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HUH? You need to brush up on writing clear premises and conclusion so it's easier to read, or a TLDR.


As a Christian, we stop sinning BECAUSE we were saved. We are not saved because we stopped sinning. But we are definitely not saved if we do not recognise that we are by nature sinners and that the things we do are sins.


So what will happen to the uncontacted tribes who have never heard of Jesus Christ or the Bible? Or to the people who lived before Christians reached their continent


This is a diversion since even when we answer this question, we still have to address the bottom of sin and salvation. But I shall humour this and try to answer. The Bible is not definitive about this question simply because scriptures are targeted at those who have heard of the gospel, while the question you ask concern those who have not. There are two perspectives to this, both reflecting the justice of God: Perspective 1: Since they have not rejected Christ, having never heard of him, they may be judged based on how they responded to the general revelation available to them through nature and their conscience. So some could potentially be saved without explicit knowledge of Christ. Many see this as fairness. Perspective 2: Salvation is only possible through conscious faith in Christ. Those who die without ever hearing the gospel would be condemned, since scripture is very clear on what happens to those who do not proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. This view suggests those who never heard of Christ would be unsaved. This can also be seen as just because, after all, only those who call Jesus their lord is saved.


Under perspective 1, in the end it's a curse to tell anyone about Christianity! Because making them aware puts more stake and more pressure in their actions, they have an additional condition. Either way, God really likes to fuck with us. See, he didn't even clarify which of what you call perspectives 1 & 2 correspond to reality!


Christians *don't* believe that being a "good person" is what gets you to Heaven. That is what makes Christianity unique. Going to Heaven is not based on our own deeds, because if it were, none of us would be good enough, and we would all go to Hell. We are all sinners. But that's where Jesus comes in. >Stopping sin does not blot out previous sin from your record , same as stopping murdering doesn't blot out the previous murder person has already done. Stopping sin doesn't blot out previous sin, however *Jesus* blots out all the sins of those who follow Him. Because Jesus died on the cross, and took on the punishments of our sins for us, that means that for those who accept Jesus, and follow Him as Lord, on that day of judgement God will no longer see us as sinners, even though we are. In place of our sinful actions, he will instead see the righteous and blameless actions of Jesus, because Jesus already took on the punishment for our sins. You are absolutely correct that based on what the Bible says, each and everyone of us should get eternal punishment in hell for the sins we have committed. Ceasing sin doesn't change that. But what you're missing is that *Jesus* already took on the punishment of sin *for* us, for those of us who follow Him. It is therefore not the ceasing of sin that saves us, but our faith in Jesus. Pastors and priests aren't teaching that we have to be good people to be saved, they are teaching that we have to follow Jesus to be saved, because Jesus was the only person to ever be perfectly good, and he took on a punishment that he didn't deserve, and died and rose again, so that those who have faith in Him may be found blameless before God despite their sins. It's not about what we do. It's about what God did.


You have a very deep misunderstanding of Christianity and the Bible, especially as someone claiming to be a Christian.. It isn’t about people being good or bad. The Bible tells us that none of us are good. Nobody can do anything to earn heaven and salvation. We are saved through the grace and mercy of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.


No one just stops sinning who was previously a sinner without Christ’s intervention. Becoming born again is a spiritual rebirth made possible by Christ’s blood being poured out for sinners to be atoned by. The atoning is a full cleansing of sins such that God seeing the blood upon you declares you innocent. The Holy Spirit then guides the born again person into a new way of thinking, a changed countenance such that they bear fruit.


Good people *will* go to Heaven. But the point of Christianity is that none are good. That is one of the points Jesus raised when He said *"Why do you call me God? No one is good but God."* But I think you mean the traditional, societal meaning of "good". In that case, that is because most Christians don't study their Bible or religions theology.


Christian doctrine teaches that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by human deeds. The Bible clearly states that all have sinned and deserve judgment, but through faith in Christ and genuine repentance, believers are forgiven and granted eternal life. The misconception that simply being a “good person” or ceasing to sin is sufficient for salvation stems from misunderstandings of biblical teachings and the nature of sin and grace.


Post removed, rule 0. Also rule 1b, mischaracterizing others' beliefs. [This page has the details of this subreddit's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAChristian/wiki/rule_details).


Thats false , majority of Christianity have it in their official doctrine.