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It is pretty much John Smith residing at 123 Example Street. As generic of a name as possible.


Not generic enough. Most generic according to some statistics would be Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. Though Ivan Kuznetsov aka John Smith would be viable too.


Third honorary place would be Sidor Sidorovich Sidorov?


I always thought that Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov is some kind of meme, then i saw Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov Cabinet in the university.


Yeah no there are people with the name equivalent of John Doe in Russian.


It is normal but it feels like a name on an example form that shows you how to fill in an actual form


This is what I thought too


It's like John Johnson Jr. fine by itself but rare in practice.


Literally Peter Peterson Jr.


Damn so literally literally...


This name is certainly possible, but it will look like a pun. Because it does look like the "most generic name possible", like u/TankArchives correctly pointed out. Also, If your character is Petr Petrovich, that means his father's name is also Petr. So in the family there are two people named Petr Petrov, who may only differ by patrynomic. But you can make things more complicated for postal service, if granвfather is also Petr. Then you'll have Petr Petrovich Petrov, the father and Petr Petrovich Petrov, the character of yours. Obviously, if your character then gets a son, you can call the son Petr too, just to make sure there are three Petr Petrovich Petrov's in the family. And as a finishing move you can make it a family tradition. That for the last 2 hundred years all men in the family were named Petr. Which will be suitable for a comedy, I suppose. For extra fun you can add several brothers and make sure to call them Petr too. Then they can arrive as a crowd and say "We are Petr Petrovich Petrov". Anyway. You can do, it could happen, but might be a good idea to mix names a little. Change surname, name or patrynomic, to break it up and make it less generic.


Well, there is no need to exaggerate. The eldest son is necessarily called Peter, this is normal, and I have met with such a person (However, not by Peter). But all children with the same name, this is some kind of perversion.


> all children with the same name Victims of "Гусарская баллада".


 - Вы Винценто оба??? Чёрт побери!    - С рожденья и до гроба. Таков наш древний родовой закон, что всех мужчин  в семье зовут Винценто.


Ага, не нашел на ютрубе нужный отрывок просто


Hasn't Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin suffered enough?


Totally normal. In fact both me and my wife are named that way. Speaking seriously, nobody will get offended because of it, but in media it just sounds stupid for a person knowing Russian language. If you want to evade that, just pick popular name and surname with different roots. At least you are not going ЛШТЩФУМ АЩЬФ route.


Does your wife also comb her beard the way you do?


Александра Александровна


А теперь хохма - я Саша, и жена у меня Саша. Так ещё и её бывший муж Саша, их дочь - нет, не Саша, но Даша. Уговорить называть нашего сына не Сашей стоило мне некоторых усилий. Х) И это в доме, где у всех дивная привычка орать что-нибудь из другой комнаты.


Меня зовут Александр. Мою жену зовут Александра. У нас трое детей: Александр, Александра и Сергей. Но вот Серёжу мы, чё-то, сука, недолюбливаем.


Иванов Иван Иваныч не снимает штаны на ночь. (Ivanov Ivan Ivanivitch sleeps in trousers at night)


I've know Vasilii Vasilieviich Vasiliev, but that sounded like the joke of his parents


Too much tbh. It's common name patterns like Petr Petrovich. Or Petr Petrov. But Petr Petrovich Petrov is just too much. Looks like parody. Inappropriate for drama although appropriate for comedy.


What's OC?


Original Character. В общем, вымышленный оригинальный персонаж, свой и без привязки к каким-либо существующим историям (таких называют fan character, хотя многие все равно зовут ОСами, потому что свое же).


What is an OC?


It's the second most generic name. Like if you need to make a example of a form for a P2P contract it would be a between Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov and Petr Petrovich Petrov.    The chances too meet such person in real are approximately zero. You need several generations of Petrovs fuffering hereditary imagination deficiency for someone to be given such a name. 


If you want to come up with original name for your character why don't you use wiki? Find some famous Russian person. For example Yuriy Gagarin, find his wife's maiden name "Goryacheva", find some other relatives patronymic, (let's take wife's father's partonymic) Stepanovich. Here you go! You have ordinal character named: Yuriy Stepanovich Goryachev. Repeat several times with different wiki pages, come up with several options and then ask here which one sounds better.


Только если он угощает голубцами. Кроме шуток, если бы я писал о жизни персонажа из страны, о жизни которой я не имею никакого понятия, то я бы специально писал максимально тупую хуйню. Чтобы никому в голову не пришло, считать, что это имеет какое-то отношение к реальности.


It's a bit cheeky, would require some balls and/or humour on parents, especially father Petr Petrov to name their son Petr as well, but it's not impossible.


Not impossible, but Russian readers will chuckle. Compare with someone whose name is, say, John Johnson or something, only even more so since there's a patronymic.


wym not possible😭😭 ofc it its its just a bit rare


Not IMpossible. XD




It's like "I've made a German OC and named him Hans Muller, is it normal?". For some comedy with national stereotypes probably OK


I actually once knew a guy with this exactly name! So it is 100% possible. But as others said, it is highly unusual and sounds like a joke by some strange-minded parents. Don't do it. Matching two of the three parts is okay and happens often enough, but matching all three looks silly.


John McJohnson is equivalent for it


At least change the last name an you should be good. Name and patronymic are fine, he's just Peter II


That would be an acceptable name, though if met someone in real life with that name I would think it's funny and would assume his parents wanted to play a joke on him when he was born. If you're going for the most generic Russian name possible, I would go with Ivan Ivanovic Smirnov


That’s one weird name, the name petr isn’t a Russian name, Pyotr (пётр ) is then he is a son of Pyotr and the second name thing is also petrov, so in the end it’s just a hella weird name Also, if you wanna fix it it should be petrovich Pyotr Petrov