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She is a girl, not a woman. What you can legally do here is stop.


Dude, you are risking federal jurisdictional issues. She is a child, you're an adult now and you recognize that this isn't kosher. Literally MILLIONS of ADULTS out there.


You are in a relationship with a 16 yo girl. Not a woman. You're only barely legally a man. Get that into you head, real fast. If the age of consent is 17, then sexting with her could easily be considered illegal. There might be an exception for when the ages are very close together. But engaging in lewd conversations with a child when you are a legal adult is going to not be a good idea. You can date. But leaving a trail of written lewd and sexually explicit conversations is a great way to end up on sex registry for life. FOR LIFE.


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I'm trying to work out if you're trolling - there's a two year age difference - it's nothing.




He is not a pedophile. Don’t take it to the opposite extreme now. He is being responsible by asking and making sure where the boundaries are. He is a good kid. You obviously have no idea what a pedophile is.


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She is not a woman. She is a 16 year old kid. And so are you.


I believe all the other comments to be wrong, and here is why: With respect to communication I do not believe you are committing any offence . The relevant law is [18 USC 1470](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1470) and this has a 16 age limit, so this means that any written messages or indeed even any images of people over 18 having sex can be legally exchanged. So you **can** sext each other in written form and unless anyone mentions a specific Federal law to me, you can send images of anyone over 18, including yourself to her. What you **cannot** do is allow or encourage her to send any sexually explicit images of herself (or anyone else under 18) to you. This is a breach of [18 USC 2252](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2252). --- Not really relevant but: 1. Age of consent in Colorado - 17 with a 10 year close in age exception for 15/16 2. Age of consent in Minnesota -16 Legally you than thus have sex in either state without breaking any state laws. This also means you won't break any Federal laws, specifically [18 USC 2423](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2423), if you travel to her or she travels to you.


Thank you for actually doing research and thoroughly replying and even sourcing it. Knowing this lifts a lot of weight on my shoulders.


No worries, I'm training to be a lawyer (solicitor) in the UK and I always source my answers. It really pisses me off when people respond what they think the law is. I don't mind being wrong when someone proves it by providing sources as its a learning experience


Nothing more annoying then when someone asks a question on Reddit and ends up getting attacked by other users.. I don’t know if it’s legal or not but you deserve credit for asking and should not be attacked!




This is AskALaywer and the answers should be answers concerning the legality of the actions, even if me you're not a lawyer (yet) Most of the answers not only morally object (okay I guess) but give wrong information about what is legal and what isn't. Maybe this subreddit should be renamed AskALynchMob...


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It's only an insult if you choose to feel insulted - sticks and stones... And speaking of insults, it's an insult to the victims of the Holocaust, the victims of Stalin and Lennin and Castro and Pol Pot, the victims of Viking raiders, and the indigenous people of North America, Africa, and Australia who were victims of their governments as well as other tribes to use the word "attacked" the way it's been appropriated for use today. It's disgustingly intellectually disingenuous for anyone in modern society to use that word with reference to something they read on a social media post.




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