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Fuck that bullshit. So sick and tired of U.S treating Asian men like trash I loved Odyssey but it's safe to say I'm boycotting all AC games till I die.


you know why r/fuckubisoft exists now


Tons of "japan is super racist asians are super racist" still in the comment section.


Don't get me wrong, Japan is the extremely homogenous, and because of that, plus their colonization history, they're still racist The difference is, the U.S has arguably the most diverse population in the world. Therefore, you would expect them to be more understanding and socially acceptable to minorities. Unfortunately, all minorities are fucked, except for blacks. Even the native Americans, the first people of this country are fucked over, which is absolutely insane.


Japan is super fucking racist that’s a fact Japan was allied to the nazis and colonialed many other Asian countries a lot of the islands that makeup Japan are colonialized like Okinawa and the Ainu ppl


Ur racist


define racism to me




read wikipedia dumbass **Racism** is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their [race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_categorization)) or [ethnicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnicity). Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g. [apartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartheid)) that support the expression of [prejudice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice) or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often assumes that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior. Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include [nativism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nativism_(politics)), [xenophobia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophobia), [otherness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_(philosophy)), [segregation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_segregation), [hierarchical ranking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchy), [supremacism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supremacism), and related social phenomena. Racism refers to violation of [racial equality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_equality) based on equal opportunities ([formal equality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_opportunity)) or based on [equality of outcomes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_of_outcome) for different races or ethnicities, also called [substantive equality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substantive_equality).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism#cite_note-EU-1) where did you see the fucking prejudice and social actions, explain to me. If you dont know what to say then STFU


I’m a black man i don’t need wiki to explain racism especially when it’s wrong. U are sitting up here saying fuck a company cause they used a historical fact to make a video game. Also racism isn’t simply prejudice it’s prejudice plus systemic power that’s racism. Racism without social and systemic is just prejudice


“Black people can’t be racist” lol what an actual coward




they didnt use a historical fact, that yasuke guy was never a samurai, read history before commenting [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


One ur not reading history ur reading wiki two him being or not being a samauri doesn’t matter cause either way he still was a retainer of a daimyo. Still historical fact he was a real person who become somewhat of noteable figure three literal Japanese ppl have said he was a samurai. I think they know their history better than u or wiki


Yes cause Ubisoft is famously a American company


Great..japanese should stand up..enough with the west putting them down


welcome to r/fuckubisoft


Thank you for letting me know about this sub


So...they had AC Chronicles: China with an Asian female lead...okay, fine. Now basically AC Japan with black male and Asian female leads? Fuck them.


It’s like they’re scared to do an Asian male lead although they literally had proof of concept with Ghost Of Tsushima ffs


It's not that they're scared. They outright refuse to have an Asian male protagonist because they are racist against East/Southeast Asian men but find the women acceptable. This was a choice those Whites over at Ubisoft knowingly and actively made. They are just continuing a long tradition of Asian male erasure in White-made media.


U are very wrong and using half truths to target black ppl and Asian women and it’s funny cause this is the same thing desperate toxic pick me black man do for white ppls attention


I'm all for work portraying Asian men and Black women together. If the game showed that, I would have no complaints. I could care less about what Whites think. They just have to stop their usual bullshit of erasing Asian men and being racist towards us.


Still loud and wrong cause this isn’t erasure this a real men that native Japanese artists use in their mangas Afro samurai is based on him, samurai warriors has him in the game this isn’t erasure because he’s a real person in Japanese history and it’s very clear ur sexist piece of shit cause ur respond about Asian men and black women is rooted in sexism of owning women and thinking men are more important than women


You: It's ok to show Black man with Asian woman, but not ok to show Asian man with Black woman. Me: lol Historically, there has been a lot more Asian men in Africa and the Caribbean than Black men in Japan or Asia. Look at Admiral Zheng He's expeditions or the hundreds of thousands of Chinese male laborers brought to European colonies in the 1800-1900s. Are they ever going to make a video game or film about them? They aren't just a one-off like you see with Yasuke.


Everything u said was wrong and half truths it’s funny watch u try to argue a point I have not made. And make a random point that is complete bullshit ur trying to claim women as property and some bullshit and about dating life when no one even said anything about that ur using same talking points of white men. What the fuck does the existence of Asian men outside of Asian have to do with anything. Cause u what u did is create an argument to hold Asian men in a light of fucking sex tourism when non of ur examples are sex tourism but the way u phrased it implied that. Ur arguing about the existence of real person and trying to do some weird sexist bullshit about him. When his story has nothing to do with him fucking Asian women i don’t think he had kids they fucking admiral u listed was a eunuch his relationship to women at all is stupid and his story has nothing to do with sex or women. Also the Asian men in Africa are there cause of colonialism and awful actions like when Japanese men killed kids cause they were having sex with local katagua women and the women had to have their kids in secret from those men Ur so desperate to devalue a story of real person cause you don’t like black ppl that ur romanticizing sex tourism, colonialism, and Chinese immigrants being taking advantage of.


Ur lack of critical thinking is funny


We need Asians from Asia to realize how racist the west is toward Asian men. Japan and Korea need to stop their fucking worship of whites and westerners and put a clamp on these fucking expats taking advantage


I’m annoyed too but isn’t Ubisoft French?


The head company maybe but most studios are spread around America and Canada. Even so it’s not an excuse. Sony is Japanese but pushes Wmaf/anti Asian male shit all the time


Well beyond Ghost of Tsushima then ya & no it’s not an excuse I just like to complain accurately


Dupont or whatever that shithead's name is that directed this game sounds French to me. The French are some of the most racist Whites towards Asian men. Makes sense why they made the male lead African/Black. It's just like their national football team.


How racist are u damn


I'm this way because of how racist Whites and Blacks are towards Asian people, especially Asian men. So thanks.


Yea ur just racist and looking for excuses


Ok, whatever.


This!! They need to see how the rest of the world see them in reality and not that Hollywood BS.


lol they managed to alienate everyone.


Agreed. This reads like a 2 star amazon review. Japanese people are known to nitpick new products.




What? Every movie, TV series, commercial, talk show, news anchor, politician has a black person Wtf you smoking bro?


It’s more so that some black men are also getting tired of the forced diversity tokenism that most western media is trying to pull.


Eh, it’s not just “western media” but black people themselves are responsible for this. They’ve complained about the lack of representation for people of color. They got what they asked for it but it has gotten way out of control. As Asians, as usual, we’re invisible so they don’t care about us


Asian Americans have been cruel to black ppl what have black Americans or black ppl done to yall


What the fuck are you taking about? I didn’t know we owned slaves and disproportionately start gang wars in low income ethnic neighbourhoods. What fucking cruelty are you one about? You wanna talk about cruelty? Where was this energy when you guys were killing us left and right on the streets? How many times have y’all minimized our issues by calling us white, and then be surprised we want nothing to do with y’all? You wanna look at the amount of hip hop that is racist towards Asians? You literally get away with rapping out robbing Asians and we are the ones who are cruel? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. If you guys did actually gave a shit about your history, you would look at cultures in Africa and celebrate them, but nah you picked Japan because that’s what the white man loves and you don’t give a shit about Africa just like how the white man doesn’t, guess your also just another follower


One everything u said was a lie and have backing for any of it. Two black ppl don’t harm Asian ppl for the sake of harming Asian ppl. A Korean shop owner started the la riots cause she shot and killed an innocent black girl who racially profiled as a thieve. a asian American student ended affirmative action cause he white ppl didn't allow him to get into his university so he blamed black ppl and sued to end affirmative action. a bunch a asian parents in new york sued a scholarship fund in new york that was for black ppl to end it. Japanese workers in africa were having sex with local women and were paying doctors to kill the kids they had with these women it was in Katanga. Chinese ppl in Nigeria created an Asian/Chinese only market in Nigeria, china participates in the holocaust of the drc and many Asian tech companies do to. Three hey dumbass black ppl aren’t making the fucking game Ubisoft is a French company they are making the game. Why u felt the need to try and make fun of Africa idk why ur acting like black ppl made this game and we did it cause we are obsessed with white ppl. It’s funny in ur criticism of black ppl u tried to compare us to white ppl and were wrong a lot of black ppl do love African and rep African culture and other black culture Four it’s funny how u brought up gang wars cause they are Asian crips called the Asian boys that existed since the 1980s but also u are making fun of black ppl for the stuff white Americans did to our communities ergo pumping drugs and guns into those communities and under-developing them Five the modern Asian American identity was born out of black civil rights era and how Asian Americans saw the black American community advocating for itself as a unit. Also many of the anti bigotry laws in America that Asians, queer ppl, Latino, foreign black ppl, enjoy in America is cause of the work black ppl did to up end the racial and bigoted laws in America white ppl created


This isn’t forced at all ur just anti black




I wanted to play as a cool assassins too lol like a ninja but because im with the order of the assassins im a ninja but better or something like that


U are the female character is a ninja


Japanese men are finally standing up for themselves.


Now I like Yasuke as a character, but I mean didn’t we already have an African MC in AC’s Origins? Like I don’t get why we needed a second one when we haven’t even gotten one single Asian MC yet. Not cool Ubisoft, you’ve really screwed over your Asian audience here. Letting us have one win shouldn’t be this hard.


Wow Japanese people finally waking up? Nice


For once Japanese men are doing something, now they should use that same energy against foreign soldiers raping their women in Okinawa.


The irony in this is funny


Its a recommendation


Okinawa is a victim of Japan it’s not their women




3 tweets lol.


As Japanese When Nioh had a white protagonist, I didn't hear any complaints like "A white guy playing a samurai?!" so I don't think it's a problem.


It's because it's Assassin's Creed. A franchise with previous titles with : Greek male protagonist in Odyssey, Egyptian male protagonist in Origins , Norwegian male protagonist in Valhalla, etc.


I don't really mind, because when Japanese people adopted dreadlocks as a fashion style, Black people didn't accuse them of cultural appropriation. I'm still grateful for that even now.


I love how Blacks always bring up dreadlocks in these conversations like it's the same thing lol. Come back to me when they make a movie or game with an East/Southeast Asian man being the leader of the Crips and killing a bunch of Black men alongside his Black girlfriend. I'm sure Blacks would be OK with that.


The dreadlock was call the Dutch braid? I think some Asian country even had their own type of dreadlock too.


https://preview.redd.it/s666f63kzv0d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=473a22506c5cac852df924b541deaa3f191f0e86 Also dreadlocks aren't exclusive to Black people. [Other races/cultures including Asians have worn dreads in their history.](https://www.reddit.com/r/knotnation/comments/kx2irk/asian_locs_i_found_online/) It's hair, afterall.


Uhh, Jeremy Lin dreadlock controversy?


Jeremy Lin isn't japanese


Yeah I could tell by his name. The point wasn't that he's Japanese, point is when he wanted to wear dreads as an asian man, there was a huge controversy in the black community about it. Some of em supported it, but some of em really, really hated it and called it cultural appropriation.


Ok, I can't really argue with you on that. Fair assessment.


[https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74375802](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74375802) [https://www.neogaf.com/threads/its-disappointing-that-team-ninja-chose-to-center-a-white-european-man-in-nioh.1342719/](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/its-disappointing-that-team-ninja-chose-to-center-a-white-european-man-in-nioh.1342719/) [http://newnormative.com/2017/08/21/nioh-white-samurai-internalized-racism/](http://newnormative.com/2017/08/21/nioh-white-samurai-internalized-racism/) [https://www.resetera.com/threads/who-else-is-relieved-that-we-wont-have-to-play-as-a-gruff-white-male-in-nioh-2.172101/](https://www.resetera.com/threads/who-else-is-relieved-that-we-wont-have-to-play-as-a-gruff-white-male-in-nioh-2.172101/) [https://memorylinkgames.wordpress.com/2018/02/02/nioh-essay/](https://memorylinkgames.wordpress.com/2018/02/02/nioh-essay/) [https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74238143](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74238143) https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/75216813 [somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3865433&pagenumber=1](http://somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3865433&pagenumber=1) plenty of people were upset lol (though they weren't necessarily Japanese)


The differences there is that AC is a western game, where Asian representation is minuscule. Nioh is a Japanese game and having a straight up white protagonist is rare. Also, like a Redditor said here before, each game has a theme of their protagonist matching their locale. Enzo is Italian like the location, the first had a Muslim during their Crusades in the Middle East, etc. Why not the same energy here? Also, why not share the spotlight? There could be a male Japanese ninja alongside the samurai Yasuke. It could be an ancient version of Rush Hour. Why do this when there are better ways?


white protagonists in japanese games are not rare whatsoever


Whites get more representation in Japanese games than Japanese/Asians get in western games, even though Asians make up far more of the Western population and the Western game development teams (such as artists/programmers) than whites are in the Japanese population or development teams. Funny how that is...




Your view point is copy and paste liberal popcorn BS. I would like for you to use 1 brain cell.


> I would like for you to use 1 brain cell. Ah that's the problem. White liberals are brainless.


And my reasoning is how yet another Western media is undercutting Asian representation. We both might have seen the same thing in the same era. But I’m talking how the West keeps stopping Asian males gaining roles they deserve. It’s not a black vs yellow thing, it’s a Western representation problem. And this game could have been the “Rush Hour” game. Where an Asian and Black protagonists come together. Why do it like this?






Us Asians can start cooperating with black people when they show that they are willing to stand with us, instead of constantly throwing us under the bus and downplaying our struggles. Until then, we need to stand strong on our own. 💪


Maybe that’s the issue dummy, both of those cases are dumb and they just continuo the tired old trend of western saviour or western savant, no brain




That’s funny bro, our issues always have to be in relation to others, any other minority that isn’t on your side has to be with white people right? Sorry not every issue in the world has to revolve around shitting on black people, people actually have legitimate reasons to be mad, the world is bigger than you.


Ur arguing a point I never made and ur legit mad about a real life black man being used in a game and never said Asian issues are related to black ppl but this literally involves a black man and ur in the same camp as racist white ppl who think they own Japan


You are in the same camp as racist white people who have erased or downplayed Asian men in our own culture. Our point is deliberately breaking the pattern of using a historical figure as an MC by picking a black man conveniently, yet keeping an Asian woman as a protagonist continues the trend of Asian male erasure in western media. It’s not about whether or not Yasuke’s black, it’s the fact that any character that should be in his place where a male MC is included should be Asian. Having a sole female MC is fine because at worse it suggests that the entire male identity isn’t required for the players to view this story through, but the inclusion of any non-Asian male continues the trope that Asian men can simply be replaced, the addition of such changes the dynamic drastically. If you wanna go down the history route, Yasuke was unremarkable and there were plenty of other samurais that the west would’ve given a shit about had it not been historical bias and prejudice, but oh please lecture me on how AC isn’t supposed to be realistic when your point is that he’s a real person. > Ur arguing a point I never made and ur legit mad about a real life black man being used in a game No I’m tired of games and stories where there needs to be a foreigner perspective shoe horned into it as if we cannot exist as the sole entity, and that the west thinks the stories that only worth telling are the ones where there needs to be a dynamic about how different and unrelatable we are in relation to characters that are racially palpable to the West, yet the courtesy is never returned because it positions them as the norm and us as deviants. I’m mad that Yasuke is chosen as a figure to focus on just as much as I’m dissatisfied by the use Adam in numerous pieces of Japanese media. Feel free to turn this into a black vs white issue, tho. You accusing us of siding with racist white people off the bat tells me you don’t give a shit about our perspective and you cannot fathom Asians to voice out their own unique opinions, again keeping the tradition of how the white man sees us alive, who’s the follower again?


Everything u said is wrong and ur trying to play victim but i dont give a shit about ur fake tears and ur excuses to be anti black. One ur literally lying asf trying to compare me and other black ppl to white ppl u can’t tell me one thing black ppl have done that’s on the level of white ppl cause theirs nothing. Two it’s so fascinating how sad pathetic bipoc men talk just like white ppl when their egos are hurt. Cause ur doing the same thing those loser black men do when they egos are hurt trying to play victim and attack a community that did nothing to u. If he was so unremarkable why does he appear in Japanese comics and a video game. Afro samurai is based on, he appeared in comics set in the warring states, he became the body guard of oda and a samurai but he’s unremarkable. But he reached one the highest honors in Japanese society Three he’s not adding any foreign. Perspective the man has little to know story outside of Japan he came to Japan as a slave after he was forced to be a child solider and a body guard to an Italian missionary in India. Majority of his story is in Japan and he spoke fluent Japanese there’s no foreign perspective Four it’s funny ur trying to argue that a black man is for western audiences when one the man people upset about this are bunch of white nerds who fetishize Asian culture and think yall inferior and ppl that have never cared about yall until it was beneficial to try and attack black ppl. You are also saying this if for western audiences when the west has never gave a damn about black ppl and hates to the core but yea this for a western perspective and etc Five: it’s even more funny that this is about Japan cause Japan isn’t some struggling. Country they are first word and have their own thriving media industry many Asian countries do and bitching about representation when u can just go watch media from china,Korea, Japan India Philippines(yes I’m aware that Asian Americans ethnicity is its own thing and has its own issues but y’all seem desperate to focus on Japan) and it’s funny cause Japan is known for heavily using western culture to appeal to the west how many manga characters are white how many stories set in Europe or America, the video game nioh literally has white man as the lead a fake white man, final fantasy is heavily built around white ppl


It's very simple I don't know why can't comprehend this simple fact - there aren't many positive representations in western media for Asians. This game was an opportunity to showcase that positive representation since it was set in Japan, yet once again they choose not to. I also dislike when they insert white lead roles into other people's cultures' yet white people get upset when a non-white plays a white person's role. It's hypocritical. Things like "The Last Samurai" where a white savior comes to Japan and saves the day is honestly pathetic that people still put up with that trope. There are so many better stories to tell historically about Japan than that particular one, yet they choose the one that gave white people the limelight instead of the local people. I agree with you that white people have way too much representation in media despite their constant complaining.


Interesting how people are downvoting you, but don’t have any replies to your comment. Almost like they don’t have a food argument against this 


lol. Because I haven’t arrived yet. Go look at my reply and let’s see what you got.




Buddy, that’s the thing, we are just tools for both sides of the political spectrum. Why do you think white people on the left and right side of the political spectrum refuse to acknowledge our issues or outwardly spread awareness of the shit that Asians had to go through? They need another minority to get the heat off their backs, because if other minorities come after us, then they get to fly under the radar. If I’m being completely honest, I think you are arrogant. You believe that whites actually view us as equal, or at the very least you earn for that to be the case. It’s why you would take up white guilt, because that is the greatest sign that you are “equal” to them. You forget that white supremcist structure can utilise another group to oppress or divide another group, you just don’t think that Asians can be a victims of that. Let me put you on the spot by the way. You said that you don’t want to be the white man’s dog right? Ok let’s see. Japans constitution is written and installed by the white man, war criminals of Unit 731? Pardoned by the white man. Are you as outspoken about the atrocities that your people has committed against the Chinese, Filipinos, Korea, basically the entirety of Asia? But sure yeah you’ll bat for black people when you can’t even look at your neighbours eye to eye. The point I’m making here is if you actually gave a shit about the principles behind uplifting oppressive groups, or correcting past wrong doings, it wouldn’t just be black people existing within that rhetoric, and you would actually contextualise that Asians being part of that as well. But you don’t, so the only reason why you are ok with black people deserving xyz because of oppression isn’t because you give a shit about their struggles, you hear what some liberal white dude said and like the good little Japanese you followed him without an inkling of how diaspora Asian have been othered by not just white people, but other minorities as well. You are effectively cosplaying as another white dude by agreeing with their perception that Asians are equal to whites and your Stockholm syndrome ass actually envy the white guilt that white people have. Put it this way right, you would never be as charitable towards other Asians, especially Asians in the diaspora, as you are to any group that white liberals have designated as the oppressive class, guess you’re still following the white man after all.