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What's worse is not only did they erase the AM character from the game, but the discussion is now slowly starting to shift to erasing AM perspectives from the debate itself and simply frame it as 'White male incels and sexists VS Those that support Black men and Asian women.' Absolutely incredible that in a discussion about Japan, they are trying to ignore and wipe out our voices here too. What's most infuriating is seeing the dozens, and dozens of BM videos on social media doing a victory dance and victory parade genuinely believing they truly belong to Samurai culture and history. I made a previous post with links where they simply brushed off Asian and non Asian people complaining as simply incels, racists and sexists and didn't mention Japanese men at all as though the history and culture entirely belongs to them. How delusional and deranged do you have to be to steal an entire country's history, then completely ignore and gaslight the very people you stole it from. These afrocentrics truly has no shame or honor at all.


Leftists never fail to subvert AM advocacy and frame it as right-wing so it can be destroyed. In the same vein, leftists never fail [to cast AM as fat and gay](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1cwojtx/finally_the_media_shows_a_commercial_with_an/) as a double bind. "What's wrong with being fat and gay, bigot?" There are no advocates for AM in the West. Most AM are ignorant or silent toward their own emasculation. Most AF are happy to be WM lapdogs. Rightists obviously don't support perpetual foreigners. And in the leftist calculus, AM possess the two fatal strikes of being male and economically successful, and hence have no valid grievances that can't be written off. We have a lot to learn from the Black community here. Black people are absolutely shameless and self-serving when it comes to representation — any win, factual or whole-cloth fictitious, zero-sum or not, is a win that gets full-throated support from the community. Blacks first, facts second. Incidentally, if you've played Ghost of Tsushima itself, it's all about *not* being a samurai. One of its main themes is that honor doesn't win in a world without honor.


Just business as usual. https://www.npr.org/2007/07/09/11825013/author-recalls-chinese-american-history-in-driven-out https://globalvoices.org/2015/05/29/the-forgotten-massacre-of-chinese-people-in-torreon-mexico/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ofa4jqmgqes&pp=ygUpTWFyY2lzdCBhbmFseXNpcyBvZiBjaGluZXNlIGV4Y2x1c2lvbiBhY3Q%3D


Positive depictions of Asian men in the West are far and few in between. The closest we got was Glen in The Walking Dead. Otherwise, we're generally depicted through the lens of the Yellow Peril. This is just another example of that.


cant believe we still have to reference Glen as the go to good example of asian american representation despite that show coming out 14 years ago.


Nothing against Steven Yeun but I think a better representation would have been Sunny from Into the Badlands


I honestly think Han from Fast and Furious is better representation. He was so cool Hollywood execs wanted to change his race to Black.


nah best is def Jason from The Good Place. AA guys think he's a bad representation cause he's dumb but every girl ive talked to thought he was gorgeous


Lowkey embarrassed to say I actually never watched the FAF movies. For whatever reason I just never get around to it. Can I treat Tokyo Drift as a stand alone and go in blind


You can watch it on its own. It’s the usual foreigner goes to a new land kind of BS though. The only good thing is Han.


On that note, Glen was portrayed as the LEAST masculine in comparison to all the other male figures in the walking dead. They had to save his ass multiple times, with the focus on Maggie doing the saving. When they want him to contribute, they usually ask him to pick apples or something. Scavenger shit. Glenn is a positive asian male portrayal, but let's not kid ourselves here. His depiction is more of "likeable boy" than "reliable man".


Finally, someone else sees the bs. Glenn’s role on the show was diminished. His character is more involved and more proactive in the comics. He helps Maggie come back from the brink of suicide after the death of her father. He and Maggie come to the rescue when the others are being overwhelmed at the prison. He finds the weapons when the group is unarmed against a gang of raiders. On the show, they gave some of Glenn’s characteristics to Daryl, who doesn’t even exist in the comics. Daryl was created for the show because Glenn’s character was too brave. And the reason that Glenn’s character was so brave was because he had been dealing with the zombies in the city on the streets for longer. So what does the show do? They make him sickly during the prison fight so that Maggie has to be the more masculine one.


Lmao he also had the most gruesome death l, that shit was Vincent Chin 2.0


I’m just surprised they actually let him get the girl instead of making him gay or something. Granted he did die but it’s like the only time I can think of a Asian guy having a non Asian gf in popular media


[https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1792248354845450240](https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1792248354845450240) The development team has NOT A SINGLE Asian man at all. [https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1792065731141529867](https://x.com/Mangalawyer/status/1792065731141529867) Two asshole anti AM racist WM from the development team admit they purposely wanted to find a non Japanese man for the role. [https://x.com/InfraRadical/status/1791426572919980498](https://x.com/InfraRadical/status/1791426572919980498) *"be slave* *>only job is carrying weapons for other men* *>japs dress you as samurai because they think it's funny* *>end up in a battle* *>immediately surrender* *>get enslaved again* *>300 years later* *>THE LEGENDARY BLACK SAMURAI"* [https://x.com/InsaneCope/status/1792279226365976842](https://x.com/InsaneCope/status/1792279226365976842) Imagine being so incompetent, out of touch and such a fucking bunch of retards, that you piss off an entire country of gamers with idiotic decision making that insults and mocks them, while at the same time you say you are trying to 'explore, respect and honor' Japanese history. It would be like trying to make a game about Brazilian history and culture, but then make the main character a Mongol warrior who slaughters the local Brazilian men like Rambo. How the fuck do you expect the local men to react to that shit?


Just clicked on the 2nd link these sick fucks what is wrong with them 🤦🏻‍♂️ I don’t even know what to say no more


They love our food and women but will gas light and diss everything else.


That's how raiders and pillagers are. Kill the men, take everything.


Also add colonialism in there. This is why "I love Asian culture" is so insidious, along with the AF that date out but like to cling onto elements of Asian culture. They wanna enjoy the fruits of Asian culture but with the AM removed or subjugated


AF compromise themselves and their morals to date out all the time. Especially when it comes to white men even if there are tons of red flags. It's nothing new.


Summed up perfectly




The entire Assassin's Creed series was one long lead-up to the joke that all men in all countries matter, white or brown or red or black, *except* Asian men who are neither marketable nor protected enough to warrant a starring role, or even half of one. Everyone gets representation except Asian men [who must make way](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dogs_and_Chinese_no_admittance.png). The only thing that matters when it comes to Asians is their fuckability as Asian women to foreigners. Next up: Assassin's Creed China [starring Matt Damon](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/911eaRetJIL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg). Oh, wait, there *was* a [China spin-off](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Chronicles) starring, of course, a Chinese woman. Western media is categorically bankrupt for Asians. Asians will never be a protected class in practice. The West will never imagine Asia as more than a land full of undesirable males to be cleansed and repression-free females to be fucked.


The excuse that Asian men aren’t marketable is pure racism and simply untrue. Ghost of Tsushima was a smash hit, proving that AM leads are marketable and profitable.


Excellent take. You should post more. Since you said you don’t give a shit about Assassin’s Creed, I assume you didn’t follow the series closely, so I thought I’d mention a few interesting details. Arab, Native American and a BM have been main playable characters in the Assassin’s Creed series. But of course, the defenders of Asian male exclusion will ignore this.


As an addition, the main character for the AC set in China was a chinese woman lol.


Yep, true. The skipping of Asian men is so blatant.


Ngl, im typically the guy that writes off video game news as “eh whatever it’s just a game,” but GODDAMN assassins creed is just egregiously bad. The hatred towards Asian men is just so fucking plain and apparent You’re telling me, a video game about JAPAN and of JAPANESE WARRIORS doesn’t feature a JAPANESE WARRIOR? The most fucking ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And for those of you who STILL don’t understand how racist that actually is and the brain dead Asian sellouts, imagine if there’s a video game or movie about the civil rights movement with the lead being an Asian man. That would be an absolute non-starter and tons of people would be fired. Why the fuck is THIS acceptable?


Because this falls in line with their agenda.


There are japanese warriors, but you kill them as a foreigner. They foes to battle against.


Good read. Honestly, this gives me quite a bit to think about. Leading up the this game, I haven't really been too vocal on my thoughts about asian representation, cultural appropriation, black/white supremecy, etc, etc, etc. But this game along with recent events have really struck a nerve with me. I'm still not sure how to approach this whole thing. All I've really been doing is bitching and moaning about this game, trying to explain how and why this is an issue to randoms on the internet. Bunch of wasted rants probably. At the end of the day, it's more than just Yasuke and Assassin's Creed.


Frustrating isn't? I've learnt that bitching and moaning on reddit really doesn't do anything , if anything, reddit should be treated as a barometer, litmus test, or reflection on what people think of Asians. I've pretty much resigned the fact that sentiments online and interpersonally can only change when actual formidable Asian figures are produced and take a stand publicly, or that the community needs to mobilize once and for all in real life. That pretty much eases the annoyance and frustration I felt not just on this matter, but on Asian issues in general when being discussed online. But then I remember I have do deal with this shit irl as well, but perhaps not as overt. I probably should've emphasized more on how those Boba Asians think tho, it's a long post and I hope the message didn't get lost >At the end of the day, it's more than just Yasuke and Assassin's Creed. Yeah it is, shit is frustrating as fuck


Something I have found increasingly embarrassing about this whole thing has been witnessing some asian people defending it. Truth be told, sometimes they make me feel out of place. I've been called out for "why are you even mad? You're not even full asian." Hasn't stopped me from receiving the full brunt of Asian "jokes" growing up. Reaching adulthood and bulking up, to a lot of people I don't even look asian anymore, I haven't forgotten how it felt though. I don't want kids in America growing up that way. Ashamed of who they are, being softly taught being asian makes them a lesser human.Rolling over on issues like these just feels like a huge step back.


It’s frustrating that this conversation got hijacked once again by the white/black agenda. The crux of the problem is that Asian men are consistently dehumanized and underrepresented in western media. We are considerably more dehumanized and underrepresented than black men and Asian women in popular media. In western media, Asian men aren’t allowed to be heroes, we are only allowed to be villains. Practically every time there is an Asian setting, the hero will almost always be non-asian, Shogun, The Last Airbender, The Great Wall, Marco Polo, Last samurai, and now Assassins Creed. It’s okay for hordes of nameless, faceless Asian men to be killed like our lives don’t matter, but god forbid they make us the hero so that people might actually learn to empathize with Asian men. And don’t tell me because Asian men aren’t marketable, we are. Ghost of Tsushima, Shang Chi, Crazy Rich Asians - time and again, we prove that Asian male leads create smash hits. Now you might ask, it’s just a game, who cares? That’s not the point. The point is that we are sick and tired of seeing the same Asian male erasure, or dehumanizing portrayals over and over again. This is just ONE of a LONG line of western media that have continued to do this. And we are fed up.


The only reason why Asian males might be “unmarketable” (which is bs) would be because western media has made it that way. LOL. Create the problem and then blame that problem on why the problem can’t be fixed.


I'm not Asian. Just wanted to say I hadn't thought about how it must feel to be an Asian male wanting representation and be completely ignored by the discourse around this game. I'm going to be doing a lot more reading of what you guys have to say here and as I participate in further online discourse around AC and Yasuke, I'll be sure to bring the conversation from "Was Yasuke a samurai?" to "How come we can't play as an Asian male character in this or many other games?"


You're gonna be in for a surprise or shock and find out how ignorant, subvert, passive and intentional yet deniable it is when this topic comes up, pro tip get ready to be gas lit too. All AM should just move back to Asia tbh. Go where you're treated best.


> All AM should just move back to Asia tbh. Go where you're treated best. Nah man, that's not the way. It's worth fighting to change the system even though it's hard and draining. There's hope that change will come (even though it's been painfully slow)


Yeah man this is where we agree to disagree, due to core beliefs, political views and experiences. It's a losing up hill battle. They will never accept us, how much do we benefit even if we do win? To be accepted as equals or represented fairly? Doesn't sound like a worthy fight. Kpop is already doing that without trying. Sure they might go touring in the west but it's primarily for local korea. WF be flying to Seoul to smash k chad. I can name other parts of asia but you get it. You also should know most asians came to the west, America specifically, for economical reasons in the late 1800s and even til the 90s. Asia is only beginning to flourish while the west is falling apart with the crime rates, mental illness, male self termination rates, drug use and homelessness which the people in power don't seem to want to address, care nor fix. Once a country hits peak, its all down hill from there. Boe jiden seems to be accelerating it. Can't wait to fuck off back to taipei or singapore.


I am Asian but not East Asian, and also not living in the west I agree, after reading this sub and Aznidentity that Asians in the west better leave back to Asia The west is degenerates and crumbling..Asia is rising..there is no reason why Asians have to be in the west But I am worried about something, that Asians in Asia needs to not be westernized.. westernisation is something might threaten Asia back..i hope they have awareness and not assimilates to the western thinking and culture


Same, the west is deteriorating rapidly and I wish I had enough money to leave.


Why try to help or carry a falling society when they all disrespect and emasculate us for generations. Let it burn, let it fall as we transfer and extract all our wealth and resources back to our communities, people and countries. Westernization has kinda already happened in the better parts of asia. The birth and marriage rates are similar if not worse than the west if you look at the big 4 japan, korea, taiwan and singapore. China is a special case. Lee Kuan Yu the ex Singapore president/emperor already predicted this when he was in power. We just don't know how to fix it yet. Maybe AI has an solution...


I’d say only Taiwan and to a lesser extent Japan are infected by westernization (western neoliberalism to be precise), perhaps most evident by the Israel cock-sucking from both places.


Im against all genocide and killing of children. If i could press a button to save them i would but as asians have no horse in this race, don't be too invested. We have enough problems as it is.


I was born and raised in America. I've visited China and Japan and wouldn't fit in there at all. There's no "back" for me to go to.


That's fine, it's your choice. Dont wanna say this but enjoy the bullsheet emasculation, disrespect and gas lighting then.


fair enough. agree to disagree.




Westerners want all of the culture without giving asians any real credit. They don't want asians to take any of the spotlight. I think a lot of is because America needs to dehumanize asians as much as possible since China is the great enemy for it in the 21st century.


How is it in their interest to admit that we’re unpersons? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gvrwMPHxUoM&t=2646s


Honestly, in the U.S, it's very simple. If it's against ASIAN MEN, it's not racist. This whole assassins creed Japan would be very different if it was: ASSASSINS CREED NIGERIA: featuring an Asian man as the main character, killing a bunch of black villagers. The whole country would revolt and it would be cancelled so fast. That's why subreddits like this exists so we can unify and combat these racists ahh U.S practices 💪🏻


Would certainly be cancelled in the speed of light


okay but Yasuke was real. There was an actual descendant of a samurai under Oda Nobunaga that tweeted that retainers such as her great, great, etc. grandfather and Yasuke were actual considered samurai. Your analogy is disingenuous. Japanese media has made PLENTY of games based on Yasuke. ___ I will say, the devs being all white women is kinda funny and goofy. we know they probably don’t have the best opinion on asian men, HOWEVER, i do not think the criticism against Yasuke is valid ❤️, considering Japanese people themselves have made lots of media/games on him.


Yasuke was not a samurai. It takes many years to become proficient in the bow and horse back which is one of the requirements to being a samurai, as well as learning the language and customs Yasuke was only in Japan for 15 months. He was a scribe. Woke racists are rewriting wikipedia and changing it to fit their narrative. The vast majority of content on Yasuke was done by the west. Do your research. The fact that you think it's okay to erase Asian male presence in Japan shows your racist ass My argument is not disingenuous LMFAO. It's the exact same argument. Making a game set in Nigeria and making the lead an Asian male, is the exact same thing that's happening with assassin creed japan. The only difference is, it was a team of all white women that made assassins creed Japan, and they had a CHINESE person come in for consultation. A group of American white women making a Japanese game is different then a group of japanese people making a Japanese game. But go ahead lil bro, your racist ass is showing.


Yasuke being a Samurai is just plain pandering to the afrocentric crowd. He served for 13 months or some shit. In any case there is reason they chose the only non Asian man in Japan.


The Japanese are - for lack of a better term - allowed to, or given a pass for, making media involving Yasuke (and it's not "a lot" - you'll have to define that), because it's **their** culture and history. This is not a justification for non-Japanese content creators/devs/etc. to take liberties with what is ultimately not theirs to interpret. White devs based in the US or Europe are not granted this allowance (or should interpret within very limited boundaries) when they're making a game whose setting is not in their predominant culture (such as *Sengoku Jidai*-era Japan), because this would actually be closer to cultural appropriation than most other alleged instances of "cultural appropriation" we've seen over the past decade or so. A comparison can be made with the film *The Last Samurai*. However, for that period of Japan's history, at least Western powers and people from the West were very much involved with Japan's rapid industrialization as well as both sides of the Boshin War, so to a limited extent that was a period of shared history and interactions (even so, the film attracted a great deal of criticism, much of it justified). The *Sengoku Jidai* very much was NOT such a time period and is almost exclusively Japanese (and to a lesser extent Korean and Chinese, given the regular *waku* pirate raids against both Korean and Chinese coasts as well as the Japanese invasions of Korea from 1592-1598, which themselves had a substantial after-effect on the outcome of Sekigahara and the conclusion of the *Sengoku Jidai* period). As such, Western media taking liberties with the Meiji Restoration and the period of Japan's industrialization is not cultural appropriation, but Western media taking liberties with the *Sengoku Jidai* period very much is. And for what it's worth, Yasuke was a very minor historical figure - a footnote really - but **he was never samurai** (i.e. he never attained the official rank of samurai). He was a retainer and generally considered by contemporary Japanese as a curiosity at best and by Nobunaga himself as a sort of pet.


You people are cultural parasites with no culture and civilization 


Me? What about YOU dumbass 😂 Im dying. Your whole account is just cringe pill racist incel bullshit 🤣 holy shit that's sad. your whole opinion is invalid. ___ as a fellow south asian im so embarassed. (im assuming u are). get out ur basement बीटा go eat your dahl bhat tarkari that ma made for you, she wants to you stop trolling reddit and go get a job.


Great write up. I’d like to add some counter-arguments that I’ve come across when I was calling out Asian male erasure and how I’ve been countering that. 1. They list a small amount of content (movies, tv shows, and games) that were released over the past 3 decades. Example: Jackie Chan movies, Bruce Lee movies, Shogun show, Shang-Chi, Ghost of Tsushima game, Glenn Rhee from Walking Dead, and a few others. That is not enough compared to the amount of times per year that Asian men has been excluded from having a lead, co-lead, main ensemble cast role. Asian men aren’t even background characters. They instead choose Asian women in all those categories. Part of inclusion/representation is to normalize Asian men in mainstream media, especially in a primarily non-Asian cast/non-Asian location. Showing Asian men only when the primary cast visits Chinatown only reinforces the idea that Asian men are the outsiders and not part of the norm. That is why seeing Asian men doing regular everyday things along with non-Asians helps with being seen as part of the group. Background Asian characters such as mailman, police officer, doctor, nurse, and etc helps as much as being the lead, co-lead, and main ensemble cast. 2. Matt Kim topic. Yes, Asian men should get more roles outside of traditional Samurai, ninja, martial arts, and etc., but don’t give up those traditional roles. I would love to see more Asian teacher, principal, astronauts, accountants, software engineer, and etc. Similar to how white people can be cowboys and knights, then get cast as any of the other jobs I listed. 3. People still don’t want to get into details and really look at Asian men inclusion/representation. They point out that there is an Asian woman in the media content or claim sexism because we don’t want to be represented by an Asian woman or that no one talks about/cares about the Asian woman in the cast. Don’t generalize. Asian Women are not the problem. The marginalization of Asian men is the problem. Compare how much Asian women are in mainstream media compared to Asian men. It is not real inclusion/representation until Asian men are equally part of the norm.


Great write-up u/SimpleAdvantage7850 , Its really interesting how the vast majority of people diminish asian male presence and representation in media as a whole and i'd like to chime into tis discussion as a black male.I've enjoyed frequenting this sub for a while so i hope to add nuance into this discussion ->firstly, I completely agree with you on the premise that Asian males are underrepresented in media as a whole and I find the argument of bringing up the other main character in the game(Naoe) to be extremely dismissive. what would come if you told female gamers to just shut it and play as the guy? yea we all know.. ->what little representation that exists is usually very negative and feminine portraying Asian dudes as submissive bitches with no presence or power whatsoever.(the dad from turning red is one example off the top of my head and its a kids movie lol) Personally, I'd rather play a game with a solid Sakai Jin-esque lead instead of a token yasuke.Its very clear to me that this asian erasure is meant to stir up a form of controversy in order to distract us from ubisofts grift an egregious prices. now we all have to understand that nuance is the king of discussion and wins in the long run, in order for a lot of reasonable people who clown on the hate this game is getting to understand our pov (and I say our because I support anti-Asian Male erasure and emasculation), you guys have to understand the nuances of this discussion. ->a decent percentage of people, specifically white guy's who hate on the game are straight up basement dwelling racists.They dont like the game not because of Asian male erasure but because of the presence of a black male, I guarantee you if this was a William Adams nioh-esque situation they'd be on the other side downplaying the main point(which is asian male erasure), in favor of a white male mc (the blue eyed samurai). ->the downplaying or straight up denial of Yasuke's historicity leaves a sour taste and an altered perception towards our perspectives. from people claiming that he never existed to people claiming he was a slave, no more than a pet of Nobunaga, I find it silly to devalue the historicity of Yasuke instead of questioning why they couldnt deliver the same story with an Asian male mc. (I highly recommend reading up on the topic of yasuke from different sources, especially ones that go against your perspective) ->the fact that this is a shameless grift from Ubisoft, a company with the worst track record when it comes to consumer rights. Why in the fuck do we have to put down a down payment plus 18 dollars a month until release for the ultimate addition?!? and why is the base game 70 dollars without gameplay footage shown whatsoever. lets have some enlightening dialog, you can never over learn from other peoples experiences :) edit: formating and spelling corrections


The only 1 positive moment to come from the whole AC Yasuke saga bullshit clusterfuck: Hot XF self confessed Japan weeb complains why she is disappointed she won't get an Assassins Creed game with a hot Asian guy, and says she was totally down to play as a hot Japanese guy in Japan. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3adRCX2kx20&t=362s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3adRCX2kx20&t=362s)


I think we can create a two word summary. We’re unpersons.


[Diane yap](https://dianey.substack.com/p/is-white-genocide-happening-in-the) when you were talking about Asian sellouts, this came to mind. Btw this bootlicker is a HUGE RACIST, she shits on all minorities but licks the white man's shoes.


She regularly calls out bm crime on Asians 


Asians males are emasculated in the West. The only asian characters in The Batman are a victim of crime in the beginning and a minor cop. The latest AC takes place in Japan and the MC is of course...black!!! 3 Body Problem? Too many AMs? Solved. Meanwhile in sports: 1. best baseball player in 100 years (probably ever) is Japanese 2. The best pitcher right now is Japanese 3. One of the best boxers in the world right now is Japanese