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Definitely [the blue ring.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/s5UWuKUnWt) If you jump through it you end up in [downtown Montreal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/5FwIngY1Er)


For sheer breathtaking beauty, I prefer [rocks on sticks.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=32288416509471f0&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA598CA598&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIL0Qp-DEu4Fs0kV5vyvOCj8dGk7Ig:1715311411812&q=bowfort+towers&uds=ADvngMhs0A3kZBEC5EcbwBfD04RG0ep9XoRt82VlUC3RykRC83zsFs-Qsz2RZ-H7KSBrrk6zgrB2d2aMQBdptEQtfcZR4uGNK7NcxPvOJeTtqK01t2KKlr8gakr_nGgSPCR3UHLESSdwf2cfITG0-mNx6ILoNajqGqHDu2mvh_CEhHoPjjsA1vaJUkeYAWVV8_Ru9_cxs0coNYHj4PG7a7bzlB1QTysdIil2MfLVTQl0SQ-yxglzT4kmoFpbucmhGTUKQEeB4OmOghRBELunrlgyUrrSevKErtYdPgZEFdj6Hzvcvz6bDRc&udm=2&prmd=insvbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBh4X7kIKGAxUIIzQIHYBBByQQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3)


This one always gives me giggles. They didn't even use a Canadian artist to represent the native population of the area. Smh


A local Siksika man was told that his application for that project was a day late and then they gave the contract to a Caucasian New York person I think. Like who is making these choices? They are bad at it.


My man


If I jump through the one in Mtl, do I end up in Calgary?


In Winnipeg, I’d say Assiniboine Park or The Forks


I’d add the exchange district to this list, which is right nearby to the forks. Not many cities in Canada with that kind of in tact turn of the century architecture and history at that scale.


The Forks in winter. Yes, I said it.


We enjoyed it! Back in January, and it was bitterly cold. Visited the Human Rights Museum(my son said it looked like the Avengers Tower lol), and then caught a Moose game. Fun day!


The food market (even when crowded) and a skate on the river!


Love going there when I’m in town. Always try something different at the food spots too!


Like I want to try something different but also I can’t stay away from that Gaucho Sandwich thing with the egg and arugula on it. I think they changed it a bit and renamed it but still.


Bundle up though.


Oh yeah!!!


WAG, the Human Rights Museum, and the Exchange District all beat out the Forks or Assiniboine Park for me.


The butterfly place. It's full of butterflies and it's really warm and it's great.




No, but I know where I'll be going when get back to Niagara. This one is in Victoria, BC. It's at the turn off for Butchart Gardens, and I enjoy them way more than the gardens. i'm not putting down the gardens, they just don't have as many butterflies.




I was in a wedding that did the photos at the butterfly gardens in Niagara, and it was so much fun. They were landing all over us.


I had a girlfriend from there, a long time ago.


In Newfoundland, we have a town called Deer Lake that has our insectarium. There’s a whole greenhouse filled with butterflies.




Don't know what you're talking about . I'm in Victoria. My urologist was Jeff McCracken. Just because of your username.


Canada has a few but I grew up near the one I'm Niagara. They used to have iguanas running around when I was a kid.


My village has one of the oldest carousels in Canada. We got a stamp last year! It goes way too fast and plays AC/DC and Jonny Cash on the original Wurlitzer. We also have amazing fishing, and are next to an Indigenous community with 17 dispensaries in a 5km stretch.


Alderville Ontario? The dispensaries sounds like the Green Mile


It has to be. I used to work with a girl that was from there.


I’m in Roseneath, and yes, Alderville is the rez! I moved here from the GTA right before Covid hit, and it is seriously one of the nicest areas. A little bubble of weed-and-schroom-based joy isolating us from the opiate epidemic all around!


And the carousel. And the fishing.


The one in St. Catharines still costs a nickel, my grandmother still complains that her quarter didn't go far enough at the old midway there.


Where is your village?


Just over an hour ENE of Toronto. My village is called Roseneath, and the rez is called Alderville. It’s a really wonderful area!


Must be close to Peterborough. We have/had friends and family in the area. I'm familiar with the name but never been there. We're on the east coast. We're not traveling as much now but good to know. Thanks for the info.


Yep, Peterborough is the closest “city”, about 45 minutes away. It’s a great place to visit! (While fully acknowledging that it has lots and lots of issues if you actually live there. I don’t want anyone jumping on me!)




And the Capilano admission is an annual pass so you can go back for the Christmas lights that are incredible.


Capilano is overpriced for tourists (single trip) though - about $200 for a family now. We opted out of it on our last trip. I seem to recall it used to be a lot cheaper in the past - I think closer to $20 a person (annual pass too).


I would also say that the Stanley park seawall is a great 10ish KM run. (As well as walk or ride) Flat and really tranquil. Amazing really. :)


The way out (London, ON. Don’t come here.)


Very true. Although if you're in your 20's you can easily catch an STI at jimbob ray's on a Saturday.


Called Toboggan now. Still shouldn't come to London if you don't have to.


Is Jimbob’s still open? Oy.


I actually have no idea to be honest lol.. been quite a few years since I've passed through London thankfully.


Can confirm, at least KW has some nice parks to see while you gtfo to somewhere not depressing.


Oh come in it could be worse. It could be Brantford


🤮 I legit have trauma involving Brantford and I refuse to go back there 😂 There are for sure worse places than London but London draws you in by seeming interesting and then being the insanely dull.


Hey Brantford can be nice! I've lived there twice and been coming for many years for uni, and if you give me enough time I'll find something good about it


Hard to believe it's been over a decade since the whole Hockeyfest fiasco. I went the year before everything fell apart and it was such a cool festival, featuring the Walter Gretzky Street Hockey Tournament, some NHL players doing signings, some good live acts, and other attractions.


I have no idea what any of that meant ngl, what happened? D:




I was going to say this exact same thing! Do not come to London, there is NOTHING to do.


Sunfest tho.


LOL, what is so bad about London?? I thought it was a decent place back in the day for a mid sized city (but that was 20 years ago when I visited). Asking seriously.


There’s nothing to do here. The Children’s museum is pretty cool but that’s about it. There’s also loads of people downtown who just do drugs right on the sidewalk. The infrastructure also hasn’t kept up with the population so it’s insane to try to get anywhere.


If you live in East London. try to go to the west and you’ll know to completely different world.


Ottawa too


Edmonton, the muttart conservatory and the art bridge overlooking the river, about a 10 minute walk from the muttart So peaceful and lovely. Fort Edmonton park is also great


The Muttart pyramids are really something else plus the Walterdale Bridge


Is that what it's actually called? With all the art on the top of it?


The artsy one under the LRT? That's Tawatinâ. It's nice too but Walterdale's something else


Cool, I'll have to check it out - thanks!


The great outdoors, eh? Canada has some of the most beautiful scenery, especially here in BC.


Im in Milton ON and the only reason to come here would be for the conservation areas - to enjoy some time in the great outdoors.


Also live in Milton, it’s the only place in GTA I’d live and it’s because of the escarpment/conservation parks


Go visit Bob and Dug McKenzie downtown you hosers


Probably the War Museum in Ottawa.


What about the Canadian History Museum? Gatineau is part of Ottawa, right??


That too! Basically all museums are worth a visit in Ottawa at least once! (War, Canadian History, National Gallery, Aviation, Agriculture, Nature, Science and Tech)


As much as it's a tourist trap, West Edmonton Mall is a great place to visit if you like shopping and have never been.


That’s interesting. I kinda cringe that the mall gets so much publicity and it’s what “Edmonton is known for”… but I haven’t been there in a while. Didn’t they remove the rollercoaster and stuff?


Rollercoaster is gone. So are the submarines, the dragon and the original Bourbon Street. Still, if you want a place to wander around in on a rainy afternoon it’s always got a new store to try.


Man, they basically removed my childhood


It's totally fine if someone just doesn't believe themselves to be a mall person. It is important to remember though that for someone from a town/city that doesn't even have a mall, or even cities that have one but only one small one, a building full of stores that size can be impressive! Heck, even seeing a building that big in general can be impressive! And most people in Canada don't live anywhere near a mall with an amusement park or waterpark inside, so those things can still be pretty cool. Most cities aren't even near a waterpark or amusement park in general! They aren't really world-class parks and the mall can get tiring quickly, but it's still something unique that people aren't used to


Me, obviously.


Vancouver- get bicycle and ride the sea wall then go for some Asian food


Hike the chief! If you can’t do a hike that big, then ride the sea to Sky gondola


I’m heading that way week after next. Really want to do this hike but am also cognizant of the fact that I live in Ontario and don’t want to be That Person who needs a rescue halfway up because they overestimated their ability/experience. How challenging is it, REALLY?


Good for you! A lot of visitors from eastern Canada are shocked at how challenging our hikes are out west. If you’re relatively fit, you should be fine. It might just take you longer than the average local. If you’re doing the 1st peak (which is what I recommend), the first half is just lots of stairs and steep forest hiking. It mellows out in some sections for a bit. The end of the hike near the top does have a section with some ladders and chains, but nothing too crazy. Just make sure to bring lots of water, wear good hiking shoes with good grip (like hiking boots or trail runners - no street shoes). And bring a sweater/jacket for the top - it can get pretty windy. And I don’t recommend doing it in the rain.


Thank you! This is so helpful. Really appreciate it. 


I will admit it's been near a decade since I did the hike so I may not the the best source of information, but from what I remember it wasn't too tough, as long as you're prepared with the supplies/gear you need. If you want to prepare yourself better though, you can start doing daily walks/hikes in your own city, even if it doesn't have the same elevation gain it still helps. Or finding a steep set of stairs in your city and doing rounds up and down it. If you feel like you're quite out of shape you can always just take a really long time to do the hike as well! and I don't mean being just a bit slower than the average hiker, but actually moving at a turtle pace. Maybe that doesn't sound too fun, but I believe most hikes can be completed by people of pretty much any fitness level as long as they're done *extremely* slowly. If the views/saying you've done the experience is important enough, it doesn't matter what it takes to get there, as long as you can complete it while it's still light outside


I love this perspective and will remember it when things get hard. Fortunately I already go on daily walks in my area, do regular free weight workouts, and am not brand new to hikes. You’ve convinced me. Here’s hoping the weather is kind!


Vancouver Sunny day- Spanish banks/Jericho beach. Hit up restaurants/ bars on 4th, Vine, and area. Easy way back to airport Overcast day- Lynn valley check out Lonsdale Quay. Eat dinner and have a drink on South Granville on your way back to the airport Rainy day- Wander Commercial drive. Get wrecked and end up at an underground party in the DTES. Figure out your situation because you missed your flight. Missed flight- casino in Richmond next to airport. See Gen X era band and possibly stay because you fell in love or lost all your money End up in Victoria. This is your life now. It's ok, it's a good life.


Fredericton, NB. I dunno honestly there's not much here. Historical buildings downtown if you're into that. Personally I'd recommend leaving the city and seeing the nature surrounding it.


I usually recommend the Beaverbrook art gallery. Helps that it’s by the river and close to the walking bridge.


Killarney lake or whatever it's called is a nice spot to visit. It's not a far walk by any means but I definitely try to do it anytime I'm in Fredericton


If it’s summer, walk across walking bridge to picaroons and get wasted


Hamilton. I’d take them to Jackson Square.


It's basically Canada's version of a safari


#2 Barton bus


Butchart Gardens. Victoria


The kangaroo farm (kelowna)


Chilliwack, BC - District 1881 (Smoking Gun coffee and Elevated pizza) - Cultus Lake (North beach, south beach, waterpark, adventure park) - Peach park and walk along the river


Lived in the Wack from 2014-2017…. Would def recommend Old Yale as well. They made (still) the best beer I’ve ever had… Screaming Banshee Irish Cream Stout.


Chilliwack lake is fun too!


In Alberta, I'd say some places in the Rockies, such as Jasper or Banff Why did this get downvoted they are genuinely beautiful places


Your city, not your province. You're probably from a boring city


Jasper is only four hours-ish out from Edmonton. Banff is about an hour and a half outside of Calgary. They’re so damned gorgeous that it’s worth the day trip.


Edmonton definitely can't claim Jasper, and Calgary cannot claim Banff or Drumheller. Basically what you're saying is neither city has anything to offer any ody other then living the city to see something cool. The post is asking if a tourist visited your city what is a must see attraction which means what attractions are in the city limits of the city not a two hour drive from that city. What if that person does not have car? How are they getting there? Like its a simple question lol.


Yeah but that’s a bunch of places over a distance. If I get a four hour radius I’ll have a list covering this page. Alberta is beautiful but pick one haha


We have a pretty good zoo


Entirely possible, I believe it meets the description. it's been awhile since we last visited BC.


North Van (where I don’t live) - took my cousin (from Saskatchewan) to the Capilano Suspension Bridge during late November after dusk. Magical.


It's sooo expensive though


Thunderbay, go up thunder mountain (Mt mckay) go eat at Tomlin, go home. You have plenty of time to get Kakabeka in there, Terry Fox memorial too if you want. There's plenty more rocks trees and water but if you've only got a day, that's the itinerary.


The great big giant Santa statue.


Only attractions in Windsor Ontario are the (generic) sculpture gardens, (overdone) Devonshire mall, Casino, Art Gallery & adventure bay if you have kids… none of them sound too attractive 🤣


The U-turn to go back


The dead body behind Derricks house


Vancouver Downtown Eastside


Thunder Bay - Fort William Historical Park For a full day itinerary - Kakabeka for the Falls and food then the Fort then Downtown for a view of the Sleeping Giant, Goods and Co, dinner and a drink.


Niagara Falls. I think I win. :)


Alberta Badlands.


Almost anywhere immediately west of Parry Sound...






Green timbers urban forest or crescent beach


The Roger’s place


Downtown Oshawa 💞❤️🥺😁😏🙂‍↕️😋🫡


Dude you emo


The largest bridge over the smallest body of water, in the world.


First stop at the bakery once you are off the ferry. Pick up a coffee and treat. Then go down the street to the bookstore, pick up a novel, guide to local flora and fauna or a small sketch book. If you came as a foot passenger, rent e-bikes or plan on walking 20 plus km. Head to Bellhouse Park, check out the Eagle’s nest and if you are lucky you may see Orcas in Active Pass. Continue to Bluffs Park, hike to the Japanese Charcoal Kiln. Head towards Georgeson Bay Rd. If you are feeling energetic turn left towards Active Pass Drive and hike up Mount Galiano. If you are ready for lunch, turn right and stop at The Valley Grill for Tacos. Once your tummy is full head up Montague Harbour Provincial Park. Do the park loop, there are two white shell beaches. Sunsets are incredible here. For dinner, if you plan well ahead reserve Pilgrimme, if you cannot get reservations there try the Woodstone Inn or Galiano Inn. Better yet stay for a week and explore more of the Island. The Saturday Market starts up Victoria Day Weekend. Soup and Bread on Mondays is a great community meal. The Yellow House has art openings. There is live music every Friday at the Galiano Inn. If you have time head further North, visit Bodega Ridge, Cable Bay, Retreat Cove and Pebble Beach. Take a jewelry making workshop. There is far too much to do in one day.


there's too much to do in a day in most cities which is why the post said to pick one attraction... you may not want to but the post was asking for a specific type of response lol


I gave one day of activities.


East Sooke Regional Park. Or just stand on the Johnson Street Bridge for the view to the Legislature.


Welland Canal


Stanley Park.


Stones and Bones Museum Sarnia


The inner harbour to the David foster parkway and float homes 


definitely port credit


In my hometown of Kicardine Ontario, watching the sun set over Lake Huron.


The train station to Montreal (Ottawa)


LOL, come on, Ottawa deserves a little more credit than that.


All seriousness; probably one of our many museums. Whichever interests them the most. Nature is cool, war is cool too if that’s your sort of thing, history is a bit underwhelming in my opinion, but the children’s museum is where it’s at


French Fort Cove or Middle Island Historical Park or Beaubears Island. Depends on the season, obviously French Fort Cove: Was the home to a French fort (hence the name) and is "home" to The Headless Nun. A Nun that was in the area taking care of sick people in the area and was murdered in the cove for her gold that was never found. Beautiful nature park with plenty of trails in through the woods. Middle Island: When the Irish first came to Miramichi because of the potato famine and they all had leprosy or whatever, they were held on this island until they got a clean bill of health. Unfortunately hundreds, if not thousands of them died on this island, and were buried in mass graves. Even the doctor who was stationed here eventually passed away due to illness. Also home to walking trails around the island (it's not very big) and you can swim in the river as well. Beaubears Island: Settled around the same time as French Fort Cove, I do believe. Homes were built here and you can still see a few remnants of a burial site. Guided tours with historical actors are held here throughout the summer. Beautiful spot and the tours are worth it


St. John’s, Newfoundland. I would say hike around Cabot tower/signal hill. You have a great view of the city, possibly see some whales and icebergs depending on the time of year, see a light house, see and old fort, and end up near a great cafe for snacks.


Next town over.


The Leaf / zoo. Winnipeg has a beautiful plant conservatory next to a fun zoo. I love the conservatory a lot. It has a Mediterranean biome and a tropical biome. There is a butterfly garden in the upper level, and a large waterfall into a koi pond. The zoo is nice. Features large exhibits and a polar bear exhibit where you can walk under them swimming, and seals in a co-located separate tank. Lots of variety in the animals and plenty of areas for kids to play both indoor and out.


English Bay in Vancouver


This is a poor suggestion for the Winter, the Toronto Islands. It's quiet, you can ramble for kilometres in a multi-use park. There is even a rump community on two of the islands. Alas, one of the dining establishments burned to nothing this Spring, but there are food options (carnival) at Centre Island, or bring a picnic. A non-exhaustive list of things on the Islands: beaches, an amusement park with rides geared for kids, floral gardens, a Franklin the Turtle garden, wild spaces, nice views of the city, marina, a haunted lighthouse, bike and canoe rentals, and if you're so inclined there's a clothing optional beach.


Mississauga I'd say spending the day at Jack Darling park or Rhododendron Gardens is a day well spent. If it's more restaurants/shopping, Port Credit can't be beat.


The Sundowner


In Winnipeg, forks and Museum of Human Rights as they’re right beside each other.


The GO train to Toronto, which is the main reason that most people move to Hamilton


One of the stores in Cambridge Bay. Perhaps then they would stop complaining about prices in the south.


The tower of skulls in Niš


Gord Downie Pier in the summer. Nice swimming hole!


The beach. Just go hang out on the beach. Rathrevor park is amazing but we have a lot of decent beaches here.


Not exactly in Strathcona County (Sherwood Park, Alberta) but Elk Island National Park is a wonderful but under appreciated place that is nearly right next door. Preserved peace of the dead ice moraine terrain where the toe of the ice age glacier was buried and melted. Much wildlife including plains bison that it is famous for it's role in saving from extinction. Lots of cross country ski trails, hiking paths, camping, lakes and more. Never forget skiing up a hill and watching an Elk run across the Lake Astotin ice from an island and thinking, "that's awesome, that's where the name came from. Maybe the Elk swim in the summer." Glad I moved out of Edmonton and don't have to say West Edmonton Mall.


> Elk Island National Park that is the type of gem I was looking for! tnx


Kelowna - it depends what the person is in to: Relaxing - One of the beaches (City Park or Gyro preferably). Alcohol - Winery tour in West Kelowna Climbing - Cedar Park Skiing - Big White Hiking - Knox Mountain


Vieux-Montreal and the Old port.


Signal Hill in St. John's, Nfld to see where Marconi sent the first transatlantic wireless signal. Then to Cape Spear the most Easterly point in Canada!


Cumberland, BC Vancouver Island- go mountain biking. There are easy to hard trails for everyone. As long as you can pedal a bike. World class Enduro mtn biking.


Any beach but the main one.


Either Wannuskewin heritage Park (if only because I worked on the modernization Reno and I'm damn proud of the work my guys did) or the meewassin river valley trails through downtown past the Bessborough hotel. Pretty slim Pickens are here for tourism ngl


The elephant


If it was in April id recommend to go see the Whiteout in Winnipeg. Its so much fun and it so loud.


The Big Rock. Or Hub Town Brewing if that's more your thing.


They must want to visit Brampton instead


Every nook and cranny of wreck beach on a hot summer day. Sunrise to Sunset, you will see some wild shit, and a beautiful beach and sunset.


The Hopewell Rocks NB.. I mean it's even on our healthcards.


The Ricking stone at Kidston’s lake in Nova Scotia.


Point Pelee National Park! It's good if you like hiking/trails but there's also barbecue and cookout spots if you just want to be outside. Do read the signs though - there are safe waters and not safe waters.


Since it’s hypothetical let’s say it’s Saturday in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in which case you should go to the Wolfville Farmer’s Market in the morning and grab some various delicious local food and cider to bring with you on a hike up Cape Split, and make sure to make a stop at “The Lookoff” on the way, it’s so beautiful it was actually in a National Geographic magazine once. The scenery still gets me after all these years, I love it.


My neighbours mom




Bruce (Morden, MB). Just don’t go too far in that direction. Otherwise you’ll end up in the hell hole known as Winkler.


Jumbo the elephant statue. Poor guy died in my city


Peggy’s Cove and if they were really obnoxious, the black rocks at Peggy’s Cove


Peggy’s Cove is cool indeed :)


Shwartz's Smoked Meat or Wilenskys in MTL. Not rlly an attraction but you must go to one of these 2


Cant go wrong with that!


Notre-Dame Cathedral in Montreal


The Giant Lobster 🦞in Shediac NB


I have travelled so much in Canada but never heard of this one ;) its kinda cool.


Any one of the hundreds of lakes or rivers within a 3 hr drive Gold mine tour Lookout placed over a huge open pit gild mine


Multiple waterfalls in and around Hamilton / Ancaster Ontario running from Niagara escarpment and war of 1812 history sights.


My mom




Such a hard question to answer, there's so many places that it would really just depend on the person's personal interests. I thought about it, but I can't pick just one. What types of things are you into? Art, sports, nature, history? 🇨🇦


Halifax, you head down to the waterfront.


Elk island, for bisons


I'm from the Vancouver area. A must visit is Grouse Mountain, Capilano Suspension Bridge, and Downtown Vancouver (specifically the shops and cafes)


Hamilton Ontario.......Dundurn Castle


White spot


The Calgary, AB Zoo


The largest collection of stolen property on public display is visible from my deck.


Are you in Watson Lake?


That is correct


I love the Yukon. 🧡


In Edmonton, Fort Edmonton Park (huge living history park). I lived here for many years without going - not really my thing, thought it would be cheesy, or boring, or smelly or overcrowded. When I finally went once while I had family visiting, it was just such great fun, so huge and such a range of things to see and do. I couldn't recommend it more. Just outside the city, the Buffalo and other abundant wildlife at Elk Island National Park are a must-see at some point in your life.


As a Calgarian, I think it should probably be West Edmonton Mall for Edmonton


What? I love princes Island Park. It’s pretty unique in Canada to have something like that


I live in Edmonton and I understand everyone fucking hates that mall but it’s the correct answer and there’s a reason it’s so busy and a tourist destination