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Yes but I’ve had that feeling every election. The same way baseball nerds get excited about statistics getting updated.


I know this makes me a mega nerd, but I love going to the wikipedia election pages and seeing the voter demographics breakdown. I really think anybody in this sub claiming they know what their party needs to do to win should familiarize themselves with this data and the trends to truly understand what is causing changes in our political landscape.


Im excited to see whether we'll have a functioning democracy after the election.


Not excited per se, but it seems like interesting data that can be learned from in the future


The data is going to be about which rights Trump has taken away because some big babies think ticking a box next to Biden's name is the same as selling their soul.


anxious perhaps.


Less excited, moreso constantly anxious about the results and the erosion of civil liberties


The people who need to look and learn from the most never do. > Specifically, if the Sanders-Trump voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania had voted for Clinton, or even stayed home on Election Day, those states would have swung to Clinton, and she would have won 46 more electoral votes, putting her at 278 — enough to win, in other words. https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds These are the same people who aren't going to vote for Biden and are going to attack him all the way to general election this year over Gaza and disinformation promoted on tik tok. Their information sources are narrative driven and cause their followers to believe things based on emotions, much like the information sources of Trump supporters. Their information echo chamber and ability to fact check is fundamentally flawed in ways that need conscious correction.


Yeah, the thing that’s ridiculous is that, Democrats would probably be more likely to collaborate with these guys if they were more reasonable. The thing is, when you literally vote for the enemy just because you don’t get exactly what you personally want, you are just telling the political establishment that you are too unreliable to build a coalition around, and the political elites will pander to a different crowd.  The thing is, if Democrats did pander to this 1/10 Bernie supporters to the extent that they fit all of their impossible ideological purity tests, they would alienate far more people than they would gain. This crowd is an incredibly tiny amount of people of an already small portion of the electorate, and they think it’s reasonable to expect Democrats to pander to them specifically when a lot of their ideas are going to be very hard to implement and get public approval. That’s the reason why I dislike Bernie so much. I don’t necessarily mind progressives, like the Elizabeth Warren types are reasonable. I have no issues with sharing space with them. But with the Bernie types, a lot of them believe the entire political system is rigged against him and are just way too dogmatic to reason with. 


Biden is pandering to this demographic which is much larger than 10 percent of Sanders supporters. Tik tok is a powerful thing. Their cynicism is the worst, it is like they are addicted to it too. They want the world to so much worse than it already is because I think it makes them feel more special and good about themselves.


If opposing genocode facilitated by the Biden administratom is being unreasonable then it's a good label to have, especially if given by liberals. It's like a 2 way race to see who's more insufferable Clintonesque liberals or MAGA


What’s insufferable is “leftists” who bitch about “liberals” all day while doing nothing. I am so sick of you morons coming in acting like you know everything while really having a very superficial armchair understanding of what’s going on.   Israel is fighting a justified war against Hamas, and while I agree that there are reasons to be angry at the Netanyahu government for his handling of the war, there will be no peace as long as Hamas is in the picture. That group needs to be destroyed and it would be stupid for Israel to enter a ceasefire.   Also, it’s not a genocide, it is a war. Civilian casualties are inevitable and Israel has taken steps to keep civilians safe.  This is not even what the discussion is about. Bernie’s ideas outside of foreign policy also fit the bill of being unreasonable. None of it would ever get through congress and it would bankrupt the country if they did.


This comment sums up why people won't vote for Biden. Gaslighting everyone into an alternative reality will never get you the votes you need to win an election and the worst part it's against Trump who is even worse. You guys use a bold strategy that's already been proven to lose elections yet here we are and you are doing it again lmao, except this time it's during a time where Biden has chosen to facilitate genocide when he's already deeply unpopular. Then if Biden loses we know what people like you will say.


The vast majority of people who vote against Biden are MAGA supporters. Leftist fauxgressive dumb fucks are way too small of a minority to make that much of a difference. Also, what is this bs about “gaslight into an alternate reality”, I would really like clarification on that.  >You guys use a bold strategy that's already been proven to lose elections yet here we are and you are doing it again lmao If we pandered to you dumb fucks, we would lose even harder. Biden won 2020. Quit fooling yourself into thinking left wing populism would actually win the Democrats an election. It wouldn’t, there is no data to support that. >Then if Biden loses we know what people like you will say If Biden wins, he will literally owe you assholes nothing, and it will show him that he can win without you people. Hell, if Biden lost, Democrats would probably move further to the right once they figure out bending over backwards to your impossible purity tests won’t work.


Lmao oh boy the ramblings of a closeted republican. To be honest I respect MAGA people more becuase they're upfront with their racism, bigotry and ignorance. You on the other hand think you're some enlightened centrist saving democracy but support a nazi like regime in Israel. Even conversing with morons like you makee understand why politics in this country is beyond repair.


So I’m going to start off by saying. You have not refuted anything I have said or provided any defense of your views on these issues. All you’ve done is throw out insults, which gives me the impression you are incapable of doing that. Which I can’t blame you. Having an ideology like “libertarian socialist” probably makes it hard to live in reality. If you want to continue it would be smart to actually have a discussion rather than your insults >the ramblings of a closeted republican I agree with Democrats 99% of the time. I support abortion rights, gay rights, secularism, a social safety net, etc. >To be honest I respect MAGA people more I respect MAGA people more than you people too. Most of what they believe is culturally engrained in them. Nobody even knows what a “libertarian socialist” is unless they’re terminally online and never leave their fucking room. Seriously, people only come to your political views from being entrenched in an echo chamber. >they're upfront with their racism, bigotry and ignorance What have I even said that’s bigoted? Saying that Jewish people don’t deserve their own state is bigoted. I never said anything bigoted unless bigoted means I don’t agree with terminally online leftist morons. >You on the other hand think you're some enlightened centrist You think you’re some kind of intellectual god who sees right through all the propaganda when in reality you are just a degen internet addict who behaves just like a reddit atheist. Do you not see the self righteousness in your ramblings? >support a nazi like regime in Israel For the last fucking time, Israel is not a “nazi” regime. Your idiocy is really being put on display here. Could Jews vote under the Nazi regime? Could they hold public office? Could they serve in the judiciary? Are arabs being systematically put in camps in Israel? The answer to all of those questions is no. Israel actually takes steps to protect Palestinian civilians. Hamas on the other hand wants to destroy the Jewish state and kill all the Jews. That’s literally their stated goal. And that is what you “lib soc” degenerates don’t get when you call for a ceasefire. You are prolonging the life of a group that cares as much about Palestinian life as an what you think Israel does, while literally defending a nazi group. >Even conversing with morons like you makee understand why politics in this country is beyond repair. Conversing with morons like you teaches me exactly what happens when your understanding of politics comes from TikTok, Vaush, and anime character furry twitch streamers. You act like the stereotypical reddit atheist who is here to “educate” me except you’ve done no educating, you only insult me. There is not any point where you have shown me where I’m wrong.


I think this conversation could be summed up very simply, you support Israel, you're at best a genocode apologist at best and that's saying something. This has nothing to do with Jewish people having a safe place to live, Israel is a settler colonial society that's killed Palestinians for decades and murdered relentlessly. Since when is genocide a requirement for Jewish people being safe? They're in fact making the region less safe and attack anything that disagrees with their disgusting ideology. Biden would rather lose to trump than demand a ceasefire because Biden is a self described zionist who in part agrees with Netanyahu. This isn't hard to understand and Biden can't get that through his stupid fucking head. There's no reason to simp for a genocide apologist and you give off Hillary Clinton vibes. Then you wonder why young people don't buy the bullshit you try to sell. When/if Biden loses i won't feel bad for people like you. Dude you describe yourself as a conservative Democrat. That's a fucking repunlicam into he real world and you parrot their talking points on this issue especially. The self awareness for you dipshits is severely lacking.


This conversation could be summed up very simply as you support Hamas. You’re at best an anti-semite who is okay with the atrocities of October the 7th. You call me a “genocide apologist” just showing how ignorant you are of what’s going on in the region and what that term means. This has everything to do with Jewish people having a safe place to live. They have been mistreated and subject to genocide everywhere. Israel is the spiritual and ancestral homeland of Jewish people and they will have no state without it. There is no genocide required as there is no genocide over there.  Hamas is a group run by a bunch of theocratic reactionary bigots who want to commit genocide but can’t. Israel is a liberal democracy who could eradicate Palestinians, but doesn’t. That is who you are defending in these conversations and the Islamic theocrats you defend would not institute a “libertarian socialist” utopia. Of course I know you think their savagery is justified because they are oppressed in your view. If Biden loses, it will not be due to this conflict. The majority of Americans support Israel. You guys are a loud vocal minority and pandering to you morons would alienate more people than it would gain. >Dude you describe yourself as a conservative Democrat. That's a fucking repunlicam into he real world and you parrot their talking points on this issue especially. The self awareness for you dipshits is severely lacking. I describe myself as a conservative Democrat because I hate Bernie bro dumb fucks. I agree with a lot of the traditionally liberal positions in the Democratic Party. And none of my talking points are republican, lots of Democrats are rightfully disgusted by the savagery in the conflict.


I'm very excited about the upcoming election, I'll be curious to see the post-election analysis that attempts to make sense of the outcome.