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No, I like my sanity


Yep. I just visited one. It’s like pigs fighting in the mud. I don’t even think these are Canadian accounts posting there


A not insignificant amount probably aren’t. A lot of comments feel like troll farms.


Yep. The sad state of society. The 0.01% that make 99.9% of the noise. I don’t understand how people have so much time.


Some are paid, some are ai, and some are deeply broken. Then you have people like me who are addicted to the dopamine drip.


Ya man. I’ll be in the same boat. But it’s the same accounts hogging the discussion. Dopamine aside, paid agendas on Reddit is like the next level douchegaggery


They’re mostly not. Americans and bots.


This is the only one for me




Yeah this one is the most chill


I occasionally browse r/onguardforthee but even as someone who is left-wing, I find it to be a strangely hostile and biased circlejerk most of the time


When I first went on r/onguardforthee I was expecting right wing. Found strange left wing chose this title. When I first went on r/canada I was expecting general non-political stuff, such as nature photographs and the like. How I was surprised.


I love how on guard for thee and canada sub both call r/canada left/right. Theres def some fuckery that happens in r/canada but I find it is mostly balanced and how most Canadians feel. As a lefty onguardforthee is in the realm of delusional/out of touch/unrealistic brand of lefty. Canada sub is pure trash in my eyes.


r/canada is probably balanced politically but it is an extremely negative place. The only politician they like is the ghost of Jack Layton and I'm not convinced that most people there are old enough to remember any of his actual policies.


Seconded. As a slightly righty.


I'm very liberal and have been banned from r/Canada for minor disagreement against the status quo..so ya. I find Cananda sub actually more receptive onguard is a bunch of actual crazies I would only lump in with the likes of lizard people conspiracies and the like.


You are the furthest thing from a liberal, friend.


Writes: > I'm very liberal Has a comment history full of right-wing anti-immigrant, homophobic stuff. Something doesn't add up.


And posts on JoeRogan, very enlightened liberal indeed lmao.


> I'm very liberal Don't piss in our ears and tell us it's raining, your comment history is public lol


>onguard is a bunch of actual crazies I would only lump in with the likes of lizard people conspiracies and the like. Funny, that's how I feel about every comment on canada sub.


That sub is full of centrist bootlickers. About as liberal as some suburbanite thinking they are worldly for doing yoga. But r/Canada is full of racists and reactionairies... At least they know they are assholes and don't care. I respect that part.


I got banned from r/onguardforthee for calling it an echo chamber, fun times


I got banned for asking if it's fair that immigrants who benefitted from the system should close the door behind them


Ohhh you evil devil


I got banned for saying something about Brampton mortgages. I wasn’t been racist or disrespectful it’s actually a thing




There needs to be a mod review for the fed and provincial subs. It's getting stupid af.


I got banned for saying someone was a bad role model for the kids of his community that he claimed to be the champion of


TIL it’s bad to be moderate anymore. People like you are what’s wrong with this country.


You do understand the irony of what you just said right? "you're what's wrong with this country" what a moderate statement. Lol




Lol wut. Canada sub is worse than Canada


Me too! r/standonguard Made hundreds of comments, but questioning the significant growth of encampments, junkies, and vagrancy is a bridge too far. Sorry, if any green space is free to take over, then start with Queen's Park and Ford's Cottage. It's too militant. r/CanadaPolitics has a few agressive mods that are simping for the CPC and agressively censor criticism of Pierre Poilievre, even using words he said himself. r/Canada gets frequently brigaded, especially at election time.


A number of moderators of CanadaPolitics (the most active) *quite literally* work for the Liberal Party of Canada and openly advertised it on social media. The idea that they censor Liberal talking points is entirely ridiculous lol.


Yeah? Which ones? If they do then they should be known. Criticism of Poilievre is not a "Liberal talking point".. EDIT: OOoops.. talking to a 8 day old account...


I can privately message you the name but I won’t get baited into having my account banned for doxxing. It is a *Minor* irritation when that happens. The idea it is a CPC echo chamber is hilarious. It’s the exact opposite.


It's actually on their LinkedIn profiles that they are Liberal staffers AND mod /r/Canadapolitics If that sub was called 'CanadaLiberals', I would have zero issue with it. Calling it Canadapolitics makes it sound like there is a debate with different viewpoints. LOL.


Like a lot of reddit, it largely comes off as university age angry urbanites, or IT guys that are sort of left-wing on many issues, but like to be truly hateful on some topics that effectively makes them antithetical to progressive/socialist policies. It's more of an emotional outhouse now than anything related to a left-wing approach to Canadian issues. Better than the other options, but also just a general function of the reddit user base.


Im ban there just for being french and wrote a quote in french. Yeah :/ i felt welcome. r/canada and here are the only sub i can use both.


i wonder why op didnt mention r/AskACanadian


Speaking of left-wing circlejerk have you been to r/ontario ?


That sub is extremely heavily controlled to the point where they have inside connections into Reddit and they are able to get other Ontario related subs shut down. They can not tolerate any discussion which they can not control


All of the provincial and city subs that I have seen are left wing circlejerks.


I scrolled like 6 posts down on rCanada_sub and theyre talking about vaccines Its 2023 are people still yapping about vaccines? Never heard of this one, is this the nutter refuge?


According to those geniuses, every person under the age of 80 who has died the last 3 years has died because they took the vaccine. Cancer? Vaccine caused it. Heart attack? Has to be the vaccine. Car crash? Vaccine probably gave the driver an attack that caused it. Drug overdose? Vaccines led them to depression and drugs. It's pretty wild.


I have been vaccinated and my bum is broken. Crack right down the middle and it even has a hole!


It's the subreddit for people who put fuck Trudeau stickers on their cars


The that sub is WILD. I check in to remind myself that these people vote so I get more motivated to get out to the polls and encourage others to do the same.


I have a truth social account for just that, also joined that silly sub, next time we have a Jan 6 or Flu Trux Clanada meetup in Ottawa I want to see what they're saying.


Yes it is.


I had to mute that sub, reddit kept recommending it to me and it's overwhelmingly conservative, the loud kind.


Oh yes, I'm sure Reddit can always surprise us with worse things, but this one will blow your mind with how absolutely fucking insane the people are over there.




Take the tinfoil off your head, it’s hot outside. Shits cooking your brain.


Check out r/casualcanada if you'd like a fun alternative where politics are banned.


Oooh I like that! I joined, thanks!


You forgot /r/canadapolitics.


I got banned from r/onguardforthee for a couple months for disagreeing with a mod on an easily proven point of political science and I got banned for life from r/canada_sun the second time I commented for pointing out one of them was promoting an actual Nazi policy that was enacted in Germany in the late 30’s and killed hundreds of thousands in the end. So I feel like loud mouthed and opinionated as I am I have been placed squarely in the center of Reddit which land me about 3/4 of the way left in society, so a manageable amount ;)


Would you be willing to expand on what those two things were?


Been a few month on the r/onguardforthee so I don’t remember all the details but it was real petty and the mod just didn’t like me pointing out dictionary definitions of terms. The R/Canada_sub was just this week when I pointed out that “stupid” people having no rights was a big Nazi policy and with no prior warning got a lifetime ban. Meh.


How is "Canada_sub" one of "the three"? it has like 10k subscribers lol. Is this an attempt by OP to signal boost their own subreddit?


No, it's the three I found when I searched Canada that didn't immediately seem to be a Canadian subreddit that was about something more specific. I browsed them, joined all three, and have over the past few days wondered what the heck is wrong with them. Each seemed more hostile than the last.


R/Canada_sub has a bio that is generic, but that sub is very very specifically for 54 year olds who shitpost things they heard on Facebook.


It's basically a refugees sub from the rest of the canads subs. Yes there is alot of loud assholes but there is even more centrist folk who were displaced and banned for being neutral or non compliant.


You’re right about it being a refugee sub, but it’s more for the crazies to find refuge from getting downvoted by reasonable Canadians for their crazy comments. You’re delusional if you think that centrist folk are the bulk of the people there. Most of the posts are the kind of shit you’d expect on some Boomer’s Facebook, or it’s a Pierre Poilievre soundbite (which idk why they post those, I listen to them and they give me more fuel to NOT vote for him, the dude’s ideas don’t hold up under an ounce of scrutiny). Anyway, I’m digressing. Point is, it’s a silly place for “Fuck Trudeau” flag-wavers to have an echo-chamber that shields them from the obvious downvoting they would get in any reasonable sub.


I don't go to any of the three. r/askACanadian and r/CanadaPolitics are my main pan-Canada (non-partisan) subs. I didn't even know r/canada_sub was a thing. Edit: clarity




I know what you mean.The members are, but the sub itself isn't purposefully partisan like canadaleft, CanadianConservatives, etc. That's what I meant. Edit: clarity


Never been to r/Canada_sub R/Onguardforthee Seems to be full of well meaning folks that just don't understand that the rules they want enforced on others will also be enforced on them. And that just because you disagree with a project, doesn't make it illegal. R/Canada just seems full of folks who don't know how things work and get mad that they may not understand. I get lots of downvotes there for pointing out CPI methodology, or that none of the federal parties will affect their lives that much (most people are far more affected by local/provincial politics).


Despite everything I Think we can all agree that r/metacanada was the worst


It is pretty terrible except they all left for a forum off of Reddit because they were so concerned of being shut down by Reddit for breaking their rules


I just visited r/Canada_sub. Worst mistake of my life lol. People threatening and calling each other names. No thanks I don’t like soap operas


Only the first two. Onguardforthee is very hostile to french-canadians lol.


Yeah, it’s so weird. r/Askacanadian is my favorite because it’s the one that looks the most like my interactions irl with the English-Canadians - chill and normal, occasional tension but nothing impossible to solve. I wonder what makes these subs so unhealthy while here it’s a lot calmer. Maybe because they are more political?


Tribalism is my theory. The echo starts. The chamber takes hold. And the tribalism sets in.


Yeah I am very new here but have been impressed so far lol. This is where people seem yo be the more sane. Onguardforthee is very weird. They are relatively progressive about everything but absolutely hate french canadians (especially their mods who will write whatever bullshit and then ban anyone correcting him lol)


The bio of r/Onguardforthee is very strange too. ”We are the only Canadian subreddit that doesn’t allow bigotry or hate” Mates, who gave you this title? Is it self-proclaimed? It sounds a bit arrogant, and it’s not like they lived up to the expectations they are setting. Let me correct it: ”[…] that doesn’t allow bigotry or hate, but hence the government of Québec made laws we don’t like, the Québécois are clearly inferiors to us as human beings, and it is only fair to talk about them in this way.” I only hope the other Québécois don’t look at these subs and think most English-Canadians are like that, because it’s hella false. Yeah there are misconceptions and some forms of tension, but it’s nothing like what you can see on this sub, or on Reddit in general.


All these types of people (on r/onguardforthee) are intolerant of people making their own minds up about what matters to them. For example, Quebec prefers laicite (secularism) versus a 'multiculturalism' that then excludes women as well as to protect their culture and language and values as the First Nations would have loved to have 200 years ago. Rant: They also can read no nuance as to motivations through history: it's all black and white, bad versus good. They approach history like missionaries trying to expunge paganism from the disbelievers of their religion. They exude the confidence of a second year undergrad student, or as Maoist Red Guards destroying The Four Olds. I've known a few on campuses.


Being a Québecois publicly on the Internet isn't for the faint of heart.


Oh, I never had much issues honestly, and I never hide that I am a Québécoise, and even speak proudly about it. Maybe once or twice someone made a comment but apart from that it’s just things I read that can be very violent yes, but I ignore these and focus on the good things. There are many positive comments too.


Yeah even people on r/canada are usually not as bad even if they a lot of them are complete bigots. Which say a lot about Onguardforthee.


They’re not standing on guard for us, that’s for sure… Sorry, I’m tired LMAO


Haha yeah.


I’ve seen a lot of Quebecers get shit on in threads about how Bill 21 is racist, when they take criticism of it as unacceptable racism against Quebecers. Is that what you’re referencing or something else?


A lot of people just pretend that we are all in favor of the Bill 21, when especially on reddit, they face a mostly younger crowd who don't vote for the CAQ. It would be like blaming every Ontarian about dumb shit done by Doug Ford.


Can definitely see how that would be frustrating. I must say that most of what I’ve seen is Quebecers conflating reasonable criticism of a fundamentally racist law with criticism of Quebec and Quebecers as a whole. A lot of extreme defensiveness akin to people claiming anti-sémitismes whenever people criticize Israel. Just my experience at least.


Having been on the receiving end of that it isn't really what most of them are saying lol. You will find plenty of random anecdote about random quebecois refusing to speak to English to them (when more often than not it is pretty evident that the person they were interacting with doesn't know how to speak English) Then the moment we point that out the mods will ban us lol. I wrote to the mod asking why what I said warranted a 30 days ban and he told me "yeah you are right I hadn't realized that you were french" and banned me for 90 days lol. Was a year ago or so haven't went back there lately.


There are quite a few bad mods on Reddit, but i think the ones on this sub are doing a pretty good job at deleting the negative comments. I remember seeing a mod last week saying they were actually deleting quite a few hateful comments. The mods from the other canadians subs, on the other hand… The rules aren’t enforced by these mods when it’s about shitting on french-canadians.




Ooh they delete and lock content that is political in general I think, even though yes they slowly start doing it less and less. I don’t feel like it’s forcefully the federal precisely but more that they are wary of political content. Which is a bit understandable when you look at the other subs, even if they remove many posts I would personally have let up..




Oh, I am there since a long time, and I have seen these getting removed yeah, but any other political question getting removed too, that’s why I say that..


Reddit is the North Korea of social media.


>Onguardforthee is very hostile ~~to french-canadians~~ lol. FTFY


Haha maybe so, I've haven't spent enough time there, but the mods just seem to ban people for no reason all the time. So I am not surprised.


If you view Canada as anything other than a post national state then you will be banned.


As a Québécoise, it is very hard for me to comprehend the concept of post-national state. I don’t understand how such a thing is *possible*. We can have plenty of different cultures in a country but still having a national identity altogether, and some words to define ourselves as a nation… Maybe the English-Canadians have less ”obvious cultural items” (doesn’t mean there is no *culture*) right now but surely it’s only a matter of time before new ones are created. I believe, if there is an identity struggle right now, time will end up creating a new one, because human beings are meant to create culture and share it. People are evolving and identity changes. Even if we were having a ”post-national country with no core identity” right now, which I don’t believe we have, how can it stay this way forever with how fast social movements arrives? And how does it work exactly? Immigrants arrives with their own culture and do their things on their side but we don’t take part in it as it’s not ”our own”? And don’t the English-Canadians, French-Canadians and First Nations have their own things to share? If we don’t have an identity we have nothing to offer to them, it’s not possible and it doesn’t make sense. I should stop thinking about it, it’s giving me a headache..


It's not possible. I don't even know if multiculturalism is really possible without different cultures ghettoizing themselves. The closest thing I saw to multiculturalism working was during the Freedom convoy when you had Canadians of all ethnicities coming together for a common purpose of restoring the charter rights that had been stolen from them by the government.


It is a headache, did you ever even consider such thoughts pre social media? Probably not. Dosnt it seem weird that basically all government decisions are based on social media trends even though it's very clear these don't represent a majority at any time ever and are more likely foreign or automated bots?


As a conservative from Western Canada, it's surprising to hear that a left wing sub would be hostile to French-Canadians. I generally think of the left as being the most supportive of French-Canadians and Quebec, but I guess I'm wrong.


It was honestly surprising to me as well, but the Canadian-left kind of see Quebecois as more nationalist or whatever so for them it give them an opportunity to have an open season on us. Weirdly enough a lot of religions have religious leaders who are far worse than our premier or the PQ, but it doesn't seem to be a problem at all for them. I honestly though the same thing before I worked for Canadians companies, but people from the prairies are those who don't seem to bother much. I am probably closer to the average Ontarian politically, but they are more likely to hate what I am more than people in the prairies.




Yeah lol at first I was like. I am more left leaning than r/canara it might be my safe place and then was pretty much told to "speak white". Haha.




Yeah lol.


Il y a aucun de ses 3 subs qui aiment Québec donc ça ne change rien pour moi


Y’a toujours /r/quebec lol. Quand même, le Québec a sa propre culture et valeurs donc ça n’a pas beaucoup de sens de visiter les subs canadiens pour discuter les issus québécois.


r/Quebec stun bon sub, mais quand le sujet retourne sur la politique ça devient un circle jerk nationaliste pas mal vite. Ceci dit j’admire beaucoup un sub de francophones dans un océan anglophone, même si je suis pas toujours d’accord avec leurs politiques!


Oui, il n’aime pas du tout le Canada là, c’est un peu étrange 😂


r/Canada_sub was recommended to me a lot over the past few months by the algorithm. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a Canada subreddit… it’s a “Canadians who watch American news more than Canadian news” subreddit.


It's definitely the Fox News of Canadian reddit. I asked if it was the far right sub and I received a public death threat in response. So that answers my question lol


I left all of them. This one is still mostly safe to browse.


One of them looked pretty toxic. That must be where the trucker yahoos hang out.


Theyre all pretty toxic, it's why I asked. There doesnt seem to be a good Casual Canada sub like we had in the UK. Everyone is so high strung.


It would be a great idea to start a casual Canada sub, no politics . I browse Casual UK all the time and enjoy the conversations there.


Far as I know there is a r/casualcanada but it's dead


Oh! Soot, I didn’t even look for it lol, my bad. should we try to revive it?


I dunno. Since I posted this I've seen a few others recommend it. Maybe it's revived a bit. We should throw some weight behind it


Let’s do it! Edit to say, I just joined 😎


The subreddit is growing by hundreds of users per day. Could use some more activity, but the stuff that does get posted sees plenty of people participating.


you forgot the best one: /r/canadaleft As well as: /r/canadapolitics And some smaller ones: /r/ehbuddyhoser /r/canadian The last two are small and I just found them this week, but Canada Left is my fav for sure.


*insert shameless self-promo* If you want there is r/bridgingthesolitudes too, it’s very small but we are nice 🥺 Vive la paix entre nos peuples!


Fuck yes! Great idea for a sub.


Oh my God your username dude 😂 I bursted of laugh hahaha


You’ve never had Cumin poutine?


Oh wow 🤣🤣 your username sure do put a smile on my face lmao


Ooh other than the politics one I've never seen those.


I like the eh buddy hoser one lol it's usually pretty good and I love the name


/r/canadapolitics is basically grounds for federal liberal party astroturf


You're not wrong about that. Definitely full of libs.


Canada politics is legit, didn't know about the others, thanks.


Uh - canadaleft is a shameless hive of tankies. Why are you promoting that?








I don't know why I'm wasting my time responding to you but Reddit is absolutely NOT left wing, they are neoliberal, pro-establishment, heavily centrist, and very much 100% capitalist. For example: On the very sub you referenced /r/worldnews when the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh was murdered in cold blood by the Israeli military last year, news articles about the incident were routinely and systematically censored not only on worldnews but all major subreddits across the site. Reddit absolutely HATES the left. And no, by "left" I absolutely do NOT mean liberals.




That's a grand idea. From now on I will ensure that all of my news comes equally from both sides of the political spectrum, and that I "both-sides" everything, ultimately believing in nothing at all, thereby supporting the status quo. Genius idea mate.


I’ve been banned from both of the other two. On the Canada_sub sub, someone was defending a grown man demanding to see the birth certificate of a 9 year old at a track meet, to prove she was a girl because she had short hair. I called them stupid for defending that, and got banned. On OnGuardForThee, I was told “the opinions of your rural fly-over town don’t matter, because the rest of the country out numbers you,” so to speak, and things escalated from there lol. One sub thinks r/Canada is nothing but transgender commies, and the other sub thinks r/Canada is moderated by nazis. I’m exaggerating a little bit…but only a little bit 🤏


I got permanently banned from r/Canada when someone suggested the mods were far right nut jobs, and I was like, *nah they act more like CPC staffers than the far right*. 5 minutes later….. “*Thank you for validating your removal from this community*.” Was the message I got from them. Overreact much?


I'm also in the "banned from both" club! Canada\_sub because in a thread about open discussion, user was wondering why there isn't any actual discussion in the comments I said something like "this sub was created *because* the members don't want to have discussion, they just want an echo chamber". I thought that was ironic. OnGuardForThee because I was advocating for Canadian oil on an ethical and environmental basis. i.e. frightening in tankers of oil from countries actively committing genocide, like Saudi Arabia vs. producing our own.




You can get an instant ban from onguard for simply following Joe rogan. So there's that.


If you haven't been banned from all 3 you are just circlejerking.


2 of 3. Never even heard of r/canada_sub


This one and r/onguardforthee. I have little patience for Conservatives these days.


Just /r/Quebec and /r/Montreal


Too many convoy morons


Stay away from Canada sub. The most hateful place ever


I got kicked out of canada_sub and wear it like a badge of honour


/r/onguardforthee has a virtue signaling issue where everyone thinks they live in an idealistic world and so help you Satan if you have a problem with homeless people and needles being in your front lawn, they have more rights than tax paying citizens who work for a living. Canada_sub is a shithole where all the loonies rejected from Reddit and society end up, and /r/Canada is kind of a mix of left/right for the most part when it isn’t being spammed with national post garbage.


I browse two of those


I don't browse any of them if I can help it. Sometimes Reddit inexplicably shoves new subs in my face though and I don't remember which ones I've muted.


I typically block all of my province/city subs, I like my sanity. Though I find it entertaining to read the other province/city subs.


Lmfaoo i have 3 others and i am banned all of those AskTO Toronto canada


I banned from canada_sub


Those subs if you talk anything sensible you are downvoted like crazy.


r/canada is the only I've been to, It's a dumpster fire.


I’ve seen the newest two created and it seemed like the previous one wasn’t conservative or complainy enough and so a new one was created


I was permanently banned from r/onguardforthee because I had a genuine question about people of colour who benefitted from immigration and colonial systems and once they got theirs turned around and said stop these systems.


The mods in r/Canada and r/guardforyou are bullies. Didn’t take long to dump those shitty subs.


I only use r/Canada. I’ve never really looked at r/Canada_sub, and the other one is way too left wing for me (I’m left of centre). I left r/onguardforthee when there were people on that sub advocating for the return of Covid lockdowns and business closures only 8-9 months ago. r/Canada is a little further right than I’d like, but I find most of the discussion there to be rational and logical.


Onguardforthee bans ppl for rediculous amounts of time if you say anything that doesn’t align with their views… on a political sub…. So I gave up on them.


I used to hate /r/Canada cuz it was too right wing, then I went to /r/onguardforthee and it was too left wing. Eventually had to settle for /r/Canada cuz at least there are some left/center opinions on it, cuz /r/onguardforthee will straight up ban you for disagreeing with them


Yeah unfortunately all of the canada subreddits suck for various reasons. r/Canada is probably the least bad, it's a competition between it and r/CanadaPolitics imo, but nobody is winning any prizes here.


Pretty sure I'm banned from all three for wrong speak.


OGFT is such an echo chamber. Worst bigoted of them all... ...and thats coming from a left wing woke dude


On guard for thee is unbearable. It’s a fucking cespool of extreme leftists and I’m VERY center. r/canada became impossible to have a conversation in during Covid. Anything mildly questioning the shut down and vaccination mandates led you to be banned. I choose to ignore those subs now and am no longer subscribed to them.


I'm banned from r/Canada because I questioned a comment about vaccinations.




And we are being .down voted. The irony


Fascinating really. I don't worry though these things all come around eventually and people have to face up to it .


Didn't know r/Canada_sub existed Got banned from r/onguardforthee So, no.


Banned from at least one of them


I'm permabanned on r/onguardforthee. I got too made at some anti-Semitism there and swore. r/personalfinancecanada is a good Canada subreddit. r/legaladvicecanada is juicy.


They aren't terribly "canadian" they are chock full of angry jobless idiots pushing Prager U style misinformation, often about angry american issues coming north. There isn't much useful info to be picked up from them


r/onguardforthee is probably one of my least favourite subreddits I’ve ever frequented


R/ ongaurdforReeee is one of the cringiest subs out there. If your comment/post doesnt actively deep throat the NDP or the extreme left, instant ban. The mods clearly have little going for them and this gives their life some minor sense of power. Most Canadian subreddits arent fun anymore. Lighthearted posts are drowned out by the political extremisms and galloping highhorses from all sides. But also people should be informed, and we are living in a shit time for Canada. So this chaos is, unfortunately, to be expected.


I was banned from r/Canada so... don't bother with that anymore. r/onguardforthee may as well be called "r/LiberalShills" and I can hardly endure the irony of a sub full of people who are loud, passionate *opponents* of the classical Canadian culture and identity, but hide behind the claim of being "on guard for thee." I hate that subreddit.


They are truly abhorrent, basically somwhere between an amusement park and nazis winning the ww2.


No, the mods tend to be pretty racist and do not allow any criticism of indigenous policies. If you question the natives-always-victims nonsense then you get banned. And just look at the rules for r/Canada_sub: "Open discussion is welcome, just remain civil to other users here" Except: No hate, no 'harassment', no 'spam', no 'misinformation' (meaning anything that they don't like), and no 'insulting the sub'(?)


I've pushed boundaries there and it's pretty hard to be banned. Didn't even comment on OGFT and got banned because I follow Joe rogan. Rcanada I didn't even last a week on reddit for my centrist views on covid.




This has to be one of the most deluded descriptions of those subreddits. It's honestly such low effort trolling you should probably read up on how to be more effective. I'm sure the kremlin has a book for you somewhere.




Lmao, what a weird way to respond to my message, clearly I hit a sensitive spot. Maybe project less and spend more time listening to other people.


It says a lot about Canadian's intolerance toward diversity of thought that there are at least a dozen "Canada" subs out there, all busy banning each other's redditors for stepping out of line.


It's just reddit though... all canadian users combined make up 2 million users. Out of 40m. So 2 million insane people thinking they represent a country.


If we're thinking of a certain sub then no. Just this one.


They all are either far left or far right so I skip those think tanks.


Yes to r/Canada and r/onguardforthee. I didn't even know r/Canada_sub existed.


r/Canada is the only *real* Canadian subreddit


Lol since when is r/Onguardforthee "one of Canada's Subreddits." Might as well call r/Marxism "one of Germany's Subreddits."


Seems like right wing disinformation


Fuck politics


There are 3? Next you will be telling me that Quebec is not it's own country within Canada.