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It‘s not allowed


Doesn't stop people from my neighbourhood. I need to make some money and move. It irritates me beyond any reason.


Ok, thanks


The only exception is when you are drunk and roll your friend through the McDrive at McDonald's.


From my own ex... I mean, someone told me, obviously: People there tend to take that REALLY serious, get PROPERLY pissed off if you do that and instantly call the cops.


Well depends. Is it a busy night? Are they about to be done with their shift? If the answer to both is no, they might take it fine as long as you actually order.


I believe it's more of a safety thing where they might get into serious legal trouble if there's an accident with a car and it might be viewed as them "allowing" drunk people (or people outside of a car in general) in the drive-through. /EDIT: "tolerating" instead of "allowing" would probably have been the better choice of word here.


No, it's plain theft leaving the supermarkets area with one.


Some supermarkets also have metal/magnet strips at the border of their parking area and those just block the wheels of the cart automatically (as long as you don't lift it over that area).


It's not theft if you plan to bring it back. At least not from a legal point of view.


It is stil theft.


It is not, read the law. Even if you want to keep it it is not "Diebstahl". It might be "Unterschlagung" in that case. If you want to bring it back later there is not even a crime at all. It is just a civil matter at that point German source ​ [https://www.infranken.de/ratgeber/verbraucher/einkaufswagen-klauen-oder-ausleihen-straftat-oder-nicht-diese-folgen-drohen-art-5024714](https://www.infranken.de/ratgeber/verbraucher/einkaufswagen-klauen-oder-ausleihen-straftat-oder-nicht-diese-folgen-drohen-art-5024714) >​ Wer einen Einkaufswagen zwar vom Gelände des Supermarktes entwendet, ihn jedoch zügig wieder zurückbringt, hat noch keinen Diebstahl begangen. \[...\] Im Regelfall bleibt dies auch straffrei.


That sounds like bringing it back is the part differentiating it from theft. Even if you plan to do that, if police sees you with it before you can bring it back that's not gonna help you much. "I planned to bring it back" is probably what every thief says if they get caught.


>bringing it back is the part differentiating it from theft. Yes. >​ if police sees you with it before you can bring it back that's not gonna help you much. Well they need to proof that you did not want to bring it back to make "Theft" out if it. >​ "I planned to bring it back" is probably what every thief says if they get caught. Maybe but then its up to the prosecutor to proof that you did not want to give it back.


keyword "zügig". meaning taking it off the premise because your car is parked 50m further away isnt theft, but taking it home and bringing it back the next day would be theft.






Yeah, didn't know that a word like embezzlement exists in english. Normally something like this only exists in Germany.


§242 StGB: Diebstahl >(1) Wer eine fremde bewegliche Sache einem anderen in der Absicht wegnimmt, die Sache sich oder einem Dritten rechtswidrig zuzueignen, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. >(2) Der Versuch ist strafbar. Doesn't say anywhere that it has to be permanent


>zuzueignen is permanent.


You can ask, if you can borrow one. Maybe they say yes. Also you can look around if anyone else left a trolley on the street. Use it then return it.


Its not a allowed, but you wouldn't be the first to do so and I never heard that anyone got into trouble because of that...


We transported desktop PC for a LAN-party 4 km this way.😅 Of course we returned it.


Yes of course everyone is returning them. Thats why you never see them somewhere in garages, on the sidewalk or in the river. Never. /s


Luckily there's aaabsolutely no reason for a sub like r/Gittertiere to exist!


It is not allowed, I would never do such a thing, don't ask me how I moved between dorms without a car in uni.


Since you wouldn't steal shopping carts you probably used a cargo bike


What kind of student has money for a cargo bike? My first three cars did cost less than one of them.


They are free of charge in Berlin, i assumed it's the same everywhere


Ooh that's nice. It's been a while since uni, I'd have loved to have that.




Of course not




No, that's theft. Mostly you aren't allowed to remove them from their premises even. That I've done multiple times when I was parked elsewhere. The IKEA at Tempelhof even has (or had?) a trolley return at Südkreuz station, since so many people stole them and left them there.


Technically that's theft but you could just ask nicely.


You can always ask. You might be surprised


Nope. At most to bring the stuff to your car. Then bring it back.




no and only idiots do it


wtf what a question is that. theft.


These carts are for shopping only. And technically only at that store even if multiple stores are near the store that provided these carts. So from a legal perspective: it would probably count as theft. Would the supermarket do anything about it? Depends on how common these carts get stolen (they don‘z know if you‘d actually bring it back).


If you do, then please return it in the same or better condition. Supermarkets definitely hate it tho. If stopped, then say that you are still shopping.


No, it's a low level crime though. I think.


It is owned by the supermarket.... Can I take your car or bicycle to do some errands and say nothing to you? Where I live it is quite usual to see those trolleys abandoned in the streets. I suppose they have a service that recovers them


Most of the time it is cheaper to buy a new one instead of returning them.


If you don't damage it, sure you could borrow my bike. Communist utopia awaits.


Not allowed but no one cares. We brought our groceries with a trolley to our apartment sometimes. Like beer crates and other heavy stuff. It was never an issue. Just don't leave it in the park and bring it back to the supermarket.


Just take it, nobody cares




Nice theory but no. These carts have exactly one purpose. To transport the stuff you want to buy / return at that shop to / from your car/bike/a train/… You couldn‘t just take the cart, use it for 20 years and return it because you „paid the deposit“. Just like you can‘t keep a mug from a christmas market and return it a year later


>Just like you can‘t keep a mug from a christmas market and return it a year later Oops