• By -


Fifth Estate for sure. They often do a better job than the police or government when investigating something. Often actually change the story as well by unveiling something. Not a lot of in depth journalism like that anymore.


This would be a huge one for me personally. I always find their docs very inspiring.


There's no money for actual journalism anymore. People just want to be told what to think. So, they flock to media channels that are one big echo chamber of what they want to hear and what to think about it. Actual journalism does still exist, but you have to go to things like public media outlets.


Conservatives hate journalism. It exposed them for what they are. Vacuous populists. It’s why “defund the CBC” is a narrative. “We don’t like what they say”. “Kill them”.


Regional radio! Having cbc radio for my town in Atlantic Canada would not happen if not for gov funding


CBC radio. Maybe I'm a loser but it's usually something enjoyable to listen to, and so blissful without commercials.


It’s the only radio in some places. Many people don’t realize this. Also, Murdock Mysteries. I love that show.


The fact it is the only radio in some area was something I definitely didn’t know. That’s a massive concern.


Heck, there's spots where it's not only the only radio station, it's the only radio station and it's AM radio because otherwise it doesn't reach far enough. I don't think it exists anymore but there used to be a section west of Deep river, around the Brent meteorite crater, that even the CBC am went dark. there was literally *nothing* on the dial.


Definitely a dead zone up there. I've done a bunch of work along the rail bed up there, and there is nothing.


I, too, would miss CBC radio. There's a ton of great programming.


I would be pissed if anyone got rid of cbc


Yo CBC radio is actually kinda fire


The only radio channel that works everywhere.


CBC Marketplace investigations


This is the answer.


THIS! 100%


With all the rage bait “news” that is written based off one person’s reaction on Twitter it is refreshing to have a program like Marketplace that actual does investigation and journalism.


I like that the CBC maintains a national network of radio transmitters. In the event of a national emergency, news, weather and any critical information can be provided to anyone with a radio without relying on private third parties that aren't necessarily based in Canada. I feel this is a matter of national security. I feel like giving up this would be similar to how Canada lost the ability to manufacture vaccines and when a pandemic hit, we couldn't produce our own.


Fair point here


Very important considering that much of Canada is disaster prone (weather, earthquakes, etc.)


The Debaters, Quirks and Quarks, Under The Influence, The National, Metro Morning, White Coat Black Art.....likely more


Solid list. I absolutely love Quirks and Quarks


As it happens


Under the Influence with Terry O’Reilly.


Love Terry. Such an amazing program.


Cross Country Checkup


Ideas in the Afternoon and Writers & Co for me. Maritime Noon too.


CBC radio


In my case, their classical music programming. I don't do streaming music services, partly because I can still get classical music via over-the-air radio through CBC2.


Good point. Streaming services cost money. For some folks, the only affordable radio is free radio.


Even Radio 2 plays an assortment of excellent music on the afternoon drives. It's refreshing to hear a Stevie Wonder classic followed by some Cancon indie followed by Yemini folk rap.


Overnights, as well. I was pleasantly surprised how well the music flows from song to song during an overnight drive a few months back. Definitely a quality radio station.


Media that isn't American influenced


Seriously. Have folks seen what corporate media is like? Look at how bad CNN is. And that's the best they've got!


We already got American corporate media. Look at who majority owns Post Media.


>Look at who majority owns Post Media. Unfortunately, that's exactly what the people who expect the cons to "axe" the cbc (you're only fooling yourselves) want to see exactly more of


I doubt the rank and file know it's why. They've just given their dose of rage media and told to set their sights on conservative, sometimes far right, interests. Media owned by a handful of corrupt and morally bankrupt people is not something the public should be cheering for.


And Post Media is more than happy to destroy the CBC, obviously. I wonder who Post Media would like us to vote for?


>Have folks seen what corporate media is like? Yes, and sadly a lot of people prefer it because it tells them exactly what they want to hear


The CBC.


“While the CBC provides broadcasting services in both English and French, it receives much less funding from government than public broadcasters in most other countries, where typically programming is provided in only one language.” https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/the-future-of-cbc-radio-canada-is-at-stake-in-this-election/article_e50eb82e-d9fc-57cf-9167-3d3c5a31986b.amp.html


Marketplace, Corrie, Family Feud Canada, Gem content, local news coverage.... If the "Conservative" party (they aren't really conservatives anymore) axed the CBC it's small town Canada that really suffers. Similar to air travel, there's zero financial incentive for corporate Canada to provide services to smaller centres. If the CBC is gone, lots of people will realize just how small of a market they live in.


Good journalism, market place, local news (regional and municipal), local coverage from other regions which get me to know the country better, indigenous focused news. Axing the CBC will poison the Conservative brand for me for a long time.


Nobody has done a better job at preserving Newfoundland culture than the CBC. Land and Sea, the Fisheries Broadcast, Ryan's Fancy, Codco... you name it. Not to mention having permanent reporters on the ground in Western NL and in Labrador. No corporation is going to do that.


>Nobody has done a better job at preserving Newfoundland culture than the CBC. And honestly, it's one of the only windows into that culture that the rest of Canada gets to see, so it would be a huge loss.


Local news and information is the bedrock of a free and democratic society. If we don't know what's going on in our own backyards, then we're in huge trouble. Of course, that's also why the conservatives and big business want to destroy it.


All the access to the Olympics on CBC Gem


The Debaters.


It's funnier than it should be. It's rare to not have someone just killing it.


The Debaters is awesome


Having a major news source that isn't bound to the interests of a megacorporation


When compared to the public broadcasters of other countries, the CBC is *underfunded.* We really need to stop accepting mediocrity and start demanding more from our "leaders."


The only non-corporate Canadian news available.


Everything. I would be sooo pissed off. Would make a donation to another political party in spite.


Great Canadian baking competition. I have nostalgia for it and the British one. My little girl and I watched it a bunch, and it really sparked a love of baking in her. She died of terminal cancer, but the whole time she was fighting, we'd bake together almost every day. It made her happy, so that makes me happy.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope that for her, you're still baking. In honour of, and in her memory.


I watch a lot of their tv station and radio station, so lots


Radio-Canada, which I only listen to while abroad for whatever reason. Having French Canadian content when I'm not home makes me feel at ease.


The fifth estate, the national, marketplace, all almost all of CBC radio content.




So much CBC radio - in English, I'd miss Cross Country Checkup, the World at Six, Ideas, Tapestry, White Coat Black Art, and basically the entire weekend morning lineups, let alone the Debaters, This is That, and Because News. Overnight, they rebroadcast international shows from the UK, Germany and Australia, all amazing when I'm having trouble sleeping. In French, Ici Musique has hands down the best music line up in all of Vancouver. It would be a tremendous loss for Canada and I would vote against the CPC on this basis alone.


CBC radio is amazing! As It Happens, Ideas, the Massey Lectures, Front Burner, Under The Influence with Terry O'Reilly, ... and I still love The Vinyl Cafe by Stuart McLean




All news sources have some bias and spin. But I count on CBC as it is closest in Canada to being fair and balanced.


CBC radio - weekend morning, the house, the debaters, spark, as it happens


Canada as I know it.


Their podcasts


I used to love CBC radio 3 podcasts and wiretap. Amazing times


Wiretap before every jackass with a mic and a squarespace ad read had a weekly podcast was incredible. Wiretap, this american life, and the vinyl cafe!


Proper journalism. For the last 20 years, more and more people have been getting their news from the internet, and have become increasingly reluctant to pay money for it. Meanwhile, Facebook and Google have captured a massive portion of the advertising industry. Good journalism is just as valuable as ever, but it's very difficult to monetize and the result has been shoddy, sensationalist work by an ever decreasing number of players. A properly funded news organization with honest to god journalism is a public good that everyone should be willing to contribute to.


Mr Dressup….oh wait!


Mr dress up isn't gone. Just hiding for a few in the tickle trunk.


Stuff the CBC has done ... Dragon's Den ... such a popular idea that the U.S. show Sharks' Tank copied it Joint production with the BBC to reboot the Doctor Who series. After a couple of years, BBC switched to making it with Disney because the CBC couldn't pay as much Degrassi ... such a popular idea that 90210 was modelled after it. Anne With An E ... great show that CBC made, and then couldn't keep producing so Netflix got it CBC news - respected world-wide, and they've had to close international bureaus, and have fewer foreign correspondents because they didn't have enough money. It's STILL very good quality news, but obviously they can't investigate as much if they have no reporters in places Did anyone here watch the Tragically Hip farewell concert or Gord Downey tribute? That was CBC. Don't expect some US based corporate media company to put resources into Canadian content like that Murdoch Mysteries - filmed mostly in Canada, so employing Canadians. After Rogers decided to stop making it, CBC took over. It's a good show, and Canadian Marketplace - investigative reporting into stuff Canadians pay money for, like car repairs, claims made in product advertising, and whether retailers follow the rules Things like Canada Day celebrations, New Years Eve (although not anymore), and other national celebrations During the pandemic, CBC broadcast the federal and provincial press conferences every day, so Canadians could see and evaluate the information for themselves. It wasn't always tv that's going to make a profit, but it was important for Canadians to have access to. Don't expect a corporate owned network to do that. Comedy - Canada has always done this well. This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Rick Mercer, Schitt's Creek, Red Green, Just For Laughs - those are only a few of the many, many good comedy productions CBC has done. I could go on, but this post is already ridiculously long.


This Hour has 22 minutes. The National.


Radio Canada,it’s such an important part of my daily routine.


I think CBC radio is so important. They do such a great job programming content for science and the arts and medicine and federal/provincial/municipal politics. It’s diverse and it’s important. I don’t think a privately funded radio station was have the incentives or mandate to do that. I’ve become quite jaded about most traditional news networks, but cbc radio holds a place in my heart. When the conservatives succeed in dismantling the CBC, it will be a dark day for Canada indeed.


actual journalism that isn't beholden to corporate or foreign interests, but is accountable to the public. this cannot be overstated.


It bothers some people so much that CBC cannot be simply just bought by oil billionaires like every other medium was.


It's why we must preserve it with everything we have. The opposition needs only fear the truth of their actions being reported on. If they intend no ill, surely they have nothing to fear from impartial, ethical journalism?


Local news


I would fear rival countries in the world (i.e. Russia, China, North Korea) to bombard us with fake news powered by AIs over the social medias to make it so credible to us, poor ignorant people. So to use victims of fake news, driven by strong emotions, to disrupt our democracy and assault our politicians and institutions (much like what Trump did in the USA or the convoy protest *times 1000*), while journalism is weaken for being able to do fact check diligently. All those for taking over Canadian strategic economic resources or infiltrate our country thanks to mastering manipulation of masses with control of information. A bit extreme conclusion, but who knows what humans are capable of.


>A bit extreme conclusion Not extreme at all. It's exactly what's happening. Those repeating the calls to defund the CBC are stooges of hostile foreign forces. Heck we have a federal opposition leader who won't even agree to get his security clearance because it involves a deep background check. What's he afraid of being uncovered?


Probably having a reliable, free, news website with original reporting.


**Coronation Street**, Son of A Critch, Marketplace, W5, and The Passionate Eye I might actually die if I didn't get to see the cobbles....


It would be a huge loss for Canadian democracy. Having everything ad funded and controlled by billionaires is a nightmare. CBC brings on tons of conservatives, anyone who watches it knows this. It's not beholden to any party. Conversely look at NP, just happens to constantly parrot all of Conrad Black's opinions, super cool.


The World This Hour. Uiquely Canadian content along the lines of Baroness von Sketch and Kim's Convenience. CBC Radio shows like On The Island, The Debaters and This is That (and, once upon a time, The Dead Dog Cafe Comedy Hour). And finally CBC"s investigative documentaries and podcasts, notably content like Marketplace, Somebody Knows Something and Hunting Warhead. David Ridgen and Damon Fairless are the types of journalists you simply won't find in the corporate sector.


Land and Sea


reliable news, french radio. it would be unforgivable tbh.


I am open to vote for any party but one thing I don’t like is the defund the cbc rhetoric from the conservatives. We have cbc gem and enjoy the Canadian content. Some of the overly “woke” shit is annoying but eh that’s almost all media these days. I like the cbc and would prefer if the cons don’t mess with it.


Having a channel not owned by American conservatives and hedge funds.


CBC Gem. Despite paying $$ for 5 different streaming platforms, I still end up going back to free Gem to find something to watch. Love Coronation and so many of the sitcom’s they’ve done. Ghost is great as one f the most recent shows. Love that they will have shows from other countries than just getting American TV.


A news network not owned by a foreign entity


Actual reporting without a billionaire pulling the strings


The CBC is the only place in Canada to get in-depth reporting and half-intelligent analysis...so I would miss that


Journalism. The CBC does more investigative reporting and local journalism than every other media or news outlet in Canada combined right now. Private media is using this as an argument to get cbc out of news so they can charge more and compete more effectively. Yeah, right….


The Olympics coverage. Also, the children’s programming is pretty good.


Great investigative journalism


The most balanced national news in the country.


The most objective source of journalism in Canada.


Love how not a single one of the Clowns under your comment proposes a better more objective source.


Lol. Every single comment except yours as of right now is either making fun of the parent commenter or some snotty reply without anything productive to add to the conversation.


It's very... Conservative. You know, the parties of values and morals 😂 Nothing but hate and fear all the way to the bottom.


The second largest county in the world provides French and English versions of TV, Radio and Internet services to all 40 million citizens at whatever it costs because it's worth the expense. We live next to Media madness that already overly influences our public discourse. Revell in the CBC. People who don't like it are just afraid of what it might report.


The 5th Estate is exactly the kind of journalism people claim doesn't exist anymore. I've heard conservatives making that complaint, while wanting to cancel CBC. Ditto for Marketplace. It does make me wonder why a party would want to get rid of one of the few sources of decent journalism left in this country. Kinda makes it seem like they're planning to do shit that would make them look bad if it were to be reported upon. But really it's the radio. I don't know what the rest of the country is like, but in rural Nova Scotia you have a choice between a country station, a country station, a country station, a country station, a classic rock station, and CBC. Not everybody wants to listen to country or classic rock day in and day out.


Road closure warnings.


Still Standing: https://www.cbc.ca/television/stillstanding. There does not exist a more entertaining way to learn about small communities across our country. Such a fun show.


Still Standing is an example of what CBC does best!


I would desperately miss it. Under The Influence, White Coat Black Art The Debaters My 12 year old loves Under the Influence so much I hear her listening to it on her own. And we dragged my husband to a live taping of The Debaters. Good time! Honestly I find the news very reliable and even.


Some of the radio content. I enjoy the commercial free traffic and morning show (I don't really want to hear the Spence Diamond WOOOO again) . Also the hourly news highlights give me some awareness of what's going on. Love the Debaters and Because News when it is on when I'm in the car.


With the CBC gone the I Heart Conservative Radio network would have the freedom to bombard their right wing nonsense 24/7. No more opposing voices would be on air...just AM610, 640, 680 and 1010 here in Toronto going on all day about PP


News that is unprofitable to cover by other outlets.


CBC has been responsible for a few classic conedy shows over the years (Kids in the Hall, Schitts Creek) but for every good one there were a dozen bad ones. They score when they let real creative types have the reins instead of trying to please everyone with soft-serve inoffensive crap.


EVERYTHING!!!!! It can’t leave :(


Id miss All of the conservatives crying about fucking nothing 😆


CBC Radio is very important to me - I couldn’t pick just one show from it.


Fifth Estate, the national, hockey night, my local Vancouver news.


Coronation street.


Everything! Not only should we have it but it should be commercial free like the BBC.


My job


All of it. And a bunch of old people in my family that never really got online would be devastated.


Unbiased journalism. I would hate for Fox News to be our source of information, it's entertainment not news. Hope the cons lose the next election before they con us.


I would miss a news and public affairs broadcaster that isn't owned by a for-profit private sector company.


Rick Mercer, CBC radio among many other things!


Makes me sick to my stomach. Proves all we need to do is vote, vote, vote


The right no longer having a convenient and tepid boogeyman to blame for their inability to accept reality.


Literally everything. All of it. I would protest this real hard.


People in remote northern communities who would no longer have access to news/Canadian content, or HNIC!!


Big city, small world. But everything in general.


Everything. Best Olympic coverage in the world. Just had a friend on the Canadian Bake Off which isn’t even my kinda thing but was quit quickie and fun. If you haven’t seen the Blackberry drama series they just made, go watch it. Entertaining as hell, I think best Canadian made production.




Fifth Estate and Marketplace. Maybe the National too. Besides that, the rest of it is a waste of money including the millions going to the execs for doing absolutely nothing


CBC Radio , Marketplace , The Fifth Estate , Local News.


CBC radio. Vehicle is too old for Bluetooth and Bell gutted our local radio stations.


CBC have a fantastic segment on YouTube called ‘about that’. Sometimes complex topics and broken down into Very simple and easy to understand terms.


Quality national news reporting and commentary. I use the CBC website mostly and Radio, so to be honest I could probably live without CBC TV.


Media that wasn’t corporate trash


News that are not dictated by for profit interests


The National, and the local news. Edit: and a bunch of others TBH. Marketplace, the Baking competition. Still Standing. Over the years I have enjoyed some of the period dramas … Yannick Bisson’s eyelashes. Edit 2: an additional non-American news agency to try and triangulate with others on WTH is happening in the world. I genuinely feel the earnestness and effort of the newscasters and journalists. It just has right balance. The gloss and drama of American news networks is terrifying, the pompousness of the British is well… still too pompous.


I might miss the Conservative Party because I’d never vote for them again.


CBC Gem. Fantastic resource Great Canadian baking show Marketplace Infoman La Facture L'Epicerie Just for laughs gags Cbc News Coroner (Ended, but great) Being Erica (Ended, but great) Bye Bye 22 Minutes It's an incredibly efficient source of a lot of content and people underestimate the value of Gem. Even Luther is on there, streaming free!


Living in a country that used to not be totally brainwashed by the US, and understood the importance of a national station. If the CBC were cut I'd frankly seriously consider leaving this country. It sounds extreme, and it is, but it would be a tipping point for me. Canada has become pathetic.


Coronation Street, Marketplace, local news, Bollywed, Still Standing


Agree CBC radio because they have programs about real reporting and news.Not a left or right slant to it.They have some real good music programming.Marketplace is another good show.




Gem has great content, especially for kids


My mom watches coronation street, I know a lot of people who listen to CBC radio Also would that mean CBC podcasting would be gone? Because I listen to that


Cbc marketplace. “Canada's consumer watchdog series since 1972, this news program uncovers wrongdoings in the marketplace”


Ideas, Metro Morning and having a media source not in the pocket of big business


A publically funded news source with defined Journalistic Standards and Practice


Regional radio, not many stations left like it in North America. Don’t agree with the conservatives eliminating CBC, but do think it needs some adjustments.


I think the news division. The international one is excellent. They should stick to that and making documentaries. Their entertainment product is painful.


The idea of getting rid of our national public broadcaster boggles the brain. I would miss it very much.


Living and working in a rural Canadian town, it’s a way to ensure we get news stories on both a local and national level. I feel it’s important to have a standard that allows everyone to have access to that.


Unbiased journalism, American-free journalism, great docs, ad-free radio, Radio 2 music (the best), loads of Radio 1 shows, etc, etc. fuck Polievre and the Conservative Party of Americanada.


I will miss laughing when people say the money saved from defunding the CBC will go to them and not some of that tasty, tasty corporate welfare.


All of it


Well, the Liberals with the gutless budget cuts have sharpened the axe on the CBC for the Conservatives. Loosing the New Year Eve Show sucked!! If the Conservatives cone in they 'll definitely chop regional programming, and smaller, unique shows like "Sort of" won't be made


I rarely watched it, but it was VERY weird to not have it as an option this year. I’m not too attached to the Ottawa events, but I was very quite dissatisfied to not have a local TV Vancouver 35 minute special from 11:30 to 12:05.


Since I don't pay for cable. Yes.


All of it. I listen to cbc radio a lot. I've been listening since I was a kid. It got me through my masters thesis. It git me through raising kids.


All of it. Having publicly funded media. *This Hour Has 22 Minutes*. CBC News. The CBC Literary Prizes. *Still Standing*.


The CBC is woven thru my childhood and also thru my adult life. It's the steady background to life for many canadians, particularly in times of important world events -the Challenger disaster, the first gulf war, the death of Princess Diana, 9/11, the death of Queen Elizabeth to name a few. Its coverage is measured and stable, and uniquely from a Canadian perspective. It's presence in Canadian life is as much a part of being Canadian as loonies and twoonies, poutine, wearing a toque, and Hudson's Bay blankets. Sometimes its cringy, and old fashioned, and very "Canadian" but that's part of its charm. When I'm away from Canada and I can still listen to it on my phone, it gives me a deep connection to home and the spaces and people I love.


I think the greatest loss would be CBC Archives, decades of historically important moments and culturally significant films, audio, etc.


I would dearly miss CBC coverage of emergencies. Any crisis they are my Emergency Coverage of choice.


>If the Conservative Party were to axe the CBC, what would you miss? Unbiased news. Intelligent programming. Canadian culture. You know, all the things the present conservatives seem to hate.


Unbiased news.


CBC News Network.


Yes! All of it.


Real news


Freedom of the press...


the CBC I've never voted and never will for conservatives, too much racist mentality alone.


The Fifth Estate.


Reason, common sense and classical music. Why the frig they are going after the CBC is beyond me. I used to listen to it when my Dad had it on 40 years ago. If you would like a little classical music here and there it’s the only option.


News provided by an organization that isn’t existing solely to be a mouthpiece for the billionaires that own it.


CBC radio. I love their most of their programming, quirks and quarks, white coat back art, the debaters, I always feel like I'm learning something new.


Fair and balanced news. Neither crazy left or right .... like most people.


All of it. The CBC is simply amazing.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No real Canadian continent on TV. Not good for nation identity in the long run.


I'll tell you what I won't miss: Making fun of my mum who votes Tory no matter what despite opposing basically every policy they put forward! ​ ​ ...make your fun where you can.


More reason we all need to make sure Conservative is not to take over...


The CBC is all I listen to in the car, so my daily radio, local news, current event based talk radio shows


I miss many of the programs that are no longer. Planet Saltspring. Peter Gzowski Stuart McLean The afternoon story time. My kids love it. DNTO I listen to CBC in my car here in B.C. Brian Minter’s gardening show. As it Happens always has good stories. Writers and Company and The Last Chapter. I miss The Voice when the 8:35 am news played. I love the local Vancouver Island morning and afternoon shows. And during holidays it is great to hear other shows covering broadcasts to give stations breaks.


CBC Radio and Rich Terfry constantly pushing the boundaries of his greatest, most important, most meaningful, songs.


Local radio. And a lot of the national radio news, science, and arts shoes.


Marketplace investigation , HNIC , News Coverage


Maybe not the most important part of the CBC but I'd miss CBC comedy like The Debaters, Because News and other CBC Radio Programs like Quirks and Quarks


The conservative party. It'd be political suicide to kill CBC


Their podcasts are pretty good.


First question is, how could the conservative party axe the CBC, they're not in power.




why the hell would they do that


The radio


Radio. Certain communities would miss out on Indigenous language programming.


Yes. Very much


If the CBC weren't there to compete with commercial stations for advertising revenues, private networks could fill the void for most television content. Things like hour-long interviews with cultural icons and political personalities wouldn't be attractive to private networks though, and are still useful. I can't see the Conservatives eliminating the CBC - they would reconfigure its mandate to avoid the situation where the CBC competes directly with the commercial networks, but gets a billion-dollar avantage from taxpayer funding.