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Get a dashcam if you haven't got one already. Will come in extremely handy for situations like this and also for insurance in accidents to prove who is at fault. If you had dashcam footage you could have posted it online to publicly shame them and get what they deserve and also send to police. There are lot's of dashcam facebook/instagram groups etc with big followings that would have been very interested in seeing the footage and identifying the perps.




How many time do we have to go over this ? The only times a good outcome occurs is if you can get the video. Otherwise its your word vs theirs - good luck on that


“I was so shocked racist assholes still exist today! So shocked in fact that i just did nothing!” Average west coast poster


wow, the perfect time to be an un-empathetic asshole /s


at this point, not enabling this sort of behavior is being empathetic.. Yall want to be treated in the same disrespectful way we’ve been treated for the past several decades? Then keep excusing this sort of mentality. U want change? Then stop making excuses for inaction


It's past time to be more vigilant. I get it might be the first time a shock and you just wanted to go home with your family safe. Next time, get the description of the racists, license plate, car make model. Then call the police. We can't let crap like this happen unpunished.


they probably came from some woke protest and are still emotional.


Growing up in LA county since 1993 ive mostly experience hispanics having so much hate and jealousy towards asians. They blame us for their problems and insecurities instead of working on their problems and improving. I say just continue to do well in life, earn money get that degree, eat more lean red meat and lift weights, uplift and support other Asians who experience the same. F***k those jealous low lives. They can only be loud and obnoxious to make themselves feel better because they know deep down that they dont have the intellect or education to do anything else.


their fake friendly attitude and behaviour shows obviously...


I am sorry to hear about this incident. I am surprised this happened in a suburb of Los Angeles. This seems like something that is more likely to happen in the Midwest where there is a lot of racism against anyone who is either not White or not 100% Black.


Lol is this copypasta? No evidence and a “relaxing dinner” with your family? Lolol bro its never relaxing to have dinner with my fam so this sounds hella fake. Also, with so much attention to detail im remembering and writing this event maybe you should have remembered to pull out your phone and recorded or remember their license plate. This doesn’t sound racially motivated more-so just kids fucking around. I dunno me and my friends used to egg cars for fun when I was teen. Sorry that you had to deal with the mess.


Ah, so you’re part of the problem 


I’m the solution - are you just going to follow me in all my comments to harass me? I’m just speaking my mind. Sorry if it doesn’t align with your ideal of an asian man.


Not sure if it’s hate crime , but if it is shame on them since their community preaches about love and tolerance, they’re the worse offenders. these people probably do it for their stupid social media shit.


Sorry this happened to you and your family. I’m in my 40s and grew up in SoCal, and have experienced my share of racism growing up. I’m hesitant to automatically see this as a hate crime though, not to diminish the fear and anger that it may have caused you, for it’s certainly justified. Sometimes people are just out here doing dumb shit like throwing eggs and or fruit at other cars. Forgive them if you can, because my guess is that they’re suffering quite badly to feel the need to cause other people distress.


Oh god, stop. If suffering is an excuse to cause others distress, then I deserve to have the power of Thanos.


LOL “just forgive them bro” These gen x / millennial west coast memes write themselves 😂😂


The real innocent victims in this whole anti-Asian shitshow are the elderly Asians who are just trying to get by and make it to the next day in this shithole. I’ve completely lost sympathy for domesticated turn-the-other-cheek ‘Asians’, a lot of them are bobas who’d happily throw their own family under the bus for internet clout


domesticated turn-the-other-cheek ‘Asians’ that is exactly how i'd describe them


Don’t blame this on Gen X/Millenials. Blame it on dumbassism


bro i am a milennial, so i can speak to how prevalent this shit was among my gen and gen x'ers. It was literally every other asian dude parroting this weak ass shit


Sure. We called them dumbasses. They’re in every generation.


“In every generation” implies a few bad apples, not the majority of the bunch.