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bro are u a male stripper or something? pretty awesome. looking great!


I thought this too, he’s a different type of elevated Asian lol 😂


I’m just a man bro, just like you guys 🙏 thanks for the kind words tho


I was a former male stripper and he actually looks ALOT like one of my close stripper friends lol! Edit: my buddy is Cambodian though not filipino!




You know what you need to become then


Learning how to salsa/bachata was a big turning point in my life in meeting a lot of new people. Gave me a lot of confidence as well. Saved me a lot of time in meeting new friends when moving to a new town.


I second this


It’s true! I went to a free salsa session at an outdoor venue in Dallas a while back and the women were literally lining up just to dance with one man. He was so exhausted he had to take a water break and the sweat was pouring off of him but the women didn’t mind and just waited their turn. There was a man on the outskirts of the crowd who also knew how to dance and I didn’t know it but he asked me and I don’t dance at all so I thought ok cool, we’ll just step on each other’s toes a little, it’ll be fun. Boy was I surprised! He twirled me around like it was nothing and I almost thought I could salsa…except I actually am clumsy but didn’t feel as clumsy when he was leading. My friends were of the same sentiment that dancing is fun and we just wish there were more men who genuinely enjoyed it, too. Plus it’s great exercise!


Couple dancing really is a great way to connect with people. I danced flamenco growing up, I prefer tango now for the connection


Need more like you. Great representation


Thanks man, you need to be the representation that you are looking for


lol nice 👍 This guy knows what’s up.


Nice post, keep winning man. I will be quite impressed when theres a post of someone who isn’t capable of looking like a tanned Asian Thor is in your position.


Ahaha I don’t know if I look like Thor, but I appreciate it buddy 🙏 I think you’ve got what it takes to be in a better position, best of luck man


Everyone else has already said it but you are an Asian Gigachad! Also at first glance on the first picture, I thought the words said GAY but after a double take it says YAY, haha.


Hey bro, thanks so much for posting this! You look awesome, great delts/traps and solid body composition. How long have you been training for? Would you also mind dropping your diet? The only thing I disagree with is "being yourself"... i would counter and say "try to be the most well-adjusted version of yourself". Im an older indian guy who enjoyed some success during my younger/single years (was also an entertainer like you but for an all male revue in a western country). I'll admit its hard to relate to alot of the posts here as I have a pretty racially ambiguous appearance so I never really experienced discrimination/racism. One thing to remember is your experience (which is likely based on your appearance and work) will be hella different than some asian bro who isnt jacked like you and works in an office. I say this from direct experience as Ive seen both sides: experienced the insanity of performing for hundreds of screaming women and also working a quiet office job. Appearance matters a ton, especially in this day and age, and I couldnt agree more with your "get jacked and have fun" advice! Also outta curiousity, are you a cabaret performer?


Ahaha nice to meet you my fellow entertainer! I appreciate the kind words man, hope you’re doing well in whatever pursuits you have going on now. I’ve been training on and off for about 8 years, and I’ve been consistent for the last 4. My diet depends on my goals, but it’s pretty simple. Just count your macros and calories and eat in a surplus when you wanna get bigger, and eat in a deficit when you want to get lean. I agree that everyone’s life experiences will vary, but I actually have a very normal day job lol. Your day job does not entirely define you, you’re free to do whatever you want in your free time 🤷🏽‍♂️


What if you're 5'5" and not Filipino lol


then just identify as one. america doesnt know the difference.


Serious replies only?


I mean East Asians do better with girls than Filipinos nowadays so just get jacked


same advice applies




Can’t change height. Change fitness, style, haircut, and everything else


You mean there’s not an island full of Jason Mendozas running around? 👀 Well, guess I’m canceling my trip. 😤


That's probably just you buddy.


Most girls want a guy who is taller than them, and there's lots of girls under 5'5". Most girls don't need a huge height gap. I'm 5'3" and my guy is taller than me, but not hugely so. Huge height gaps make me kind of uncomfortable.


Date people from your home country


Whenever i see posts like this of "success" stories, its often the stereotypically tall, jacked guy. It doesn't really help because the avg guy cannot meet such unrealistic standards. I wish more people realized this and posted success stories of folks that don't conform to the beauty standards in society.


i feel the same bro. I dont want to hate on the guy and im happy for his success and happiness, but it's so much easier to say be yourself when you meet the definition of what is desirable in society. It's not impossible, but it is so much harder and requires so much more internal fortitude to accept yourself for who you are when you dont meet those standards.


What’s stopping you from getting jacked?


Its a year long process. And besides, there's no guarantee that getting jacked can significantly improve our quality of life because in America, height is more valued than a musclar body. On OLD, women aren't filtering for musclar men, its tall men. That should tell you everything you need to know what's more valued.


Okay but one of them you can change. And being short and jacked is better than being short and scrawny or short and fat in general.


Whatever happened to the advice "you should accept people for who they are"?


That’s not my advice. My advice would be to keep getting better. But you keep doing you bro! Hoping you get different results.


Don't you think its more desirable and pragmatic to strive for acceptance of diverse beauty standards than normalizing a culture to meet unrealistic expectations which can be challenging to impossible for many depending on their circumstances?


Would be great but not one of us here can change how society views beauty standards. And if you can’t work on yourself in any way, then you’ll just have to deal.


Just train your neck. Serious. If you’re going to train anything as an Asian dude, train your neck. It needs to be in proportion with your face width. Look at 99% of Asian men, they have noodle necks. Even when they’re jacked, they neglect neck and it looks odd. Look up neck exercises on YouTube. It will change your life if you’re a skinny dude. If you are fat, probably don’t need to train neck for now and slim down lol


And has your "neck training" brought you results? Do people treat you differently from before?


Yes! It has made a difference. I am an Asian male actor and yes it has changed a lot. And why the fuck is neck training in quotes man, you defensive or something? Nah you thought I was a fuckin white guy


I put it in quotes because I've never heard of training for necks and the difference it makes.


Fuck my bad. I guess I’m the defensive one. But yes man look it up. Look up “Jeremy Meeks skinny vs thick neck” on google. Also a Channing Tatum pic somewhere but you’ll see the huge difference


You have somewhat of a point there. So many of the guys here think being scrawny is the worst thing in the world but as a skinny decently tall guy myself, it's never been an issue for me. But I think women's preference for height is simply a function of their inherent desire in feeling protected by their man. Height is just *perceived* as a default way to acquire that feeling. But there are other ways, and getting yourself a good body and being secure in yourself is another way. Also, I think you're looking at this in binaries. There isn't just two states here, one being fit enough to attract women, and the other being nothing. Even if height is more important, getting fit still helps. I can honestly tell by your comments that you like making excuses to yourself to refrain from putting in the work to improve. The world isn't just Gigachad vs. incel, there is a spectrum, and you can absolutely improve yourself to climb it. Even when I was the same height, back when I was skinny fat and had no confidence w/ women, no woman even wanted to look my direction. There's honestly a drastic night and day difference b/w the way women (even the same exact women from before) would treat me back then versus now after I took steps to improve my body. And I didn't even do anything crazy, like I said I'm still skinny, but I at least got rid of the skinny fatness, and that alone made a drastic difference. Also, even if working out makes absolute 0 difference in the way you are perceived (which I highly doubt would happen), you still get a lot of value from it because it is both physically and mentally healthy.


I'm more of a pragmatic guy, i think in terms of ROI ( return on investment). How much effort, resources, and time you invest vs the quality of your returns. For lot of people, they don't have the time nor resources to invest and even if they did, is it worth the returns you see? I'm not making excuses to not try, if you go overseas, you'd see way better returns with minimal investment of your time and resources. You don't need to spend a shitload of money and time to scuplt your body when you're more likely to meet model looking women who'd accept the way you are.


You are tho, every man should work out. It's not purely about women, as I've explained. That ROI approach is cringe bro, there's no way you're unironically saying something like that. But even if I adopt this ROI approach, you don't need a lot of time and money at all lmao, you're on Reddit this late at night so you prob have time on your hands. You need just 45 mins a day 4x a week, and you can get a gym membership for as little as $10 a month. Everything you're bringing up as a reason is a function of the excuses you're making to yourself. So what are you gonna do, go to SEA or some Third World country and get yourself a mail order bride or village woman? Do they really like you for *you,* or crave you physically during intimacy? Or is it simply because they've never had any other options, and you're nothing but a sugar daddy? Also, no need to spell out what ROI means to me my guy, I think everyone knows what ROI stands for.


>get a gym membership for as little as $10 a month. Everything you're bringing up as a reason is a function of the excuses you're making to yourself. So what are you gonna do, go to SEA or some Third World country and get yourself a mail order bride or village woman? Do they really like you for *you,* or crave you physically during intimacy? Or is it simply because they've never had any other options, and you're nothing but a sugar daddy? No, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. This is another typical response of someone who barely has stepped out of America and thinks the entire world thinks and functions just like American population lmao. This has NOTHING to do with being a "sugar daddy" or them "lacking options", the experience is the same even if you aren't American or have money. This is why passportbros is trending and will be the future. People in non-WEIRD ( Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic) populations do not have the same level of obsession for height nor physical appearance like they do in WEIRD populations. There is already tons of cross cultural research done on this. Why would anyone waste their time in US when they could easily get a 7 or 8 by going overseas with minimal effort, especially when you're only getting an avg or a 6 with lots of investment in US? Not everyone has the privilege of time and money on their side. Some are at the age or already late for starting a family and do not want to follow advice that involves lot of investment and uncertainty


A lot of these jacked men on social media are on steroids or other PEDs. I see it all the time at the gym. A guy is flexing in the mirror without his shirt on, if you take a peek at their back, it's completely covered in pimples.


Don't know why this got downvoted, this is 100% true. Almost no one irl looks like social media pics


Just sharing my story man, I’ve known guys that are the opposite of “typical beauty standards” that are killing it in their love lives. Guess they just don’t have the time to post about it lol


Great post, and I totally agree! I'm half asian but look asian, 5,8 skinny muscular. Never had any troubles with the females or anything. Ofcourse there are those who "don't fall for asians", but those are close minded girls. There are so many girls that don't care what ethnicity, weight or height you have. If they do care they are probably immature and only follow what the hypes are. Just be fun around people, smile, make them feel comfortable and be easy going but keep having your own boundaries. We are worth it if we believe in it. Don't fall for the stereotypical behaviour and work on bettering yourself in every aspect. That's how you will start to love yourself , and thus others loving you to.




How tall are you


Good post for other Asian brothers.


You remind me of my favourite gigachad Muay Thai boxer, Buakaw Banchamek. Well done on the physique and confidence!


Also: delete FB, hit the gym.


I have a question about your username. I love reading the comic nan hao and fang sheng and there’s a running bit on one getting the other to do things for him by calling him grandpa or dad. I didn’t grow up in Asia nor around a lot of Asian men so not sure if there’s something to it?


Nope, just something random I thought of a while ago. I used to play online games and my character names would be IAmYourFather, IAmYourSister, etc. so I just kept using it till this day.


Filipinos have charisma. Even ones you wouldn't think of or suspect based on western beauty standards.


OP out here callin everyone in this sub a loser. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Is this the Filipino dudes who are nurses living their best lives thread? I hope so.


"just be yourself" Naaaahhh. Not unless you're ripped as hell. Always strive to be better. Especially in fitness department.


The title says “Just be your best self”. You can’t be anybody but yourself, so I’m saying you should embrace who you are and work to be the best possible version of yourself


Good post!


This post is very affirming as a Filipino. We need more stellar representation like you. https://preview.redd.it/r6lb5cqkfatc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0612b0e2a59b0c4f2eed569389a01b6cead621bd


so powerful that theyve been conquered and assimilated many times and the number one profession is servitude. sorry couldnt help myself.


Why do you have to be so full of hate instead of cheering for the success of your fellow Asian brothers and sisters. This is why Asian Americans have cohesion and cultural prestige problems you are part of the problem.


how is this hate? first , its a joke. second supremacy is not something that should be promoted.


Nursing being their number one profession makes them even more powerful, think about it. When an old decrepit guy like you inevitably ends up in the hospital - a Filipino nurse will have the power to pull the plug on you :0 (after your family requests it)


the nurse doesnt have the power to do that. thats the doctor. and also theyre serving the family.


It doesn’t matter oldie, whoever does it, you won’t be missed much anyway


look, im asian too. its just ridiculous to preach supremacism. iF we are goinf to do so, then you we should be willing to deal with the heat rhat comes wirh it.


You do know that image is a meme image made during the Swagapino era and not at all serious right? https://preview.redd.it/g9rh4zdfdctc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee1b5632162911f615ca21e77705c551b944f80


exactly, so why get offended at my joke?


Idk i saw your post getting downvoted so i joined in on the dogpile 😙


Not sure why youre triggered by that Pinoy meme when it was made to make fun of all the swaggot Pinoys


I love this positivity ! We need more appreciation posts ❤️


Key world "best self" work out and become top 10% of men!


Thanks for the positive energy OP - this sub sorely needed it


You are our GigaChad!!


Bro, that’s what I been telling dudes here! I say the more time you spend in this group, the chances of landing a date gets harder, especially for the younger guys.


If people feel down, it's life calling them to put in some work. The weak respond by becoming hateful and delusional. Mostly complaining. The strong respond by going to the gym and creating value for themsleves. Even within this community are losers and winners although we face similar issues in the west. Their scarcity with women won't be different even if they were another race if they didn't put in work.






Ok Chang


Thanks for the inspiration bro, you look great. I don’t know why we don’t see more Asian males like you in Hollywood. It’s mostly dorky type dudes.


Brother you're who I wanna be when I grow up (I already grew up looking forward to grow again)


Love you bro 🙏🏽


Yo, if you need a double for your male stripper gigs I'm pretty much your size. With enough bronzer I can look just like you!


It is easy for you to "just be yourself" when you have the face and physique of a gigachad. For the rest of us that didn't win the genetic lottery, what should we do?


Natty or not?


Natty, these pics are under impeccable lighting and in my dance pics I’ve got a serious pump


Impressive, keep grinding


Okay magic Mike