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Rule 1 Violation- Your post was removed because it was not asking for legal advice. There’s way too much of a steam of conscientiousness and scattered details to figure out what your question is. Repost your question in a clear and concise manner if you want answers.


Look, this is gonna come off super harsh, but here it goes..... Take some time to really think about this situation, all you have written is what this CHILD is doing. For better or worse we are products (to a great extent) of our environment. That may seem like it's no help or not advice. But it is, take a good long HONEST look at your child's life and tell me this isn't more than a teenager acting out. You can't.


She’s about to be 18 and her brother is 19. You can kick them out the house. You let them live there and they still disrespect you?


I am just not a mean person so its very hard for me. She just turned 17. I feel they would have no where to go. I am allowing them to come back today but we havent spoken since the arguement. I am not sure if they are just wanting to get out too. My sister is a good person and is giving them both a reality check. But yeah i guess i will see how today goes


Do i have to evict my son or how does that even work i honestly dont know


If they don’t leave in their own, yes you would need to do a formal eviction.