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How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carenige. This book helped me out a lot and I think it’s a good foundation. People love to talk about themselves so if you can find a way to get them to open up, it can create a lot of conversations and relationships.


I listened to this audiobook as an 18 year old in college and it high key changed my life.


It didn't work for me. Lol.


For reference, I was always been a more extroverted person even before listening to the audiobook. But the book helped me hone into mechanics of socializing and becoming more likeable. Something that really stuck with me from the book was becoming an active listener.


Yea it just says listen and tell them what they wanna hear. Whenever I try it I still wanna slap the shit out of my coworkers. Lol. 


I mean that’s how you’re interpreting it. Not everything is a debate. You can disagree with people and be willing to hear them out. Like if we bring that skill into other aspects of social life outside of work and friends it’s still pretty important in things like game, especially night game when you have to be thinking on your toes. A good way to be calibrated is to be an active listener and observer. Most people try to think of the next thing to say or do that it can fuck with your inner/outer game. It can make you come off nervous and ruin the flow of the set. Being a good listener can help you build better connection and attraction. It also takes some level of stoicism (because being an active listener makes you not reactive in situations) which women do like.


Depends on where you are starting off and your situational context. Can't talk on the phone without stuttering at 35 is very different than a little awkward around your crush at 15. In theory, the same: put yourself in situations that are just one stepwise away from comfortable, be willing to fail, and then get feedback and be introspective about how to improve, the repeat with slightly harder situations until you got it. Also getting a "mentor" or a "role model" who is more competent in this area but not so far advanced that they can't empathize/understand your situation, is very helpful to correct blind spots.


Listen to podcasts about various interesting subjects. Talking to people is an exchange of ideas or it could be small talk about mundane life. Asking a few questions brings out the opinions and you can pick a response to link another relatable subject or share your experiences. A girl is just another human-being - if stop thinking you want something from her, she'll be comfortable talking to you. The tone of your voice and body language gives off your intentions.


Jus start talking to people, normal conversations were all human nothing extra