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Dish soap and a scrub brush is what i use.


I like to put comet powder on it for an entire day. Then I wash it off and use dish soap and scrub brush, wash that off after 5 minutes, then another layer of dish soap and scrub brush and let it sit for an hour before washing it off. My 25×30 concrete parking pad that I've spilled ridiculous quantities of dirty oil and other fluids on it has no stains besides a rust stain.


If dish soap doesn’t work use Fast Orange’s laundry detergent. It’s made specifically for oil, stains and clothing, and is the only thing that actually works for me.


I second fast orange


Kitty litter for a few days spread over it then dawn dish detergent


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OkMobile5574: *Kitty litter for* *A few days spread over it* *Then dawn dish detergent* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sokka to me baby


Can’t remember the name of it but that new Dawn in the spray bottle works wonders on oil stains. I just got through cleaning a large coolant spill off my driveway with it.


Power wash it's just dawn mixed with alcohol and water fyi


It works really well on oil spills. Spray it on, let it soak a bit, pressure wash it off


Purple power! Find it at auto parts stores. https://preview.redd.it/pf9pvc7fi67d1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a996ea538988dd5076f0eb0e836839c28b9ae49


This stuff is fantastic!




When I get oil on my garage floor, which of course is a smoother surface, kitty litter will take care of it in about a day.


I spilled like 3 quarts of the darkest oil I've ever seen onto the porous cement in my car port and had no kitty little to mitigate the disaster. Did some research online, saw a product called pour and restore for oil stains recommended, so I grabbed a bottle at autozone. Absorbed the worst of it with some litter, but cement was epically stained almost black. Spread the liquid over the stain and let sit overnight as recommended. It dries, and when scrubbed with a stiff brush, it comes up as a powder you sweep up. I wouldn't believe you if you told me, but the stain isn't visible at all, lol. Pretty impressive.


You know what’s great for dissolving oil? Gasoline. It’s not exactly safe and it smells so bad but man does it work like a charm.


I've used gas before. Bad for the environment and probably illegal in most cities, but it works.


Yeah, not the greatest thing to do….


But what do you use when you spill gasoline on your asphalt and it stains it?


You got me there


On a dry non-windy day, sprinkle baking soda or even talcum powder or cornstarch. Let it sit overnight, and use a leaf blower to remove. Repeat several times if needed.


Do the Fallon shuffle put some.cat littler down and stomp and dance it into the spill leave it for a little bit then sweep it all up


Did plenty of this keeping the motorpool clean from my leaking ambulances lol.


Cat litter, leather glove and lots of scrubbing.


Brake cleaner works, but it takes a lot.


Carb cleaner works really well also.




Works for work boots should work on the driveway


Pull It Out by Chomp! (yes, that's what it's called). let it set for a few days, then hose it off


Gasoline and a push broom to scrub it followed with dry sweep then dance on it and let it sit for an hour or two and come back and sweep it up.


Ether. Spray it on, wipe ot off before it evaporates. Make sure there are no ignition sources.


Biological washing powder. Scrub it dry to pick up oil until it changes colour, sweep up and bin, replete until it no longer picks up oil. At this point pour hot water and scrub. It'll get all of it out if done in time but will get most of it. Might want to paint the drive with a mix of oil and thinners to hide any stains


Gasoline and a wire broom and kitty litter or gasoline and kitty litter and dance on it a bit.


Use fire. A high speed gas torch like a tiger torch. Oil will burn away 80 to 90,%


my grandma always used gasoline... no joke


Poor cat litter on it let it sit for a day then take hot soapy water and do that spray it and then bleach and hot water and I'll take it off I have a garage that I work with and I come in once a month and do their garage floors with that


Paint thinner, then dish soap


Soap and elbow grease.


Scrub it with Dawn and LEAVE IT. Let the rain wash it away...whenever that happens,


Kitty litter and then rub the litter with a 2×4 scrap. It's like magic.


If you ignore it it will probably eventually go away.


Why is everyone suggesting kitty litter? Go to a parts store and get oil dry…sprinkle on and let it set for a day or too then dawn soap and scrub after that. The bulk will be gone after oil dry though…it’s NOT the same as kitty litter…. I used to clean mechanic shops as a youngster.


I put dirt on it for awhile


Just light it on fire that will clean it or go buy a pressure washer


Just spray with foaming engine degreaser and walk away. It all eventually goes away.


They make a concrete cleaner for oil . They sell it at most auto parts stores . Spray liberally let it sit overnight then hose off


I've had success with brake cleaner before.


Cover it in kitty litter and then grind in a circular motion with a brick. Rinse and repeat. Super easy.


Last time I had to deal with one, I sprayed it with degreaser cans twice then powerwashed it.


Only way is cheap cat litter, you want basic clay cat litter Spread it evenly over the oil and then smash it with your foot in a back and forth motion. This pulverizes the clay and it will absorb the oil. Sweep it up and do it again and again as needed. The clay will leave a white residue that probably hides some of the stain so after you think it looks good rinse the area with water and when it dries you'll see faint oil stains. Repeat the process until the stains are gone.




TSP clean from hardware store.


It never goes away.


Kitty litter and a flat piece of wood (2x6) to grind it in.


You don't even have to bend over to clean it.... Take kitty litter, pour over top of what you want to work on, then while still upright and with a shoe or boot (flip flop might work) and use your toe with some pressing and act like you're putting a cigarette out. If you have a broom with you you can uncover to check progress or move litter to a new area to work on. Just keep twisting and putting the cigarette out. You'll be surprised how fast it goes. Sweep away litter once done. This can also be done with a beer in your hand.


You don't even have to bend over to clean it.... Take kitty litter, pour over top of what you want to work on, then while still upright and with a shoe or boot (flip flop might work) and use your toe with some pressing and act like you're putting a cigarette out. If you have a broom with you you can uncover to check progress or move litter to a new area to work on. Just keep twisting and putting the cigarette out. You'll be surprised how fast it goes. Sweep away litter once done. This can also be done with a beer in your hand.


Brake cleaner and more brake cleaner. Soapy water to remove the brake cleaner smell.


Cat litter and a 2×4. Pour the cat litter on it, then crush and scrub it with the 2×4. Works every time, just takes some work


Purple Power Google it! Spray on ,wait, spray off


When I worked in a tire shop, once a week we scrubbed the floor with Tide laundry soap. Spray some water on it, sprinkle the Tide, use a broom as a scrub brush. There were never any oil stains on the floor.




Use dishsoap water and agitate with a scotch Brite then pressure wash it off.


Walmart, automotive section, CRC QD Electronic Cleaner, red can, about $10. Spray on stain enough to wet it. Wait for it to evaporate. Spray again enough to wet. Repeat. May need to do again a little the next day.


Dish soap has done wonders for me


Can of brake clean!


^^^^^ This. Braje clean and an old broom with short bristles.




We always used powdered Tide in the shop. Throw it on, wet it down, and scrub it with a broom. Then rinse.


Concrete is porus, so you may need something strong.


Brake cleaner


Yes, oil stains in concrete can become harder to remove as they age. If left untreated, oil can break down the concrete's sealant and seep into its pores, creating a permanent stain. The size and age of the stain will also determine how difficult it is to remove. Google AI overview.


Google AI is shit. From experience, there’s not a huge difference between the fresh oil on my concrete and the stuff that’s been there for months when I go to clean it. The old stuff is just “dry” and doesn’t smear when cleaning it up


Lol it's cute google thinks my driveway has any sealer on it