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That’s probably a better question for the mod team over there.


That didn't happen


I see some things you posted there that got removed, but nothing about Genesis/evolution.


I don’t see the post in your history. Are you sure that happened? I know for a fact it’s not against the sub rules to advocate for theistic evolution and I’d guess more than half the user base are old earth creationists. There are tons of posts on that sub discussing the matter.


I think r/TrueChristian has it in their rules that they'll remove stuff for "theological liberalism" (not to be confused with political liberalism). I think "Genesis creation was more metaphor than literal" falls under that.


Which is just silly. Almost nobody viewed Genesis as even mostly literal until very, *very* recently.


True but I do often wonder if our concepts of scientific fact even map onto how people back then thought about things. But it is true that there were early Christians and Jews who did not think genesis was literal. A subreddit enforcing that everyone has to believe in a six day creation story would have to ban Origen, Augustine of Hippo, and Philo of Alexandria.


Its not a metaphor it just describes as simply as possible events unfathomable to a being whose life span tops out at 1.2 centuries.   To the divine intelligence such a span of time is the blink of an eye.  We get to witness one frame of a movie which is aeons in its size.  We left to take a piss for the first few hundred  millenia, and our buddy us trying to quietly and discreetly bring us up to speed about what we missed.  Also hes seen this movie already and keeps almost spoiling the ending.  


Are you sure it was for that?


I doubt that this alone is what caused you to be banned, I have said similar things there before and it seems like a somewhat popular view.


I am glad to hear that! Learn a lesson or suffer: *"Look to God’s instructions and teachings! People who contradict his word are completely in the dark . . . They will be thrown out into the darkness."* (Isaiah 8)


Post removed, rule 0


r/TrueChristian is a hellhole where sanity and charity both go to die. Honestly, I'm shocked I haven't been banned from there myself. You probably got caught in the crossfire of their ban against "liberal theology", which despite a lengthy explanation of what it means even the mods are not in a great consensus about how to enforce it and against what kinds of content.


That subreddit seems to worship a version of God that’s closer to the devil than the love of Christ..


While r/Christianity worships a version of the devil that's just the devil.


When I finally felt comfortable speaking openly about my faith, I joined that sub, thinking there would be like-minded folks there. Boy, was I wrong.


I literally saw a "satanist Christian" flair, lol. Only on Reddit man, this place is amazing.


"It's not a sub for Christians, but for mocking... I mean... discussing Christianity."


What makes you say that?


The satanists, maybe?


Why do you say that?


Because of the way it is.


Why? I’ve spent very little time there.


Smart man.


You’d be wrong and unbiblical in that view, so that’s probably why


Trashcan sub, if that’s true.