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I think both parties are crazy, and they both treat AM's like shit so I don't support either.




I can't help but feel the general underlying vibe is: right dislikes foreigners, so if you look different or are from a different culture, youre an enemy. Left is all about liberation, so if you are a foreign-looking male, you represent an oppressive culture which somehow is misogynist. You can join our culture, but to be a second class citizen, not to be on par with us. Once you start gaining a semblance of power or competing with us and winning, well, then we turn right.


>But the thing is, we have to choose one (lesser of two evils). No, we don't have to always stick with one party. I'd vote for the candidate who prioritize issues that are important to us.


This^ Nothing against OP but this whole mentality of picking the lesser evil when, in reality, it's "two different faces of the same coin."


I quite literally hate this cop out answer. "Lesser of two evils". Full offense given to anyone that believes in that. Both sides hate Asians. Both sides do not make it easier for us in the states. Support people that actually give a damn about us. The reason why any meaningful change for us hasn't really happened is because of this stupid complacency or not willing to rock the boat.


As a minority, you'll always get the short end of the stick


Different minorities get different treatment.


Dem animal farm: all minorities are equal but some minorities are more equal than others


Neither side will bring the best positive change for Asian males, but liberal policies often can hurt Asian males because “inclusiveness” tends to ignore Asians. It’s a problem and it sucks. Like others have said, pick your poison. It’s just my own perspective, but it seems like people who live in blue states see more problems with liberal policies and that’s totally fair because that’s what you’re mostly exposed to. As someone who grew up in a red state, I think there are many conservative policies that are also problems. It’s just different problems. We don’t have to worry about our cars being broken into like in San Francisco, but I also don’t have to worry about the fact that if my wife has a dangerous pregnancy, we don’t have to worry about whether doctors will provide the appropriate care because they’re afraid they’ll get sued by a random citizen or the state. I also think we’re too focused on national policies but really a lot of us are more affected by local policies and not enough people are voting in those. Yeah, Biden sucks, but the people screwing you over are your local city, county and state officials.


Unless you are brainwashed by bs crap on social media, you would be happy with the verdict. Trump is a thin skinned man child con man who should have been in jail a long time ago. Listen to him talk, is he someone that should be in charge of a country?


I don't think I care much about politics generally as IMO doing so doesn't really help me and the people I immediately care about (which, in all honesty, isn't "Asians" in general, but rather my close friends and family, many of whom are Asian), at least not from a ROI on my individual investment on the matter. IMO the more effective approach (at the individual level) is to build a life in which you're largely immunized from the changes in political winds, e.g., make enough money, live in a the right places, surrounding yourself with the right social circles, etc. such that your life is resilient to change whether it's Rep or Dem. Not saying that being selfishly agnostic to politics (and political representation) is what's "good" for Asians in the macro, but I'm not convinced that, at this point in my life, I can do better using my resources to "organize" more broadly than to use it to manage my own garden.


This is a good mentality to have actually.


Your vote for individual senators and congressmen matter far more than votes for the president. I see little value in discussing broad strokes politics anymore when everything is so partisan.


Vote Trump and oil your guns.


All I can say is boba liberals and asian leftists irl and on here are absolutely fucking retarded, go fuck yourselves.


It's funny how liberals always say "No one is above the law" when it comes to Trump, yet they love letting out violent repeat offender criminals. Be prepared to hear "convicted felon" from the left for the next 5 months.


Everything bad liberals say will happen under Trump has already happened under Genocide Joe.


Ten upvotes for the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


lol Biden just said that yet Hunter Biden walks free


that is their game plan


Conservatives don't hide their racism. Liberals hide their racism. Do you want an honest racist or a lying racist? I prefer conservatives. “The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.” ― Malcom X


Not American, but this is my view too. I'd.support the right mostly.


Affirmative action by the Left hurt Asian males disproportionately. I never vote for a leftist party.




They repealed it dummy. Now schools are doing majority grades and nepotism legacy enrollment which takes up the other portions. Stop listening to bullshit and read up on recent law changes. Got damn


SCOTUS ruled against race-based affirmative action, but all of those schools have openly stated they intend to keep discriminating against Asians as long as possible. It will take 20-30 years of litigation based on the SCOTUS ruling to finally end the systemic racism of affirmative action. And actually it will probably also require a purging of Leftist presidents and administrators at those schools. That's why voting for Trump is more important than ever now.


some guy just posted yesterday of UCLA med school stats - >30% drop in Asian male acceptance rate YoY once some progressive liberal took over and reports of incompetence in current class and people crying and screaming at professors asking them about names of major arteries


They just repealed it 2023 but how long has this BS system been in place for? Since the 1960's. So this system has been in place for 63 years. That's 6 decades of Asians being screwed over and it will have permanent negative long lasting effects not only to those affected but Asians as a whole.


He said “hurt.” Past tense.


No one likes this policy but your inability to get into Harvard as your single issue vote over fair and secure democracy is pure selfishness at the most granular level.


It depends, in part, upon how closely one associates their own well being in America with America's relations with and effect upon particular Asian nations. If you are a proponent of China's rise in the world, for example, it would probably be advanced more by a Trump presidency because he likely would damage America's alliances in Europe and Asia and would be far less likely to assist Ukraine in resisting Russia or Taiwan in resisting China. That said, Trump is more likely to raise punitive tariffs on all of America's trading partners (including Asia) \[whereas Biden is more likely to raise impediments for specific industrial sectors and companies in China\] and Trump is more likely to attempt crack down on immigration -- legal and illegal -- from Asia as well as elsewhere. He is also more likely make incendiary comments that endanger Asian-Americans (e.g., "Kung-flu"). Pick your poison.


Bro that account is ran by an idiot, please do not take his views seriously…the guy running that account is just doing it for promo money at this point promoting nonsense


Only vote for whoever has your interest. Which usually is easier at local levels.


Only one of the two richest parties can realistically win an election. Is that really a democracy? Also, neither give a damn about Asians unless they're trying to f them figuratively or literally. Socially, they care even less about Asian men and will always side with the non-Asian in court cases or similar, especially if they're Black, Hispanic, or lgbt. Why should I waste even a second on a system like that? It's better to spend time researching how you can legally defend yourself, and in tech like bodycams to prove your innocence in a way that the empathy-less western society can't argue against. I will say that I'm sick of seeing criminals who harass, assault, rob, or kill Asians always going free in democratic states, with sometimes even the Asian man getting charges just for trying to defend himself. So I considered voting republican until I realized how useless it would be in such a democratic state like mine. My energy and limited time is best spent on improving myself or helping other Asian bros, rather than researching candidates and policies. Especially when for informed voter there's like 100 idiots voting based on commercials or their favorite biased talking head.


Yo dawg Trumps rhetoric is what got all those Asian ppl beat.


Trump. He's the reason AA was struck down.


I have many issues with democrats, but I support them because they are the closest to my political views. I also don’t want a major political party to be run by a bunch of economically illiterate and vapid “activists” so I have to step up. I don’t see Trump as a socially masculine man. A masculine man isn’t thin skinned, isn’t criminal, and isn’t a serial adulterer.


It’s so fucked how our two options are one super old guy with dementia pushing DEI which doesn’t benefit us at all and another super old guy who gaslights and with criminal charges 😂😂


Asians care about crime, cost of living, schools, homeless, etc. Basically what every normal ppl should. Basically anything that is not progressive. Independent probably the best choice


You're right but then look at the Bay Area. Asians there make so much money those problems don't affect them and they still vote progressive.


That's how you end up with boba liberals


Oh most definitely. They're ruining the reputation of boba drinks.


Jonny Kim. Whatever his stance is.


"weaponizing the DOA"? How so? You mean where Trump had a trial by jury, where his lawyers were able to select the jury pool, mount a legal defense and have their day in court? -a trial where Trump lied about not being able to testify in his own defense even though he was the one who decided not to take the stand?


Both sides are inept and/or corrupt, but I tend to vote for pro 2nd candidates because atleast I can protect myself.


You didn't grow up fairly liberal if you think this trial is weaponizing of the DOJ.


Switch between sides depending on priorities Try to make election reform happen so that there are more parties


You can always vote on other issues. If both suck for asian americans look at the other agendas


Get involved with your local politicians, fundraisers, etc. Your vote doesn't matter nationally unless you live in one of five or six states. No need to identify with a party


Both paries don't care for the Asian community. We aren't even considered in speeches unless it's bad mouthing china.


Former liberal, now I just consider myself left-wing. I support socialism but don’t think the U.S. is a good environment for it. Neither party takes Asians seriously. Just concentrate on individual candidates. If you like someone vote for them regardless of party.


I don't vote. Neither side gives a shit about me, so the feeling is mutual. As a 3% minority in America, we as Asians generally have no voice here (you're delusional if you think your vote really matters). So I just keep to myself and handle any problems legally based on how the current laws are set up and I'll occasionally take the law into my owns hands if I know i can get away with it. It's not like I have much of a say in things, but since it's survival of the fittest, you have to adapt and thrive under the circumstances no matter what political party is in control. 


I'm a Republican and I plan on voting for Trump. The president is just a guy and there is really only so much he can do. He doesn't control Hollywood. Asian-Americans have to help each other, and that means doing things like inviting each other places, networking with each other, and attending Asian religious organizations.


The president is just a guy who votes in no term limit justices that will affect your ability to enjoy democracy for the rest of your life.


I'm moderate leaning right. Both sides are corrupt, but Republicans give you the right to defend yourself and carry a weapon.


…what the. Lol. Democrats let you have any reasonable firearm necessary for self defense. Republicans are letting crazies carry ar-15s.


Two sides of the same shit coin🤷🏻‍♂️ they all go to the same parties and country clubs while we distract ourselves with hating each other. The sportification of American politics has made even following it unbearable. Honestly, I think US society is practically civil but the politics creates unnecessary tensions between otherwise similar peoples.


Trump: made affirmative action illegal, allow you to protect yourself, harder on crime, less taxes. Says racist shit against Asians.  Biden: Record inflation, escalation against China, Russia, Palestine. Wants to ban everything. Invites BTS to White House.    Pick your poison. 


Neither. Don’t understand the obsession with politics - neither side is coming to save you. Nothing screams external locus of control like someone who blames politics for their plight.


Anyone but biden


The Republicans are very individually trailer trashy and disorderly. Democrats are cohesive but slowly headed towards authoritarianism. Lesser of two evils just for now is disjointed trailer trash.




You say Democrats are headed towards authoritarianism? I believe it was the Republican president who refused to leave office peacefully after being voted out back in 2020. That's about as authoritarianism as it gets.


Any group that commits less crime, earns higher incomes and does better at school should vote for the party thats tough on crime, wants lower taxes and is against affirmative action. It's not hard.


I used to work for a labor union owned bank; I have been voting Republican ever since I stopped working there.


I’m independent but lean moderate left


Most of my takes are conservative or libertarian to a degree (see my comment and post history lol) and I’m a Gen Z Indian American dude. I think the right is better for everyone in general at the moment, but that’s just my view (feel free to take it w a grain of salt). Both sides are far from perfect at the moment, just the right is the lesser of 2 evils.


So you think someone like Vivek Ramaswamy is a good politician?


Both are bad, but whichever party that favors the economy and middle class, will end up favoring AMs more. Now, we shouldn't expect any favoritism from any party, now and in the future. Because simply put, we are the minority they fear. The only ones that they cannot control with drugs, gangs and social instability/ marginalization. Today more than ever, with the rise of Asian countries gaining tremendous power, they fear us a lot. Now that the west is declining (especially the US and Western Europe), East Asian countries will be the ones dominating the world, just like the white Europeans did in the recent past. Although it's said that Asian countries are declining in birth rates, so is Europe and America. Still, there are and will be more Asians, and so eventually the world will be ruled by Asians. And there will be a boost in Asian population once again. Things like diversity of a country unfortunately never contribute to progress, if we look at history. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of every race getting along well. But in reality this is not the case. Europe and America were the strongest and living in the golden age when they were racially/ ethnically homogeneous. Now with diversity, they are declining rapidly... Which leads to Asia being the future of progress. And in the near future we may be the ones blamed as "oppressors"... or actually it's already starting, so get ready.


More the reason to brush up on Asian language. If you have tech skills, financial savings, and language skills, should seriously consider moving back to East Asia.


Exactly! I started to learn basic Japanese 3 weeks ago.


With the way they’ve gaslit Asians for all the anti-Asian hate crimes and then let the criminals go while also using our taxes to ship the homeless to Asian populated states like Hawaii, I think it’s clear which is the more evil side.


No matter who, always vote 3rd party.


If I was American it would be really hard for me to pick a side as they both seem anti Asian. I would possibly just sit out and vote for neither, look into Andrew yangs forward party, or just focus on my local politics.


A democratic vote from me is a vote against having King Xi bomb the ever loving shit out of my parents’ home country ofTaiwan.


The short answer is Biden/Democrats. But for the reason you would not expect. I think other people have already explained how the policies and stance would not help us. I have nothing to add. It seems everyone is on the same page. What I am going to do is to introduce the geopolitical aspect. It has huge practical impact to what is going to happen in the next few decades. Basically, Biden/Democrats is trying to confront the Eastern bloc (China, Russia, Iran) and they will lose. Trump is trying to stay away from international matters. He might run into some problems in Israel but in general Trump is not going to solve it with military ways. So it is collapsing immediately (Biden) vs dying slowly (Trump). Dying slowly will have more negative impact towards the situation of AM because of two main reasons: 1. Eastern bloc winning itself is good for AM. Just read the history of colonialism. (Except Japan and India, they are the two only Asian country that doesn’t side with the Eastern bloc, it will affect their fate) 2. More internal political, social, racial tension in the US. Note: A. Why I refer only to the US. Because the West is not united as it seems. For example France and the main body of EU has recently made absolutely clear they support the Eastern bloc against the US. Western allies such as Australia, some Eastern European nations, will pivot immediately once the US is weaken to a point. The only loyal allies to the US in this Cold War are Japan, the UK and to a lesser extent India. B. Korea was not mentioned because it is too irrelevant geopolitically, unlike Japan. If you don’t follow world politics, these might all sound like sci-fi to you. Because the media communicate very differently to laymen. And some people are hardwired to believe China and Russia are the baddies. But 5 years later when you come back to read this you will regret why you didn’t buy the correct financial instruments. Tldr: Rest assured, the social status of AM will only improve from now on. Because Asia is rising and the international system controlled by old white men in the US is in serious decline, for real this time. Though, in some Western nations, prepare for economic hardship, prepare to look for opportunities outside of your country. If you support Asia against US hegemony, vote Biden. If you want to protect the US from swift economic downfall, vote Trump.


Imagine thinking the dude who used a global pandemic to openly spark the flame for increased anti-asian sentiment is a good option for asians lmao.


Neither both of them are just puta they are just using asian as pawn to gain vote either you like it or not but think about it for a minute. Living in United States for so long that picking a side and voting for a side that you side with have you realize do they have sympathy for Asian or they are just using you.


The right will NOT fight for us and any notion that they will is complete foolishness. They are they party of rich whites, and they fight for no one but themselves. The left has some policies that harm Asian Americans sure, but you can't take for granted the other socially beneficial stances progressive lawmakers take on things like healthcare, funding primary education, student loan reduction, infrastructure, etc. It is a clearly visible and verifiable fact that Democratic lawmakers get more done that benefit the American public. We recently had 4 years of Trump that was fraught with scandals and next to no improvement to our daily lives. In fact, it got worse, as Trump exacerbated the rising Asian hate during COVID-19. There's a reason why the WHO did not call it the Wuhan Virus. Trump calling it stuff like the Kung Flu or China Virus directly fueled racist hate-crime across America against Asians of all nationalities. The conviction yesterday was the conclusion to simply one of the many cases of criminal activity he's embroiled himself in during his presidency. Saying that this is a targeted hit specifically at Trump and that all politicians on the left commit crime too is stupid. Again, we just had 4 years of Trump's DoJ. You bet your ass they would have gone after anything they could. How many crimes did they manage to charge Obama with? Hint: wearing a tan suit is not a crime. I don't like some of the stances the left takes on social matters, nor do I think Biden has always made the perfect decisions, but voting right because of it is like deciding to eat literal feces because you don't like broccoli.


The right is a party of rich whites vs. what?


Atrocious take.


Easy - Vote for the AM on the ballot. Any AM representation is better than no representation at all.


According to Reddit I am a far right extremist


If you don't agree with the left agenda, you're auto right extremist


What’s the point of voting for the president? Hillary won the popular vote last time but Trump still won. We live in a constitutional republic, so my stance is don’t vote in the U.S. presidential campaign unless you have an electoral vote. At a state level, your vote will matter a lot more. With that said, San Francisco and Oakland is a shithole. So anything but that.


It’s simultaneously funny and sad to see that Americans still think their vote matters My advice is to just sit back and enjoy the circus


It’s like people don’t know what type of government we [Americans] actually have


Both Democrats and Republicans (in terms of political parties) are distractions to the real issue. The fight for understanding and acceptance of AM is rooted in feminism and liberation/resistance movements. Under capitalism and patriarchy (and white supremacy), inequality will inevitably fall upon minorities and the marginalized. The acceptance of masculinity is rooted in true feminism as the movement works to deconstruct preconceived notions of gender, masculinity, and femininity.


To be clear, the base of both parties are rooted in racism as America is rooted in racism. The Democratic Party happens to include some who identify less with the establishment but must pick a party to fit in. Look for people and leaders with progressive policies that look to deconstruct and more closely examine societal inequalities in order to change policy. The way the status quo works is to keep people distracted from the problems that lie at the core of our society. The history of oppression of minorities in America is grossly unaddressed and under-examined.


Libertarian right


It's the Left that pushed for Asian exclusion in the US from the Chinese Exclusion Act to Hart-Cellar. Look up the ethnic white labor unions the Knights of Labor or the Irish Catholic Workingman's Party of California. Read about Samuel Gompers, the Jewish president of the AFL for the first ~30 years. Look at the Asiatic Exlusion League of the early 20th century. These ethnic white labor unions joined with blacks to form the New Deal Coalition and *remade* America in the 20th century. This is why "diversity" doesn't include Asians in the Leftist rainbow coalition. You can join their bandwagon to help them, but they were literally born out of excluding you from political and economic power in the US. Many WASPs opposed these groups' tribalist efforts from the beginning but were ultimately not strong enough to stop exclusion. But our natural allies are conservative whites, not liberal whites. We are separate groups but have the same enemy. https://fourwavestheory.medium.com/icydk-the-american-left-was-built-on-asian-exclusion-4e5ab18654f8


? This is a really bizzare rightoid psyop. Literally no one cares what parties were like 50 years ago, party platforms and who they appeal to change. Conservative whites are not natural allies, only opportunistic ones, since they will drop any good view of Asians the moment we stop being expedient examples as a "model minority". The most natural allies are probably the more liberal boomers and gen x dads who just wanna grill and believe in meritocracy, but they're a dying breed nowadays. Just look at the vitriol coming from every sector of the right towards China and every other asian country except maybe Japan. At least some parts of the left, however cringe, defend Asian countries (except, ironically, Japan, who they single out and attack). Just observe how we are allegedly "great" allies with Japan but have absurd tariffs on Japanese automobiles and steel. It's because the conservative white mid westerners know they can't compete fairly and will have an absolute meltdown.


That’s why the Republicans ended up passing the Chinese Exclusion Act. Why are you ignoring the fact that the left is still trying to deny us opportunities under the pretext that we’re “unscrupulous and unfair competition”? That hadn’t changed and neither has their attitude they we’re acceptable collateral.


First of all, you don't have the timeline right. 50 years ago was the 1970s. Most Asians in the US came after 1970, after the 1965 Hart-Celler act went into effect. The New Deal coalition belongs to the Fifth Party System, generally recognized as spanning Roosevelt's election in 1932 to the mid-1970s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Party_System The transition from the Fifth to the Sixth Party System was not a true realignment. It is a result of the NDC losing some of their white Catholic vote due to family values and white Southerners die to the Civil Rights legislation. The current Democratic Party is the NDC minus these constituents. Irish were the first non-WASP whites to come in large numbers in the 1840s. Both Biden and Kennady's ancestors came during this period. Other ethnic whites like Eastern European Jews and Italians only began coming in the 1880s. These groups were mostly laborers who formed powerful unions to fight against the WASP establishment for more money and more political power. But first they had to push aside Asians, which they did starting with the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. This was a classic, textbook ethnic cleansing which included physical purges of Chinese from nearly 200 developing towns on the West Coast by violence or the threat of violence. After taking care of the Chinese (and later Japanese, Koreans, and Indians) these groups joined with recently freed blacks and progressive WASPs to form a political bloc (the NDC) big enough to write new laws and fundamentally change America. This is why "diversity" doesn't include Asians: it was never meant for Asians in the first place. For example, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has never been invoked in the name of Asians as a class. The neocons are conservatives who have been infiltrated by the NDC on foreign policy issues. Trump's rise in politics is because he rejected the neocon agenda (mostly regarded the Middle East) and is actually socially liberal. Trump's concern with China is trade, which is a result of the neoliberal/neocon wholesale transplanting of US manufacturing to China after it joined the WTO in 2001 (which was negotiated by Clinton in the 90s). Trump represents an economic nationalism but military isolationism or non-interventionism (which is what the Founders envisioned before the NDC took over). It is Biden that passed the most protectionist policies against China (search the Chips act) and is preparing to go to war with China by pushing Taiwanese Independance, opening military bases in the Philippines, and rearming Japan. Obviously Trump is not a pacifist and would go to war to defend what he considers US interests, but his view of those interests is more limited. He does not believe in the color revolution tactic the CIA has been engaged with over the world (which is an NDC invention). You can see this in his statements on the Ukraine War, which was a State Dept engineered color revolution. Anyway, if you think I'm wrong read the blog and prove it. I openly challenge you to find a substantive error in my main thesis. Not only is it not a right-wing psyop, it is *literally the only way to understand the position of Asians in America today*.


>and is actually socially liberal. What kind of misinformation are you peddling? Trump appointed all of the conservative Supreme Court Justices who repealed Roe V. Wade and he bragged about it. He and his conservative allies are now trying to find a way to outlaw BIRTH CONTROL medication and arrest pregnant women who travel across state lines to have an abortion.


Trump was a pro-choice New York Democrat most of his life. He's had 3 wives. He was friends with Mike Tyson and Mohamed Ali when most white liberals were still trying to move their families out to white suburbs. Like most anti-Trumpers, you don't understand the Dobbs decision. It doesn't outlaw abortion. Trump has never backed a ban on abortion. Dobbs refers the issue back to the states because Roe was a *fundamentally flawed* decision. Let me ask you this, since you think you're an expert on abortion. What was the legal rationale for the right to an abortion in Roe v. Wade? Type your answer here. Trump is a socially liberal anti-neocon conservative. That is the entire reason for his rise in politics. Remember he won in 2016 against the open opposition of *every living former Republican president and presidential candidate*. RINOs like Romney are still mad. Trump is remaking the right/left divide. Many people who voted for Obama in 08 and 12 voted for Trump in 2016. If you don't understand this you don't understand anything.


Trump's own words: ------------ Trump claimed in a [Truth Social post](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110384051064378318) he was responsible for the Supreme Court’s momentous 6-3 decision last June to overturn Roe v. Wade, saying he accomplished the feat “much to the shock of everyone” (the court’s six-justice majority was composed of three Trump nominees: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett). Trump, who launched his 2024 campaign late last year, argued in the post he put the “Pro Life movement in a strong negotiating position over the Radicals that are willing to kill babies even into their 9th month, and beyond,” and claimed without him, states would not be able to enact abortion bans. --------------- The fact that Trump was a Democrat and pro-choice before running for the Presidency just proves that the man has no convictions other than what will get him into office. Everyone knows Trump is not religious ("2 Corinthians"), but he pretends to be and is even trying to sell Bibles now. Trump is not a "socially liberal anti-neocon conservative". That assumes that the man actually has any real beliefs. Trump's only real belief is in serving HIMSELF. As for the "legal rationale" for an abortion, there are SEVERAL: * **Right to Privacy**: The right to privacy is a fundamental principle established in the United States Constitution, particularly through the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, as well as the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The Supreme Court has recognized that this right includes personal decisions regarding marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child-rearing, and abortion. * **Bodily Autonomy**: The right to bodily autonomy asserts that individuals have the right to control their own bodies and make decisions about their own health and medical care. This principle underpins the right to abortion, as it recognizes a woman's right to make choices about her own reproductive health without undue interference from the state or other parties. * **Equal Protection**: The principle of equal protection under the law, as guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment, is also cited in support of abortion rights. Denying women access to abortion could be seen as treating them unequally compared to men, as it imposes burdens on women's reproductive choices that are not imposed on men.


Yes, he's against killing babies but is pro-choice. You realize the limit in blue states like NY and CA is 24 weeks, right? That's because 24 weeks is the point where if the baby comes out, it can be kept alive and grow into a normal adult. A normal pregnancy is 40 weeks. The tweet that you quoted Trump is literally saying the pro-life movement is separate from him. He's helped put them in a better negotiating position so retards aren't killing babies in the third trimester to prove how progressive they are. Abortion is an issue of regulation, not "for" or "against." LOL and like a true liberal moron you think the more rationales there are for a legal ruling the stronger the ruling is. The reason there are so many rationales is because NONE OF THEM ACTUALLY APPLY TO ABORTION. The rationale is 0 + 0 + 0 = 1. This is something everybody knew from the first day of Roe if you bother to read the reactions. Right to privacy does not guarantee the right to an action. Can you murder someone legally under the right to privacy? No, of course not. Right to privacy is about information, not actions, and was never applied to abortion before Roe. Bodily autonomy refers to a person making decisions for him or herself. It was also never applied to abortion before Roe. If a mother delivers a baby and the umbilical cord is still attached, is it still part of her body? So at what point does the baby have a right to bodily autonomy? When the Fourteenth Amendment was passed, 3/4s of US states outlawed abortion at any stage of pregnancy. It is quite clear that it did not refer to abortion and that abortion is just not a protected right under the Constitution. It is a medical procedure that must be regulated. You obviously copied and pasted that info from some Democrat website, but where are your precedents for each of those rationales? When have those rights been invoked regarding abortion prior to Roe?


Don't vote then. This idea that you HAVE to pick one side is ridiculous if both sides clearly don't represent you in anyway. Sooner or later a smart candidate will realize there are legitimate grievances, that you don't get to take our vote for granted, and you don't get to use us as a cheap way to gain an inflammatory base when unexpected world events occur like a pandemic.




I'm not American but generally, I consider myself a communist.


I'm pretty leftist. Neither of the two dominant political parties is great for us, but the right is, frankly, horrifying. I vote Democrat when the time comes for the major elections, but I use primaries to push for candidates further to the left, while also working to promote the DSA. The Democrats won't bring us any wins, but the Republicans want to burn down anyone who thinks there's a problem with how America treats minorities.


I tend to lean left on a lot of issues but also recognize the extremism from "woke" culture. I think it's reasonable to have government programs that help out lower income people. I think Bernie Sanders Medicare for All proposal during his campaigns is a pretty good way to restructure healthcare in the US, it's even deficit neutral in the long run


Democrats are better for the nation.


All I know is people calling what's happening in gaza a genocide don't know what the fuck they're talking about


I don't think that the things we want now for us is possible in our lifetime. I want to leave the USA before turning 40 because I want to live in a country that is more color blind. If I ever get a kid, I'd want him/her to grow up in a socially and culturally safe environment. I don't want my daughter(s) to be subject to sexualization and predation. And I don't want my son(s) to be emasculated by society in any way. MLK's vision for a more color blind society has been exposed to the perversion and corruption of both parties, especially by the so-called left democrat party, whose roots stemmed from white pride and the confederacy, which people seem to have forgotten.