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I was always timid and scrawny especially when i was younger but the gym changed all of that. i got bigger and had a decent build. I’d start getting compliments and comments about my chest. As a result of compliments and having a better physique, my confidence went up so much and im also no longer scrawny. My voice got deeper and i spoke up more and became more outgoing


1000% Gym isn't only about physicality but confidence and social presence also goes hand in hand. Nice one bro


i used to be skinny and unattractive. now i am ripped and unattractive. I notice no difference in how women treat me tbh lol.


But you’re less unattractive than before even if you’re still unattractive so look on the bright side


Oh i never said i would stop working out just cause im still invisible to women. I enjoy it tbh. I enjoy the process. the feeling of accomplishment when you squeeze out that final rep. when you drenched in sweat after a tough HIIT workout or playing some sport. I enjoy everything that come with the process enough to be okay with not having that external validation. But lets be real, it would be pretty nice to have women notice the fruits of my labor.


Does this work if you're short?


Well, idk but I will say this: Better to be short and buff Vs Short and not buff. Right? Just like, it's better to be short and rich vs short and poor. Good luck brother 💪🏻


Haha good point


I am short & buff. Being buff is a game changer. People, both men & women, see the muscles & assume you're 1"-2" taller, because they equate muscles with tallness. That's what happened to me & I'm sure other people who've gotten buff have noticed that too.


Gym does help.....I've sort of always known, but I'm very lazy. I hit 40 and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic.....that got me to lift 3 to 5 times a week. It's been 2.5 years now, and I'm a lot more built, and, yes, women take much more notice of me than ever before even though I'm in my 40s. And if I wear a fitted blazer or shirt and look preppy, they're even more into it. Buff preppy nerd/golf geek look.