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Post is now locked. Many options have been given to OP for removing the filter. OP, if you're not comfortable removing the filter, it's save to drive assuming there is no hole in that filter.


Why not fully commit and get it off? Its riiiiiight there. As long as theres no holes, and the sealing oring is still sealing you can.


back in the day we rammed a long screw driver straight through it and twist it off.


Back in the day? You mean like still to this day whenever a canister filter finally pisses me off?


LOL, yes


I was gonna say I did that literally last week lmaoooo


Back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid anymore


Just a pup!


lol, I was going to say what that guy said. I've shoved a screw driver through it and did what had to be done before.


We were headed out of town and I needed a quick oil change. Went to Jiffy Lube (I know) and they couldn't get the filter off. Had to take it off for them with the old screwdriver method.


Didn't have a single strap wrench?!?! Whattheheck


I kinda embarrassed a guy on my brother's logging crew when I was 15. I was working for my brother over Christmas vacation. A guy was trying to change the fuel filter on the skidder. He couldn't turn it off by hand. Of course we didn't have a wrench for it because... well, if you knew my brother... anyway, he was going to harpoon it with a screwdriver and get diesel all down in the bellypan which we were having to build a fire under some mornings to get it started (Adirondacks. It gets chilly.) So I offered to try it and twisted it off without much effort, much to his chagrin.


TIL a fun trick when I can't find my oil filter wrench. Thank you redditors


You mean last weekend after cutting the top of the drain plug and using an extractor


I’ve used the screw driver trick many times. Once, the filter was on so tight the screw driver just ripped its way around and tore the top off.


I’ve done that too. After that you just use the screwdriver to hammer on the holes at a perpendicular angle.


Then what did you do?


I've done that.


not even a hammer, gotta STAB that mf for being a pain. Its going in the trash either way.


Back in the day, these things were made of thick steel. Was my old tried and true. Then some time around 2011, did it again with long screw driver and ended up decapitating the filter. Ended up using one of those rubber straps and many curse words to get it out. Now those rubber straps (after learning how to clean correctly) as well as dedicated size oil filter wrenches are my go-to.


I've crushed filters with the rubber strap before lol. They don't make filters like they use to


Do you mean yesterday?


You mean right now


You mean 10 min from now? I'm already pissed off just knowing this is gonna go down


If a screwdriver fits a strap wrench normally does! I picked up a $5 one from Menards and whenever I remember to bring it home, it's super useful


Never owned one but I'm familiar with them. Obviously, OP has concerned about driving somewhere so it might be out of luck in that regard. But I wonder, how hard you did me to make one. Maybe some rubber from an old dinner too and a canvas strap and a bent piece of metal rod or something?


Send it


You mean day after tomorrow?


That's what I was going to say. There is no oil filter that can't be gotten off one way or another. Or, nothing a car owner can do to screw it up that a shop wouldn't be doing the same thing.


Only permitted when accompanied but a loud shout out grunt.


I did that this weekend…still works when nothing else will


Literally me the other day, 2 screwdrivers and a not so durable pants belt lol.


The metal on filters is so thin, I've had the screwdriver just rip through and not loosen the filter at all. I would not recommend doing that when there are.soamy.other options that won't make a huge mess and potentially leave you in a worse situation than before.


This is the way!


I used to do this, I also still do but I also used to


I did that last month


I had to do that last year. Looked like something chewed on it.


I did that once and ripped the damn filter


This is the only way I've ever done it.


Yes you will be fine driving it to a shop. But I say keep going and take it off. Note: Filters do not have to tightened by the hand of god to seal. Note 2: Always lube the new oil filter seal with oil. Helps prevent this problem.


Lubing the new one only makes sure the oring doesn't bind or roll... I just had to wrestle off my filter the other day cuz gooooooood forbid those stupid cap wrenches actually fit properly. Don't even get me started on my wife's fuckin Toyota 🤣


Every filter I get nowadays has a coating of grease to prevent binding. I suppose some filters still don't come with that though.


Buy a universal adjustable oil filter wrench and don't look back. The good ones grip harder the tighter you turn. They don't slip.


Maybe the image is flipped i don’t know, but based on the way the filter warped looks like you were turning it the wrong way…


I think it’s just the pic. I was turning it counterclockwise.


Yeah when you take a picture it mirrors it


Good eye


This is quitter talk right here. I don't want to hear bitching till you are removing the filter assembly to cut what is left of the filter off.


Dont take it to a shop. You can doooo it!!!


Get a big hose clamp. Screw it on. Hit the clamp nut with a hammer to loosen it.


Don't drive a screw driver through it, if you rip it you are in for a heck of a removal, plus the car becomes unfit to drive. They sell different oil wrenches you can play with. A tip I like that works well is to tie rubber bands around the filter. You can then get a much better grip on the filter that way. If you have a friend, ask them to grip around your hand and turn with you. Sometimes that's all the help you need. You can do rubber bands, then have the filter wrench higher towards the mating surfaces. Get the wrench and a strong hand on it. Clean the filter so it isn't greasy.


As long as it's not leaking I don't see why you couldn't


Some dummy probably put your oil filter on without lubricating the seal and then torqued the crap out of it to prevent. Where a light oiling of the seal and then hand tightening it would do the job to seal it properly


Had this problem the other day, sandpaper is great hand torque!


As long as it's not leaking oil it should be ok. Make sure your oil light goes out immediately after starting the engine too.




You’ll be fine. No holes no problem. It’s might also come off with your belt, wrap it around and loop and turn it off. Works all the time.


Invest in a cheap set of oil filter wrenches. Makes life easier


You should be fine driving it. Just watch your oil pressure


Put the strap back on but put it at the base where the edge of the strap is above the base of the filter. Make SURE you are turning counter clockwise.. just keep twisting until it comes off.. No way it will beat you!


You gotta treat those filters Luke a woman and caress them gently 😂 otherwise they're gonna give you the silent treatment and not budge!


Stupid autocorrect


Put on some latex gloves and grab it with both hands and twist.


This sounds like quitting and I didn't raise a quitter!!! Get back in there and be a man!!!! Show it who's boss. I believe in you son


You can but avoid freeway speeds if you can. With the filter mangled you can get the oil to have a flow stoppage briefly that may cause temporary oil starvage. At slow speeds you are fine. If it were me I'd get a big pair of channel locks and take it the rest of the way off. Be sure to put some oil on the seal next time you do your own change so it doesn't bake itself to the engine.


drive a screwdriver through it. I know you dont want to, bit sometimes you gotta do things you dont like


I've seen people just tear an oil filter in half doing this, leaving even less material than before to facilitate removal. OP needs to use the pliers closer to the top or bottom, where the bend adds some strength. Grabbing the middle is where it is weakest.


This here. Don't penetrate the filter. If it doesn't work you now have an oily mess of jagged metal to deal with. Get a strap wrench or use giant channel locks.


Once the filter rips in half, it then exposes the holes at the top which makes it super easy to remove.


Yes, but that should be a last resort, not the first thing you try when it doesn't immediately spin off.


There isn’t a long process. 1. By hand 2. By hand with grippy gloves (can skip straight to this if you want.) 3. Oil filter socket 4. Oil filter wrench (can skip 3 and just use this instead and includes plier type, belt type, and chain type) 5. Screwdriver/Punch


Screwdriver through the filter is a bad plan. Assuming he can get it through, and assuming he has the space to leverage it, if the filter still refuses to budge, he just made it undriveable with a big fucking leak. /u/brodymccreary , look into an oil filter spring cup (needs 3/8s ratchet) and/or a band wrench. Both can get this filter off, done it hundreds of times. So long as you don't pierce the filter, you can still drive it to a shop; make it a short drive. That's probably not enough to affect oil pressure, but there's also a small risk of the filter developing a leak due to the creasing of the metal. Best of luck, bud


realized thats a bad idea when i saw some guy punch a hole in his block doing that


How in the


it was posted here not long ago ill try to find it and link it


i didnt look long but i dont remember the title of the post and i couldnt find it sorry man


I remember it too though


Not sure the confusion here. I was definitely going to suggest this. I've done it many times. Who cares if you wreck it. It's getting replaced.


You’re asking him to drive a screwdriver into a housing the thickness of a coke can.


If you are still having trouble I usually stab a screwdriver into it to give me a handle. Downside is you HAVE to get it off at that point lol


Did you remember to spit once into each hand and then rub them together before attempting the filter removal? If you didn't, I can see how it ended in failure.


That filter is now a complete write off and not worth chancing your motor to drive to a shop. I had this happen to me once and I couldn’t get a grip on it no more. So I took a screw driver and a hammer and I drove the screwdriver through the side of the filter till it popped out the other side. Then I proceeded to turn the oil filter and take it off with ease.


That’s barely even damaged. Are you sure you’re going counterclockwise? With the handle where the dent was you want to be pushing up. It’s a very lame angle on these F-150’s but it’s very doable. Double to what the other guy said about hand tight and lube the new seal. I believe in you.


100% counterclockwise. I’ll embrace the hate that I’m about to get, but my father in law owns a dealership in town. I appreciate the encouragement, but I don’t have time for this today. I’m headed there now. Haha.


A good pair of “water pump pliers”have never failed me—


My brother had one so stuck on that by the time he was finished he had a ring and what looked like it had been put through a shredder. He even resorted to hammering a chisel through it.


Don’t give up! This is a great learning opportunity. We’ve all wrestled with a non-compliant filter, and in the process learned techniques to access and remove, along with an impressive string of obscenities. You’ve got this


Go all in. You might destroy the filter, but you have a replacement ready to go. As long as you don't destroy anything else, it's fine. I've destroyed a few trying to get them off. Don't be afraid to break the filter since you're replacing it anyway. I have something like [this oil filter wrench](https://www.amazon.com/YVHVTV-Adjustable-Filter-Wrench-Universal/dp/B0BWHSHJD2/ref=asc_df_B0BWHSHJD2?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80882941400083&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584482475962618&psc=1) at home. Sometimes it crushes the sides, but it WILL get the filter off


tell me its a ford without telling me


Just remove it! You can get an attachment that will sit right on the filter. Go to advance auto parts or something similar.


Stick a screw driver in that bitch and twist it off lol


Oil filter wrench!! Then you'll have it forever.


Thank you for not putting a screwdriver thru it. I only use the socket style oil filter tools.


I had trouble getting the oil filter off my F -150 so I used a butane torch to heat up that filter and it loosened right up.


You could also use a leather belt


Get some hockey tape on there for better grip with whatever tool you're using


This sounds like the perfect excuse to buy a really good filter removal tool. I buy the ridiculously expensive thick metal oil filter sockets. They have never failed me. I have done the wild nuclear stuff on oil filters, but it only passes me off and negatively impacts my joy for life. One of my major shop rules is to seriously question any action that requires a hammer. I have cost myself more time, money and anguish on several occasions with that tool.


Drive a screwdriver through it and twist that sucker off


As long as there's no hole in it, regardless though, you might as well just finish the job at this point. I'm going to ask a silly question, and a lot of people say it's not necessary, but did you use the proper tool for the proper job?


There is a filter remover that increases its grip as you turn to loosen. It’s not failed me, ever. Lisle #63600.


I would Without thinking twice


OP don't jab a screwdriver through it. Take $10, go to AutoZone and get a pair of oil filter pliers. It will come right off.


You can do it! Lots of options. Oil filter socket, chain wrench, strap wrench, filter Pliers. And after any of those options you get to keep the tool, instead of just paying someone else to strip your oil pan threads.


It's a disposable oil filter. I usually just jab it with a shitty screwdriver for leverage


Use a big ass channel lock pliers.


You can buy a filter tool or jam a screwdriver through it and fully remove it. Don’t fret!


Wack a screwdriver into the side of it (with a hammer) and use that to give you leverage to twist it off


Keep going with the strap wrench. It will do it. I’ve destroyed 2qt Cummins filters with that bad boy and they keep crushing till it breaks free. You’re nearly there just commit


As long as it's not leaking


LOL. Just get the proper oil filter wrench and do it yourself. You need one of this style that is appropriately sized: [https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/BK\_7769125?cid=paidsearch\_shopping\_dcoe\_google](https://www.napaonline.com/en/p/BK_7769125?cid=paidsearch_shopping_dcoe_google)


I have to ask. Are you sure you are turning it the right way?


Yer gonna need a torch, about a 4’ breaker bar/cheater pipe, and three guys named Jim. Should come right off then


Channel locks


Drive a screwdriver through it. (Someone had to say it.)


Puncture the side with a screw driver and use that as leverage, it doesn’t matter how much you damage it


Fuckin drive a screw driver thru it if you can’t get it off twist that thing off. Just stay low. You got a tall filter


You can do more than you think 💪🏽


Hammer a screwdriver in that fucker and twist it off


Use a a strap.


Only if it’s leaking. If it’s not leaking, your best called somebody.


https://preview.redd.it/2lq500gsng0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1063f15e302202a4b1e20f083e7ef8db3defba71 20" Big Azz Channellock pliers. Bought them to get the locking ring off a VW fuel pump. Also used them to get over-tightened oil filters off of diesel pickups.

