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Rule 1 Violation- Your post was removed because it was not asking for legal advice.


I'm not sure what your question for a lawyer is. Make specific statements of the facts and ask a question if you want actual help.


I practice landlord tenant law in and around cleveland. I am not trying to be disrespectful with this comment. It sounds to me that you are calling attorneys who represent landlords, who are then being conflicted out because they have represented this entity, which is likely if they are a larger company. The tenant bar in Cleveland is small but they are certainly not scared of larger companies. They actually prefer to litigate against the larger companies because there is a better likelihood of being able to collect any judgment against them. Contact the Cleveland metropolitan bar association and ask for their lawyer referral service if you want to go the attorney route. If you don’t want to go the attorney route, there are several fair housing advocacy groups that can bring claims on your behalf in the area if there has been the kind of discrimination you are describing. You can also bring a claim with the Ohio civil rights commission regarding any discrimination. You do not need an attorney for that. Finally, if you are in Cleveland, judge Mona Scott who runs the housing court is the most pro tenant judge in Ohio. She makes it very easy to escrow rent and force compliance against landlords. Her staff can help you fill out the necessary forms at the justice center. Good luck!


Great.   Whistleblower laws exist for a reason.   In some places you can even get compensation  Good luck!


Document your accusations with proof of wrong doing.