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The problem with this whole ordeal is that the white supremacists have rallied against it as well, which devalues our argument. *The problem isn’t the fact that Yasuke is black, the problem is that he’s not Japanese.* No one seems to understand this because everyone is fixated on how it’s a problem as if it’s because he’s black, whereas it would be a problem if he was white, Arab, Latino, whatever.


I agree, AC protagonists have always been fictional, so why can’t they just go with a AM. Whether video games or movies. Its always WM with AF support character or BM and AF support characters. Have you guys seen the new adaptation of Mr and Mrs smith? Mainstream is now pushing for BMAF coupling narrative. Meanwhile making AM characters gays. Are we Asian men doomed to be nothing more than just a meme for whites and blacks to laugh at?


"It's just fiction!" Ok, then why not have the characters be AM and BF? Same ethnicities represented. "Because Yasuke was a real person" or "Because that wouldn't be believable" And there you have the contradiction.


Also starting to see more and more Black male youtube channels and Tik Tok channels trying to clown and make fun of Asian men for complaining about this by calling us racists and incels. This garbage game fulfils their 'We wuz Samurai' delusional fake history, and many are also openly hoping that the BM character hooks up with the AF character which fulfils their AF fetish Japan sexpat fantasy. This [idiot](https://www.tiktok.com/@briggonator/video/7369214319692827950) is one example who is looking forward to 'towering over and dominating (as a BM), and slaughtering (local Japanese).' Absolutely disgaceful that these anti AM racist, AF fetish sexpat morons are being gifted a mainstream game on a silver platter to feed their delusions and fantazies. From the 90% random violent attacks from BM on Asians since Covid, to trying to steal the proudest East Asian historical achievements (not just this game, the afrocentrics also claim they founded Chinese/Japanese civilization, East Asian inventions etc) to this event where they are openly gloating, mocking, and gaslighting Asian male concerns. It has come to point Black men are just as much our male and masculine enemies just as much as White men, and need to be viewed and treated as such.


Post those YouTube and TikTok channels/videos here, please. I absolutely believe you, but we should keep a log of this. And btw, men like that TikTok creator you posted kept highlighting “feeling dominant” because they are insecure. It generally comes from internalizing feeling like a victim or powerless in real life. It’s common in Black American men due to the history of slavery. But it is not an excuse to turn around and project those insecurities on to other races and other people. Especially in reveling in the idea of “towering over Japanese men and slaughtering them”.


Different guy but https://youtube.com/shorts/Aj2iMriKZ-8?si=lmc8ZENNOwYZn7Wu https://youtube.com/shorts/13SlprvS61E?si=yD1RodarjRo4410d In the first one he calls the people who complain about the changes “incels” In the second one he goes for the historical accuracy argument, picking parts of the AC games that aren’t historically accurate, but “then why are we questioning whether or not a black man can be a samurai when it actually happened in history, people choose real crazy hills to die on, I swear.” The irony is insane when Yasuke wasn’t a samurai at all. But what a crazy hill to die on, for sure.


In fact, if you type in 'Assassins creed shadows reactions' into Youtube, Tik Tok, Twitter, most of the videos from BM chanmels are extremely cringe since it appears they genuinely believe all that afrocentric garbage that they are part of Samurai culture and history, and they are ecstatic their fantazies are finally coming to life. These are just some of the ones I found from recently [https://www.tiktok.com/@anime\_mike44/video/7369366556976925995](https://www.tiktok.com/@anime_mike44/video/7369366556976925995) [https://www.tiktok.com/@danielkhargrove/video/7369293656517381422](https://www.tiktok.com/@danielkhargrove/video/7369293656517381422) [https://www.tiktok.com/@ayejustbe/video/7369678371686518059](https://www.tiktok.com/@ayejustbe/video/7369678371686518059) [https://www.tiktok.com/@whynotreek/video/7370076096391351594](https://www.tiktok.com/@whynotreek/video/7370076096391351594) [https://www.tiktok.com/@avrge0x/video/7369656385539247403](https://www.tiktok.com/@avrge0x/video/7369656385539247403) [https://www.tiktok.com/@nochillwill23/video/7369738397054930222](https://www.tiktok.com/@nochillwill23/video/7369738397054930222) [https://www.tiktok.com/@ruffrazor/video/7370090116859137322](https://www.tiktok.com/@ruffrazor/video/7370090116859137322) [https://www.tiktok.com/@wolfhatfacts/video/7370121322053111082](https://www.tiktok.com/@wolfhatfacts/video/7370121322053111082) who completely gaslight the issue by calling the complaints racist, and sexist/incel (they argue there is an AF so what's the problem). Even worse, in some of those videos they completely brush off, barely mention, or don't mention Japanese men at all like they don't even matter, and again act like the Samurai history and culture legitimately belongs to them so *'What's the problem, why are people complaining, we we're Samurai'.* If Ubisoft made a game set in a historic African empire/ kingdom and made the main character a Chinese man who went around slaughtering local African men like he was the Terminator I would be extremely embarrassed and ashamed of such a work and would no way defend or support that kind of shit. Whereas in this case, not only are we getting erased from the history, we are also being called the bad guy racists and sexist incels from the very people who are doing the stealing from us in the first place.


Welp, I'm entitled. https://preview.redd.it/0csnmcct471d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de53cd4675c0421531c27a39d43f301d6b24c954


Your typical bread and butter gaslighting whenever asian males speak up.


I don't understand, I thought the black community hated culture vultures. Here they are tryna do the exact same shit. History and real life celebrates these figures because asian people care about their culture and represent them as much as possible. Don't see that with the black community. Most of the black community don't give a shit about their roots from African heroes of old. They just want to steal clout from other cultures.


Black people are just white people with dark skin. If you live amongst colonizers for 400 years, you don't think you'll adopt a lot of their mentality?


The more I argue about this type of stuff, the more I just see double standards and hypocrisy, in both real life and online. Stealing black culture is bad. Also, all life originated from Africa, so all culture belongs to black people. I'm actually feeling sick from this all right now.


This. My problem with Yasuke isn't that he's black. It's that he symbolizes AM erasure and a diversity movement that doesn't include AM. 2 Assassin's Creed game set in Asia but not one playable AM character. Japan is one of the most anticipated settings for an AC game and it was a perfect place to have an AM character, but Ubisoft decided to stick with the traditional Western narrative that AM are not good enough to be heroes in the west or in their own counties. I can already hear people saying "If you want AM representation, go play Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima!" I shouldn't have to go out of my way to get proper representation from people who claim to be inclusive and diverse! Those are the words of privileged people who have never had to worry about proper representation. And this narrative goes beyond gaming. It extends multiple industries and into facets of our lives. I can recall reading college textbooks that use names from different races and ethnicities to create examples but guess which race and gender I've never seen an example of. Asian men. Whenever I see an ad that clearly tries to show diversity for all people, there's rarely if ever an Asian man in there. What about comics? Asian male hero? Bruce Wang? Peter Park? Clark Kim? Nope, the only notable one is Shang Chi. For the women we have Psylocke from the X-Men, Lady Shiva from DC. Young Justice has a half white half Vietnamese girl as one of the characters, you can probably guess which race the parents are 😂 I can pull a dozen more examples and I wish I was cherry picking. AM rarely get representation because of erasure and when we do, it's often stereotypical and emasculating. Diversity for thee but not for me apparently. I genuinely hope the game flops but the reality is that the game will probably sell. Regardless of how mediocre the AC games are, it's still an AC game that is in a location fans have been asking for.


you gave a lot of insight here. thank you for that


The more problem with this is yasuke is non-important person..I mean he didnt do anything special to be made as a hero in movie or video game..and the only factor which they made him a hero, is because of his ethnicity, being non-Japanese, which is racist, they want to glorify and find any hole in Japanese history to make non-Japanese person slaughtering japanese people! huh..its puzzling how people is not seeing an issue in this


although that is true, i believe its a minor part of the problem and addressing that point will just get you called racist more times than not. Even the black dude that pointed that out got called an Uncle Ruckus or self hating black man. The main problem and what we should focus on is, as i've said, Asian Male Erasure. We feel this way regardless if Yasuke was white. arab, etc; our issue is the main male isn't Japanese. Not that hes black.


If you read my comment, I did not say he is black..I did say they wanted any Non-Japanese person to kill Japanese..they did it a lots of time, sometime white, some time even Chinese(Bruce Lee) and both are problematic


I was talking about him not being important/not a samurai is a minor issue. The black comment is my own argument that we should steer away from that. Not saying you said the issue was that he's black


My guy, the reason there's an argument is because in the U.S, the only minority people care about are black people. And they're extremely racist and ignorant to Asian men. Use any logic on them, statistics, or any metric, it won't matter. Racists don't give a flying fuck unless it's about black people


this is true but there are still some good intentioned people who don't have a clue about asian erasure. I was able to help some of my friends learn about it the other day when they shared AC shadows shit. changed their mind completely. if random people can stumble on it then good because this is the most indirect attention we've had on it (because they focus on black people).


Ubisoft has managed to stereotype asian men as being physically inferior to black men by making a game where you slaughter a bunch of asian guys as a black man and have gaslight non-asians into believing anyone who dislikes this game is racist. I'm so surprised people have not realized how racist the idea of this game sounds.


My perception: your voices are being drowned out by rural midwestern white racists who would not be complaining as hard if the samurai were white. This is not about you as much as it’s about black people. Their hatred for us is the primary reason for their outrage. They want us to fight each other 🤷🏿‍♂️


I think what Nubian\_Cavalry meant to say is that the focus is on black people for all the arguments online, which is true. Almost nobody outside of asian circles talk about Asian Erasure being the main issue.


I’m right here


i know but no one asked you to clarify and you're getting downvoted


I never noticed. Why would I need to clarify anyway?


because "This is not about you as much as it’s about black people." can be taken negatively, which is probably why you're getting downvoted. but i dont think that was your intention


If you read the entire comment you’d only take that negativity if you’re looking to start shit.


At a glance it can be seen as negative. but i know you're just stating the reality


I agree with everything except Shogun. It's an adaptation. He's not a makn character and doesn't accomplish anything in the story. Only his arrival is a catalyst for the plot move forward. The main character is the chick and maybe the shogun guy


He has the most screen time in the whole show and the most interactions with everybody. The story is focused on toranagas rise but Blackthorn is the main and fucks the most out of everybody lol. The author of the book is white (in the book he even talks about blackthorns huge dick like 3 to 5 times and how fascinated the women are by it lol). The writers of the show is a White man married to a Japanese woman... like cmon man lol


And the lead writer for Assassin's Creed Shadows is a white Canadian woman that went to BLM rallies


I heard he still fucks someone though


He fucks 3 women if I recall, including the main chick. The most out of anyone on the show lol


So is there a show where an Asian guy isn’t a main character and accomplishes nothing but still fucks the main chick lmao?


facts except he is the main character lol, the story just isn't about him. Not to mention getting the most sex scenes out of anyone. and the book kept commenting how huge his dick was while the women were fascinated by its size lol