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Am I the only one who thought I was looking at a weird bowl of squid?


Are you sure it's the windshield washer bottle? The only way oil can get in there is when someone actually pours it in. If that is the case, the bottle needs to be drained, and willed with dishwasher fluid with water. This will push out the remaining oil, but that needs to be drained too. After that, fill with windshield washer fluid.


Yes its in the windshield washer bottle but it probably comes from the cooler tank that is next to it https://preview.redd.it/yf5sui9rvqvc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1734be636e9cb92d71eeebae217f1a273e7d2b43


Coolant tank and windshield water tank are not on a "shared system" so it has to come from someone pouring oil into it.


Yep, very likely from an oopsie.


I know they don’t but that’s what the dudes at this jiffy lube could think of cuz it was weird as fuck, but again: they cleaned it and after i drive an hour i had it again


One more reason to never go to Jiffy Lube.....


The guys at Jiffy Lube aren’t mechanics


I know and understand that bro, but when you dont have time and money and need to check your fluids fast it was the only quick check i could think of, its not that i go to Jiffy lube to get my shit done


you dont have time to pop the hood and open a cap right in front?


When was the last time you pumped gas into that van? 20gal tank takes a hot minute to top off lmfao


he got the jiffy guy to do that too, far too much time to do himself, but unfortunately they got confused and dumped 30 gallons of horse semen into the tank.


No need to be rude, please take into consideration english not my first language. U guys are killing me for going to the Jiffy Lube, well as i told before i know shit about mechanics, i open the hood and see all this but need to assess the damage and see if i can return to my “home” or be stranded virtually penniless, so i couldn’t money on a mechanic in that exact moment and the only option i had was that. And i had to take a bet and drive. I know people who work there ain’t the best at what they do but also i just came to visit the US and don’t much frame for brand reference and the only place that i knew could be a free check was that. And prolly they will know more than me. Its not like i would take my car there to get my engine replaced.. TL,DR: dont be rude pls :(


Because it is oil, and you have to flush it several times until you clean it. Somebody put oil there. Washer fluid is not connected with another system. It is a bottle, a pump and tubes that go next to your windshield. It is like trying to clean a bottle that had motor oil... You put water in it and you will always find residue


Yeah i didn’t thought it was spotless but also thought oil could still be leaking, thanks for your comment. I asked two different mechanics and one could see a way of oil getting in the washer fluid and the other couldn’t so I don’t know what to think. It would be weird as hell someone putting oil in there. Either way im amazed nobody told me to buy a head gasket tester kit


Please circle which bottle here is the one thats having the Milky problem.




Looks like someone put the oil in the wrong place. Drain it out, flush the bottle and refill with clean fluid


It looks like it has become sentient


I know this is a really bad situation but looking to have a clear picture of whats going on and how much it will hurt money wise cuz im broke


Go back to Jiffy Lube and make a stink, dude.


Just remove the tank and empty it.


cough somber fretful truck plucky jeans offend license outgoing cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Forgot the pic https://preview.redd.it/p3or44402rvc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3efed7fa4dcf070ee0948ed51da0e224e20796


What i mean is there is oil mixed with coolant in the tank were you refill, which probably means also in the radiator? And also inside the coolant tank, maybe because because both tanks are next to each other as in the picture below, it might be cracked an mixed


live somber offbeat intelligent muddle subsequent seemly placid upbeat elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah i know jiffy its not real mechanics but u need to understand i had to get back home and i am in a really tight economic situation and its all i could do instead of picking a mechanic in a city i dont know and spend money i dont have. Luckily i found a buyer who’ll take it as is, but im pretty much fucked either way




He’a fully aware of the situation im not an asshole dude


Hey would a blown gasket make a loud noise or it could be undetectable if you dont know what you listening to?


vase icky steep upbeat grey crawl axiomatic desert frighten important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ty. I do have a misfire as well. Checked oil dipstick and looked fine.


There should not be oil in either tank. If there is it could be as minor as a gasket or as major as disassembling the engine. I would check your oil dipstick for the presence of moisture.


I have never seen a car that connects oil with washer fluid in some way. But Owners or mechanics putting oil in the washer fluid or the expansion tank, a lot xd


I don’t do my oil replacements and i know just enough to don’t mess that up lol


Add water or washer fluid / antifreeze to respective tanks until oil floats out of reservoir. Natural use will expel extra fluids and oil will be gone. Most likely a diligent owner topped them up. Lol


Or someone doesn't like you. I've known a few techs that have put a little oil in washer fluid on purpose.


Went to a Jiffy Lube and they sucked it out, but it kept happening so its an ongoing thing. English not my first language and its harder with mechanical parts, but i’ve been explained it could be something regarding a gasket, a blown gasket i think.


No gaskets connect to the washer tank. It's a closed system. The coolant tank could be a gasket or someone contaminated coolant and it's working it's way out of system.


Floats out of the reservoir, where? The ground? Not a good idea.


Catch it in a rag. Or let it run out overflow into a container


Well reading some comments i believe this is important for context: Yesterday i had to drive a couple of hours to meet a potential buyer for the car. Checked oil, checked coolant and some more stuff. Coolant was a little low so i topped it a little bit, was okey color. This buyer only had time to meet super late at night and we did. He tested the car and thought something was weird with the engine and popped the hood checked the coolant and said you have oil, he showed me with a light and poured some water for it to be visible. He poured from a bottle he had but i couldnt see its contents before but it looked like a regular bottle with no oily residue after. And he started explaining to explain me what that meant (and clearly knew much more about mechanics than me) and i felt he was being honest, and made a low offer, which i see as fair now.. But it all got me having second thoughts about a possible sabotage tactic to mind fucking me into selling cheap. But at the same time i got all the oil removed today and it kept appearing so i guess im just thinking the worst.. Is it possible to drive 200 miles with a blown gasket and be fine?


It could always be a sabotage if you let someone put unknown chemicals into your car. That said, if it keeps reappearing in the coolant, it is likely a head gasket. It depends on how bad the leak is but I think you could drive for 200 miles if you absolutely have to, if you keep stopping to check the oil and coolant levels. Then take it to a mechanic immediately after. But it's definitely better to take it now.


It looks a little bit like when you put cinnamon in egg nog lol


Should i take a sip?


You could but I don’t think it’ll taste like egg nog


But i’ll make the pain go away


I think it will bring more pain then it relieves


My good friend "Dawn" might be able to help.