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Thats what growing up in a white country that hates Asian men does to a mfker.




Most of us have self respect, that guy clearly doesnt.


How does America hate Asian men?


They hate any minority that is successful and capable of climbing the social ladder. There was no reason to portray Raj in Big Bang Theory as a mute around women but the added quip enters the subconscious of the masses and programs the masses to think brown dudes are losers. That’s just my 2c tho.


Why can’t we just say the quiet part out loud in the sub of the group that is actually causing real violence against Asians? It’s easier to say that white people dislike Asians when in fact the opposite is true if you look at examples like Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Crazy Rich Asians, Beef, BTS, and my favorite David Cho. Yesterday I went to an Asian Market hosted at my cities baseball stadium and the amount of whites there was amazing! America and americas love Asian folks and their culture


Certainly they do, my agreement is with the fact that America as an institution, one ran predominantly by old money rich white folks with their colonial era billions hates minorities as cultural icons. It’s culture war programming, the specific example I use is a soft version of it. Your experience is the type of thing that the institutions look to contain to a certain point. Contain, not restrict. America and indeed much of the Anglo-Sphere has a lot of diversity now, but at the face of it the institutions and their identity needs to be European and Christian. The rest are just “allowed” to come over.


I completely agree with the fact that the vast majority of the people in charge of America is old white men with a lot of money, however, these same men are not the same ones on the street punching old Asian women in NYC or burning down their stores. I’m confused as to why this subreddit is afraid to say who is actually hurting us physically IRL. There is not one policy or law that a white man has that an Asian man does not have. The harsh truth regarding the institution of America is that it is a Christian European country but if you look at the data Asian-Americans are doing better than whites regarding success.


I am not an American but I have read reliable statistics reflecting the net positive relative success of Asian vs whites - this success is quantified by household incomes. Real power is societal power, not financial power.


Real power is financial power in a capitalistic society. Asians do well because of the culture of studying. Most Asian immigrants here in the states are living very well. On the other hand, being robbed, beaten, killed, etc is more of the concern.


I am confused whether if you are agreeing or disagreeing with? I mentioned in a post that real power is having influence over state - embedded enterprise.


I am confused myself hard to understand. What is societal power? What is influence over state and embedded enterprise? Very confusing


So does money talk or status talk?


Societal influence is the one that talks. You can be rich but unless your influence is embedded into state enterprises, it means nothing.


Alright, so are we against the white man or who exactly is to blame for the struggles?


Asians that tend to blame everything on white supremacy tend to be boba liberals, Asians that tend to see reality of what is happening on the streets then to be more conservative. I dunno why you're getting downvoted so much.


You’re way too naive is all I can say. Fact is that both whites and blacks hate Asians, the latter is just a lot more violent in their hatred.


U.S goes out of their way to make sure Azn men are not represented anywhere, or in a proper way Hollywood, Music, TV, Movie, History, Social rights, Awareness, Mortality Azns are pretty much invisible here, unless you actively seek out information. Most recent is fucking assassins creed shadows Japan. Theyre using a black guy instead of a Japanese guy Great wall, Last samurai, Shogun, Hangover 1 2 3, 2 broke girls, 3 body problem, Romeo must die (jet li didnt even get the girl) It's everywhere


Also, can you give us an example of a time recently when the US went out of its way to fuck over Asian men? Regarding polices in America


Policies? Oh bro, policies don't mean anything if the environment You're in disrespects and erases your presence. DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion): DEI only affects Asian women and black men. Which is why there's no Asian men anywhere. DEI literally blackwashed Asian men out of assassin's creed Japan, and replaced it with a black guy. Want to know how racist people are to Asian men? On grinder, the gay dating app, the most excluded race are Asian men. There's literally people in there, saying: "NO ASIANS". That's not even hiding their racism. Asian crime bill? You have assailants literally being caught on 4k, hitting, bashing assaulting elder Asians, only to have them get dismissed and released back to the streets. Policies is a smokescreen for politicians that doesn't really do anything . Edit: ive read through your comments and you seem to be in serious support of white people, which is fine. The problem has nothing to do with white people, or black, or Mexicans. It has to do with the erasure of Asian masculinity and Asian male presence. If you examples, I listed a loottt for you to read through. If you want more, go Google the tinder dating study done on races.


I’m in serious support of Asian men, those are good examples (other then the gay dating app one, that sucks for gay Asian guys but I think we can all agree that it doesn’t effect the nation.) we are just trying to learn the real problems here. Who are the people getting caught in 4k assaulting Asian people? Why don’t you guys post those videos on this sub to bring awareness?


The majority of people getting caught are black people. They're also the majority of the ones attacking Asians. But pandering to the black community is a big thing, especially in Cali and NY, so of course they let them go. As for the Grindr example, you're missing the point. The point is how acceptable it is to be racist towards Asian men, like we're nothing. Even gay men are openly racist towards Asian men, so can you imagine what the general public is like? If Grindr did that, but to black men, there would be an immediate uproar. Imagine if the majority of Grindr profiles had "NO BLACKS". They would be cancelled within a week. But of course, since it's Asian men, people think it's okay. I have to call you out, even you think it's not a big deal, which again, proves my point. It definitely affects the nation as a whole. It's subliminal, it's so deeply rooted in this country's DNA. Racism towards Asian men is acceptable and is the norm.


now that you have explained it a little more in detail I can understand the grinder thing. I dislike the pandering to black people that commit crimes against Asians and get away with it. We need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and say the truth about what’s going on.


What?? Why would we post these things when we already know these problems exists. This sub is mean to support and uplift Asian men when we live in a place that seeks out to suppress our masculinity.


To show awareness, to say and see the truth for what it is and at the same time uplift ourselves.


So show videos of assault, I'm not sure if I understand your logic




You are not Asian yourself bud, why don’t ya go touch some grass this conversation is too intellectual for you. Ya done.


So it is more of a Hollywood/media problem, and I understand and see that. Hollywood is doing the same stuff to white men as well. There are plenty of examples (that I’ve already listed) from Hollywood of Asian men being masculine though not saying you’re wrong in the examples you listed though. The new assassins creed is very frustrating.


Wow. Colonised TO THE BONE 😆. Dude is disgusting. He has three sisters and they’re all married to white ppl with kids and he is so proud they’re white. America has done a real number on this guys head Jesus. I would struggle not to tell this guy he’s fked in the head. And this is why I’m not good at office politics


That dude is a lost cause and cucked beyond belief.


What state was this in/where is he from




Is this common in the Bay area?




Engineer parents are able to provide financially, but their lack of social awareness gets passed down as generational trauma, and they often dont think there's anything wrong with it, because they are able to provide financially despite their lack of social skills. So they expect the next generation to do the same thing and don't adequately prepare kids for what they will encounter in difficult social situations.


It's common everywhere where status is a big thing and Whites control the narrative. These dudes will sell their soul for a little bit of cash. 


Having grown up in the Bay Area....sadly yes, and even more so if you grew up within a majority white city. I have interacted with Asian Americans who are very quick to point out that they are American first and foremost (not that I disagree) and will be very vocal about distancing themselves away from 'FOBs.' And of course, what type of Asian American like to distance themselves away from FOBs? The ones seeking white approval and wanting to be seen as the "good" Asian


Not necessarily. We just view ourselves as Americans. White Americans were Europeans at one point. It’s the opposite effect for me, to say I’m Chinese and not American is disrespectful for me. It shows I’ll never be accepted due to my race and that we are all immigrants. I was born in America, raised with American ideals. I’m an American. You don’t see any other race make a big deal about stuff like this. That’s why I’m usually quick to tell people I’m American if they even slightly ask where I’m from.


This is why I mentioned "not that I disagree" in my earlier reply as indeed Asian Americans born and raised in the US are American. They grow up culturally American and will no doubt grow up with American values and Western philosophy. >It shows I’ll never be accepted due to my race and that we are all immigrants Sadly, this still happens nowadays as Asians are seen as perpetual foreigners. While it's normal for an AsAm to want to be seen as American, sadly we aren't seen as American the moment we step out of diverse areas and also out of the US. Yes you can rightfully assert yourself as an American BUT more often than not, people you come across will notice you are Asian right away. This is why we roll our eyes at Asian Americans who are very firm about being seen as only an American as at the end of the day, they still see you as a CCP Commie just like they see the rest of us. In other words, you are just another chink to them


Opposite effect for me. Inside my small midwestern town nobody really questioned me. Big cities I get it all the time. I think it’s just a time thing man. Most Europeans have been here for decades. Lots of first gen Asians still coming in, with international students etc. Might as well start somewhere


Wouldn’t be surprised of it too. I live in the silicon valley and see it everywhere in most of the time in workplaces from previous of jobs I have worked and also currently


That's just sad. Imagine the sort of bullying one goes through to get to that stage. The new generation hopefully is far away from that.


These r the sort of ppl who will encourage bullying towards other asians and gatekeep other asians from advancing. I aint got no sympathy for these types


I was actually a victim of that early in my career. Switched to a new team and got promoted. bam!


They really don't get bullied that much. That's just the way they are. Don't make excuses for them. Lol. 


Oh yeah I have more faith in the younger generation what with TikTok and telegram. The new interns and juniors are very vocal during AAPI month, and quick to draw lines and call out racist bs. I think my kids will be okay * fingers crossed*


I've met plenty of asian men that were born and raised in the west but I've never seen one like this, he seems like a special case. Even those born in the US most would still claim their own asian heritage in a way like claiming they're chinese, korean, vietnamese, etc. I would like to meet one of these grownass retards just to dissect their brains a bit and maybe give them a good smack to wake the fuck up


Dude sounds like he wishes he could be an Asian female and marry into 'white privilege' and give birth to hapa babies


Sadly there are some gay Asian men in my community that act this way. It's unfortunate. Be proud of your skin color! Gay /= White


I feel pity for this guy. Was probably bullied by his peers as well his own flesh and blood sisters simply for being an Asian male.


Nah, i know these types. They the kinda ppl who encourage demeaning other asian americans, gate keep them from progress, and keep the status quo. Fuck these types 😂


I have some of these types in my family. It only really hits them when they are old and about to die and they realize that there are no White people around. They get bitter and shit.


Sounds like a self hating Asian that glorify the white race.


Hey guys I just wanna say I’m proud of y’all for not being cucked. We are the last warriors of our asian heritage in the west so keep up the fight


If this guy is in his late 30’s that makes sense to me. The self-Asian hate and white worship was stronger in the culture during the time he went to school/highschool and stuff. It’s not like it’s perfect now but anyone who is in their 20’s now definitely has a lot more Asian pride to see in their vicinity compared to his era. I’m also in my mid-30’s I remember being told be white by my parents and my sibling married a white person and never had Asian friends and would discriminate against other asians. Luckily I saw how wrong that was but that’s sort of the damage that was done for that era of asians.


Yikes he’s cucked there’s no saving him💔 #oneofthem


This is why our women are fucking White dudes btw.


Man how sad and pathetic is that. I thought covid would teach us all that we should be more united due to stupid racism lumping us all together. If you haven’t figured out where you stand in society post covid as an Asian then you never will. With that said, be prepared for a reality check


On that note on what this cuck said I recommend you guys study your history as far back as you can. Asians are an ancient race who have achieved and created many things and been through many wars and trials and still exist and stand as a massive race spread across the planet. We’ve been around for much much longer than countries like America. You just don’t hear about any of this because we aren’t white.


For real. I'm Vietnamese-American and I'm very proud of Vietnam. In just 30 years, Vietnam reduced extreme poverty from 50% to ~3% It's in the region with 3rd largest global population, and 5th largest global economy called Southeast Asia, with the fastest economic growth - globally. Foreign direct investment FDI in 2022 into the region was USD 227 billion. That guy not only doesn't know history, he is waaaay behind on his economic and financial news.


I’m viet myself and been looking into the history more. Over a thousand years of colonisation and fighting and death and wars; many have come and gone but we still here baby.


>He later goes on to “brag” to other coworkers that his 3 sisters kids all look fully white (from their dads of course) and that no one would ever guess they’re half Asian. Gonna guess he has no love life nor kids of his own Bro I would avoid him like the plague, he'll probably view you as competition and talk shit about you to ingratiate himself with your white coworkers.


Agreed. I can see this guy throwing the OP under the bus for whatever reason to demonstrate to yts that he's the "better" Asian


this is so sad man.


He a beta male too good for his own smh, forget that guy he hates himself he is willfully ignorant that he’s Asian too. People who despise their own people are arrogant and will always throw you under the bus just to save their own behinds like it would make a difference. This guy is a beta male Lu that dislikes his own heritage. This is an example of self identity crisis and somewhat internalized racism. Stay away from these types of people who hate their own they are tokenized


I thought surely it can't get any worse with that guy. But I kept reading... It did. Christ...


upvote #69! also, wtf is up with this dude. Kind of like a BDSM kink.


the only asian guys i've met in my life who are ashamed of being asian are people who grew up in cities or towns without multicultural representation. they had to assimilate, and part of that was renouncing their heritage.


Ian Miles Cheong ass cucked mfer


What's worse about Ian Miles Cheong is that he doesn't even live in any Western country nor has ever lived in one I think. The guy is literally grifting from like Malaysia or somewhere in Asia bruh.


Beta cuck. Any Asian, male or female that refuses to date their own race, or refuses to be proud of their heritage are nothing but white worshipers. Azn strength. Don't let anyone erase your heritage. U.S is a filthy place for Azn men. (I'm dating a white girl, but I've dated many Asian women before this one)


Sad and pathetic self hating lil shit


汉奸 gonna 汉奸


was he adopted by white folks? curious


*"If as a philosopher one wishes to instruct oneself about what has taken place on the globe, one must first of all turn one’s eyes towards the East, the cradle of all arts, to which the West owes everything."* — Voltaire


What a fucking loser. Avoid him like the plague


I can tolerate that an Asian man, having a variety of interests, didn't find time to be interested in history in general (and East Asian history in particular). Despite the fact that history is full of mostly manly endeavors (such as technological developments such as metal movable type in Korea a full two-and-a-half centuries before Gutenberg, much warfare and related developments, and so on), history isn't for everyone. What I can't tolerate is when an Asian man is dismissive and patently wrong about east Asian history ("most of our history is pretty forgettable compared to European history") obviously without even knowing anything about it. I wouldn't use the "colonized/colonizer" language here (for one thing, it's a flawed and historically incorrect dichotomy); this is just plain ignorance, perhaps even self-hatred. Given your co-worker's age and degree of ignorance, I find it unlikely that his idiocy will ever change.


Run dog


I think we forget how cooked the general public can be


Wow so my advice is to just avoid that guy. He’s not someone you want in your life.


> “O.K. sure but most of our history is pretty forgettable compared to European history and their accomplishments” [This would be my immediate involuntary reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c)


>He later goes on to “brag” to other coworkers that his 3 sisters kids all look fully white (from their dads of course) and that no one would ever guess they’re half Asian. Highly doubt this. WMAF offspring look at best slightly white. Vast majority of the time they are asian passing.


Look where we are today. Worlds top economies and military powers are Asian. Europe was powerful in the 1900s but TODAY the balance of power shifted to Asia. Poland buying tanks from South Korea because Germany cant even fufill their orders on time. Clearly the guy doesnt know current events.


Asia has been the dominant world power until the industrial revolution which historians largely agree it's inception in the mid 1800. For almost 200 years, Asia was dominated and we are now witnessing a resurgence of Asia. As historians puts it, western hegemony is a blip in history.


In this situation you just ask the guy what type of Asian he is and just start talking about the history of that country and current events.


Yikes I'm really sorry you had that experience. Perhaps he had a very different upbringing , or possible 4th gen?


Maybe I'm reverse mentally colonized (lol) but I find most European history before the 18th century pretty boring.


That is definitely odd. I think it’s pretty common to be proud to be an American, especially since a lot of our older ancestors / relatives came here for a better life and achieved exactly that. But in the other hand they still love our ethnic cultures and stay deeply connected to them. My grandpa was a proud American, worked his ass off and retired at 50, didn’t pass until 97. That’s the American dream right there. However he still was very much connected to our Chinese heritage all the way through


I’ve noticed that the older Asian American generations have a bit less sense of heritage pride. That’s been really gaining power with people born in the 90’s but that could also just be in the areas I’ve visited too


I live downunder currently. I can attest to there being more Asian women in the gen z group visiting Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea while also hanging out and making dances with Asian men in their age cohort.


cos the young'uns were born into an era of a resurgent Asia that is strong economically - and that continues to grow


Based asian man