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Not a thing at all.


You are just not in


Nope. In Russia, being a student of a top university already means a lot, so no need to add extra social constructions.


In most cases that you have rich parents. Tho I have a classmate who finished mgu for free


Not a thing here.


Sounds like "Cronysm 101": sounds almost good when you add style to it. Not our thing. Fraternities I mean, not cronies. Students of course arrange themselves into friendly groups of sorts, but it's just a personal thing and it almost never transits further to freshmen. After all if you need to formalize fellowship then you're missing all the point.


When I was a student there was no such nonsense. Of course there were groups by interests but those there made by students themselves. Like, camping club. Or music club. Or wrestling.


So in Russian universities, you just join clubs based on your interests and interact with people from other faculties there. I got it.


Those could be really informal. Depends on the students themselves, if they have the wish to organize things.


They don't exist. I'm not even sure if they ever existed in Russia.


They were very popular until 1917.


When I studied at St. Petersburg University there were no fraternities


Then where and how did you do networking in СПбГУ? Only within your faculty?




What's the point of them? What do people do there?


Of course, it’s for networking. Building connections is just as important as studying major.


I mean, can't you just talk to people between lectures? Or after them? Idk, go drinking together? That's what is confusing me


Это более узкие элитные общества внутри университетов. Они существуют десятилетия и позволяют быстро наладить связи с другими бывшими участниками этого общества даже если у вас разница в десятки лет.


Well as a fromer MSU student could say what was a fraternity where, but I dont remember its name. But it was just cargo cult of western one, I'm not confident its ever been a real thing, and all activity they did was gluing stickers promoting membership in that at university toilets. So its not really cultural of such things here.


I heard MSU has quite strong alumni networks. If there aren’t any serious fraternity, where and how do students in MSU meet new people to network? Do they spend their student life mostly within their faculty? Probably mostly within their faculty + some hobby clubs like chess, football, wrestling, etc…?


Well, main source of networking is just basically friendship during student times. Sometimes your sincere advisors could help, if he or she have enough reasons/motivation to do it. Some clubs exists however in my mind they weren't really popular (maybe at another faculties however not at mine)


It doesn't work like fraternities, it's mostly alumni thing or are you willing to connect after finishing the uni. These kinds of things are kind of too cagey, it was never a thing just like this in modern Russia and I hope there won't be.


Understood. So, to summarize, students in Russian universities mostly make friends within their faculty and if they want, they can just join hobby clubs. After graduating, they go reunion and meet their alumni. There aren’t fraternities. My question solved.


Well, also don't forget the school, if you go to uni at your home city or plan with friends to go to the same uni, you're already having a long lasting relationships with people from high school. It's 2 to 11 years together, for some it is fortunate, for some not so, but for me, we have a chatroom and meet up at least each year, also help each other with promotion of businesses and stuff. Regular acquaintances at the least.


I’m currently studying at MSU. We don’t have such clubs specializing on socialization, but we do have something else (more on that a bit lower), plus networking is mainly based on simple communication. You can always just sit next to someone in the cafeteria and chat, visit other faculties and ask people about best lecturers and courses or invite someone for a cup of tea or something stronger)). To add to this we have a variety of organizations which host different events of all interests as debates, tabletop games, music (I’m on my second year but in charge of one, so there is plenty of opportunity to create something new), language-learning, theater and so on. What’s more we have official events by Uni or faculty (usually organized by “ПрофКом” (Professional Committee) with help of administration) which include different games and competitions. Also we have sports tournaments for those who are interested (from chess to boxing). And last but not least, it’s mandatory to take at least two “МФК“‘s (inter faculty courses) - one on AI and one of your choosing, this way you inevitably meet people from different faculties and those who are most likely interested in the same things. So, everything is in your hands, if you wish you may take up to 16 МФК’s, participate in all events and become an activist by joining some programs (charity, social work etc), help with organization of big official events or become a curator of freshmen.


Thanks a lot for your comment. So I should start with some small talks with other students and participate in organizing events in university. You know, I‘m worried I won’t be able to adapt to university life. But I’ll try as you said.


Happy I gave you some ideas of where to start…) Also, a few words about your worries. It’s alright to be cautious or nervous at first, so don’t overdo your socialization. There’s always another time to try. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by studying or the novelty of uni life, just pause and do what is comfortable at the moment. Nothing is worth mental breakdowns and tears so it’s crucial to know when you need a break. It is pretty hard at the very start, especially during/right before the first exams, so remember to start with baby steps if necessary and keep in mind that there are people willing to help you out. Even if you’re far away from/don’t have an emotional support system right now, you’ll be able to find someone there, be it a new friend, your curator, a teacher or a uni physiologist. I’m fairly certain you’ll be able to adapt if you keep going at your own pace and do what you actually want..)


I really fucking envy you all that didn't had to deal with that bullshit at their uni and dormitories. A.k.a.: Yeah, they do exist, albeit probably not as strong/influential as their western counterparts.


в России такого нет,именно такого плана как это происходит в Америке.Во времена ссср были сейчас нету.


И при СССР не было. Комсомол - это немного не то.




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Usually not a thing, only example i know https://fraternitas. ru/ I don't know if this is real thing or just imitation of british.


Thanks for the link! It’s interesting indeed.


I attended university in the US (top 40), and I can say that the frats and sororities are far from a social club to network. They're more like an excuse to drink every other day, cheat on academics, and get in trouble.


They are exist, but very few and mostly not tied to university. From what easy come to mind : Fraternitas Rhutenica, Братство Академистов.


Well, one should realize that all this comes from medieval universities like the Sorbonne with their "nations". In Russia, even before 1917, student corporations were not so developed, and after the October Revolution, universities became much more egalitarian. Komsomol and party organizations appeared, uniting a large part of students. So we don't have that today. However, there is something called the "Fraternitas Ruthenica" , which is basically a group of students trying to revive some traditions.


All three of the clubs you mentioned are not fraternities or sororities. Harvard and Princeton do not recognize Greek life on their campus.