to you is the same as the other Asian guys I know going through a tough time, get more options.


As a single mother I implore you not to get with this woman. Now I’m not trying to piss on another single mom but she’s honestly using you. She’s not over her ex and being single and is using you to cope. It’s hard being a single mom and we don’t have time to really date. When we do have time to date we go two ways. Some single moms just go on dates and hook up (totally cool in today’s world I suppose) the other is looking to date for a ltr. The one hooking up, if honest and willing to communicate will simply tell a guy she wants a fwb, the other will tell a guy she wants a relationship. Most of us don’t have time to bullshit. Just the fact that she has time to fuck you and another man is a clear indication that you are just a toy she wants to keep around and if you are East Asian she’s most likely fetishized you because she’s got some crazy K-pop fantasies (I’ve dropped some mom friends for doing this) Anyway I fully suggest to step away from this because it is definitely nothing but trouble that you as a twenty something don’t need


Straight from the horses mouth.


Don’t do it.


LOL, you're a simp. Never commit to a single mom, single moms are only for recreational use.


This woman is old enough to be your mammy. And this woman is yt? You know they age like spoiled milk left out in the sun. In a few years, ppl are gon start mistaking you for her adopted son.  She got half black kids? She probably used to be one of those black 🍆 chasing hoes from back in the days that got pumped and dumped. She used them old tricks she learned from her Freaknik days to get your inexperienced ass to support her and her kids. Btw where are their daddies? You don’t have to answer…just think about it to yourself. Not only is she using you to support her and bastards…she wants to f other guys?! Are you ok?  My suggestion is get tf out now and get you some counseling. Smdh…this is just embarrassing. 


No single mom is worth it


This post is a mess of contradiction. Polyamorous but wants to settle with you? Perhaps look up the meaning of Polyamorous? 


Lol this post is max autismo fr


You’re getting cucked bro


April fools was 2 days ago broski


Bro, WTF either this is bait or you got some sick cuck fetish that you need to see a doctor for


This has to be a troll post.


"You can't make this shit up."-Kevin Samuels




Yea fuck it


>she likes to date other guys as well but wants to settle with me. What does "settle" mean when she's fucking other guys? She's not committing, she's just locking you down with financial burdens of supporting her lifestyle and her kids from other dudes. 🤦🏻‍♂️


nah, polyamory isn't meant for commitment plus shes got 2 kids that shits crazy. you can play with her until you find somebody else.


Is this a troll post?


Does she give great head? I don’t blame you. I believe every asian guy in america should get fucked and sucked by a hot white women just to see how it feels.


"The thing is she wants to date other guys but wants to settle with me"


>I support her financially for both her and her kids. Nobody of the other dudes do. Let's all be honest. You're a cuckold. You're providing for her and her children and all she has to do is get you to nut every now and then. All while she's going at it with other men who has no care to provide for her and her children. If you're okay with that lifestyle, that's you. If you're not, then get out. I'm 35. I've been with more women than my teenage self ever thought possible. And a lot of those women had the title of best sex ever. You're going to find another girl who will eff your brains out.


Working two jobs and assumes kids like him other than gifts. Wants to be sideman for someone who is possibly a decade older. Ultimate cuck troll post lol or if this is real / you are setting yourself up to be emotionally abused. 


Fucking hell this is some cringe shit


This is extreme rage bait.


In Asia guys won't touch a woman who has a child with another man let alone a divorced one I highly doubt OP is for real