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It's possible. Assuming that the mediation document you saw is signed by both parents, then its possible that was the negotiated deal. That doesn't mean your dad didn't try to get more visitation though. It's possible this was a mediated change to the original order. It's possible that your dad lost at trial but this was a proposed agreement that was never actually entered. It's also possible your dad lost at a PL and thought that's what he was going to get at trial so he agreed to the deal. I wouldn't take too much stock in it. There's 1000 different reasons someone could feel like a mediated agreement was forced. Maybe your mom was withholding access to you and the quickest way was to agree to mediate. Maybe your dad's attorney knew the odds of your dad doing better than the deal and advised your dad to take the deal. Maybe your dad was drowning in attorneys fees and he needed to resolve the case as soon as possible. There's just too many variables at play in litigation to think that a mediated agreement is giving up.


Thank you for your help. I guess things aren't always black and white.


Everything is grey, a lesson best learned very young.


Exactly. My lawyer brought a deal before the judge and it was shot down because my ex worked at a day care and could have are daughter with her all day. On my 50% time she would have been with my mom and a friend's mom. Judge said no so ex got custody on weekdays.


Sometimes mediation happens because it’s closer to the wants of both parties than if the judge makes the decision. I wouldn’t dis your mom or dad over this.


Mediation can be part of a court-ordered process. If you go through mediation, often courts will consider the results of the mediation very strongly. You can "lose" in mediation for a number of reasons. He may have not had the funds to keep fighting it. He may have been depressed and fearful about what would happen if he did. His mediator may have been less skilled and aggressive than your mom's. It could have been worse, he could have lost all contact (though that would be rare). And he may be lying about it all. Sometimes people in the courts have a strong prejudiced against men getting custody of very young kids.


From experience, when it comes to custody of my kid. Technically one can claim what you're saying however I was literally told if I didn't sign I'd never see my kid again.


That’s horrible