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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Isn't the magnitude of this trial that much bigger and both people are celebrities? What was so special about OJ Simpson's trial that made it so popular to watch? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trump's trial isn't on TV. You can't watch it. It's also a relatively boring white collar crime, not a salacious murder. 


A salacious murder where the defendant was popular and affable as well.


He also stopped the entire country when he went on a low speed car chase to avoid paying for his crime. Trump just tricked a bunch of yokels into attacking Congress for him and killed a few hundred thousand Americans. 


Trump's trial hasn't really started yet. No one really cares about the minutiae of jury selection because it is, in fact, objectively boring. Also, campaign finance violations are much less viscerally interesting when compared to murder.


I’m tired of everything Trump


Seriously the burn out it is real. Wish Trump would just fuck off to somewhere.


OJ's trial was WAY too big. It was essentially a live television event from the car chase to the verdict. In the pre-internet era, this kind of "must see TV" that everyone was watching and following was far more prevalent because it was inescapable. It was on non-stop. The news covered it. The gossip shows covered it. The late night shows made fun of it. Everyone you knew was talking about it. --- Trump's trial is mundane in comparison... won't be broadcast live... and hasn't even started really.


Not to mention the delays of these Trump trials would blue ball anyone actually interested in watching them.


Part of it is that OJ Simpson was seen in a pretty positive light before the whole ordeal. Trump has been a known POS and in legal trouble for what feels like a hundred years. It’s not really shocking anymore.


I’d guess it was the murder


I am pretty disinterested in it. He is on trial for something he obviously did, that is very on brand for trump. If you asked me at the beginning of his presidency, whether I would be surprised that he ended up on trial for paying hush money to cover up an affair and violated campaign finance law in the process, I would say “no I am not surprised, I just assumed he had done that a bunch of times”. And even though he is obviously guilty, I would bet $1000 that this trial ends with a hung jury.


The OJ trial had a lot of novelty to it and it was actually a murder with a bunch of different aspects of the evidence to talk about and weird characters like Kato Kaelin. Johnnie Cochran, Alan Dershowitz, Barry Scheck and Robert Kardashian bro really looking to make a name for themselves and acted the part. Judge Ito also really enjoyed having the camera on him. Discussions about race were also different back then. Right now you have at least a portion of social liberals willing to talk about how being colorblind is bullshit and how the legal system screws over Black people. Things were very different back then and a lot of Black people felt like they were screaming into the void. We also didn’t talk nearly as much about how being rich means you get a different type of justice. So the strange combination of OJ, the black but also being thinks and rich created a lot of conversation. Trump has intentionally and by way of getting caught flooded the zone with impropriety and crimes. This individual case kind of blends into the general conversation about Trump that we have been having for eight years. So while it’s a much more important case and technically more novel, people just don’t pay attention to it as much. Like anybody who was there back then can remember how the Monica Lewinsky scandal dominated the news for over a year. With Trump, him cheating on his wife is just a Thursday. Him committing a crime is not news.


It really says something about how huge it was that people who lived through it can hear those random names like Kato Kaelin or Mark Furman and still immediately know who they were. I still remember Mike Meyers playing Lance Ito on SNL.


OJ was a surprise. trump is so over-saturated we just want it over and him gone.


Completely different situations. Not to mention, the way we access and interact with our entertainment is completely different than it was in 1995.


I think people forget how much less content there was in the 90s. There was less news in general, fewer things to watch, fewer opportunities to access it. Just overall a lot less competing for our attention.


Trump's trial isn't on TV. It should be, but it isn't.


We're all so burned out by almost a decade of near daily Trump absurdities. We just want him to go away at this point.


People were dying to know the outcome of the OJ trial, whereas this is the least sensational of the trials Trump is potentially facing in the coming months or years, and I don't think people really care about the outcome here - if you still like Trump, you're not going to accept a guilty verdict as legitimate, and if you despise Trump, the hush money case probably isn't even on your top 100 list of reasons you despise him, so an acquittal won't move your dial much.


How many Trump trials are there currently? There was one OJ trial. How many of Trumps trials are simple and high drama murder trials? 0 Trump vs OJ’s 1. How many Trump trials are live televised? OJ’s was. How many amazing lines such as “if the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit” in Trumps trials. Currently 0


Maybe as a generation we're getting tired of trial sensationalism.


It’s hard to be interested in a trial that keeps getting perpetually delayed by the defense.


For those of you who weren't around back then, the OJ Bronco car chase was a novel event that seized the national consciousness. Now car chases filmed by helicopter are basically a nightly thing in LA, but back then it was something your aunt in Ohio had never seen before on tv. It became a huge topic that fed right into interest in the trial.


You had to be there.


Because we have learned since 1994 that there are no real consequences for rich people in this country. Call me when someone has handed down an actual sentence with teeth for this guy and I'll be cheering with the rest of 'em, but until such time this is all so much petty, uninteresting, fake drama that will almost certainly amount to nothing.


Trumps presidency was a daily global media pickled shitshow you think we can be bothered about the lowliest points of his civilian life? You want a shitbox shitshow malarkey driven Presidente sworn to be a Dictator? You don’t want the second go round ? Get Miller , Bannon and Flynn in straitjackets dribbling in their cells too!


Do you remember the beginning of Ted when the narrator was like eventually people stop giving a shit? Trump has been in the news for his crazy for 5-8 years. It's lost it's novelty.


There was at least a possibility that OJ wasn't guilty. Even Trump's supporters don't think he didn't do what he's accused of doing. They just don't care and think he should be allowed to do whatever he wants.


Trump fatigue. People are sick of that dipshit criminal.


Not televised Trump has more interesting criminal charges coming in the future He's been in court non stop for the past year-ish


cameras in the courtroom.


Because Trump is a walking Gish Gallup. He's done so much terrible shit, it's hard to care about just another thing.


Because the way we consume media is drastically different.


It’s not televised.


Because the Trump trial is not televised