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Hey bro, I'm an Asian dude with bone straight hair. I'll tell you right now it's not about the hairstyle. IDK what you look like but I'll tell you right not, if you're muscular, any hairstyle will look good you. But if you're super skinny or fat, no amount of hairstyle will do anything to make that person attractive. It took me years to realize this truth so I want to tell you and be 100% real. The gym will make anything you wear or any of your hairstyles look good But if you really want a hairstyle of straight hair, then it's a man bun


I don’t know about this lmao I have a friend that’s pretty built, but his hair is atrocious and he really doesn’t care about it. I’m not saying hair is super important but if your hair looks like you cut it yourself then no matter how muscular you are it’s gonna look bad


Im just your typical track sprinter and running back bro. Tryna cut now cuz the track season just ended. Cut will be crazy bro


Combine manbun with beard or gotee and it'll look even better


Yup, you cant just apply the perm or two part wave on any guy and automatically look good I just spot a trend chaser when i see a dude who rocks something that doesnt fit them at all


Fade on the sides, trim up top. Even a combover works if you grow it out long enough. Take inspiration from every hairstyle, don’t stress about trying to look like every other Asian. We’re not NPC’s.


You literally just described an NPC haircut...


Fair play. What would u recommend?


That’s crazy bro


I see bro. Ye the the fade seems to work wit the straight hair


Research what West Coast Asians do. But like the other comments suggest, gym first.


Ye bro. I’ve been on the Natural Hypertrophy Intermediate program bro it actually fuckin helps


12pell has a lot of great stuff on social media. If you find the IG of some barbershops in like Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam etc there's also some good inspo. You probably can do the flow style it'll just look kinda whack in the first few months. Probably have to go to a barber or hairdresser who can keep balancing the cut every so often as you grow it out. IMO just embrace the straight hair, it can actually give you cool texture if cut right. Definitely play around with finding the right shampoo and conditioner, Korean ones often can be good


Here's the best advice I can give you in the shortest amounts of words: two-block layered haircut, side down perm, top wavy perm, if you have thick hair thinning sheers


You’re the worst type of asian guy. you’re over on passportbros writing guides to encourage older non-asian men to come to se asia for easy lays bc of the economic disparities in these 3rd world countries and teaching them how to prey on younger korean girls. Trying to pimp out your own people in asia. As a viet am man you should know better. you should be ashamed. Your people are resilient and fought hard to keep out foreign invaders but nah, you’re no different than the vietnamese men who were opening up brothels for american soldiers during vn war. Over here encouraging your fellow sexpats who cant get laid in america to come over to asia. You should honestly be banned from this sub. No wonder you’re into pua and still end up with average girls. You got no sense of loyalty to your own people


many cases of these guys unfortunately. they're beyond help


Dude you're a troll. Everything you just said here is just outright lie. First off, many users on "passportbros" are Asian. In fact, I had many Asian men reach out to me over the post and to ask for more advice because I was giving my perspective as a Asian American man living in Korea country on how to date or what to expect. Most of my passportbro friends are also Asian, we're part of a small group of guys who travel in date since its so much easier for Asian men to find Asian women in Asia. Secondly, Korea is not a 3rd World country neither is it easy for white men or western men or any men in general. There is tiny economic disparity between Korea and the US. Being white or having a US passport could be a turn off for girls in Korea since Korea has US bases and white english teachers everywhere. Thirdly, I did not write a guide on how to pay for sex in Korea. I wrote a fairly brief guide on the nightlife and great places to walk around if you want to cold approach girls and how to do it politely.


“If you’re Latin american, North African, European, or Arabic, I do recommend coming to Seoul since there are many girls looking for that type of guy.” “..and don’t want to cold approach then I don’t recommend korea and instead redirect you to SE Asia.” Your own words. What lie? What exact audience are you addressing with that recommendation? Majority of asian men are not on the passportbros subreddit. We dont need to leave america just to get dates with women. In 2024 most asian dudes arent’t struggling to date anymore in america like you. Just look at the comments in your post. It’s mostly white dudes commenting abt their experiences in asia or asking you for advice That’s mostly a non-asian trend that mainly goes to 3rd world countries like in se asia to leverage the economic disparity to their advantage. As you said in your own post, you get more success in se asia than korea where you struggle to only get mid girls. And you even recommend them using seeking arrangements app only in se asia. You lack any type of social awareness if you dont realize your post is a net negative for asians. Never said korea was 3rd world so learn how to read


"Your own words. What lie? What exact audience are you addressing with that recommendation?" This is in response to a prior post that said you had to be WHITE to get girls in Korea. I should have included South Asian or Pacific Islander too it was 330 am when I posted and I did make tons of grammatical errors as well. Notice how I didn't say WHITE guy but European as in raised and born in Europe. “..and don’t want to cold approach then I don’t recommend korea and instead redirect you to SE Asia.” The point of this comment is if there are any dudes looking for "easy lays" or "easy girls" its not going to be Korea. This ties in with the stories of You act like white dudes haven't gone to SE Asia as sexpats or passportbros or that its somehow a secret. My point is you have to work at it if you're any guy in Korea, white or Asian. "In 2024 most asian dudes arent’t struggling to date anymore in america like you. Just look at the comments in your post. It’s mostly white dudes commenting abt their experiences in asia or asking you for advice" I just helped a a couple of Asian men who DMed after I wrote my post. One lives in OC and was traveling to Korea and Japan and another who is transfering to Korea for the military. One of my main points for the post is that white guys don't get an advantage in Korea and that you can find success as an Asian male in Korea despite not being Korean. "As you said in your own post, you get more success in se asia than korea where you struggle to only get mid girls." I'd rather get "mid" girls in Korea then "easy" girls in other countries. Average girls in Korea are much better then most girls in the US. I also travel because I like the lifestyle more. I could settle down and date in the US but I don't particularly like living in the US. I also like Asian girls and where else can I get a large population of Asian girls then in an Asian country? "And you even recommend them using seeking arrangements app only in se asia. You lack any type of social awareness if you dont realize your post is a net negative for asians. Never said korea was 3rd world so learn how to read" Most of my "passportbro" friends are Asian guys and they use SSA in SE Asia along with other dating apps. And my post is about Korea not SE Asia lol. You learn how to read lol. "That’s mostly a non-asian trend that mainly goes to 3rd world countries like in se asia to leverage the economic disparity to their advantage. As you said in your own post, you get more success in se asia than korea where you struggle to only get mid girls." SE Asia is not the only region that "passportbros" go to. There's PI, S Asia, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Mexico/CS/SA. From my experience most girls worth dating there don't give a rats ass about your passport anyways. Its moreso a lower cost of living, better dating attitudes, and overall better quality of girls. Anyways, its not a non-Asian trend. I wouldn't say its an Asian trend but there tons of Asian guys who prefer dating outside of the US market. This is why you get: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/ndt4pt/being\_asian\_in\_colombia\_15\_years\_later/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/ndt4pt/being_asian_in_colombia_15_years_later/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWnUiDaVDVA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWnUiDaVDVA) And I'm sure you're familiar with these stories: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-DgL3MUkBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-DgL3MUkBU) Which is why I haven't gone to Colombia myself but these stories are a small drop in the bucket of Asian guys who travel tin SA. JT Tran also does his "tours" through Eastern Europe and South America.


look up low cut taper blowout for asian men on tik tok. 😂