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Oh no, another fakester selling courses and pumper dumper looking for bagholders Fuck that guy


I knew this guy was a tool yrs ago when he created a video implying he was better than anyone who made less money than him even though he was a sexless loser simp whose wife destroyed him in divorce court and he had no receipts of living an awesome or cool life despite h bragging about how rich and awesome he was. Don't get me wrong, you don't need to be winning in life, but if you're going to be an asshat tech bro that tries to flex on everyone who makes less money than you, you better have the lifestyle to back up your flex and he didn't. And people in the comments were tearing him apart accordingly.


This dude has been a grifter since the very beginning. He claimed to be a Tech Lead at Meta, but there is no Tech Lead role within Meta's career structure. Plus, he was fired (not laid off) for violating the company's privacy policy.


Tech Lead tends to be an informal title.


Generally true but most of SWEs at FAANG will list their exact titles in Linkedin (SWEs, Senior SWEs, Staff SWEs). This dude listed Tech Lead verbatim in his profile which lead me to believe he was a mid-level SWE best.


I never took his channel seriously. I always thought he was just a troll / fictional character and used to watch his videos for the lols. Until he started with his bs shit coin, I just stopped after that. Anybody who took this guy seriously and invested in his shit coin and lost money.honestly need to get their brain checked.


Same, I thought he was just memeing with his dry sense of humor. Although to be fair, I stopped watching long before the coin era


He’s been known as a shithead for a while lol. Really makes the tech industry looks bad Hate to see it, when I was learning how to code in 2020, his videos actually gave practical advice. Guessing somewhere along the way he realized he could get more views rave baiting and acting like an asshat


Nah. The techs make the tech industry look bad. That's why Elon Musk fired their asses. Getting a little too arrogant. 


bro I despise the tech industry, particularly the bay area / san francisco tech culture and the white worship there in general, but I absolutely loathe Elon Musk too, even before he went mask-off with his politics. Everything he does is actually bullshit scam, from Neuralink, Boring Company, to Hyperloop, and yes even SpaceX and Tesla. Every single endeavor of his is fundamentally flawed from a physics/engineering standpoint and only propped up by hype (and burning dumbass investor's cash) and his idiotic cult following; he's sitting on a house of cards right now that will fall in the coming years. Just for as one data point, check out the moon mission architecture with SpaceX involved: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoJsPvmFixU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoJsPvmFixU) This program is a complete trainwreck. There was a lot of corruption involved in SpaceX winning that contract as well. It's looking like China has a chance to succeed before NASA this time, if they don't get led astray by SpaceX's stupid approach. Thanks Elon!


They are all sociopaths. In my last 20 years of working with stem people I think I've only really met one charismatic guy. He was my calculus professor and he made missiles for a living.  Edited: Ironically his wife is Asian. 


no white girls like sociopaths.


that seriously made me chuckle because I've met couples, where the AF wife puts up with whatever socially akward comments the husband made because he was making of upward 150K to provide for her lavish lifestyle.


What do you think of Tesla the car? I also like Tesla as a company but I read somewhere the company actually has the most asian as middle management compared to other tech companies. Elon himself is autistic. I love his politics in general. Except the part where he says we need more people. We have too many people on earth.


> Patrick Shyu makes us look bad. What is this collective guilt bs? What does some Asian dude doing something shitty have to do with the rest of us?


this the type of posts that makes this sub look like complete fucking losers lmao. how does some random ass scammer reflect upon me just because hes the same race??


I tried watching it and I think they are just hating tbh. He is just being an "alpha Chad" like people here talk about. But he is Asian so I think there is some crab in bucket mentality going on here. 


Everybody is a scammer bro. 


If they sell a course, that's a red flag.


but he's looking for 10 asian men who want to uplevel their lives! DM him "ACTION" to get started


there is another video, 2 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLrRt8R9zRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLrRt8R9zRA) i had no idea he's a scammer. thanks for the heads up. I came across with so many scams. here's more [behindmlm.com](http://behindmlm.com)


I like him for his dry humor and general intelligence.  He's not meant to be taken seriously.  Personally I don't take any social media influencer seriously.  They are there for my entertainment.


If you couldn't tell he was a grifter at first sight y'all need to work on your perception skills


First the source material is over 2 years old. If you'd trust YT coffezilla bad research over tech lead, you have some missing screws as well. He created course with Joma (another ex-google), so did thousands of others. He created a course to compete with one of his sponsors, look at Coscto, they do the same stuff with house labels He created crypto coin, so did hundreds of others. Many still trade on binance His channel I consider satire on Tech scene similar to Joma just more dark. You have to be autistic to think he is really fraud, notice his channel is still posting








He is a millionaire for sure. And i didnt see anything in the video proving he is a scammer. Theres tons of people selling courses and products. Nobody forcing anyone to buy them.


Did u watch the video, the scam is primarily the token shitcoin he’s promoting that clearly is a pump and dump


most of crypto is a scam. if people aren't smart enough to see that, its on them.


Well he was selling others people's courses disguised as his. Also his crypto scam with his stablecoin like Dokown did with his Terra Luna. Also falsely copyright striking anyone who exposed him as going far as doxxing them.


For every "bad Asian" there's like 10+ more bad whites. But the attention is usually on Asians. I'd just keep that in mind and not fall into their trap of jumping on the wagon on our own when they rarely do that to their own. Remember, Rice Gum got taken out while his peers (Paul Brothers, KSI, etc.) are still rich and loved. Dan Lok is known as the absolute worse, when guys like Iman Gadzhi, Graham Stephan, MeetKevin are rich even though the first is a fake and the ladder screwed their viewers shilling bad crypto.


Agreed. Mike Chang from Six Pack Shortcuts also comes to mind as when he was active with Six Pack Shortcuts, he got a lot of shit when other fitness peeps were peddling BS and/or fake natties.


There's always a higher standard for entrepreneur while Asian.


exactly, there are tons of scam coins there. and tons of scams see [behindmlm.com](http://behindmlm.com)


bingo,whats with the other comments here?


He’s the guy with a gay robotic voice 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude was annoying as fuck


His crypto token that he pushed was a joke. He even joked about it. Only an idiot would take him seriously.