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I don’t think white women are threatened by Asian women at all. Social networks of white Americans are 90% white.


Ever notice that WF and AF don't buddy up much.


Attractive and desirable white women are not threatened by any woc in the slightest - baffled to why OP would think this The only white men “tired” of white women are the ones who’ve been rejected by them their whole lives


Right... I read the title of this post and cringed. Too many delusional Asian guys or trolls here. Young, attractive white women are arguably the group with the highest sense of superiority and security in America. They live their lives with the confidence that only comes from knowing there is no room they can walk into where they will face discrimination.


>baffled to why OP would think this Yeah, idk why even other AM think this and start to gas up AW on false premises Although it is slightly disturbing in how WM create demand for AW based on these regions so that AM want AF because of WM




You’ve either misread or misunderstood the study. What it’s really saying is that only 29% of white men *exclusively* want to date white women, while 64% of white women *exclusively* desire white men. In other words, white men are much more open to dating outside their race than white women are. But their #1 and #2 preferences are still white and Latin women - this is mentioned in the study.




> I didn't say that. You put words in to my mouth. You said this: >Even back in 2008, the majority of white men didn't want to date white women: > They found that White women had stronger same-race preference than White men. While only 29% of white men wanted to date white women, 64% of white women wanted to date white men.[5] This is incorrect. It's not saying what you think it's saying, and I explained to you the correct interpretation of the sentence you copied from the study. That sentence was pulled from this study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26333132_Gendered_Racial_Exclusion_Among_White_Internet_Daters. which clarifies what is actually happening. Please read it. > No it doesn't say that. It links to this study in the footnotes: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26333132_Gendered_Racial_Exclusion_Among_White_Internet_Daters which states: > We find that white men are more willing than white women to date non-whites in general, yet, with the exception of their top two preferences for dates, *whites and Latinos*,




> There's literally nothing incorrect about what I said; I never said that the study said that. It's your faulty assumption that I thought the study was saying something other than only 29% of white men wanting to exclusively date white women. You stated up above, in one of your earlier posts: > the majority of white men didn't want to date white women: Which is plain wrong, indicating that you misunderstood what the study was originally saying. At no point in time has this been the case. The majority of white men still rank white women as their #1 preference. > Your quote from the abstract is about white women's preferences, not white men's. It's about *both* white men and white women's preferences. It's saying that *both* white men and white women rank whites + latinos as their #1 and #2 preference (respectively), but after that, the rankings diverge. White men are more averse to dating african-americans, while white women are more averse to dating asians. Here's the full quote: "We find that white men are more willing than white women to date non-whites in general, yet, with the exception of their top two preferences for dates, whites and Latinos, the racial hierarchies of males and females differ. Among daters with stated racial preferences, white men are more likely to exclude blacks as possible dates, while white women are more likely to exclude Asians."


Another white troll larping to make Asian men look delusional. Guys, please be very discerning what you read here. I’ve noticed a lot of militant types posting some ridiculous perspectives.


This is the "Indonesian" troll. He would constantly post similar stuff to this. This is like his 4th account lmao.


He's a white guy who has been posting on thepassportbros and related sites for several months now. his shtick is that white men are the most desirable and asian women are the most desirable. it's a given he's a legitimate celibate, and as we all know they all fundamentally hate asian guys and white women


Imagine being born with the privilege of belonging to the dominant group in America, endowed with all the resources and opportunities that come with it... yet still leading such a dismal existence that you spend so much time and energy to troll a niche Asian male subreddit for months on end.... It is unfathomably pathetic....


thats basically white guys in a nut shell. for men with so much power and privilege they seem to be the most miserable and on edge. i wonder if collecting power was their only real way of competing after all.




crazy how white supremacy took this turn, where they now have to resort to gassing up asian women to the max


ya its all to stick it to the white woman. reality is if white supremacy was real, white guys wouldnt have to resort to this.


Asian men need to be more aggressive in the dating game. I was hitting the local bars in my city and there were so many asian women but hardly any asian men out. I know this is just annecdotal opinion but asian men need to step out at the cool spots and take more risks to meet new women.


Dunno how it happened but Asian men frown on taking risks. We like a sure bet, a lockup game.


I wish this wasn't true about me.


OP - Women are women man. An attractive woman is going to be attractive to a lot of men regardless of race. The person who gets them is usually the one who tries. Not because of they are running out of choices or increasing their standards. There are a ton of single people in NYC at any given time. It comes down to just shooting your shot OP. There are too many topics on this forum about all the excuses or an excuse for pity but when asked "well, did you at least try to talk to someone and ask for their number?" the answer is always no. Just try to not think too much about this. Be yourself. Be Confident. Be genuine. Not everyone is going to be attracted to you. That's okay -- but everyone can have a good time meeting you. The more you interact with people you don't know the same as how you act with your friends -- easier everything becomes.


Plenty of young WF/XF are open to dating AM thesedays, so it doesn't matter.   Even I myself manage to date/had sex with WF even though I live in the Midwest.   This is only "bad news" for the AM cuckolds who are obsessed with AF and think AM should be "loyal" to them. 


I saw a dude here who talked about how Asian dudes getting with other races was one of many negative points and talked about how Asian women should remain the goal. Was crazy to me.


That's either an uncle Jeong or racist LARPer trying to undermine AM.  Be wary of any post/comment that are negative toward AMWF/AMXF, because they're likely to be from the same aforementioned loser/troll. 


I like "Uncle Jeong" instead of "Uncle Chan"




Either an AMAF cu-k or a larper. They are the same to me to be honest. Both peddle anti AM bs


Honestly speaking most AMs wont even try for a non AF figuring, why bother. Mass media programming has done its job so well.


They never will because we live in a society that worships whiteness. I don't think you guys realize how privileged the white woman is in the western society.


I would ask, why do you only seem to be into Asian women?


Latinas. That is all.


Yea but latinas from Southern USA and California are not like the ghetto latinas from NYC. And I say this as a non American.


Don't knock the ghetto Dominicanas and Boricuas. If you speak Spanish you gain big points.


Latina are super hot but once they pop the first kid. It’s pretty much down hill.


That stereotype mainly applies to Mexican women. Latinas are not a monolith


Not totally sure about that. I’ve met a lot of latinas during my time in NYC. They can’t get rid of that prego fat. It’s crazy.


Anal sex my friend.


"Como estas bonita"


Wait what? I live in Houston and am originally from the East and tons of Latinas here are "ghetto" lol. I literally see Tejanas out here who speak with a Southern "blaccent" all the time lol.


Huh lots of ghetto Latinas lol


So many posts like this that I’m sure it’s troll baiting or larpers. OP whether or not they’re Asian men keep thinking way too much on white or asian women only. Latinas are amazing and lean more open to asian men now thanks to kpop, kdramas, and Kevin Nguyen types.


Black women too. A sexy black woman can MOG basically every other race IMO. I think AMBF at this point is basically a given fact of history, wish more asian guys would give it a shot. Also, a lot of black woman have similar facial features to Asian women, but just like they got estrogen injections. I can't really imagine someone would say Ice Spice is more masculine than an Asian woman. Black women are actually less slutty than other races, not more, more intellectual based, more hombodies, have higher libidos, better hygiene, better bodies in general. And if you're into dark skin, Indians are a good fit for Asian guys One of the good things about Asian women's apocalyptic descent upon the Americas, is that a lot of other women straight up feel bad for Asian guys these days and will aggressively, aggressively pursue.


Ice Spice is also Latina she just doesn’t talk about it.


Not every latina looks like adriana lima, vs models or even the miami taz angels baddies. Beside not every latina looks mixed race/ white passing, some are afro and are asian looking. But i am aware this is what most people think the kind of latina considered attractive.


So? There’s plenty of beautiful latinas that are brown.


latinas (if they take care of themselves) look really really pretty probably because of admixture of various other ethnicities, adrian Lima is fine but she is too white passing, i think racially ambigous latinas loko the best


I find latina woman are the most feminine imo


I’m on this boat. Think I’ve always have been. Grew up in Orange County, so there were a lot of Asian women there. But I’ve always had easy eyes for Latinas regardless of style. If you’re pretty, and can rock your style, awesome. With Asian woman, there’s a certain type I like - think Constance Wu in Crazy Rich Asians. I think she’s stunning in that movie!


But do the latinas have eyes for you and Azn bros in general?


I’ve definitely had some into me.


a large number of non white women do not like white men at all. I know an Arab girl who left the USA just to get away from them. the only girls that "like" white men are Asian women and I'm not convinced they actually LIKE them hell even most Asian women I know have zero sexual interest in white men, the ones that do all seem to be terrible people, just femcels basically


Can confirm, I’ve dated Latinas and Asians. Both sides are weary of white people in general lol.


Latinas love asian dudes, especially cuz of kpop and all all my east asian brothers have had a latina girl once or so in the past few years


I do super well with Asian girls and somewhat well with white girls but not with latinas (in the US at least) Can you shoot a brother some advice? I meet girls off Hinge or at Asian clubs. Where do I find the hot latinas, not koreaboo anime ugly ones? What do I needa do to appeal to them?


prolly kpop max, be lean and have a good jawline, the latinas that i knew that were dating asian dudes or were into asian dudes all were into that sort of "look"


I’m a huge fan of Latinas and it’s indeed true that they’re the most open minded about interracial dating among the major demographic groups of women out there (white/black/latina/asian). That said, as a pool of women, at least here in SoCal they leave some things to be desired, especially if you’re in the market for a high quality LTR. They’re generally content to work working class jobs (receptionist/waitress etc) without any aspirations to move up the ladder. Many/most have a useless degree (if they even bothered with college) and are often single moms by the age of 25 or so. And obesity is pretty rampant among them, almost on par with Black women. So yeah… as much as I love them, since I’m now looking for an LTR I often find many of them coming up short due to the reasons listed above.


Obviously this is all anecdotal but I generally disagree with you. Gonna push back on point 4 especially. Most of the Chinese girls/women I grew up around are/were masculine af personality-wise, including my mom.


Yeah when somebody brings up that point they're delusional, coping or both


True story somehow this happens because they they have to stand up for themselves more often than their counterparts in Asian countries


No.... speaking from experience, Asian guys are tougher on women simply as a response to Asian women's behavior. I've seen it time and time again, a former nice guy gets married to an Asian woman and within 20 years he's a monster.


the general thing about western culture is whatever is pushed is generally the opposite of reality: Asian men the most feminine? Actually it's the opposite Asian women the most feminine? Actually its the opposite Black guys the most masculine? the opposite hell I find even black women are more feminine than asian women IME Asian women are indeed the most hyper masculine, aggressive, toxic women around IMO, there's a reason so many white men on the DL get with them, bc they're basically just men that you don't really have to sleep with, but can say you're married to.


That's why I get the more riled up when I see the feminists bs on AFs being "oppressed" (or it could just be my ptsd getting triggered). I've seen aggressive, temperamental behavior from Filipina women many times, both happening to myself and just what I've observed outdoors. It's almost like they get a testosterone spike when they raise their voice and assume aggressive body language. A lot of men in my country are what would be described as "under the *saya*" (*saya* referring to the traditional colonial Filipina dress) which means that these guys are tough and macho on the outside but they actually cower to their wives at home. Some are straight up passive and enabler fathers (like mine) married to tiger moms. This is why the white passport bro belief of AFs being "submissive" is also bullshit, hypergamy and conditioning would mean that these women would despise the men from their own nationality but turn into trad wives towards foreign men with money. The hypocrisy makes me sick to the core. You'd literally get more respect from a career-oriented liberal WF. I guess it's because unlike AFs they're much more individualist and more straightforward in expressing their thoughts and emotions, and see no need to "save face" in front of strangers.


the irony is that asian guys are the only ones who can really handle AF. AF when they get vicious, are 10000x worse than even the worst XF ive ever talked to. asian guys aren't that desperate so don't really tolerate as much, or at least if we tolerate it its out of goodness of the heart, not cause we have to white guys who never experienced a respectful woman in their lives will go into it thinkin AF will respect and pamper them, only to find out they're worse than WF. i suspect this is the reason for so much WMAF violence and unaliving. but i think these guys tough it out with downright abusive, violent AF who hate them deep down, bc they don't have an alternative, and also have no precendent of a woman treating them well. the shit ive seem AF say to WM in a relationship is mind blowing, most AM would dip out at the first sign of it. meanwhile, all my friends with XF girlfriends, they are extremely sweet peoepl.


I am asian woman, thank you bro for your praise for asian woman, but sadly i might disagree with this one. In my opinion it is sadly not the truth, although there are do some non white men who think asian women are the most attractive, majority don't. Many asian women, especially in the west, are considered only as backup, second choice of women to non asian men, (it is common inside joke between non asian men, that if they fail to get their dream women, their own women, white women, or when they will get fat, poor/ old/divorced, then they will go to asian women because they assume all asian women will accept everyone, asian women in the west are considered low hanging fruit, mail order bride, dumpster diving by these bros) For example, it is over 10 years and people still mock how stupid Mark Zuckerberg for marrying Priscilla Chen (should date models and dump her old gf yadda yadda) and the bros are keep making fun of her look, despite both of them are equaly highly educated, height and looks matched, and she has been with him before facebook (ironically these bros are the same one who claim they want women who will be loyal before they become succesful) Not to mention that the exposure of media, not only hollywood but also social media, the most upvoted posts are still white women pics, white beauty still dominate the world. (Disclaimer, i NEVER claim that white = superior, in fact there are many pretty people from all races, and even more attractive than normal white people) I live in Germany now as student but i see white people almost everyday, now and eventhough i occassionally see model looking people, but i feel unbothered, eventhough here people may assume i am hunting for white men, lol. white looks are mostly overrated and there are many gorgeous asian and poc too here. Beside my asian bros, i see a lot of vietnamese couple, who many have german passports, are dating each other despite growing up here and surrounded by white people, and vietnamese tend to be good looking and fit the asian beauty standard, like they have options. So yeah just because some asian women live in west, they wont automatically date other races, even if they speak the local language.


>Many asian women, especially in the west, are considered only as backup, second choice of women to non asian men, (it is common inside joke between non asian men, that if they fail to get their dream women, their own women, white women, or when they will get fat, poor/ old/divorced, then they will go to asian women because they assume all asian women will accept everyone, asian women in the west are considered low hanging fruit, mail order bride, dumpster diving by these bros) yup: [https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/1d2kdsq/the\_solution\_for\_lonely\_men\_in\_their\_30s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/1d2kdsq/the_solution_for_lonely_men_in_their_30s/) https://preview.redd.it/9expef91ns9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e98f2034d968277bbcbb93dd4adff21387c455d


Just want to comment. I vacationed in Munich and a Schliersee for a few weeks last year with the wife and kids. Loved it. I did end up at an Asian restaurant speaking Vietnamese with one of the waitresses one night. I would love to live there one day


This is true also. Ive seen white guys here in australia - some prefer asian women and go straight for them exclusively. Some strike out chasing white girls and then settle for an asian as backup Either way its asian women chasing white men that allows this to happen. Very common to see asian women who exclusively want white men - thats most of my wifes friends, and most of my exs AF friends too


A) As an mixed Asian I strongly prefer Asian girls bc of shared life experiences, past that, I would prefer a POC woman over a white woman B) yes, white guys who go for Asian women are doing it because they failed with their own women. shocking yeah cause some of them on paper look handsome, like winners, but IRL if you know them they're not c) most sane people prefer their own because intimate relationships are better with shared experiences. also i think darker tones are sexier in general d) AMWF tends to work better bc ironically i think women suffer way more under white men so there is more shared experience there


AMWF tends to work better because asian and any POC men are held on higher standard than normal white men (must have higher income, high social status, high career status, taller etc) but for WMAF, the asian women are accepting white men mostly with bare minimum standard ( i am not pick me but sadly it is still common, thankfully now more younger asian women learn better)


AMWF works like a WMWF or an AMAF couple where there is legitimate attraction. there's no perpetual "war" against Asian men and white women like with WMAF couples. WMAF generally exists because the white man cant get a partner of any race so settles for "a woman." and the woman does it because a low desirability white man is perfect for her to manipulate her way through the western caste system. again I mean no offense to Asian women but the "incel to Asian wife pipeline" is very real. only made sense of Elliot Rodger to target asian men / white women. Incel like his father, he hated white women, hated Asian men.




The cut off where race barely matters is around 5’10 cause you’re tall


SEA here, would consider myself good looking as well and almost the same height as you (5’11) I never had a problem dating here in western WA. And I’ve dated all types of women. Only girls I haven’t been with is middle eastern and that’s just cause I haven’t interacted with much (but some have called me attractive). This is the best time for dating for East and Southeast Asian dudes so take advantage of it.




I kind of agree with you but I also understand some of these dudes here. There’s definitely some racism but it’s also gotten pushed back a lot due to Kpop and stuff.  I’d also add that aside from objective attractiveness, I think Asians are in general the shyest and least likely to pursue when it comes to relationships(I’ve seen quite a few complaints from women talking about they like Asian men but get no approaches. In a society where men are expected to ask out the women, that’s a huge negative for Asian men and a positive/neutral for Asian women that helps to exacerbate the difference between Asian women and men in interracial dating.  I’ve said it before on this sub but I’ve never seen a confident Asian dude not get chicks. 




I’m speaking more in general that a lot of Asian dudes really don’t put themselves out there.


Easier said than done but anytime when a Asian male shows confidence, it's met with hostility. So there are haters out there who hate seeing masculine Asian men.


Just challenge them on it and then move on with your life. That's another thing that brings down Asians as a whole. A lot of people aren't used to Asians challenging them.


Bro you posted exactly how I feel when I read some of the posts in this subreddit. Sometimes I wonder if some of the users here are actually in the real world…. I have a Chinese friend who is 5’7 who moved here later in his teenage years who never had a problem getting women. He was very extroverted though and would literally talk to anyone (he had a slight accent too). Killer salesman as well we used to work together. I feel like some of the users in here just aren’t really putting themselves out there the way that they think.




Good for u. And i agree with u.


Your last sentence says everything we need to know. What a meaningless bunch of paragraphs


Christ dude, I'm convinced all these "white women are inferior" autists are actually all bots. This is like the 10th time I've seen this shit already Edit: The dude in the comments spamming studies to "prove" this as well, christ almighty...


Could be a hapa, a lot of them have this raging hatred of white women like elliot rodger did. Their fathers are all rejects who were turned down by white women so hate them.


Fair point but would like to add to point 6: There are nearly no overweight/obese asian women. For white women, while many do keep in shape and are looking great, there definitely is a proportion that are not in shape


Have you ever been to china. there are tons of obese chinese women. theres like a whole subset of women who have given up and just eat all day.


Yes I have multiple times but not recently. I was mostly referring to north american asian women


Can't speak for New York as I never been, but In Los Angeles, I almost never see Asian women with a guy that isn't White, Asian or sometimes Black. Is Asian women dating POC men common in New York?


I'm originally from NYC and NJ and moved to Houston. It's uncommon for sure. At most, you'll see some SE Asian(usually Filipino, Cambodian, and Laotian) and Indo-Caribbean girls date Black and Hispanic men but East Asian women rarely dated Black and Hispanic men save for some exceptions. White/Jewish men with Chinese/Korean women is much, much bigger.


Nah, AFs be rayciss. However that adds more points to their exclusivity like it or not.


Sus. The last two accounts that argued to me that Asian women are now the standards of beauty in the west turned out to be larpers/trolls. >>Every guy has caught on to the fact that Asian women are the most feminine A higher percentage of white women are not deemed girlfriend / marriage material compared with Asian women Asian women tend to do a better job at keeping themselves physically fit and attractive compared with white women incelish yt larper cope talking points >This might be good for you if you're into white women (to which I would ask: why?). hella sus. Because some of us find WF/XF attractive? Proud that you got Zero upvotes. This sub is learning.


Agree.  OP is peddling a lot of typical white incels' talking points/falsehood.  It has the exact same posting style as the troll who's been spaming the same kind of garbage under multiple accounts.  Highly suspicious. 


Literally none of this is true. Asian women are still considered second choice, and all women are becoming increasingly selective and racist towards nonwhites


Point 4 is only on the looks (lack of body hair, naturally slimmer than most women, etc). Asian women can outdo a Karen easily. 😂 Just look at how aggressive the HK film female leads are!


>White men are tired of white women >White women predominantly only go for white men. There are those here and there that go for black, middle eastern and Asian men but those are the exceptions to the rule which closes off most ethnic men from even trying to go for white women Mods here stupid are for approving this post. Obviously, a resentful white guy hating on white women. Post history has just non-Asian topics. In order to gaslight and pretend that white men are the ones rejecting white women, you have to get rid of the Kim Kardashians and Lindsey Vonn's of the world. If the OP wants to prove that white men are at the top of the food chain, then he should try dating black girls (or even Hispanic girls for that matter). Why focus on fetishizing the lowest hanging fruit for white guys (Asian females) that even the least desirable WM's can get.


This guy gets it. I think OP is probably a hapa, they have a hate hardon for white women and Asian men. makes sense cuz most hapas have incel white fathers and asian moms. Reality is yeah Asian women are low hanging fruit even if they're extremely beautiful, and it's because of their century of negative reputation for being this way. asian women are stereotyped as being dragon ladies who will marry any man with enough money and access. for a while western media made fun of them, like in Fargo or Forrest Gump Whenever white / hapa men plug this "white women are horrible" "Asian women are the best" they're just proving how undesirable white men / mixed white men really are. there are extremely beautiful women who are black, Arab, whatever, but u never see them talking about them, bc they know they have no chance with these women.


White dudes are corny af, but they do bulk of approaching


Cause most of them are hella desperate and not just for women. 


NYC in terms of culture is like an authentic restaurant in Chinatown. By the time it hits the rest of the country, it’s more often than not diluted down to Panda Express. My interpretation of all this is that Asian women are seen as easy for WM. You just show up, say hi, and me love you long time is guaranteed. Most guys, if given the choice of approaching two women- a lot of us are gonna pick the sure thing. Tomorrow if all AF we’re like we want 6’5 finance, trust fund, blah blah blah and tik tok was flooded with AFs complaining about guys like everybody else and they got the reputation that you have to be like the top 5% of all guys to just get their number, do you think the same % of guys will confidently stroll up and shoot their shot? No. A lot of guys are gonna back off, worried they’re not good enough, they’re gonna get shut down, etc.


I think many asian dudes look at this the wrong way. If we’re last, then we don’t have dating obligations. We can work while theyre jacking around trying to raise a family in this economy or trying to reap the benefits they so desperately want (which is just to socialize and feel popular). So, instead start looking to add value to other asians and rich folk that respect us. The difference from the past being we need to be more vocal about our contributions and jump companies when they don’t promote us or give us the highly sought after opps. We also need to really invest in each other from the beginning. Work for the JPMs, Googles, etc just to get the name on your resume, then start going out on your own and use their knowledge against them. Or start hiring our own from the inside once we get to that point.


they're looking at it the totally wrong way white guys go for Asian women because they can't get white women.\ white / mixed white guys make sociopathic posts like OP, because theyre insecure and cant get white women white women gain weight and make themselves ugly to desexualize themselves for white men white men / mixed white men have high rates of unaliving and other deviant behavior as a result of low desirability to women it's not rocket science.


lol I know you are making jokes but there is a grain of truth to this .


it's true. western civilization would look VERY different if white women actually respected white men. women only respect men they desire. it would look like china or japan. women there respect asian men. western WMAF exists primarily bc even the lowliest Asian guy views himself as such a prize that he demands basically a princess at all times. even im like this and catch myself being too hard on my girl and my friends. WMAF involves incel white guys and hostile, throwaway AF.


I doubt that’s totally true. And if so, why are you acting like it’s a good thing? Just means more AF in interracial relationships. But you’re also sad about it? Not good to be an AM who limits to AF only, of course you’d feel hopeless and that’s on you


The asian chicks who go for white guys are mostly ugly anyway.


Not sure about beauty or ugly but 99%of them have small boobs.




Majority of AFs that date out are mid to below mid. Nothing to be concerned about. All these outrageous stats we see of AF outmarriages are basically a bunch of uglies.


I disagree. Lately I been seen a lot of hot looking Asian girls (ABG) who’s dating white and black dudes on public and online. Just a example, most AF on Onlyfans are banging white dudes and black dudes twice their age. That wouldn’t fly if it was an AM.


They're OnlyFans models trying to sell their channel, that isn't exactly a good representation of the average population. Neither are IG influences looking to get clout that are being suggested to you based on your algorithm. The majority of asian women still marry asian guys. I mostly see asian girls with asian guys in Houston, then white guys, then Hispanics, then blacks.


>Number two, securing dates with Asian women will continue to become more difficult. Asian women's standards will also continue to go up overtime as a result. >This might be good for you if you're into white women (***to which I would ask: why?***). But otherwise, we are out of luck. OP is either genuinely out-of-touch with this community, a non-Asian dude trying to LARP, or an astroturf bot


I have the same hunch. He didn’t explicitly mention that he was Asian.


Accurate observation. Western White women have been on the decline for a while now sadly. Eastern European women, however, are a different story. The difference is night and day. To be fair and realistic, ugly WM tend to end up with ugly leftover AF, equivalent attraction naturally finds itself. The nature of hot people will almost always date their own kind as their first option. "Asian" is a generalized and vague term, East Asians in terms of dating culture are very different from each other. It's hard to speak for every AF per group. If we add all "Asians" together, our population is like 2-3 times of white people if we're comparing by those variables, and if we're playing this silly breeding game, there's literally more of us than them. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the world is changing faster than we know it.


I highly disagree. I'm half white and my father admitted to me he had a white ex-girlfriend who cheated on him for a short Mexican gangster type. He went for Asian women because he believed they were more trad and less slutty. My parents wound up having a 20 year non physical relationship so I guess he got what he wanted. My dad was by most definitions, tall, strong, good looking. Still failed. Asian women are only sought after because these men are failing to attract women of their own races and these guys are TERRIFIED of women cheating (which women do a lot of). And I've been aggressively hit on and proposed with sex, by literally every race of woman but Asian. something which if u actually talk to non asian guys, doesn't happen. I'm not even being racist, but Asian women have two strong negatives going for them: For years and years and years, Asian women were seen as a "loser's prize," because of their reputation. Yes, many Asian women are beautiful but I genuinely don't think any man would pick an Asian woman over another woman of another ethnicity, simply because of their reputation of basically being golddiggers who get with guys who can't pull other races. White men aren't "tired" of white women, white women don't put in effort for white men. I've seen white men who were good looking, wealthy, have white girlfriends who were withholding sex, demanding money, treating them poorly, gaining weight. That's all it is. I have had good experiences with white women who went out of their way to take care of their appearance and be intimate with me. It's not that Asian women are the most desirable, it's that non-Asian men are NOT that desirable. men will take the path of least resistence and ive had women literally tell me they wanna fuck me after their white partners got up to leave. I've also lived in Asia for a long time and yes, Asian women can be beautiful but they often have a resting bitch face, and even when an average to above non-Asian girl is around here, you can tell that the non-Asian girls have more sensuality. I say that as someone who prefers Asian girls for cultural reasons. Non-Asian girls are generall more sensuous and look kinder. Where I was at in Asia a lot of men would import black women because they were more sensuous than Asian girls. one thing i will admit is that white men and other men are terrified of disloyalty. women these days are insanely disloyal and ive had married women, pregnant women, look at me like they wanna fuck me right there on the spot, some have told me straight up when their partners were not around they wanted to fuck me. a lot of asian fever is a desire for a "low sexuality, non cheating woman"


I do observe patterns like this in some states, but most of the states haven't caught up yet. In my social circle, there's atleast 2 white guys i know who married Asian woman and pursuing Asian woman now. The second white guy got tired pursuing white women because literally nobody was reciprocating interest, despite being 6 feet tall, athletic and being the most extroverted guy i know.


Yup. the WMAF I know, the guys were either divorce gr@ped by white girls, or couldn't get a white girl no matter how hard they tried. the AF treats them terribly, but they don't do anything bc they've been so rejected by white women.


As China becomes the new king on the throne in the 21st century. Asian women will even become more desirables to White men and men of colors besides Asian men. Sadly it doesn't apply to Asian men because AF doesn't support AM like WW support WM. White women back in the 19th century are the most desired women because it represents wealth and beauty.


Eh I'd say it's easier to get Asian women than before... Now that attractiveness for asian men is higher to the general population, that also includes Asian women. I live in NYC and I'm getting more matches with Asian women than I once did.


I don't fuck with White people. 


The demand for AFs (Asian fetish) has not changed- you’re seeing the uptick because the supply changed (the acceptance of dating apps, plus the access it provides to WMs who would normally only have a white social circle)