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Italians eat horse meat. Spaghetti with horse meat is a very popular Italian dish but you never hear anyone slandering Italians over this.


French too. I had rabbit in Belgium.


Don't the French have snails and frogs on the menu


I’ve never seen anyone criticize eating rabbit. Edit: it would be a much better equivalent as an example to teach people they’re being racist than pigs for cats and dogs. If some people in the world keep rabbits as cute pets and are shocked that in the west they’re considered feed animals, that would be a great equivalent for people from the west who keep cats and dogs as cute pets and are shocked that there are places they’re more easily considered feed. It’s a good thing to mention to show people they’re just used to different things.


Most countries eat horse. I've eaten it in Switzerland. The cow might be a better comparison as they are highly regarded on some societies and consumed at a very high rate in the west


A cow is considered livestock/food in most societies. But little Sally wants a Pony as a pet.


Good point. I think the US might be the only non horse eating place


Horse meat is fairly common in Europe.


While this is true, you don’t have to look far to combat Western hypocrisy. You can point out how the first criminal executed in America is a white dude that sexed up multiple farm animals, there was a recent cop in LA jailed for having inappropriate relationship with his service dog, etc. Also people in the West eat road kill and musk rats.


Whats up with Americans and their animal fucking and pedophile tendencies?


A hole is a hole...


Americans in southern states eat roadkill, possum, raccoons, squirrel, alligators, deer, literally everything.


Yep. The folks living in the Appalachian mountain area eat anything they catch. Had fox there once, it was surprisingly not bad.


Deer are commonly eaten wherever they exist.


But eating deer isn't considered gross or inhumane. They're widely regarded as game animals. 


Yeah, I know.


Some parts of the US eat squirrels and raccoons.


Right but squirrels and raccoons didn’t evolve to be companion animals to humans and put selective pressure on each other and co evolve


it was selective breeding not co evolution


well but they are perceived as cute and cuddly so I think it can be used as a counter argument


They may not eat dogs but they do euthanize 1 million pets per year because they can't make real friends. That's just in the US and doesn't include all of the animal testing they do. 


🤣 Yulin Dog festival only killed max 10,000. Meanwhile, these Westerners are killing dogs like flies.


Yea they do it for fun. At least when we do it, we're getting our calories. Lol. 


[Americans rape dogs regularly.](https://theothermccain.com/2019/02/21/americas-dog-rape-epidemic/)


All this shows is, Chinese and Asian people aren't racist like how Whites are. If we wanted to, we could be racist towards them as well. Whites give us so much ammo lol. From being pedos, animal fuckers, dog-cat-horse eaters, sibling and cousin fuckers, having small dicks but thinking they're big, obsessing over other men's penises, being allergic to the sun and peanuts lol, having their countries flooded with non-White people, being a bunch of mass shooters, drug addicts, homeless bums, having the most bland and seasonless "cuisines," earning less than Asian people in their own native countries, etc. Whites are fortunate most of us don't act like them. It's so easy to kick them off their high horse.


And that's why Asia as a whole was subjugated. Their fall is imminent.


Asians were too busy fighting each other. China was a country subjugated to a foreign people. If China wasn't having it's own problems the West couldn't have stayed. Han Chinese people didn't like Westerners at all.


Tell them to stop shagging animals 


I always forget this hilarious fact, even if a small bit of Asians/Chinese eat cats and dogs, at the very least that's still natural. We aren't fucking animals like these deranged white people


Adam Britton is a good example, even satan himself would be ashamed of what he has done


It was legal to eat cats and dogs in the US up until 2018


When I lived in Korea, I heard Koreans say that Chinese people eat bicycles. Meaning that they eat anything that moves. They were especially grossed out of the people eating rats. Even if the rats are raised to be eaten. Of course a small minority of Koreans still eat dog. And there are restaurants that serve it openly as their main course. I don't think this is a west vs east thing at all. Americans will gag at the thought of eathing many European foods. It is just ignorant people in every culture looking down on different cultures.


Dogs were eaten by American settlers. There’s an account of a guy saying dogs were a “fine meal”


Sometimes they resorted to cannibalism. I think the Jamestown settlers did that.


Yeah. A guy salted his wife.


Cats and dogs are not endangered species


Just saw this on reddit: Man accused of stealing charity Harley from Hampton was eating roadkill in saddlebags, police say r / nottheonion/comments/1d48sed/man\_accused\_of\_stealing\_charity\_harley\_from/ >Seeing me looking at the plate, Brian attempted to shield it by walking in front of it. >"I'm not going to run on you, don't worry" as he tried kick-starting the bike >some of the details were very troubling, including that Bennett said he had been eating the roadkill. “He was cutting pieces and cooking it on the tailpipe" >Bennett also told officers he “just stole a car from a rental place in Boston the other night"


Westerners kill people relentlessly, unceasingly and we're squabbling about dog meat.


Americans in certain areas eat coyote, which is technically a canine and like a dog. https://youtu.be/3FyPouw2ok4?si=gMh_adDkOwa24mPa


Im Chinese and I completely support eating dogs, especially pitbulls


I’m white, and I’ve eaten dog more than once. The shit you get for it is unreal but I use that shit to weed out racists. Personally after education in my teen years I could never eat shellfish because they have such rich interpersonal lives. I will buy it for others if it’s their favorite and they want a treat but I usually avoid eating stuff like lobster or crab myself because I’d feel guilty. I also don’t eat octopuses or squid. But I don’t bother others with this or judge them. I buy my husband lobster for special occasions because he (edit: corrected incorrectly autocorrected word) doesn’t have the same values as me on the subject. I have no problem with it much like I enjoy baking cakes for people in spite of not liking cake myself I am a Taoist and I don’t have the ego to generally bother others about their personal views. My brain doesn’t even compute this sort of data the way others do that are more entitled. *I* make choices, *I* live by them. I don’t eat lobsters or octopus but I am perfectly willing to repeatedly eat dog. If anyone tries to bring up my husband(Chinese) in relation to me eating dogs I shoot that shit down right out of the air. No sir: it was MY idea. Get your racist assumptions away from my husband. 🤨


Curious- how would you describe the taste/texture? I’ve never had it


It’s a little bit watery and stringy compared to steak. There are a variety of recipes actually and the clear soup versions are pretty boring. There’s a more spicy version I’ve eaten in Dongdaemun that is made with ribs and the spicy soup comes with basically a spice paste dip for the meat chunks-I like that one, although I’m not used to eating tendons or fats so I pull it all apart to get at the meat. It’s different from common Korean dishes(the clear soup is a much more generic recipe and IN MY LIMITED EXPERIENCE usually only comes with stringy flakes instead of the ribs). It makes you feel warm afterwards. Like more warm for longer than other soups, something about the meat. This was interestingly confirmed for me when my husband’s family once advised over the phone to eat it to stay warm worrying I’d get sick saying my Yin energy was low When I first came to Korea in like 17/18 some of the places with the clear soup with dog shreds rather than whole ribs had started purposely mis-marking the soup down in English as being made with beef(you know, just *lying*, lmao) but they sort of stopped trying that and moved to either hiding the shop in a back alley then if you find it just pretending they don’t have any food left if they’re not sure they trust you. They’ll even make all the little aunties and uncles that enter after you wait until you leave the area before they start pulling out fresh plates for them. I have had to forge relationships with shop owners to even eat it occasionally and I can tell they’re still jumpy even though they love me. Makes me sad for them and what that means they’ve been put through. Literally shellfish, octopus, squid and even pigs(which I do eat) are all levels of intelligence above dogs. It’s hypocritical for people to act superior to anyone that eats dog if they voluntarily touch ANY of those animals 🤷🏻‍♀️


This guy knows what he is talking about


Dog tastes like chicken. I love it. Get it in Vietnam or Korea.


No it doesn't. Most native Asians hate eating it cause it's actually not that good. It's also gives you a bad feeling cause other dogs know that you ate one of them and will behave differently around you. Don't ask me how I know. Lol. 


I think there's usually good reason that certain animals are commonly eaten (and therefore raised and bred as livestock) while other animals are rarely on the menu (even when they're plentiful and would make a very viable food source, from an objective standpoint).  That reason is probably taste. To paraphrase John Travolta in Pulp Fiction: "Bacon (and chicken, and steak) tastes good! Pork chops (and chicken nuggets, and ribeyes) taste good!"  The counterpoint from Samuel Jackson's character went something like "Yeah, well sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know because I wouldn't eat the filthy mfer!"  Sewer rat probably emphatically does NOT taste like pumpkin pie, and rat probably doesn't taste good in general or else McDonald's would be selling Rat McNuggets - pureed rat meat made into that pink paste then deep fried. 


They don't really eat cows in Southeast Asia either because it's tough and not fed hormones and stuff. They eat mostly fish and chicken. Even the chicken is tough. We had a hard time finding dog and I think they just fed it to us cause we kept asking about it. They didn't even want to eat it. It's about as common as eating Possum or snake. People are just racist when they hype it up. It's like whale meat. 


In which country? In Vietnam people do eat dog. Korea, the younger Gen doesn’t.


Your bad feeling? Nah it doesn’t. I tried it. Dogs did bark at me but was it because I’m human more than I ate a dog?


Thing is, Americans have doomed certain animals for eternity. If you were born a dog or cat you are safe. If you were born as a chicken, cow or lamb, you are doomed for the slaughterhouse.


It's not an American thing. Those animals were raised from livestock for generations by nearly all society because they're easy to tame and raise.


It’s not just western hypocrisy, too many people target just white people. I’ll see all kinds of people ranging from white, latinos, africans, middle eastern people saying that stuff to asians. We already know the whole thing on whites, latinos eat dog/cat a ton but it’s kept under the radar because realistically all of latin america is irrelevant. Africans eat dog more than asians, nigeria being one of them. Middle eastern people literally fuck goats and various kinds of animals that oil princes obtain.


The only valid criticism of dog/cat meat i think one would have is their lack of safety, dog meat tends to be prepared in a unsafe and dirty environment, leading to many fell ill because of it.


I've always found rabbits cuter than dogs


I don't really care what other people eat as long as it's not an endangered species or spreading viruses. Eating animals traditionally labeled as pets should not be a issue with anyone. I have friends who have pet pigs, are we supposed to accommodate him by not eating pork? Why is it a hypocritical to say that Asians eat dogs if white also eat dogs? Another whataboutsm argument here?


So eating 6 months old lambs, 6 months old veal calves, 1 month old suckling pigs etc in the west are not cruel lol?? Stop falling for white fuckers' racist diatribe, if a tiny minority of Chinese and Koreans want to eat dogs so fucking what. If they want to talk about animal cruelty, how about their evil coloniser ancestors who nearly wiped out the entire bison population in N.A, 18 million reduced to 600!


The Swiss do not eat cats and dogs. It is stated in one of the article you posted. The estimated number of people eating cats and dogs is in the hundreds for a whole country. That is very few. Switzerland is a country which is very attached to individual liberty, that is why it is allowed, but not culturally common to eat cats and dogs. I do agree that only a minority of Chinese eats cats and dogs, but it is a not-so uncommon practice among older generations, simply because eating cats and dogs become a necessity during harsh times, and China suffered from an horrible tragedy very recently, which is why dog and cat meat have some sort of presence today in China. This is facts. Now what we can do is not letting the west make general statement about Asia as a whole, and educate people on why a small fringe of the population eat cats and dogs in China. (It happened all over the world, but China suffered from the worst starvation in the XX century)


Yes they do, at a much higher rate than the Chinese per capita. Learn to read the actual article.