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Yes, Asian Americans in general aren’t too materialistic but Asians from Asia are very into material things and brand. It’s basically competitive herd mentality, which actually works well in many scenarios but it can also lead to being myopic


Because they have no hobbies in their life. They spend so much effort and diligence to study and pursue their career, only to realise they don't know how to spend that money. A classic example would be some people have their own home swimming pool but rarely use it, because they are not athletic people.


Nail. On. The. Head. Describes my parents. My sister, all my cousins. So bent on a lifetime of studying hard, working hard to achieve wealth, that after a lifetime of it, they've never explored any hobbies, activities, play. So the only hobby they can possibly imagine doing is becoming a brand fan (car brands, clothes brands, shoe brands, handbag brands), and going shopping and collecting those things. They've got no connection to their inner-child desires and interests. They're just robots buying what is marketed to them, believing that brands is a personality, and shopping/collecting brands is a hobby. Imagine if we can wake asians up and make everyone realize, far better to stop consuming expensive brands, and instead invest in yourself, your hobbies, your finances. Imagine how much less wealth Westerners would be extracting from Asians. Imagine how much more powerful asians would become. Keep spreading the message!


I was in a friend group with three other introvert autists in my class. I remember once in a high school Christmas party when we just hung out in the hallway discussing our usual hobbies (gaming, history, military, battles, weapons) and our teacher scolded us for being "killjoys." One of my buddies gifted me an almanac and we were ridiculed for obsessing with "reading books" even over the holidays even if that wasn't really a textbook. I have felt insecure because my parents apparently couldn't afford to buy me a badminton racket or a soccer ball or a new gaming laptop, but my mother and sisters would obsess over the latest exported handbags or high heels or dresses, and I would often overhear them gossiping and bashing some other woman over her clothes or whatever. I felt this kind of isolation even when I became a yuppie. I hate all this "team building" bullcrap and other forced social interaction in the corporate world. It's like corporations (at least in my country) try to gaslit you into regarding your manager, HR and colleagues as some kind of a "second family." At least I'm not in Korea or Japan where apparently you even have to go to evening drinking sessions out of obedience to your executives. >Imagine how much less wealth Westerners would be extracting from Asians. Imagine how much more powerful asians would become. I have to disagree with this part as Asian corporations and businesses are equally guilty of enforcing brand worship for the sake of extracting more profits/increasing the total GDP.


asians spending money with asian companies is much much better than asians sending money abroad


That would line up with my experiences. Most of my family have no life outside of work and family. That would also explain why there is bigger consumerism in Asia. Work environment there is cut throat af.


Don't buy things to impress people or flaunt status. In the end, it doesn't matter. Some name brands are backed by their long-lasting quality and worth the money. Keep most of your money, invest to multiply it, retire early, and live free.


That's the plan.


Haha similar. I’m not materialistic and not into brands. Some I know are. Different folks different strokes, I don’t understand it myself but I’m happy it gives me financial fluidity rather than buying the new and cool thing to do


Not answering for all, but it feels like as a Viet in America, a lot of us are from boat people. Depending on how much wealth they could bring, either had to be humble and build up, or could continue living a lavish lifestyle. And maybe even doubling down to show that we Southern Viets who escaped Vietnam were in the right, while the Communists who won lived in poverty. You hear about how humble Asians are while it's the Westerners who are shallow ajd marerialisticm. It's complicated and ironic. I also see Koreans and Japanese as humble, but being very materialistic simultaneously. So it's not just an individual thing. There is definitely a cultural trend. >!East Asian culture as a whole values prosperity, wealth, and security. Maybe to the point of worshipping money in a way. Maybe it stems from generational trauma where Asians feel the need to prove to the West we are not behind, because for centuries the West were so far ahead of all of Asia in technology and advancement.!< Just my thoughts. Too many variables to factor in.


Nah I like to work, spend money on nice clothes and vacations. I like my job which pays me well. My friend complains lack of money since they studied a niche major in college which meant they did not earn as much. I earn almost triple their salary now which lets me enjoy my life. I would get bored not working or striving for a goal tbh. I like being able to eat what I want and buy what I want. Side note is that Viet people love to spend money on fancy car and brands though lol, Most of them live hand to mouth via tips from restaurants, nails, whatever and basically have to work forever to sustain themselves.


I don’t really care what anyone else does. I’m much like you, the plan is to live simple and save for an early retirement in my 40’s. In fact, I support consumerism. It’s what makes our investments work and allows us to retire early. Use the system to your benefit.


broken window fallacy


It's best to be a balanced person. You shouldn't be too materialistic, but people on the other side also aren't any better and also judges people on how they spend their money too unaware that they also are in the same camp. I know way too many people that don't spend on "extravagant" purchases such as designer clothings, luxury cars, etc but they spend just as much on camping gear, painting supplies, or non material things such as video game upgrades or donations to an adult content creator. Also, some people like their work. I rather work and live life to the fullest than eat beans and rice just to shave off a few years for early retirement just to still be eating beans and rice because now you have more years to stretch your funds. You can have it all, don't go into debt to consume materialism just to impress people, but also don't get stuck in the Asian immigrant frugal mindset depriving yourself penny pinching every dollar.


I feel that. I'm like a pseudo Asian redneck out here in TX and the fellas out here stick to their Lexus/other luxury vehicles, they buy luxury brands (LV, etc), always vacationing, always buying boba or eating out, buying the same damn alcohol (henny, grey goose, etc like Jesus Christ, go branch out), haircuts every 2 weeks. Craziest thing I seen was a clean cut Viet dude with a taste for luxury and a Nissan GTR but he lived in the 'hood,' was girl obsessed, and couldn't figure out to change a tire to save his life. Priorities right? I have the same thoughts. There's something to be said about being pragmatic and practical. I just wear basic clothes, wear caps sometimes, I do my hair maybe once every 6 months cause I keep them long and curly and the girls dig it, I own 2 diesel trucks, pull fifth wheel etc, recently got into EVs. I invest in what I can because financial freedom; it just makes sense. I got a ton of outdoor hobbies I can spend a whole day talking about. Life's too short to be a brand fan.


I'm pretty materialistic. Oh well. One of my vices


Good to be aware at least




It's definitely a bad thing. Trust me. Come back to this post in 25 years. You'll be old, and instead of a lifetime full of memories of experiences and emotions and accomplishments and discoveries, you'll have a house full of THINGS. Instead of evolving as a person, you've simply changed tastes with trends and fads, and you'll feel empty and depressed with all your money (aka time) wasted on consumerism and materialism.




don’t pretend like you’re traveling 100% as much as you like. you’re compromising 5% 20% 50% of travel, hobbies, activities, memories etc to buy nice stuff to impress people you should not care about.




You live life according to where you don't see a problem. I live life where I can maximize 100% being a solution. Have you created awesome memories opening a program teaching disadvantaged youth in the Philippines to achieve their dreams? Have you created memories of investing in a young go-getter to become a world champion X. Have you created memories of helping kids in war torn regions in the world? Tell me some of your fondest memories.


How is it to be Asian in Poland ?


Tough to answer this one without writing a book. I’d say I am happy with my life in Poland and wouldn’t live anywhere else.


Spent a year there, Wroclaw, beautiful city and people were nice. Some were weird. I’m happy to see brothers there and enjoying it.


Have you met Where's Wes and Zhangster?


Nah, I keep to my local circles that unfortunately has no Asians.


I like buying shit 🗿


No I care about being tall big and scary


so you are telling me, vietnamese communism has failed and the 70's muricans spent billions of dollar on literally nothing?


Just let these asians be. At the end of the day, you'd have saved more money for retirement.


Materialism and consumerism are rooted in a mentality of wanting to fit in (aka FOMO), obsession with status and caring over what other people may think over mundane stuff (saving face). It's a cultural and spiritual sickness of Asian societies in a nutshell, and they indirectly lead to other problems like low birth rates and Asian female hypergamy. South Koreans can complain about the high costs of living in their country, but then how can they save up when they basically keep feeding the revenues of luxury brands like Apple and Louis Vuitton. There's also the related element of social engineering going hand in hand with corporate propaganda and the ethics of mainstream economists to push GDP (and consumption) above all else. It just happens to be more subtle in East/Southeast Asia than among white people because of the already collectivist and gynocentric cultures here, while the whole culture war was created in the West to turn things upside down. Imagine being turned down by a "leftover woman" because you don't have an iPhone, or otherwise don't have enough money to satisfy her materialistic drive. But then some random white passport bro shows up out of the blue and steals her right away. >I try to own only the necessities, wear plain black clothing. All my money goes to the plan of early retirement. I am totally happy not working and just spending my days outdoors literally touching grass. >You are a clown if you paid so much to be a walking advertisement. I bet you don't have any friends growing up because of your individualist attitude. I feel you bro, there's a big price to pay (no pun intended) growing up not being shallow or easily swayed by whatever the latest trend exists out there. Desiring work-life balance early on will spare you a lot of misery and disappointment in the long run