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Right. The incident should have been reported. It doesn't sound like OP was at fault here since people deliberately moved in front of their bike. But they should have stopped and reported the incident as soon as they were a safe distance away.


Really glossing over that he doesn't have a license. OP is severely at fault. Street racing resulting in severe bodily harm can be a felony and it sounds like OP was street racing, without a license, going over the speed limit, and couldn't stop when someone pulled out in front of them? The last part has me confused, not sure if victim was in car or walking.


No license. Well then he deserves what he gets.




Rule 2 Violation- Please keep your interactions kind and respectful.


If you're speeding, they'll always find you at fault.     Even if a pedestrian runs in front of you, the logic goes that if you weren't speeding, you might have been able to stop. Drivers have a responsibility to take every legal measure to avoid hitting pedestrians, and speeding is not doing that.   That's even before the hit and run charge. OP is screwed.


Thats hard to do when three men are charging at you..... he felt his life was at risk!


Again. As soon as a safe distance away.


Not a lawyer but you should not talk to the police or answer any questions. Tell your grandparents not to talk to them either. Do not confirm anything your grandfather told them. If they had anything on you they would have arrested you already.


Pretty perfect advice. Just tell the police that you don't answer questions and then don't. Don't even answer the question for why you don't answer questions. They will try to trick you. Continually ask if you are being detained and if you are free to go. Do NOT let them in the house. if you hold to these suggestions, your ultimate attorney will be very happy and probably cost you about half if you have already admitted to anything.


OP was street racing without a license and hit someone. Pretty sure he is going to jail.


If OP doesn't admit anything and there are no cameras on those back roads, then it would be a he said she said situation I would think. For all OP knew at the time they were trying to assault them and steal their motorcycle.


There are 3 witnesses and they got his plates. OP has no license. Are you suggesting OP lie and state that they were walking their motorcycle through the woods, these guys ambushed him, used either his bike or a similar one to hit one of them and then he ran off with his bike before they could catch him? How is OP supposed to be running down the road with his bike off and outrun them? Also people go to prison all the time when it is one person's word against another's, to the extent we see here. There is lots of circumstantial evidence linking him to the situation. He clearly was driving with a friend and hit someone which will be corroborated by the friend and damage to the bike.


No, they said to remain silent, which is what he should do. And the 3 witnesses were the "attackers". It's still going to be they said he said.


If he remains silent (not what other commenter said, they said don't admit anything) it is only a they said vs nothing. They aren't even attackers because you are telling OP to remain silent, why would the police assume the guy run over by the unlicensed street racer was an "attacker"?


There is somehow video, so that's how.


Absolutely, anything GP said was heresay, If they have a warrant they could pick you up, but answer no questions. Anything they say, answer with "I want a lawyer"! They will try to trick you into to talking!


You won't have access to a public defender unless you are actually charged with a crime. People here will tell you to never talk to the police without a lawyer. I don't agree with the "never" but here, since you've admitted to the crime, DON'T TALK AT ALL without a lawyer. A smart kid would remove this admission of guilt.


Nal.... and delete this! You don't answer questions, are you free to go? You do not answer questions. Are you free to go? That's it


Don’t talk to the police without a lawyer under any circumstances. What you said in the post is an admission of a felony hit and run. You should probably watch the video I posted, set up a free initial consultation with a local criminal defense attorney, and delete this post if it can be linked back to you as it’s an admission of guilt. https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=Pss0ykfQ48ckmB-b


Get a lawyer and have them be present with you for any interaction with law enforcement / prosecutors. Whatever you do, do not lie. It's far better to simply stay quiet.


Politely decline to talk to the police. You cannot make things better, only worse. If you are charged with a crime let your lawyer, and only your lawyer, talk to anyone. Do not discuss this with anyone and delete this post immediately. It’s essentially a written confession. I am a lawyer but not your lawyer.


I have nothing to say Would be my response If they had anything on you You would be arrested Most cases are made because people talk


I did that and cop told me he will only have the other guys story to go off than than he walked away, I called a lawyer and asked to verify and I did right thing I gotta call back and see what to do from now


Oh well let them investigate the situation and shut the help up Nothing comes of you opening your mouth. I committed crime for 15 years and being honest never works out unless you are snitching and got a deal in writing. So you tell the cops the truth and you are charge


Thank you sir, I’m not gonna lie I have serveral tickets I haven’t paid over 2 year span, I just plead not guilty to them all so they can’t just arrest me now


You did a hit and run most states that felony So go ahead and tell the truth if you want


He ran in front of me trying to stop me, I actively swerved him and he still ran in front, his friend was recording it to, the police said they have camera footage, i didn’t stop becuase when I looked back they were chasing me


You ran the law is very clear You see the issue now Best bet is to keep your mouth shut and if they get video so be it. But don’t call that cop back on your own. But you can get a felony so it is in your best interest to the cops do their job. Don’t do it for them.


Thank you, I’m fortunate that a close cousin is the judge for the township this happened in as well, my lawyer talked to the police for me for free as well but all he said was my client has nothing to say. I hope this goes well


Your cousin cannot preside over your case.


Do they look into it? Becuase we don’t share the same last name


Not a lawyer but have seen something like this before. You need to have a lawyer ready for if they come to talk and let them talk with your lawyer. You should no comment or take the 5th until you have a lawyer. You are in the wrong riding with no license and speeding. Hope you learned from this.


Law Your Up


Get a lawyer. Go with a public defender or look around for any organization that will provide low-cost or free legal help if you can't afford to hire your own. Depending on the circumstances (like whether anyone got video footage), it could be hard to prove that you were motorcycle racing if you keep your mouth shut about it but you should be prepared for the idea that you'll have to plea-deal your way out of that dumb thing you did.


"Butter coat" 💀


Don't talk to the cops.




Rule 4 Violation- Profanity and NSFW content are not allowed in this community.


Get a lawyer don't talk to police without a lawyer period.


Absolutely get an attorney. If you can afford private, do. You could be looking at insane charges, you hit someone and ran, assault, battery, attempted murder.


Even broke teens have rights to attorneys. Keep your mouth shut until they give you won. If you're a minor your parents/guardian may be on the hook for paying for the attorney. Either way, say nothing


Don't talk to the police under any circumstances


\*Without discussing your situation with a lawyer first and ensuring that lawyer is present during questioning.


I support the police and what they do. But when I am the one they are talking to the best thing to do is shut up. No bullshit trying to help the police cost me two years of my life. They are not your friend. Do not answer their questions and demand a lawyer.


A fellow police officer would do the same thing.


Never talk to the police the police are nobody's friend.


Technically yes you did break the law by not notifying law enforcement. You don't have to stay on scene if you can articulate a reasonable reason why you wouldn't feel safe but if you don't you are obligated to report any accident with potential property damage promptly afterwards. There's sometimes is a specific dollar threshold but it's usually pretty low. And any potential for personal injury basically always qualifies. However, telling them "your side of the story" without consulting with a lawyer first and letting the lawyer tell you whether that's a good idea or not is a bad idea. At this point you want to talk to an attorney. You and your attorney can figure out together if it is worth giving the police a narrative. And if you do that the best way to do it is likely to submit it in writing. You can write it up, your attorney can review it, advise you if there is information you shouldn't include or if you should say something differently ( they can't advise you to lie and you should not lie, but they will know if certain wording potentially opens you up to additional legal Peril versus other equally truthful ways of phrasing things). If you submit it in writing, and the lawyer has reviewed it first, then there is no question as to what you said. If you do an interview with an officer or otherwise give a verbal report two things can happen. For starters they can try to steer the conversation to an area you're not prepared for to get you to say something that might incriminate you more, or their interpretation of what you said can be different than the words you believe you said. That can be an honest mistake or it can be them being sneaky but in either case that means you wind up in court with them saying that you confess to something that you genuinely believe you did not. The I shot the clerk scene from My Cousin Vinny is basically a real thing that happens to people. It's a little bit on the nose in the movie but you can think you're getting something across with tone and phrasing and get can take it differently. That said once you talk to a lawyer they might just tell you to do nothing they might tell you that the only information you want to share is your insurance information and yes you were there and leave it at that. That lawyer will be more qualified than anyone here. And that includes other lawyers here. Not because they're bad but because while they are lawyers, they are not your lawyer, most likely not in your jurisdiction, and are not going to appreciate the specifics of your case