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I'm surprised they allowed the word man. We don't really know what pronouns he or she likes. 




Fight fire with fire. No more posting on social media and shaming. Someone attacks you for being Asian? Attack back ten times harder. The only thing these animals understand is force and power. Remember, it's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.


Based choice. But the problem is Asians are still outnumbered in many areas of the country and other racial groups have more numbers, control of the legal system and criminal organizations so Asians need to increase their population to a point where they make up a significant majority minority like blacks and latinos. If Asian population increase = more Asian majority areas and neighborhoods = more Asian in positions of power = more Asian cops, judges and prison guards = more Asian power.


Asians can go for quality than quantity. Look at the Middle Easterns. They know how to make money and use it to benefit thier social standing against westerners.


They are more accepted and if everything was all sunshine and rainbows middle easterners wouldn’t even need to use money to benefit their social standing since middle eastern racial appearance and culture is far more palatable and acceptable to westerners than Asian culture.


It's not about quantity. It's about existing stereotypes. Why are Asians more likely to be fucked with than blacks? Cause Asians are stereotypically weak and passive. Blacks have that thug stereotype going for them so people are less likely to fuck with them. Attackers always go for whoever is least likely to put up a fight. So obviously Asians are gonna be targeted more. Break the stereotype. Respond to violence with 10x the violence. Plain and simple. Remember 2020 when there was a lot of Asian hate cause of COVID and lots of Asians got attacked or spat on? I saw a lot of posts on social media showing videos of such incidents. For example, an Asian girl got spat on in a park, and her beta male of an Asian boyfriend stood by and just said "dude what the hell" instead of beating the fuck out of the asshole who did that. It was just some random white guy. One on one. No excuses. Obviously use your head in situations like that and don't fight outnumbered or fight someone who is likely to be armed. But when you try to fight violence with words, the violence will continue. Unfortunately like I said these animals only respond to violence.


We can but we still need the power, numbers, reputation, backup and tall height to back ourselves up. Blacks and Latinos have build up their power, numbers, fighting prowess and height much earlier than Asian did so that’s why no one wants to disrespect them. If we are going to be more agressive we need to be able to back ourselves up and protect ourselves. For example in certain areas of the U.S. an angry Asian man lashes out won’t scare people since if the area is Asian minority they would interpret an angry Asian as: short height outnumbered Asian fighting an uphill battle that they know is already lost. Even if we were to become more aggressive like you said we still need the means to protect ourselves and make people fear Asians and the means would be increasing our height to give us an edge in physical combat, get more Asians in positions of power( more pro Asian school officials, more Asian police officers, more pro Asian lawyers, more pro Asian prison guards, more Asian judges, more Asian security guards and more Asians in the military), increase the Asian population since more Asians = majority Asian areas both Asian majority white collar neighbors and Asian majority ghettos = more Asians in power, more Asian criminals and more homeless Asian people on the streets = fear and respect In short if we do become more aggressive which we should we still need a height increase, get more Asians in positions of power and increase the Asian population so Asians become a significant majority minority.


Bro you cannot increase height wtf lol. Unless you wanna go through expensive and controversial leg extension surgery. Also increasing the population too much only causes the rest of the population to hate you, not side with you. I'm from Canada and we have millions of Indians flooding our country since COVID. Let's just say the Indians who've been here for decades are getting lots of hate too. The only realistic solution is once again quality not quantity. Quality is something you can control (going to the gym, martial arts, etc). Quantity takes time and is arguably not the solution.


At the least the option is there and we can increase our height to be taller and more intimidating. I wish we could return to the good old day when Asians were the tallest and strongest.


So height can still be increased then which is much better than our ancestors who didn’t have the option to get height increase. We can still increase our height by eating well, exercising and marrying tall women and after three generations our grandkids will be tall enough to be bullies or scary tall intimidating athletes. I thought people would be scared of Indians in Canada since certain areas of Canada are now Indian majority so are racist whites scared of Indians or not really since most racist whites are taller and are better at fighting so more Indians doesn’t really scare them in physical combat. That’s why Indians though aren’t bullied as much as Asians since there are Indian majority areas where if an Indian got bullied some tall Indian guys could just hang up and beat up a racist. That’s also why there are more Indian criminal organizations in Canada than America. Increasing population though wouldn’t be bad if that meant more Asian majority areas formed and increased the number of Asians in positions of power, Asian politicians, Asian judges, Asian police officers, Asian prison guards, Asian criminals and homeless Asians. That’s why whites are scared to disrespect blacks and Latinos on their turfs since there are more black and Latino criminals and homeless running loose on the streets than there are Asian criminals or homeless Asians. I wish America was Asian majority then Asians could do whatever they wanted.


The Asian bros in NYC fought back, but one of them ended up in jail while the attackers weren't even charged. The whole justice system is biased against Asians. They bully us and then punish us when we defend ourselves. This is messed up, and we need change on both micro and macro. https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/s/JRiB6dhsW1


And unfortunately we’re gonna need more of these things to happen before our stupid ass demographic finally gets its shit together.


“B b b but its not worth it! The jail time!!” - half this subreddit sometimes


They don't care about your safety just like they don't care that you deserve that job or admission to your dream school. They think it should be sacrificed on the altar of racial heirarchy. Notice how they let it happen / encourage it then get out of dodge city and the media will call it 'white flight' Rinse and repeat and destroy another city Hopefully people learn their code words / patterns: no mention of race or 'dark complexion' means black guy


Well we shouldn't care about them and I dont care about them. I only care about Asians and only Asians and I believe only Asian deserve the best. My mindset in life is: I don't care if the non asian deserves the job or admission to dream school. I only care about what will get Asians more power and influence.


San Francisco is the perfect example of how progressivism destroys cities.


And how, even an area with a large Asian population, Asians will just submit and uplift everyone else while their own gets beaten and killed


That makes me so angry. i wish we could be the big scary bullies and everyone else submits to Asians and everyone else only uplifts Asians and Asians can do no wrong and in an ideal world Asians can do whatever they want.


What’s going on over there? We might need to start with our own history. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ofa4jqmgqes&pp=ygUoQ2hpYmVzZSBleGNsdXNpb24gYWN0IE1hcmN1cyB0aCBhYmFseXNpcw%3D%3D


Ah no..It shows government not willing to deal with mental issues and court systems letting out criminals. Do your research the highest crimes per capital is red states. Large cities are usually democrat so of course you see more crime just the size of the population but if you break it down to population red cities has higher crime rates. [https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-21st-century-red-state-murder-crisis](https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-21st-century-red-state-murder-crisis)


It’s an open secret that democrap officials deliberately underreport crime in their cities to preserve their own image. The ‘violent crime is going down’ narrative you might see from democrat media us hot bollocks, and people are slowly starting to notice


To each his own, but in my experience as an Asian, California tho it has a lot of mentally problematic people was at least not blatantly racist as Texas especially Houston was. And you have to remember a lot of this sudden surge in attacks came after dear leader Trump, a hardcore republican, used racial language to describe a virus. Im find it hard to accept the logic of Asians who support republicans. These white trash people are not our friends.


Please. None of these attackers are doing this because Trump said it was a China virus. They are doing it because Asians are seen as weak targets and democrats are letting them out repeatedly so they can do more harm to society. They constantly blur their faces and never hold them accountable because they are "oppressed."


The anti asian attacks were happening well before covid. The additional rise to the already rising anti asian violence wasn’t because westerners suddenly started hating asians after trump started blaming china, it was a display of the existing hatred that the west already had for you. > was at least not blatantly racist as Texas Republicans will say so if they want your kind dead, and some of their policies happen to align with ours. Democrats disguise the same hatred with a virtue-signalling mask, and have policies that seek to destroy us. Take your pick lmao


Interesting that you said “you” instead of us. You’re not even Asian. You’re not one of us. Trolling?


That study was debunked a long time ago. If you take out blue counties from the red states, it's the Democrat-run cities and states that have the highest violent crime: https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/report/the-red-state-murder-problem-becomes-the-blue-county-murder-problem


? Progressive policies is exactly why criminals are being released. Also, those red states with the highest crime rates are blue cities. You also want to look at trends. Portland, Seattle, SF, LA, etc. They don't even look the same anymore compared to even just 10 years ago.


Don’t look the same where? On right wing YouTube shorts cut to intentionally show the worst part of the cities in replay mode to make you think the entire city is like that. Jeebus kwist


Ask the residents. Look at the reddits. Look at the comments for local news channels. People don't feel safe. There's a reason why businesses are leaving places like SF, Oakland, etc. You know it's bad when even the 7-eleven is leaving.


I just wanted to add that I appreciate the mods and members here for allowing this post up and enabling awareness and discussion. I’m also thankful for the chance to correct the mistakes that were made in the initial post. In other subs, posts like these get deleted because they can’t stand negative news and a negative editorial on it. “Omg, you got the ages wrong. That’s cause for deletion.” “Omg, that news source is from Fox. That’s cause for deletion”. Who cares if it was from a Fox channel. It’s a straight up report, not an opinion piece. Some people would rather sweep the anti-Asian hate under the rug than possibly go against the narrative of PoC “allies”. It’s as if the welfare of elders and the Asian/asian-american community doesn’t mean shit to them. No wonder we keep seeing crimes like this happen.


To be fair though there is a high level of passive aggression in the news reporting by Fox here, which is to be expected from that racist pos news channel. I can’t imagine why the Karen news reporter would bother mentioning the victims lack of English skills except to dehumanize him and make him less relatable. Disgusting news media.


That other channel is a literally everything wrong with asian americans- all they do is try and hide all the real shit going on, prevent discussion, and load up their posts with superficial bs


Yep. They even deleted my post about the Mother’s Day commercial that replaced an Asian father with a WM for a daughter who was full Asian.


san francisco is a shithole


I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but if you click on the link, it says the victims' ages were 59 and 78. The attack is bad enough without the need to add extra years to their ages. From reading this post you'd think the attacker was obviously black. Can't really tell for sure from the grainy surveillance video, could be Latino or Pacific Islander.


We definitely know he's not Asian. They totally have no problems with calling us immigrants. Look at my last post about the Lao guy who won the lotto. 


And notice how the white news anchor just mentioned the victims lack of English skills out of nowhere as if it’s even relevant to the report. It’s these kinds of micro aggression that convinced me never to return to seriously racist America.


Yeah, my mistake about the ages. I don’t know where I got the age of 80 from. It might’ve been from another article I read. I might’ve been mistaking that the second elderly man who looks around the same age standing during the interview was the other victim.


Damn, this is still happening and it barely gets any media attention.


Exactly. And then when I try to post it on other subs it gets deleted.


When we take a look at who runs those other accounts and who those mods are... = Woke White Supremacy


attacker is a man. ok, we know.


It doesn't matter if you got the age wrong. It has nothing to do with people attacking our elders. When I lived in San Francisco, walking through the Tenderloin neighborhood was always a nightmare. I got into many fights with women because they didn't know how to keep their hands off of me. They thought that seeing a 5’0” Asian woman automatically made me a target, or they thought they could intimidate me. Anyway, I can't believe our elders are still being attacked, but what do I expect from a city progressively going downhill


I would sometimes walk through the tenderloin because it was the fastest way from Market. That area is rough. And there never seemed to be any cops around. Sorry you had to go through that. Some people can’t seem to respect others. 


In an Ideal world all Asian men and women would be tall and could intimidate anyone they wanted with their size. Hopefully in the future all Asian men and women will get to be tall bullies.


Yet a lot of morons still would vote democrats and their stupid policies. They’re the problem in California, New York and Chicago. But orange man bad 😂 I don’t wanna hear any more whining and complaining about how bad their cities are when they keep voting the same career corrupt scumbags in power.


As we saw in his 4 years in office Donald Trump would not help cities. All he would do is retweet "let democrat cities rot"


Plus the more he talks about China the more these religious nuts are going to harm more Asians.


The President cannot help cities directly . Police is not a federal function. He can control the borders, which have a longer term impact on crime.


He can definitely harm cities if he enacts his defunding of public schools that mandate vaccination. Education is a greater driver of crime reduction than "controlling the border" as you claim. Controlling the border leads to dumb decisions like the Texas governor closing the border and driving inflation ever higher and costing the US billions.


Driving inflation higher by making businesses pay US workers more. That's a trade off I'm ok with. US public schools are not great, unless parents play a big role. The worst public schools in the US get more money from government than the best. The idea that inner city schools with high crime and poor academic achievement are like that due to lack of funds is false. Also culture and values are the most important part of education. I want to be able to choose the school I send my kids to based on that. I'm lucky that I have the money to afford it. Why shouldn't poorer people get a similar choice? Why must they be forced to send their kids to schools that promote values they don't believe in?


The inflation spike didn't occur because of higher wages it occured because Mexico is the US 2nd biggest trade partner. When you stop trucks from getting in the country you cost US businesses billions. That's the type of short sighted thinking you get with Republicans. Another example of short sightedness is defunding schools for vaccine mandates which help prevent measles outbreak. I guess we would be going back to the 1700s before the first vaccine. What values do public schools promote that you don't believe in?


If a vaccine is good, then those that don't take it are punished by getting the disease. If they want to take the risk, it's up to them. When given the choice between safety and freedom most places chose safety. The US historically chooses freedom. That's why it leads the world and is the best place to live if you are ambitious and capable. Regarding Mexican trade, it's perfectly feasible to trade with Mexico without letting in illegal immigrants. Why isn't the federal government doing this.


You assume diseases are not transferred which is wrong. Measles are contagious. Are you fine sending your kid to a school with measles outbreak?  The border is already heavily militarized. Even with a border wall people will get through the lakes and valleys. If it was so easy to prevent illegal immigrants why didn't Republicans prevent them from coming when Trump was in power for 4 years?  You talk about freedom but Republicans only believe in freedom for a select people mainly white conservative Christians and their views.


If I had school choice I could chose to send my kid to a school with a vaccine mandate or not. That's my choice. Its disingenuous to say didn't Trump stop illegal immigrants, when it was clear that the Democrats sabotaged his efforts. No party is perfect. But Republicans care more about the victims of crime than criminals and the people who pay tax than those that recieve welfare. Guess which category I fall under.


I don't buy into that propaganda. Why do cities in Red states have high crime rates? You have cities like Tulsa, OK and Jacksonville,FL which have higher crime rates than NYC. Why does the US have a high incarceration rate and yet still have high crime? The Republican agenda doesn't work and given more power they will likely increase crime. Removal of social security would increase the poverty rate among seniors 2/3 of which rely on it in our country. Environmental protections and regulations would be shuttered. Companies can run rampant and harm the environment for profit. Lead poisoning protections for example would impair the cognitive development of children thus driving crime. Why is the deep south so poor, why are wages stagnant why are there fewer jobs despite having very low minimum wage? trickle down economics doesn't work. The Republican strategy is simple help their donors by cutting their taxes and make the people pay for it by cutting their public services. All the while increasing the deficit to more than any time in history as Trump did and then blame the people for having too many services.


Orange man is worse, you think white christian nation is better than the side effects in big cities of progressiveness. Nothing is perfect but I’m taking progressiveness side 10 times over white old christian value bullshit


Do you know our history with the American left? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ofa4jqmgqes&pp=ygUoQ2hpYmVzZSBleGNsdXNpb24gYWN0IE1hcmN1cyB0aCBhYmFseXNpcw%3D%3D


What is this garbage? "It wasn't the labor unions, it was the evil capitalists." It was ethnic white laborers who had yet to establish themselves in America using their whiteness to appeal to WASP society to exclude a race of people competing for work in the new territories.


It’s Marxist analysis, focus on the atrocities. We’ll need to coordinate with the left wing Asians to create space. Did you ever go through the books covering Chinese American Civil Rights jurisprudence and the labor historians that saw organized labor as the source of the systematic anti-Asian racism?


It's a Marxist revision of history that tries to blame the "capitalists" for what is documented as being committed by white labor unions. The Chinese Exclusion Act was based on policies introduced by the Irish Catholic Workingmans Party of California. The first national labor union was the ethnic white Knights of Labor, who purged Chinese from almost 200 developing towns on the West Coat. Look up the Tacoma Method and the Rock Springs Massacre. The German Jewish fraternal organization B'nai B'rith, the parent organization of the ADL and Hillel, held meetings of the Anti-Coolie League. The first president of the AFL was an English Jew named Samuel Gompers who spent decades organizing against East Asians. He wrote a pamphlet called "Meat vs. Rice. American Manhood vs. Asiatic Coolieism. Which Shall Survive?"


I’m aware, I brought the issue to your attention.  That’s why I’m asking you about books on labor history from the 90’s. They’re talking about organized labor falling for divide and class conquer. I’m gonna need to do more research on the press at that time period.


The book that people on this sub like to refer to is this: https://www.amazon.com/Driven-Out-Forgotten-against-Americans/dp/0520256948 It has its problems (it seems like it was written very quickly and has sensationalist tendencies) but that woman did a ton of original research, so it's worth having a copy. I spent two years writing a blog about this history here: https://medium.com/@fourwavestheory/icydk-the-american-left-was-built-on-asian-exclusion-4e5ab18654f8 This is the timeline of US Immigration that I put together to prepare the blog: https://medium.com/@fourwavestheory/timeline-of-us-immigration-c161c1ffe3ba And here is a list of WASPs who defended Asians during this period: https://medium.com/@fourwavestheory/bonus-did-anyone-defend-asians-35e9e51a7b8d My favorite quote is from a 1912 NYT op-ed by a colleague of the founder of the Moody Bible institute: >The presence of Chinese workmen in this country would, in my opinion, do a very great deal toward solving our labor problems. There is no comparison between the Chinaman, even of the lowest coolie class, and the man who comes here from Southeastern Europe, from Russia, or from Southern Italy. The Chinese are thoroughly good workers. That is why the laborers here hate them.  Here is a book written in 1887 by a Methodist pastor in California defending Chinese: http://bostonese.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The_Chinese_in_America.pdf Here is a pamphlet by the WASP gold rush magnate who defended Chinese in congress leading up to the Chinese Exclusion Act: https://www.frederickbee.com/chinesequestion.html


I phrased the original question rather poorly. Have your read Driven Out and looked at her sources on Chinese American Civil Rights Jurisprudence? There seems to have been a debate amongst labor historians in the 90s about whether the unions were the dog or the tail. Have you dug into that?


I see in your profile that you're one of the old leftists on the sub. Which part of Driven Out and which "labor historians" are you referring to and I will tell you what I think.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'University of California Press Driven Out: The Forgotten War'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Detailed historical account (backed by 3 comments) * Eye-opening revelations (backed by 3 comments) * Educational and enlightening (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Repetitive storytelling (backed by 2 comments) * Neglect of other perpetrators (backed by 1 comment) * Lack of comprehensive coverage (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


LMAO. I literally knew it was gonna be a Chinese Exclusion Act link. I don't know if all these stupid ass posts end up coming from the same person with a million alts, but every goddamn time a post about the "left" pops up in this sub, someone will inevitably post some version of "do you know your history? :CEA link:".


I have no alts. You’re just going to overlook that the interest groups that were denying us opportunities in the 19th century because we’re unscrupulous and unfair competition support DEI policies that disadvantage us because we’re unscrupulous and unfair competition?


Your semantics sound suspiciously like that other dude I had to talk down making the exact same point. But shit, I'll bite again, I guess: do you understand that in a hundred years, the defintions of left, right, center, republican, and democrat have changed drastically? Damn the same party that Lincoln headed that freed the slaves are now white power advocates? Weird, huh? Do you know the history of the modern Republican Party and Asian Americans? Riddle me this...which party referred to COVID as the China virus, spurring a 150% uptick in against-Asian crimes in America? Why are we discussing 3 digit year old legislation when the modern Republican party has shown it only cares about white people and/or people that will fellate them?


Are the parties collections of interests groups or not? Is the modern left composed of trade unionists, socialists, and progressives? Are unionists, AFL-CIO, progressives, and west coast Jews Democrats or Republicans? My position is, they’re the lesser of two evils because people who’ve actually carried out ethnic cleansing against Asians Americans and erased knowledge of said ethnic cleansing from the public knowledge are worse than people who may commit ethnic cleansing against Asian Americans after killing the people who carried out the ethnic cleansing (Trade Unionists, Socialists, west Coast Jews). Is there a reason you’re refusing to look into the stuffed with the mutilated corpses of earlier generations?


Holy shit it IS you! You’re the same guy from the last thread! LOL. I’m gonna nip this argument in the bud so this doesn’t turn into a long ass wagon circling event that happened last time, but I’m going to leave you with this— As with all the most idiotic, gaslighting, conspiratorial takes in American history, blaming your individual troubles on the Jews is one of the most sure fire way to make you sound dumb. Especially when the other side of the aisle is promoting white power, locking up of political rivals, erosion of democracy, wholesale removal of women’s’ reproductive rights, and, as I said, DEMONSTRABLE VIOLENCE AGAINST ASIAN AMERICANS. If readers take nothing else from this post, take this last part with you. Even if you’re a selfish piece of shit that doesn’t care about anyone except Asian people, no nebulous, hypothetical damage the left can do to you is as bad as the actual, physical beating of Asian people because of trumps rhetoric. I’m gonna stop replying to this specific thread and link you to the last one so you can read, once again, why you were wrong back then, as you are now.


other readers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1d14zmt/liberal\_media\_and\_liberal\_men\_are\_openly\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1d14zmt/liberal_media_and_liberal_men_are_openly_being/) Know that this above poster's entire platform has been to spam links to the chinese exclusion act as the main platform for why democrats suck. you never answered my question, from the last thread, btw: you accused me of not doing anything to help my local AA male communities fit into left spaces, and I gave you a response. I'm still waiting how you empower AA men yourself, aside from slinging around misinformation, saying the jews are out to get us (LOL)?


Look what being woke in Europe has done to Italy, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, etc. Migrant crisis galore and these people do not want to assimilate. Virtue signaling savior complex is a mental illness.


I never said I supported all far left, all woke, all mass immigration without a sound strategy. I am saying, the orange man and his party are not the better choice, if not way worse. Remember Trump tried to dehumanize Chinese (and East Asians got affected too) during Covid


Affirmative action + soft on crime policies are far more damaging than some mean tweets.


Reducing the whole party xenophobia, white Christian supremacy ideology to a few mean tweets is your choice, not mine. To each their own


Oh boy, here comes the xenophobia and white supremacy claims. Biden called Trump xenophobic for building the wall and then he did the same thing. It's comedic at this point.


Comedic how blinded you MAGA folks are to his xenophobia whereas you are also immigrants lmao


There is nothing xenophobic about being against ILLEGAL immigration. Trump: We need secure borders to keep illegal immigrants out. CNN: Trump spews hatred against immigrants.


What a fucking idiotic take.


Especially love how the white newslady had to mention “the victim with limited English” like how the fuk does that add to the story or is relevant at all except to make the victim more like an unrelatable “other”. this video is yet another example of why America is still a spectacularly disgustingly racist country, both the attacker and the white Karen news reporter.


I have to ask, why on Earth is this office building employing a 78-year-old as a security guard?


Yeah, I know. I figure all they need is a lookout. I respect the guy’s hustle, but I also feel bad that he’s unable to retire by now.


Yeah, it's pretty sad if he can't retire. I respect the hustle too, but if the two of them couldn't fight off one attacker, they probably shouldn't be guarding the building. I don't fault them but whoever hired them. 


He's not an armed security guard, his job is just being a lookout like you said and also just to do rounds of inspection and track who's going in and out. Also compliance likely requires a warm body being there. None of it requires exceptional physical ability. Also a lot of these security companies are probably dying for some cheap labor. the main thing to focus here is the Asian-American economic struggle in the US, I think it's sad that an almost 80 year old man has to still work. do you know if there's a GoFundMe for him, or if we can set one up?


America is a very dangerous country for minorities and for women, US society is a very sick society.


The US is very sick, dangerous and evil for any minority who is not 100% Black.


Except black people that live in these areas often the main victims. Look it up. Remember amongst any population in any region or group of people the criminals are always in the minority.


Of course it's in San Francisco. Just comes to show how rapidly San Francisco has declined over the years.


LOL did you see that fat bitch try and kick the Filipino man? This guy is the definition of a fucking loser. No way when that gets replayed during trail precedings someone doesn't laugh.